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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 577-607, jul. 2024. ilus, graf, tab, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538069


El presente estudio es una comparación del dolor abdominal producido por trastornos gastrointestinales, aliviado por Ageratina ligustrina , entre los grupos maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqchi ́, el cual integró un enfoque etnomédico, etnobotánico y transcultural, comparando estudios previos con el presente trabajo de campo. Para evaluar la eficacia de Ageratina para aliviar el dolor abdominal, se realizó un inventario de las moléculas reportadas en esta especie, así como de su actividad farmacológica, a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados mostraron que la epidemiología del dolor producido por TGI, su etnobotánica y el modelo explicativo del dolor abdominal fueron similares entre grupos étnicos. Asimismo, se identificaron 27 moléculas con efectos antiinflamatorios y antinociceptivos, lo que podría explicar por qué esta especie es culturalmente importante para los pobladores maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqch i ́ para el alivio del dolor abdominal, mientras que, desde el punto de vista biomédico, es una especie con potencial para inhibir el dolor visceral.

The current study is a comparison of the abdominal pain conception produced by gastrointestinal disorders, relieved by Ageratina ligustrina , among inhabitants of the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups ethnomedical, ethnobotanical, and cross -cultural approaches were used to compare previous studies with the present field work. To evaluate the efficacy of A. ligustrina to relieve pain, also through a bibliographic review an inventory of the molecules present in this species was performed, as well as their pharmacological activity. The results showed that the epidemiology of pain produced by GID, its ethnobotany, and the explanatory model of abdominal pain are similar among ethnic groups. Likewise, 27 molecules with anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects were identified, which could explain why this species is culturally important for the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups for the relief of abdominal pain, while, from a biomedical point of view, it is a species with potential to inhibit visceral pain.

Humans , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Indians, Central American , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Ethnopharmacology , Ageratina/chemistry , Ethnobotany , Gastrointestinal Diseases/drug therapy , Mexico
Reumatol. clín. ; 20(5): 263-280, 20240524.
Article in English | BIGG | ID: biblio-1561560


Desarrollar guías actualizadas para el manejo farmacológico de la artritis reumatoide (AR). Se conformó un grupo de expertos que fueran representativos de las distintas regiones geográficas y los diferentes servicios médicos que atienden a la población mexicana con AR. Se desarrollaron preguntas basadas en Población, Intervención, Comparación y Desenlace [Outcome] (PICO) que fueron consideradas relevantes desde el punto de vista clínico; las preguntas encontraron su respuesta en los resultados de una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RSL) reciente y la validez de la evidencia fue evaluada mediante el sistema GRADE, considerado un estándar para estos fines. Posteriormente, el grupo de expertos desarrollaró un acuerdo en la dirección y fuerza de las recomendaciones mediante un proceso de votación en distintas etapas. Las guías actualizadas para el tratamiento de la AR categorizan en forma estratificada a las distintas opciones terapéuticas incluyendo las distintas familias de fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad (FARME): convencionales, biológicos e inhibidores de JAK), además de AINE, glucocorticoides y analgésicos. Establece por consenso el uso de todos ellos en distintas subpoblaciones de interés de pacientes con AR, y aborda, además, aspectos relacionados con la vacunación, la COVID-19, la cirugía, el embarazo y la lactancia entre otros. La presente actualización de las guías mexicanas para el tratamiento farmacológico de la AR brinda elementos de referencia en la toma de decisiones basados en la evidencia científica más reciente, y recomienda la participación del paciente para la toma de decisiones conjuntas en la búsqueda del mayor beneficio de nuestros pacientes; establece además, recomendaciones para el manejo de una diversidad de condiciones relevantes que afectan a nuestros pacientes.

Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/drug therapy , Biological Therapy , Antirheumatic Agents/therapeutic use , Mexico
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 410-436, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538165


In the indigenous peoples Tu'un savi and Mé'pháá of the mountain region of guerrero, allopathic medicine and traditional herbal medicine are used, due to this, we consider that dialogues of knowledge should be established between the practitioners of both medicines. We collaborated with 46 individuals to discuss the forms of using medicinal species, preparing treatments, and using allopathic medicine. Through semi-structured and in-depthinterviews, 121 plant species were recorded, with which more than 40 diseases are treated, which are distributed in the digestive, muscular, respiratory, and urinary systems:chronic-degenerative and cultural diseases. The dialogue of knowledge between specialists in traditional medicine and allopathic doctors could contribute to the development of their own health project, with which a regional ethnodevelopment plan could be created.

En los pueblos indígenas Tu'un savi y Mé'pháá de la montaña de Guerrero se utiliza la medicina alopática y la medicina tradicional herbolaria, debido a ello, consideramos que deberían establecerse diálogos de saberes entre los practicantes de ambas medicinas. Se trabajó con 46 colaboradores, con los cuales se dialogó acerca de las formas de uso de las especies medicinales, preparación de los tratamientos y utilización de l a medicina alopática. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad se registraron 121 especies de plantas, con las que se tratan más de 40 enfermedades, las cuales están distribuidas en los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio y urinario; también se atienden enfermedades crónico - degenerativas y culturales. El diálogo de saberes entre especialistas de la medicina tradicional y médicos alópatas podría contribuir a la elaboración de un proyecto de salud propio, con el cual se podría crear un plan de e tnodesarrollo regional

Humans , Indigenous Peoples , Medicine, Traditional , Plants, Medicinal , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice/ethnology , Mexico
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 371-381, mayo 2024. tab, ilus, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538079


Mexican markets embody cultural diversity and offer a wide range of products, serving as hubs for local exchange.In our study at Mexico City's Sonora Market, the country's prominent medicinal market, we explored the use of plant remedies against witchcraft in an urban environment. Through interviews with plant vendors and extensive data collection, we identified 21 plant species from 16 botanical families renowned for their effectiveness in combating sorcery, attracting good luck, and promoting success. Additionally, we documented 14 ailments associated with envy and negative emotions. These remedies involved practices and applications such as cleansings, decoctions, baths, and incense burning, aimed at alleviating afflictions and fostering positive outcomes. Notably, the Sonora Market continues to uphold the tradition of using plant remedies against witchcraft, even in the bustling setting of one of the world's largest cities. This highlights the enduring significance of these practices within Mexican society

Los mercados mexicanos encarnan diversidad cultural y ofrecen numerosos productos, sirviendo como centros de intercambio local. En nuestro estudio en el Mercado de Sonora en la Ciudad de México, el sitio de plantas medicinales más relevante del país, exploramos el uso de plantas contra la brujería en un entorno urbano. A través de entrevistas con locatarios, identificamos 21 especies de plantas pertenecientes a 16 familias botánicas usadas en la lucha contra la brujería, atrayendo buena suerte y promoviendo el éxito. Además, documentamos 14 enfermedades asociadas con la envidia y emociones negativas. Los remedios involucraban prácticas y aplicaciones como limpias, decocciones, baños, incienso, con el objetivo de aliviar dolencias y fomentar resultados positivos. En el Mercado deSonora persiste la tradición de utilizar plantas contra la brujería, incluso en el marco de una de las mayores ciudades del mundo, resaltando la importancia de estas prácticas dentro de la sociedad mexicana.

Plants, Medicinal , Witchcraft , Ethnobotany , Medicine, Traditional , Mexico
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(2): 13-21, Abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-VR-4


Introducción: El índice de masa corporal (IMC) es am-pliamente utilizado para diagnosticar estado de nutrición;pero tiene limitaciones porque no evalúa la grasa corporal. Objetivo: Determinar el valor diagnóstico del IMC en com-paración con impedancia bioeléctrica para identificar sobre-peso y obesidad (SpyOb) en adultos jóvenes mexicanos.Material y métodos: Estudio de validación en adultos jó-venes mexicanos. Se midió talla con estadímetro SECA 215,peso y composición corporal con InBody 270 por personal en-trenado. Se realizaron comparaciones por sexo con U deMann Whitney y Chi2; y correlaciones de Spearman para IMCy porcentaje de grasa corporal total (%GCT). Se calculó sen-sibilidad (s) y especificidad (e) con curvas ROC comparandoIMC y %GCT para diagnosticar SpyOb. Análisis se realizó conStata 14 y valores p<0.05 fueron considerados significativos. Resultados: Se evaluaron 351 universitarios con medianade edad de 19 años. El 42.4% fue diagnosticado con SpyObde acuerdo al IMC, y 48.1% fue identificado en esa mismacondición mediante %GCT; con diferencias significativas porsexo sólo en el diagnóstico por %GCT. La correlación entre IMC y %GCT fue alta para la muestra en general (r=0.68) ymuy alta por sexo (r=0.85 hombres y r=0.81 mujeres). ElAUC para diagnosticar obesidad en mujeres fue de 0.90, conalta sensibilidad (100%) y alta especificidad (80.4%), y paradiagnosticar sobrepeso el AUC fue de 0.52 con baja sensibili-dad (31.5%) y especificidad regular (73.1%). El AUC paradiagnosticar obesidad en hombres fue de 0.84, con alta sen-sibilidad (80%) y alta especificidad (88.9%), y para diagnos-ticar sobrepeso el AUC fue de 0.63, con baja sensibilidad(32.5%) y alta especificidad (94.3%).Conclusiones: Se encontró alta y muy alta correlaciónentre IMC y %GCT, tanto en hombres como en mujeres. ElIMC es un indicador útil y confiable para diagnosticar obesi-dad, pero no para diagnosticar sobrepeso en jóvenes adultos mexicanos.(AU)

Background:The Body Mass Index (BMI) is widely usedfor nutritional status assessment; nevertheless, it has limita-tions due to the fact that it doesn’t evaluate the body fat.Objective: Identify the diagnostic value of the BMI versusBioelectrical Impedance to determinate overweight and obe-sity in young Mexican adults.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Body Mass Index , Overweight , Obesity , Nutritional Status , Electric Impedance , Mexico , Sensitivity and Specificity
Acta Trop ; 255: 107214, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38663537


Toxocara canis can produce the "larva migrans" syndrome in humans, and in puppies, it can cause severe digestive disorders. The most used treatments are based on anthelmintics, although there are reports of anthelmintic (AH) resistance. The Yucatan Peninsula has a great variety of plant species whose AH properties are still unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro AH activity of ethanolic (EE), methanolic (ME) and aqueous (AE) extracts from the leaves of five native plant species of the Yucatan Peninsula on T. canis eggs of dogs from Merida, Yucatan. As part of a screening, the EE of the plants Alseis yucatanensis, Calea jamaicensis, Cameraria latifolia, Macrocepis diademata, and Parathesis cubana were evaluated at doses of 2400 and 3600 µg/ml. The EE and AE of A. yucatanensis and M. diademata presented high percentages (≥ 91.3%) of inhibition of the larval development of T. canis after six days of exposure. The lowest LC50 and LC99 was presented by the ME from A. yucatanensis (255.5 and 629.06 µg/ml, respectively) and the ME from M. diademata (222.4 and 636.5 µg/ml, respectively), and the AE from A. yucatanenesis (LC50 of 535.9 µg/ml). Chemical profiling of the most potent AH extract (Alseis yucatanensis) was carried out by LC-UV-HRMS. Data from the ME and AE from this plant indicated the presence of the known glucosylngoumiensine, kaempferol 3,7-diglucosyde, uvaol, linoleic acid and linolenic acid together with unknown alkaloids. The EE, ME and AE from leaves of M. diademata and A. yucatanensis could be developed as natural alternatives to control T. canis.

Anthelmintics , Plant Extracts , Plant Leaves , Toxocara canis , Animals , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Anthelmintics/pharmacology , Anthelmintics/chemistry , Toxocara canis/drug effects , Dogs , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Mexico , Larva/drug effects
J Nutr ; 154(5): 1540-1548, 2024 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38453026


BACKGROUND: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in fatty acid desaturase (FADS) genes may modify dietary fatty acid requirements and influence cardiometabolic health (CMH). OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the role of selected variants in maternal and offspring FADS genes on offspring CMH at the age of 11 y and assessed interactions of genotype with diet quality and prenatal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation. METHODS: We used data from offspring (n = 203) born to females who participated in a randomized controlled trial of DHA supplementation (400 mg/d) from midgestation to delivery. We generated a metabolic syndrome (MetS) score from body mass index, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, and fasting glucose and identified 6 distinct haplotypes from 5 offspring FADS SNPs. Dietary n-6 (ω-6):n-3 fatty acid ratios were derived from 24-h recall data (n = 141). We used generalized linear models to test associations of offspring diet and FADS haplotypes with MetS score and interactions of maternal and offspring FADS SNP rs174602 with prenatal treatment group and dietary n-6:n-3 ratio on MetS score. RESULTS: Associations between FADS haplotypes and MetS score were null. Offspring SNP rs174602 did not modify the association of prenatal DHA supplementation with MetS score. Among children with TT or TC genotype for SNP rs174602 (n = 88), those in the highest n-6:n-3 ratio tertile (>8.61) had higher MetS score relative to the lowest tertile [<6.67) (Δ= 0.36; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.03, 0.69]. Among children with CC genotype (n = 53), those in the highest n-6:n-3 ratio tertile had a lower MetS score relative to the lowest tertile (Δ= -0.23; 95% CI: -0.61, 0.16). CONCLUSIONS: There was evidence of an interaction of offspring FADS SNP rs174602 with current dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid intake, but not with prenatal DHA supplementation, on MetS score. Further studies may help to determine the utility of targeted supplementation strategies and dietary recommendations based on genetic profile.

Dietary Supplements , Docosahexaenoic Acids , Fatty Acid Desaturases , Fatty Acids, Omega-3 , Fatty Acids, Omega-6 , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Humans , Female , Docosahexaenoic Acids/administration & dosage , Fatty Acid Desaturases/genetics , Fatty Acid Desaturases/metabolism , Pregnancy , Mexico , Male , Child , Fatty Acids, Omega-3/administration & dosage , Fatty Acids, Omega-6/administration & dosage , Delta-5 Fatty Acid Desaturase , Metabolic Syndrome/genetics , Metabolic Syndrome/prevention & control , Adult , Diet , Haplotypes
J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 20(1): 40, 2024 Mar 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38528551


BACKGROUND: The Yucatan Peninsula (YP) is one of the most important regions in global apiculture. Hence, this work reviews and integrates the knowledge of the species diversity, growth habits, ecosystems, floral calendars during the apiculture production cycles and the types of vegetation represented in the melliferous flora (MF) of the YP; as a basis for proposing selection strategies locating suitable apiculture production areas for local beekeepers and help in the economic development of the region. METHODS: A comprehensive review of the MF literature was carried out using the snowball method to determine and update the number of species useful for apiculture. The growth habits and flower calendars were determined through a review of the literature and databases of specimens from the herbaria CICY, UCAM and MEXU. RESULTS: The YP reports a total of 935 taxa of MF (98 families and 498 genera); of these, Campeche has 812 taxa, followed by Quintana Roo (786) and Yucatán (767). The MF is made up of herbs (282), followed by shrubs (260), trees (229), climbers (82), woody climbers (67) palms (14) and parasitic plant (1). CONCLUSION: Of the 935 species of MF registered at the regional level, a high number of species have flowering throughout the year, however, not all of these species are considered useful for local commercial apiculture. Only a select group of 23 species are considered of major importance for local apiculture industry.

Honey , Humans , Mexico , Ecosystem , Plants , Trees
J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 20(1): 38, 2024 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38519986


BACKGROUND: For centuries, wild mushrooms have been a forest resource of significant cultural value in several ethnic groups worldwide. In Mexico, extensive traditional knowledge on the use of fungal resources has been developed and deeply rooted. Mexico is the second country in the world in which the most species of wild mushroom are consumed, and it is considered a pioneer in ethnomycology. Nonetheless, there are still many indigenous groups in this country that have not been studied from an ethnomycological approach. The present study aimed to record the traditional knowledge on wild mushrooms in three indigenous groups of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, and assess the variation in this knowledge within and across the studied groups. METHODS: The data were recorded from April to October 2022 within three communities belonging to the indigenous groups Chatino, Chontal, and Chinanteco. Through 84 interviews, information related to their knowledge of wild mushrooms was obtained. The cultural significance index of wild edible mushrooms was calculated for each community. Regression analyses, analysis of variance and covariance, t test, and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis were performed to assess the distribution of traditional knowledge in the communities. RESULTS: A total of 32 culturally important mushroom species were recorded for the three indigenous groups (30 edible, 2 medicinal); 23 used by Chatinos, 16 by Chontales, and 6 by Chinantecos. Only Chatinos and Chinantecos use wild mushrooms in medicine. The cultural significance of wild edible mushrooms differed among groups. Traditional knowledge about wild mushrooms declines when the level of schooling increases and age decreases, especially in the Chatino group. This knowledge distributes more homogeneously in the Chontal and Chinanteco groups. Their age determines the difference in knowledge between men and women. CONCLUSION: Documenting how traditional knowledge differs among ethnic groups is relevant for preserving cultural and biological diversity. Factors such as level of schooling and age can affect traditional knowledge of wild mushrooms, but the effects of these factors vary within and across communities. Conducting studies encompassing a broader range of variables is of interest for a better understanding of the human-mushroom relationship.

Agaricales , Male , Humans , Female , Mexico , Biodiversity , Forests , Educational Status , Knowledge
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(2): 257-272, mar. 2024. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552388


The use and knowledge of native and naturalized medicinal plants were evaluated in four communities of Villa Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico. The information was obtained through semi - structured surveys conducted with 1 18 people of different age and gender categories. To determine the most important plant species, indexes of value and frequency of use were generated. Seventy - nine species of 49 families were recorded, as well as their use in the treatment of various disea ses according to local knowledge. The species with the highest value of use were Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., Verbena officinalis L. (verbena), Ocimum basilicum L. (basil) and Psidium guajava L. (guava). (guava). The most important families by number of specie s used were, in order of importance: Asteraceae and Rutaceae with five species Lamiaceae, Fabaceae and Rosaceae with four species each.

Se evaluaron el uso y conocimiento de las plantas medicinales nativas y naturalizadas en cuatro comunidades de Villa Corzo, Chiapas, México. La información se obtuvo a través de encuestas semiestructuradas realizadas a 118 personas de distintas categorías de edad y género. Para determinar las especies de plantas más importantes se generaron índices de valor y frecuencia de uso. Se registraron 79 especies de 49 familias, así como su uso en el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades de acuerdo al conocimiento local. Las especies con mayor valor de uso fueron Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (sábila), Verbena officinalis L. (verbena), Ocimum basilicum L. (albahaca) y Psidium guajava L. (guayaba). Las familias más importantes por el número de especies utilizadas fueron, en orden de importancia: Asteraceae y Rutaceae con cinco especies, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae y Rosaceae con cuatro especies cada una.

Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Ethnobotany , Rural Population , Surveys and Questionnaires , Ethnopharmacology , Mexico
J Sci Food Agric ; 104(9): 4939-4949, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38314878


Cacti are a distinguished group of plants that stand out for their great nutritional values, diverse uses, and unique morphology, allowing them to grow and thrive under different conditions such as dry, xeric, and even low-temperature environments. The world is going through significant climate changes that are affecting the agriculture system. Therefore, sustainable and multifunctional crops, as many species of the Cactaceae family are, might be a good alternative in the near future. In this work, the uses of cacti in human food were analyzed through a scientific prospection from the point of view of their temporal and spatial distribution and potential uses. Brazil is the country with more publications related to the scope of this work, followed by Mexico. The presence of cacti in these countries can influence their interest in these species, which might reflect the results encountered in this study. The uses and ethnobotanical applications of cacti vary in different countries worldwide. Cactus is consumed fresh (in salads), in preparations (jams and sweets), and juices, being also present in traditional dishes in countries like Mexico. This study emphasizes cacti's importance in people's diets and ongoing world changes. Their ability to thrive even in hot environments with low water resources will lead to a greater focus on these species in the upcoming years. Furthermore, these plants have great flavor and contain several beneficial chemical compounds with desirable nutritional and health properties. Therefore, knowledge dissemination combined with technological innovations will allow greater use of these multifunctional species for human consumption. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.

Cactaceae , Cactaceae/chemistry , Cactaceae/growth & development , Humans , Mexico , Brazil , Nutritive Value , Ethnobotany
Arch Med Res ; 55(3): 102968, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38368779


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. The determinants of this deficiency have not been evaluated in developing countries such as Mexico. Thus, this study aimed to determine vitamin D intake and sun exposure and its relationship with plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D -25(OH)D- in young adults from Mexico City. METHODS: One hundred fifty five urban adult subjects were enrolled during 2017 and 2018. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, and clinical data, vitamin D intake, and sun exposure habits were collected. Plasma concentrations of 25(OH)D were also determined. RESULTS: The proportion of vitamin D deficiency was significantly higher in women than in men (65.7 vs. 43.4%, p = 0.012). The overall median dietary vitamin D intake was 112 IU/d (less than 20% of the recommended daily intake; RDI). 25-hydroxyvitamin D correlated directly with vitamin D intake, sun exposure score, waist-to-hip ratio, and age; an inverse significant association was found with body fat percentage. A multiple regression analysis was performed; simultaneous and significant (p <0.01) effects of sun exposure score, dietary vitamin D, the season of the year (spring-summer vs. fall-winter), and age were observed on 25(OH)D levels. CONCLUSION: High rates of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were observed in young adults from Mexico City. According to the RDI of this vitamin, its consumption, assessed by a 24 h multi-step nutritional questionnaire, was significantly low. A linear multiple regression model identified several predictors of plasma 25(OH)D concentrations. This multiple regression model was statistically validated.

Sunlight , Vitamin D Deficiency , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Dietary Supplements , Mexico/epidemiology , Vitamin D , Vitamin D Deficiency/epidemiology , Vitamins
Mar Pollut Bull ; 200: 116156, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38359477


The present study analyzed the content of total mercury (THg) and selenium (Se) in the muscle of shrimp collected from local markets in the 11 Pacific coastal states of Mexico. Methylmercury (MeHg) concentration, Se:Hg ratio, health benefits value from selenium consumption (HBVSe) and the permissible weekly consumption were estimated to assess the health risk to consumers. All THg and Se concentrations were below the maximum permissible limits. All hazard quotient (HQ) values were <1, however in Hermosillo, Culiacán and Guadalajara, the Se:Hg ratio and HBVSe were <1 and negative, due to the low concentrations of Se. As a general conclusion, there is no risk nor benefit from the consumption of shrimp from the Pacific coast of Mexico due to its Hg and Se content.

Mercury , Methylmercury Compounds , Selenium , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Animals , Mercury/analysis , Selenium/analysis , Mexico , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Crustacea
Methods Mol Biol ; 2759: 77-88, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38285141


Agaves are cultivated in Mexico as a source of industrial products such as fibers, nutritional supplements, and alcoholic beverages. Due to the demand for plant material, its long-life cycle, and the need to avoid predation on its natural populations, in vitro micropropagation represents a good option for agaves. Plant tissue culture has been successfully used to micropropagate selected elite individuals from plants of various Agave species of economic interest. However, it is necessary to implement systems that lower production costs without losing the quality of the plantlets obtained. This chapter describes the BioMINT™ bioreactor as an alternative for the micropropagation of agaves in the different stages of the micropropagation process.

Agave , Humans , Immersion , Bioreactors , Dietary Supplements , Mexico
Eur J Oncol Nurs ; 68: 102508, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219474


PURPOSE: There is little information on the supportive care offered to breast cancer patients. We investigated the association between the marginalization index and selected services offered by health professionals. METHODS: We used data from a cross-sectional parent study performed in Mexico from 2007 to 2009. We analyzed data from 832 women between 35 and 69 years of age with a histopathological diagnosis of breast cancer. This study was performed in hospitals in 5 states. We used frequencies, measures of central tendency, and logistic regression. We used the svy package of STATA statistical software v17. RESULTS: Overall, 15.6% of the study population reported that health professionals offered them selected services. The offer of two or more selected services was greater among women living in states with a very high marginalization index (21.8%) than among those living in states with a very low marginalization index (13.8%). Among women living in states with high marginalization, the odds of receiving a selected service offer were 2.03 times higher than those living in states with low marginalization (Odds ratio (OR) = 2.03, 95% CI 1.08-3.83). For women in the highest tertile of the asset index, the odds of receiving a selected service offer were 2.7 times greater than the odds for women in the lowest tertile (OR = 2.66, 95% CI 1.03-6.88). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of comprehensive care offered to breast cancer patients is low in Mexico and varies according to the marginalization index and the asset index.

Breast Neoplasms , Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiology , Health Personnel , Socioeconomic Factors
Sci Total Environ ; 916: 170288, 2024 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38266736


Pesticides use raises concerns regarding environmental sustainability, as pesticides are closely linked to the decline of biodiversity and adverse human health outcomes. This study proposed a holistic approach for assessing the potential risks posed by pesticides for human health and the environment in the eastern region of Michoacan, where extensive agricultural lands, especially corn and avocado fields, surround the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. We used a combination of qualitative (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative (chemical analysis) data. Fifty-five interviews with smallholder farmers allowed us to identify pesticide types, quantities, frequencies, and application methods. A robust and precise analytical method based on solid-phase extraction and LC-MS/MS was developed and validated to quantify 21 different pesticides in 16 water samples (rivers, wells, runoff areas). We assessed environmental and human health risks based on the pesticides detected in the water samples and reported in the interviews. The interviews revealed the use of 28 active ingredients, including glyphosate (29 % of respondents), imidacloprid (27 %), and benomyl (24 %). The pesticide analysis showed the presence of 13 different pesticides and degradation products in the water samples. The highest concentrations were found for imidacloprid (1195 ngL-1) and carbendazim (a degradation product of benomyl; 932 ngL-1), along with the metabolite of pyrethroid insecticides, 3-PBA (494 ngL-1). The risk assessment indicates that among the most used pesticides, the fungicide benomyl and carbendazim pose the highest risk to human health and aquatic ecosystems, respectively. This study unveils novel insights on agricultural practices for the avocado, a globally consumed crop that is undergoing rapid production expansion. It calls for the harmonisation of crop protection with environmental responsibility, safeguarding the health of the people involved and the surrounding ecosystems.

Benzimidazoles , Carbamates , Neonicotinoids , Nitro Compounds , Persea , Pesticides , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Humans , Pesticides/analysis , Water/analysis , Ecosystem , Benomyl/analysis , Mexico , Chromatography, Liquid , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Rivers , Risk Assessment , Surveys and Questionnaires , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(1): 75-110, ene. 2024. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554145


Medicinal plants have been used by various cultures since pre - Hispanic times in Mexico. In this study, the use of medicinal plants in the old neighborhoods of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico is described. 137 species, 130 genera and 68 families were recorded. 34% of the species belong to Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae and Fabaceae families. The neighborhoods of Mexicaltzingo and San Juan de Dios are the most related to the knowledge and use of medicinal plants, while El Santuario is the least similar to the rest. The diversity of uses of medicinal plants according to the Shannon index is high (between 3.0 and 4.92). The Use Value Index showed that Matricaria chamomilla L. was the species that obtained the highest valu e (0.28), followed by Gnaphalium americanum Mill. (0.23). The age group between 51 and 85 years old has greater knowledge about medicinal plants and their uses.

Las plantas medicinales han sido utilizadas por diversas culturas desde tiempos prehispánicos en México. En este estudio, se describe el uso de plantas medicinales en los barrios antiguos de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Se registraron 137 especies, 130 géneros y 68 familias. El 34% de las especies pertenece a las familias Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae y Fabaceae. Los barrios de Mexicaltzingo y San Juan de Dios son los más parecidos en cuanto al conocimiento y uso de pl antas medicinales, mientras que El Santuario es el menos afín al resto. La diversidad de usos de las plantas medicinales de acuerdo con el índice de Shannon es alta (entre 3.0 y 4.92). El Índice de Valor de Uso mostró que Matricaria chamomilla L. fue la es pecie que obtuvo el máximo valor (0.28), seguida de Gnaphalium americanum Mill. (0.23). El grupo de entre 51 - 85 de edad posee mayor conocimiento sobre las plantas medicinales y sus usos.

Plants, Medicinal , Ethnobotany , Medicine, Traditional , Biodiversity , Mexico
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(4): 5399-5414, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38117398


During January 2013, a mining spill occurred in the Santa Maria mining region, releasing around 300,000 m3 of tailings on Los Remedios river, which was transported through the San Lorenzo river and finally to El Comedero (EC) dam. Twenty months later, we examined the concentrations of Hg and Se in the muscle, liver, gills, and guts of three fish species (Cyprinus carpio, Oreochromis aureus, Micropterus salmoides) captured in the EC dam to assess the performance of the cleaning operations. A high Se concentration in the liver of all species (carp, 1.2 ± 0.4; tilapia, 3.9 ± 2.1; bass, 3.5 ± 1.1 µg g-1 ww) was consistently observed, while this behavior was only found in the blue tilapia for Hg (0.15 ± 0.11 µg g-1 ww). Tilapia (benthic-detritivorous) exhibited the highest Se concentrations compared to the carp (omnivore) and the largemouth bass (piscivore). In contrast, the largemouth bass had the highest Hg levels in the muscle compared with the other fishes. Such differences could be related to the different metabolism and feeding habits among species. Compared to a tilapia study carried out three months after the mine spill during a mortality event, a decrease was evident in the liver for Se and Hg by 7.2 and 4.7 times, respectively. This reveals that cleaning operations were more efficient for Se and less for Hg, and that a prolonged period was required for the partial recovery of the element levels in fish from sites impacted by mining. Considering the Mexican consumption scenarios for each fish species, it could be concluded that there will be no non-cancer risk by exposure to Hg or Se.

Bass , Carps , Mercury , Selenium , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Animals , Mercury/analysis , Selenium/analysis , Mexico , Carps/metabolism , Environmental Monitoring , Fishes/metabolism , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
BMJ Open ; 13(12): e075691, 2023 12 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101838


OBJECTIVES: Over 40 million people in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) experience serious health-related suffering (SHS) annually and require palliative care. Patient and caregiver experiences of SHS in LMICs are understudied despite their importance in guiding palliative care provision. Diabetes and cancer are the second-leading and third-leading causes of death in Mexico, causing a significant SHS burden on patients, families and health systems. This study examines SHS and palliative care from the point of view of patients with cancer and diabetes and their caregivers. DESIGN: A qualitative descriptive study based on in-depth telephone interviews was conducted between August 2021 and February 2022. Data were analysed through inductive thematic analysis. PARTICIPANTS: Overall, 20 patients with end-stage cancer, 13 patients with diabetes and 35 family caregivers were interviewed individually. SETTING: Participants were recruited from two family medicine clinics and a pain clinic in Mexico City. RESULTS: Seven themes emerged: (1) suffering as a multifaceted phenomenon, (2) diversity in perceptions of suffering, (3) different coping strategies, (4) need and perceived importance of relief from suffering, (5) barriers to accessing services to relieve suffering, (6) demand for the health sector's active and humane role in addressing suffering and (7) preferences and need for comprehensive care for relief from suffering. The primary coping strategies included family companionship, protective buffering and faith-based support. Participants lacked knowledge of palliative care. They expressed the importance of relief from suffering, viewing it as the health sector's responsibility and requesting more humane, personalised care and access to medicines and pain clinics. CONCLUSIONS: The multifaceted nature of SHS highlights the health system's responsibility to provide high-quality palliative care. Policies to enhance access to palliative care should integrate it into primary care, redesigning services towards patient and caregiver biopsychosocial and spiritual needs and ensuring access to medicines and competent health personnel.

Diabetes Mellitus , Neoplasms , Humans , Palliative Care/methods , Caregivers/psychology , Mexico , Motivation , Qualitative Research , Neoplasms/therapy , Diabetes Mellitus/therapy