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JAMA ; 330(5): 413-414, 2023 08 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37440257


In this narrative medicine essay, a surgical oncologist joins the hospital chaplain during his rounds to learn how to connect with patients who have strong faith in God, even when her own beliefs are uncertain.

Religion and Medicine , Spirituality , Listening Effort
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255712, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529208


Com o advento da covid-19, foi declarado estado de emergência de saúde pública e decretadas medidas de isolamento e distanciamento social para conter a propagação da doença. O Conselho Federal de Psicologia, considerando a importância do acolhimento seguro durante a pandemia, publicou a Resolução CFP nº 4/2020, permitindo que serviços psicológicos aconteçam de maneira remota. O presente estudo visa, através do Método da Cartografia, apresentar a construção de um setting on-line para intervenções grupais e os desafios na oferta de acolhimento e atendimento remoto. Foram ofertados grupos terapêuticos, por meio da plataforma Google Meet, para estudantes da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Um diário de bordo foi produzido para acompanhar as forças que atravessavam e constituíam o território e a experiência grupal remota. Compreendemos que o território-espaço-grupal-on-line era composto pelo espaço virtual em que nos reuníamos, pelos espaços individuais de cada integrante e pelas forças que os atravessavam. Observamos que nem sempre os participantes dispunham de um lugar privado, mas estiveram presentes no encontro com câmeras e áudios abertos e/ou fechados e/ou através do chat da videochamada. A participação no grupo funcionou como alternativa no momento de distanciamento social, sendo uma possibilidade para o atendimento psicológico em situações de dificuldade de encontros presenciais; entretanto, se mostrou dificultada em diversos momentos, pela falta de equipamentos adequados e instabilidade na internet, fatores que interferiram nas reuniões e impactaram na possibilidade de falar e escutar o que era desejado.(AU)

With the advent of COVID-19, a state of public health was declared, and measures of isolation and social distance to contain the spread of the disease was decreed. The Federal Council of Psychology, considering the importance of safe reception during the pandemic, published CFP Resolution No. 4/2020, allowing psychological services to happen remotely. This study narrates, via the Cartography Method, the experience of inventing an Online Setting for group reception. Therapeutic groups were offered, via Google Meet Platform, to students at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. A logbook was produced to accompany the forces that crossed and constituted the territory and the remote group experience. We understand that the territoryspace-group-online was composed by the virtual-space that we gathered, by the individualspaces of each member and by the forces that crossed them. We observed that the participants did not always have a private place, but they were present at the meeting with open and/or closed cameras and audio and/or through the video call chat. Participation in the group worked as an alternative at the time of social distancing, being a possibility for psychological care in situations of difficulty in face-to-face meetings, however, it proved to be difficult at various times, due to the lack of adequate equipment and instability on the internet, factors that interfered in meetings and impacted the possibility of speaking and listening to what was desired.(AU)

La llegada de la COVID-19 produjo un estado de emergencia de salud pública, en el que se decretaron medidas de confinamiento y distanciamiento físico para contener la propagación de la enfermedad. El Consejo Federal de Psicología, considerando la importancia de la acogida segura durante la pandemia, publicó la Resolución CFP nº 4/2020, por la que se permite la atención psicológica remota. Este estudio tiene por objetivo presentar, mediante el método de la Cartografía, la elaboración de un escenario en línea para la intervención grupal y los desafíos en la oferta de acogida y atención remota. Grupos terapéuticos se ofrecieron, en la plataforma Google Meet, a estudiantes de la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro. Se elaboró un diario para acompañar a las fuerzas que atravesaron y constituyeron el territorio y la experiencia remota del grupo. Entendemos que el territorio-espacio-grupo-en línea estaba compuesto por el espacio-virtual que reunimos, por los espacios individuales de cada integrante y por las fuerzas que los atravesaban. Observamos que los participantes no siempre tenían un lugar privado y que estaban presentes en la reunión con cámaras y audio abiertos y/o cerrados y/o por el chat de la videollamada. La participación en el grupo funcionó como una alternativa en el momento del distanciamiento físico y revela ser una posibilidad de atención psicológica en situaciones de dificultad en los encuentros presenciales, sin embargo, se mostró difícil en varios momentos, ya sea por la falta de medios adecuados o por inestabilidad en Internet, factores que interferían en las reuniones e impactaban en la posibilidad de hablar y escuchar lo que se deseaba.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Attitude , Answering Services , Internet-Based Intervention , Teleworking , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Personal Satisfaction , Preceptorship , Professional Practice Location , Psychoanalysis , Psychology, Social , Quality of Life , Safety , Social Identification , Social Values , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Speech , Students , Teaching , Unemployment , Universities , Work , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Work Hours , Attitude to Computers , Medical Informatics Applications , Bereavement , Single Parent , Family , Catchment Area, Health , Cell Adhesion , Cell Communication , Quarantine , Communicable Disease Control , Mental Health , Life Expectancy , Universal Precautions , Infection Control , Employment, Supported , Communication , Mandatory Testing , Confidentiality , Privacy , Imagery, Psychotherapy , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Internet , Crisis Intervention , Personal Autonomy , Death , Trust , Codes of Ethics , Depression , Air Pollution , Educational Status , Disease Prevention , Centers of Connivance and Leisure , Professional Training , Faculty , Family Relations , Fear , Emotional Intelligence , Return to Work , Hope , Social Skills , Emotional Adjustment , Optimism , Healthy Lifestyle , Work-Life Balance , Mentoring , Sadness , Respect , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Social Integration , Transtheoretical Model , Psychosocial Intervention , Listening Effort , Social Cohesion , Belonging , Cognitive Training , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Psychological Well-Being , Household Work , Humanities , Individuality , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Interpersonal Relations , Learning , Life Change Events , Motivation , Object Attachment
Eur J Neurosci ; 55(5): 1262-1277, 2022 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35098604


Everyday environments often contain distracting competing talkers and background noise, requiring listeners to focus their attention on one acoustic source and reject others. During this auditory attention task, listeners may naturally interrupt their sustained attention and switch attended sources. The effort required to perform this attention switch has not been well studied in the context of competing continuous speech. In this work, we developed two variants of endogenous attention switching and a sustained attention control. We characterized these three experimental conditions under the context of decoding auditory attention, while simultaneously evaluating listening effort and neural markers of spatial-audio cues. A least-squares, electroencephalography (EEG)-based, attention decoding algorithm was implemented across all conditions. It achieved an accuracy of 69.4% and 64.0% when computed over nonoverlapping 10 and 5-s correlation windows, respectively. Both decoders illustrated smooth transitions in the attended talker prediction through switches at approximately half of the analysis window size (e.g., the mean lag taken across the two switch conditions was 2.2 s when the 5-s correlation window was used). Expended listening effort, as measured by simultaneous EEG and pupillometry, was also a strong indicator of whether the listeners sustained attention or performed an endogenous attention switch (peak pupil diameter measure [ p=0.034 ] and minimum parietal alpha power measure [ p=0.016 ]). We additionally found evidence of talker spatial cues in the form of centrotemporal alpha power lateralization ( p=0.0428 ). These results suggest that listener effort and spatial cues may be promising features to pursue in a decoding context, in addition to speech-based features.

Speech Perception , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Attention , Electroencephalography , Listening Effort , Pupil
African Journal of Disability ; 11(1): 1-8, 28/10/2022.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1399082


This research investigated the phenomenon of learners with cochlear implants and their challenges with cognitive effort in private mainstream schools in Gauteng. Many learners with cochlear implants encounter academic and social challenges at school, despite the advanced technology. Objectives: This study aimed to explore how learners with cochlear implants experience cognitive effort and whether it impacts their academic potential. Methods: Research was conducted using a phenomenological design. Phenomenography was used as theoretical framework to perceive, interpret and understand experiences of the cochlear implant recipients. The six former learners who were recipients of cochlear implants were selected using purposive sampling. Semi structured interviews were utilised to gather information, which was analysed using thematic content analysis. Results: Five themes emerged from the analysis, namely auditory challenges, cognitive functioning, peer interactions, emotional health and concealed disability. This article only presents the first theme of cognitive functioning and highlights three subthemes related to cognitive effort. Findings show that many learners struggled with their concentration span and fatigue, as a result of their cognitive effort difficulties. Conclusion: This study demonstrated how learners with cochlear implants face challenges with cognitive effort at their mainstream schools. It indicates the need for awareness of and training on educating learners with cochlear implants to help them reach their academic potential. Contribution: This study contributes a unique focus on learners with cochlear implants in mainstream schools in South Africa. The study highlights that cognitive effort of learners with cochlear implants influenced their capabilities to multitask and retain information, despite the effort they have to put into listening. Further research should be conducted to develop interventions that could lesson cognitive effort while increasing learner productivity. The article responds to disability studies and inclusive education

Acoustic Stimulation , Cochlear Implants , Disabled Persons , Listening Effort , Auditory Fatigue , Bronchial Provocation Tests , Cognition