Introducción y objetivo. La Escuela de Salerno supuso un hito en la enseñanza y la práctica de la medicina en el Occidente medieval. Las mujeres podían ser tanto profesoras como estudiantes, y contribuyeron a su abundante producción científica, destacando Trótula de Salerno, autora, en el siglo xii, del Passionibus mulierum curandorum. De secretis mulierum, de chirurgia et de modo medendi libri septem es un poema médico anónimo de la Escuela de Salerno, descubierto en un manuscrito del siglo xiii. Consta de siete libros y 7.280 hexámetros dactílicos. El primer libro está dedicado a enfermedadesespecíficamente femeninas y el segundo es un tratado de cosmética. Los libros III al VI tratan de cirugía y siguen el esquema clásico a capite ad calcem. El séptimo libro, De modo medendi, se ocupa de la terapéutica. Reseñamos las citas referentes a enfermedades neurológicas, trabajando sobre una traducción crítica de este texto. Desarrollo. El poema propone terapias contra la epilepsia, la cefalea o los acúfenos. El tratamiento que se debe prescribir contra la cefalea es diferente en función de su origen. Propone explicaciones fisiopatológicas para las distintas cefaleas; relaciona la plétora sanguínea con la cefalea hemicraneal, y sugiere un exceso de flema como origen de la cefalea occipital leve. Conclusiones. La patología neurológica está bien representada en esta monografía medieval sobre enfermedades de la mujer. Nos muestra, además, la visión que el médico de Salerno tiene de estos cuadros y el arsenal terapéutico del que dispone, basado fundamentalmente en plantas medicinales (AU)
Introduction and aims. The School of Salerno stood as a landmark in the teaching and practice of medicine in the Western mediaeval world. Women could be both teachers and students and made significant contributions to its abundant scientific production. One of the most important of such women was Trotula of Salerno, the 12th century author of the Passionibus mulierum curandorum. De secretis mulierum, de chirurgia et de modo medendi libri septem is an anonymous medical poem from the School of Salerno, which was discovered in a manuscript from the 13th century. It consists of seven books and 7280 dactylic hexameters. The first book is specifically devoted to womens diseases and the second is a treaty on cosmetics. Books III and IV deal with surgery and follow the classical a capite ad calcem formula. The seventh book, De modo medendi, deals with therapeutics. We review the references to neurological diseases, using a critical translation of this text to carry out our study. Development. The poem proposes therapies to treat epilepsy, headache or tinnitus. The treatment to be prescribed for headache differs depending on its origin. It puts forward pathophysiological explanations for the different types of headache, it relates engorged blood vessels with hemicranial headache, and suggests an excess of phlegm as the origin of mild occipital headache. Conclusions. Neurological pathology is well represented in this mediaeval monograph on womens diseases. Furthermore, it also shows us the vision that the Salerno physician has of these conditions and the therapeutic arsenal (based mainly on medicinal plants) that was available for use (AU)
Humans , Female , Women's Health , Central Nervous System Diseases/history , Poetry , Plants, Medicinal , Literature, Medieval , Epilepsy , Headache , StrokeABSTRACT
Edgar Allan Poe, one of the best American storytellers and poets, suffered an episodic behaviour disorder partially triggered by alcohol and opiate use. Much confusion still exists about the last days of his turbulent life and the cause of his death at an early age. Different etiologies have been proposed to explain his main medical problem, however, complex partial seizures triggered by alcohol, poorly recognized at the time when Poe lived, seems to be one of the most acceptable hypothesis, among others discussed.
History, 19th Century , Famous Persons , Literature, Modern/history , Poetry/history , Substance-Related Disorders/history , Alcohol Drinking/history , Epilepsy/history , Opioid-Related Disorders/history , Opium/history , Psychoses, Substance-Induced/history , United StatesABSTRACT
Este artigo apresenta a obra científica do poeta alemão Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), a qual engloba os campos da anatomia humana e animal, ótica, geologia, mineralogia, química, botânica, morfologia e meteorologia. Goethe considerava que na natureza e na arte vigiam as mesmas leis, conceituadas por ele como leis da polaridade e da intensificação. Sua obra poética só pode ser avaliada e interpretada à luz de sua visão da harmonia entre homem e natureza, assim como da complementaridade entre espírito e matéria.
The scientific work of German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) encompassed the fields of human and animal anatomy, optics, geology, mineralogy, chemistry, botany, morphology, and meteorology. Goethe believed that nature and art were governed by the same laws, concepts he designated as the laws of "polarity" and "intensification." His poetic works can only be evaluated and interpreted if approached from his understanding of harmony between man and nature, and his view of the complementary relations between spirit and matter.
Humans , Science , Nature , Art , PoetrySubject(s)
Brazil , Dentistry , Folklore , Anecdotes , Aphorisms and Proverbs , Art , Culture , Literature , Medicine, Traditional , Music , PoetrySubject(s)
Greece , History, Ancient , Medicine in Literature , Mental Disorders , Philosophy, Medical , Poetry , Psychiatry , PsychotherapyABSTRACT
Atraves de um levantamento historico-biografico sucinto, o autor tenta situar a epoca, as motivacoes, o pano de fundo que colore um texto-poesia analisado conforme a metodologia clinica homeopatica. De inicio literariamente compreendido, a seguir simbologicamente analisado e repertorizado atraves do Repertorio de Kent. Conforme a dinamica com que o personagem do texto resolve sua problematica vital, o autor escolheu o medicamento que acreditou ser o mais adequado ao enredo. Finalmente, complementou sua analise com achados de materia medica