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Rev. medica electron ; 43(5): 1285-1296, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352111


RESUMEN Introducción: el daño actínico crónico es un grupo de alteraciones en la estructura, función y apariencia de la piel como resultado de la exposición no controlada a las radiaciones ultravioletas. Puede provocar el cáncer de piel. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes con daño actínico crónico, atendidos en la consulta de Dermatología del Hospital Comunitario Valle Hermoso, en el departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio clínico descriptivo, prospectivo, en un universo de 1 833 pacientes diagnosticados con daño actínico crónico, atendidos en la consulta de Dermatología del Hospital Comunitario Valle Hermoso, en Cochabamba, entre septiembre de 2017 y septiembre de 2018. Se evaluaron las variables edad, sexo, color y fototipo de piel, ocupación, uso de medios de protección solar, exposición a otro tipo de radiaciones, manifestaciones clínicas de fotodaño y altitud del lugar de residencia. Resultados: predominaron el grupo de edad de 25 a 59 años, el sexo femenino, el color de piel mestizo (77,08 %), el fototipo de piel IV (76,98 %) y la ocupación comerciante (72,56 %). La mayoría de los pacientes (82,7 %) no utilizaron medios de protección solar, y el 99,8 % no tuvieron exposición a otro tipo de radiaciones. Las lesiones por fotodaño que prevalecieron fueron melasma (83,03 %) y lentigos (12,22 %). El 99,29 % vivían en zonas de gran altitud. Conclusiones: se caracterizaron los pacientes con daño actínico crónico, obteniendo en algunas variables estudiadas resultados similares a los mencionados por otros investigadores (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: chronic actinic damage is a group of alterations in the structure, function, and appearance of the skin as a result of uncontrolled exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It can cause skin cancer. Objective: to characterize the patients with chronic actinic damage, treated at the Dermatology consultation of Valle Hermoso Community Hospital, in the department of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Materials and methods: a descriptive, prospective clinical study was conducted in a universe of 1,833 patients diagnosed with chronic actinic damage, treated at the Dermatology clinic of the Valle Hermoso Community Hospital, Cochabamba, between September 2017 and September 2018. The variables age, sex, skin color, skin phototype, occupation, use of sun protectors, exposure to other types of radiation, clinical manifestations of photodamage and altitude of the place of residence were evaluated. Results: the age group from 25 to 59 years, the female sex, mestizo skin color (77.08 %), the IV skin phototype (76.98 %) and merchant occupation (72.56 %) predominated. Most patients (82.7 %) did not use sun protection means, and 99.8 % had no other radiation exposure. The prevailing photodamage lesions were melasma (83.03 %) and lentigo (12.22 %). 99.29 % lived in high altitude areas. Conclusions: the patients with chronic actinic damage were characterized, obtaining in some variables studied results similar to those mentioned by other researchers (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Patients/classification , Photosensitivity Disorders/epidemiology , Photosensitivity Disorders/diagnosis , Radiation Effects , Clinical Diagnosis , Lentigo/diagnosis , Melanosis/diagnosis
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 38(3): 434-441, jul.-sep. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357373


RESUMEN Objetivos: Evaluar la actividad fotoprotectora de una crema con extracto acuoso liofilizado de maca (ELM) frente a la irradiación ultravioleta (UV) en la piel de ratones. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental en 35ratones BALB/c. Los tratamientos fueron aplicados por vía tópica en el dorso de los animales y posteriormente irradiados con rayos ultravioleta B, para luego medir el grosor en micras (µm) de muestras histológicas de la piel de los ratones. Se asignaron siete grupos divididos en no irradiado: blanco (G1) e irradiados con luz UV: sin tratamiento (G2); con protector solar comercial con factor de protección solar (FPS) 30 (G3); crema (placebo) (G4); ELM al 15% en agua (G5); ELM al 5% en crema (G6); y ELM al 15% en crema (G7). Se determinó el FPS in vitro, mediante el método de Mansur. Se realizaron las lecturas de las absorbancias en un espectrofotómetro ultravioleta-visible (UV-VIS) y se determinaron los FPS para las siguientes formulaciones: ELM al 5% en crema, benzofenona-4 (BZF-4) y bloqueador solar comercial FPS 30. Resultados: El grosor de piel de ratón en micras (µm) fue de 27,28 en G2; 18,31 en G3; 27,33 en G4; 19,51 en G5 y 18,04 en G6; no hubo diferencia significativa entre el grupo no expuesto a la radiación (G1) y el grupo ELM al 15% en crema (G7), ambos presentaron los menores grosores (12,76 y 14,20 µm, respectivamente). El FPS de ELM al 15% en crema fue 5,480 ± 0,020. Conclusiones: La formulación con ELM en crema presentó actividad fotoprotectora frente a la irradiación UV, los alcaloides fueron los componentes fitoquímicos mayormente encontrados y la formulación fue compatible con el activo (ELM).

ABSTRACT Objectives: To evaluate the photoprotective activity of a cream with lyophilized aqueous extract of maca (LEM) against ultraviolet (UV) irradiation in the skin of mice. Materials and methods: An experimental study was carried out on 35 BALB/c mice. Treatment was applied topically on the dorsum of the animals, which were subsequently irradiated with ultraviolet B rays, and then we measured the thickness in microns (μm) of histological samples of the skin of the mice. Seven groups were assigned, divided into non-irradiated: Blank (G1) and irradiated with UV light: no treatment (G2); with commercial sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) 30 (G3); cream (placebo) (G4); LEM at 15% in water (G5); LEM cream at 5% (G6); and LEM cream at 15% (G7). In vitro SPF was determined using the Mansur method. Absorbance readings were taken in an ultraviolet- visible spectrophotometer (UV-VIS) and SPFs were determined for the following formulations: LEM cream at 5%, benzophenone-4 (BZF-4) and commercial sunscreen SPF 30. Results: Mouse skin thickness in microns (μm) was 27.28 in G2; 18.31 in G3; 27.33 in G4; 19.51 in G5 and 18.04 in G6. There was no significant difference between the group not exposed to radiation (G1) and the 15% LEM cream group (G7), both had the lowest thicknesses (12.76 and 14.20 μm, respectively). The SPF of LEM cream at 15% was 5.480 ± 0.020. Conclusions: The formulation with LEM cream showed photoprotective activity against UV irradiation, alkaloids were the phytochemical components mostly found and the formulation was compatible with the active principle (LEM).

Animals , Mice , Skin , Ultraviolet Rays , Lepidium , Sun Protection Factor , Radiation , Radiation Effects , Sunscreening Agents , Phytotherapy
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 5-13, maio 5, 2021. tab, fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354757


Introduction: sunscreen is a cosmetic used to protect human skin from the deleterious effects of UV radiation and thus minimize the risks of developing skin cancer. Extracts produced from fruits, such as Abiu, Guava, Rambutan and Grape, have significant concentrations of chromophores and phenolic substances that have the ability to absorb UV light and neutralize free radicals. The production of cosmetics from naturally occurring substances with such activities will be of great importance for Brazilian industry and could reduce the cost of production, given the large existing biodiversity in the country. Objectives: carry out a patent search for formulations and cosmetic products that contains phenolic rich fruit extracts as photoprotective and antioxidant bioactives. Methodology: a survey of patents was carried out in the database of the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) and the European Patent Office (EPO), covering a time period between 2008 and 2018, using a combination of keywords related to herbal cosmetics and sunscreens. Results: this research identifies a significant number of patents related to plant extract in association with sunscreen product, however, no patent filings were identified for cosmetic products containing extracts of the evaluated fruits, either alone or in combination, for photoprotective and antioxidant purposes. Conclusion: the Brazilian and international market for sun care products moves millions to billions of dollars annually and have a significant annual growth prospect. Considering the great biodiversity existing in the country, the production of cosmetics from naturally occurring substances with such activities will be of great importance for the Brazilian industrial sector.

Introdução: os filtros solares são cosméticos usados para proteger a pele humana dos efeitos deletérios da radiação UV e assim, minimizar os riscos de desenvolvimento de câncer de pele. Extratos produzidos a partir de frutos, como Abiu, Goiaba, Rambutan e Uva, têm concentrações significativas de cromóforos e substâncias fenólicas que têm a capacidade de absorver a radiação UV e neutralizar os radicais livres. A produção de cosméticos a partir de substâncias naturais com essas atividades será de grande importância para a indústria brasileira e poderá reduzir o custo de produção, dada a grande biodiversidade existente no país. Objetivos: realizar uma busca de registros de patentes de formulações e produtos cosméticos que contêm extratos de frutos ricos em fenólicos como bioativos fotoprotetores e antioxidantes. Metodologia: foi realizado um levantamento de patentes no banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual (INPI) e do Escritório Europeu de Patentes (EPO), abrangendo um período de tempo entre 2008 e 2018, utilizando uma combinação de palavras-chave relacionadas a cosméticos à base de plantas e protetores solares. Resultados: esta pesquisa identificou um número significativo de patentes relacionadas ao extrato de plantas em associação ao produto protetor solar, no entanto, não foram identificados pedidos de patente para produtos cosméticos que contenham extratos das frutas avaliadas, isoladamente ou em combinação, para fins fotoprotetores e antioxidantes. Conclusão: o mercado brasileiro e internacional de produtos de proteção solar movimenta milhões a bilhões de dólares anualmente e tem a perspectiva de crescimento anual significativa. Considerando a grande biodiversidade existente no país, a produção de cosméticos a partir de substâncias naturais com essas atividades será de grande importância para o setor industrial brasileiro.

Plants , Radiation Effects , Sunscreening Agents , Cosmetics , Phenolic Compounds , Sun Protection Factor , Database
J. nurs. health ; 10(2): 20102009, mai.2020.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1104137


Objetivo: analisar e categorizar o método de uso e benefícios e principais considerações sobre uso do laser em lesões induzidas por radiação. Método: revisão sistemática desenvolvidas em Public Medline, Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, SCOPUS e Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde. Resultados: analisou-se sete estudos. Observou-se em 86% (6) desses estudos uma conclusão positiva à terapêutica de laser de baixa intensidade, relatando: 43% (3) diminuição significativa e regressão da dor; 29% (2) redução significativa na duração e gravidade da mucosite e 29% (2) redução da inflamação e cicatrização. Conclusão: evidenciou-se melhora da cicatrização, da dor local e da capacidade anti-inflamatória. É necessário realizar mais pesquisas com amostras robustas que comparem os tipos de lasers, o comprimento das ondas e sua intensidade, para o seu uso como terapêutica.(AU)

Objective: to analyze and categorize the method of use and benefits and main considerations on the use of laser in radiation-induced injuries. Method: systematic review developed in the databases Public Medline, Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, SCOPUS and Virtual Health Library. Results: seven studies were analyzed. A positive conclusion to low-level laser therapy was observed in 86% (6) of these studies, reporting: 43% (3) significant decrease and regression of pain; 29% (2) significant reduction in the duration and severity of mucositis and 29% (2) reduction in inflammation and healing. Conclusion: there was an improvement in healing, local pain and anti-inflammatory capacity. More research is needed with robust samples that compare the types of lasers, the length of the waves and their intensity, for their use as therapy.(AU)

Objetivo: analizar y clasificar el método de uso y los beneficios y las principales consideraciones sobre el uso del láser en lesiones inducidas por radiación. Método: revisión sistemática desarrollada en Public Medline, Literatura Latinoamericana del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Índice acumulativo de literatura de enfermería y salud aliada, SCOPUS y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud. Resultados: se analizaron siete estudios. Se observó una conclusión positiva de la terapia con láser de bajo nivel en el 86% (6) de estos estudios: 43% (3) disminución significativa y regresión del dolor; 29% (2) reducción significativa en la duración y gravedad de la mucositis y 29% (2) reducción en la inflamación y la curación. Conclusión: hubo una mejora en la curación, dolor local y capacidad antiinflamatoria. Se necesita investigación con muestras robustas que comparen los tipos de láser, la longitud de las ondas y su intensidad, para su uso como terapia.(AU)

Radiation Effects , Radiodermatitis , Radiotherapy , Low-Level Light Therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771436


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of a modified Wuzi Yanzong Pill (, WZYZP) on the male rats' testis after microwave radiation, as well as its potential mechanism.@*METHODS@#Forty-five male rats were randomly assigned to three groups: the control group, the radiation group, and the WZYZP group. The rats in the radiation group and WZYZP group were exposed to microwave radiation for 15 min once, while the rats in the control group were not exposed to any radiation. The rats in the WZYZP group were given a modified of WZYZP by gavage daily for 7 days. Apoptosis in the testis was evaluated using terminal-deoxynucleoitidyl transferase mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. Histopathological alterations of the testis were observed by haematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. Tat-interactive protein, 60kD (Tip60) and p53 expressions were determined by Western blotting.@*RESULTS@#The apoptosis index (AI) in the radiation group was higher than that of the WZYZP group and control group on day 1 (D1), day 7 (D7) day 14 (D14) after radiation (P<0.05). The seminiferous tubules were of normal morphology in the control group. In the radiation group, the partial seminiferous tubules were collapsed, basement membranes of the seminiferous epithelia became detached. WZYZP could restore the morphological changes. There was no expression of Tip60 among the three groups on D7 and D14. The expression of p53 was higher in the radiation group than in the control group (P<0.05). WZYZP could down-regulate the rising p53 induced by radiation on D7 and D14 (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#A modified WZYZP may affect germ cells, and its protective effects may partly result from its ability to intervene in Tip60 mediated apoptosis.

Animals , Male , Apoptosis , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Pharmacology , Microwaves , Rats, Wistar , Testis , Metabolism , Pathology , Radiation Effects , Trans-Activators , Metabolism , Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 , Metabolism
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 431-438, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777170


The present study was aimed to investigate the effects and mechanisms of electro-acupuncture (EA) on proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells in the hippocampus of C57 mice exposed to different doses of X-ray radiation. Thirty-day-old C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into control, irradiation, and EA groups. The control group was not treated with irradiation. The irradiation groups were exposed to different doses of X-ray (4, 8 or 16 Gy) for 10 min. The EA groups were electro-acupunctured at Baihui, Fengfu and bilateral Shenyu for 3 courses of treatment after X-ray radiation. Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate proliferation and differentiation of the hippocampal neural stem cell. RT-PCR and Western blot were used to detect mRNA and protein expressions of Notch1 and Mash1 in the hippocampus, respectively. The results showed that, compared with the control group, the numbers of BrdU positive cells (4, 8 Gy subgroup) and BrdU/NeuN double-labeling positive cells (3 dose subgroups) were decreased significantly in the irradiation group, but the above changes could be reversed by EA. Compared with the control group, the number of BrdU/GFAP double-labeling positive cells in each dose subgroup of irradiation group was decreased significantly, while EA could reverse the change of 4 and 8 Gy dose subgroups. In addition, compared with the control group, the expression levels of Notch1 mRNA and protein in hippocampus were up-regulated, and the expression levels of Mash1 mRNA and protein were significantly decreased in each dose subgroup of irradiation group. Compared with irradiation group, the expression levels of Notch1 mRNA and protein in hippocampus of EA group were decreased significantly in each dose subgroup, and the expression levels of Mash1 mRNA and protein were increased significantly in 4 and 8 Gy subgroups. These results suggest that irradiation affects the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells in hippocampus of mice, whereas EA may significantly increase the proliferation and differentiation of hippocampal neural stem cells via the regulation of Notch signaling pathway.

Animals , Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors , Metabolism , Cell Differentiation , Cell Proliferation , Electroacupuncture , Hippocampus , Cell Biology , Radiation Effects , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Neural Stem Cells , Cell Biology , Radiation Effects , Random Allocation , Receptor, Notch1 , Metabolism , X-Rays
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775406


To explore the effects of shading and the expression of key enzyme genes on the synthesis and accumulation of Panax japonicus var. major saponins, different shading treatments (0%, 30%,50%) of potted P. japonicus var. major were used as test materials, the expression of three key enzyme genes(CAS,DS,-AS) of leaves and rhizomes in different growth periods of P. japonicus var. major was determined by real-time quantitative PCR, the content of total saponins was determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The results indicated that, in flowering stage, CAS,DS,-AS were highly expressed in the aerial parts of P. japonicus var. major, 30% shading treatment significantly inhibited the expression of CAS in leaves and promoted the expression of DS and -AS in stems, leaves and flowers, it was speculated that the main part of saponin synthesis was leaf in this stage. Both the expression levels of DS and -AS and changes in the content of total saponins in leaves showed a tendency of low-high-low throughout the growth cycle, correlation coefficient analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between them. Compared with control, the expression levels of DS and -AS and the content of total saponins were greatly enhanced under shading treatment, 30% shading treatment significantly promoted the accumulation of total saponins. Therefore, it is suggested that 30% shading treatment should be applied to the artificial cultivation of P. japonicus var. major, which is beneficial to the accumulation and quality improvement of saponins.

Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Light , Panax , Genetics , Radiation Effects , Plant Leaves , Genetics , Rhizome , Genetics , Saponins
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 359-368, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777040


Observations from clinical trials have frequently demonstrated that light therapy can be an effective therapy for seasonal and non-seasonal major depression. Despite the fact that light therapy is known to have several advantages over antidepressant drugs like a low cost, minimal side-effects, and fast onset of therapeutic effect, the mechanism underlying light therapy remains unclear. So far, it is known that light therapy modulates mood states and cognitive functions, involving circadian and non-circadian pathways from retinas into brain. In this review, we discuss the therapeutic effect of light on major depression and its relationship to direct retinal projections in the brain. We finally emphasize the function of the retino-raphe projection in modulating serotonin activity, which probably underlies the antidepressant effect of light therapy for depression.

Animals , Humans , Brain , Radiation Effects , Depressive Disorder, Major , Therapeutics , Phototherapy , Methods , Retina , Radiation Effects , Visual Pathways , Radiation Effects
Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer ; (12): 805-814, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-772360


BACKGROUND@#Lung cancer is one of the highest morbidity and mortality in the world and it is very important to find an effective anti-tumor method. Microwave hyperthermia, a new treatment technology, has been getting more and more attention. This study was designed to investigate the effects of microwave hyperthermia combined with gemcitabine on the proliferation and apoptosis of human lung squamous cell carcinoma (NCI-H1703 and NCI-H2170) in vitro.@*METHODS@#The proliferation of cells treated with microwave hyperthermia, the effect of gemcitabine on cell proliferation and the proliferation of cells treated with different methods of microwave hyperthermia and gemcitabine were detected by CCK-8 assay. Colony formation assay was used to measure the colony formation of human lung squamous cell carcinoma cells. Flow cytometry assay was used to detect the total apoptosis rates of the treated cells. Caspase-3, Caspase-8 activity assay was used to detect the activity of Caspase-3, Caspase-8 enzyme in each group of cells. CCK-8 assay was used to detect the effect of control group, AC-DEVD (Caspase-3 inhibitor) group, thermalization combined group, and thermal AC-DEVD combined group on cell proliferation. The levels of p53, Caspase-3, Cleaved-Caspase-3, PARP, Bax and BCL-2 protein expression were detected using Western blot assay.@*RESULTS@#Our results demonstrated that microwave hyperthermia inhibited the proliferation of lung squamous cell carcinoma. The IC₅₀ values of gemcitabine for the two cells were 8.89 μmol/L and 44.18 μmol/L, respectively. The first chemotherapy after microwave hyperthermia has synergistic effect on the two lung squamous cell carcinoma cells and can significantly inhibit the cell clone formation (P0.05). Furthermore, Western blot analysis showed that microwave hyperthermia combined with gemcitabine could up-regulate the p53, Caspase-3, Cleaved-Caspase-3, Cleaved-PARP and Bax protein expression.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Microwave hyperthermia combined with gemcitabine remarkably inhibit the proliferation and induce apoptosis of human lung squamous cell carcinoma in vitro. This effect may be associated with the activation of p53, cleavage of PARP protein, and induced the Caspase-3 dependent apoptosis.

Humans , Apoptosis , Radiation Effects , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Pathology , Caspase 3 , Metabolism , Caspase 8 , Metabolism , Cell Line, Tumor , Cell Proliferation , Radiation Effects , Combined Modality Therapy , Deoxycytidine , Pharmacology , Hyperthermia, Induced , Lung Neoplasms , Pathology , Microwaves
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-773622


Caesalpinia sappan L., belonging to the family Leguminosae, is a medicinal plant that is distributed in Southeast Asia. The dried heartwood of this plant is used as a traditional ingredient of food, red dyes, and folk medicines in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis, skin infections, and inflammation. Brazilin is the major active compound, which has exhibited various pharmacological effects, including anti-platelet activity, anti-hepatotoxicity, induction of immunological tolerance, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity and expression of antioxidant enzymes of C. sappan L. extract and its major compound, brazilin, in human epidermal keratinocytes exposed to UVA irradiation. Our results indicated that C. sappan L. extract reduced UVA-induced HO production via GPX7 activation. Moreover, brazilin exhibited antioxidant effects that were similar to those of C. sappan L. via glutathione peroxidase 7 (GPX7), suggesting that C. sappan L. extract and its natural compound represent potential treatments for oxidative stress-induced photoaging of skin.

Humans , Antioxidants , Pharmacology , Benzopyrans , Pharmacology , Caesalpinia , Chemistry , Hydrogen Peroxide , Toxicity , Keratinocytes , Cell Biology , Radiation Effects , Oxidative Stress , Radiation Effects , Peroxidases , Genetics , Metabolism , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Protective Agents , Pharmacology , Ultraviolet Rays
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771713


Tartary buckwheat Fagopyrum tataricum is an important medicinal and functional herb due to its rich content of flavonoids in the seeds. F.tataricum exhibited good functions for free radicals scavenging, anti-oxidation, anti-aging activities. Although much genetic knowledge of the synthesis, regulation, accumulation of rutin, the genetic basis of proanthocyanidins(PAs) in tartary buckwheat and their related gene expression changes under different lights(blue, red, far red, ultraviolet light) remain largely unexplored. In this study, we cloned one anthocyanidin reductase gene(ANR) and two leucocyanidin reductase gene(LAR) named FtANR,FtLAR1,FtLAR3 involved in formation of(+)-catechin and(-)-epicatechin precusor proanthocyanidin by digging out F. tataricum seed transcriptome data. The expression data showed that the opposite influence of red light on these gene transcript level compared to others lights. The expression levels of FtANR and FtLAR1 decreased and FtLAR3 appeared increment after exposed in the red light, while the expression levels of those genes appeared opposite result after exposed in the blue and far red light.

Fagopyrum , Radiation Effects , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Radiation Effects , Light , NADH, NADPH Oxidoreductases , Genetics , Plant Proteins , Genetics , Proanthocyanidins , Seeds , Radiation Effects
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777665


BACKGROUND@#Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) exhibits protective effects against ultraviolet (UV)-induced premature skin aging. A standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem (EAS) is produced as a novel and unique functional food that induces HSP70 cellular expression. To elucidate the anti-photoaging potencies of EAS, we examined its effects on HSP70 expression levels in UV-B-irradiated normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs).@*METHODS@#NHDFs were treated with 1 mg/mL of EAS or dextrin (vehicle control) prior to UV-B irradiation (20 mJ/cm). After culturing NHDFs for different time periods, HSP70 mRNA and protein levels were analyzed using real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blotting, respectively.@*RESULTS@#UV-B-irradiated NHDFs showed reduced HSP70 mRNA levels after 1-6 h of culture, which were recovered after 24 h of culture. Treatment with EAS alone for 24 h increased HSP70 mRNA levels in the NHDFs, but the increase was not reflected in its protein levels. On the other hand, pretreatment with EAS abolished the UV-B irradiation-induced reduction in HSP70 expression at both mRNA and protein levels. These results suggest that EAS is capable to preserve HSP70 quantity in UV-B-irradiated NHDFs.@*CONCLUSIONS@#EAS exhibits anti-photoaging potencies by preventing the reduction in HSP70 expression in UV-irradiated dermal fibroblasts.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Asparagus Plant , Cells, Cultured , Fibroblasts , Radiation Effects , HSP70 Heat-Shock Proteins , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Skin , Radiation Effects , Skin Aging , Radiation Effects , Telomere , Metabolism , Ultraviolet Rays
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-812412


Caesalpinia sappan L., belonging to the family Leguminosae, is a medicinal plant that is distributed in Southeast Asia. The dried heartwood of this plant is used as a traditional ingredient of food, red dyes, and folk medicines in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis, skin infections, and inflammation. Brazilin is the major active compound, which has exhibited various pharmacological effects, including anti-platelet activity, anti-hepatotoxicity, induction of immunological tolerance, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity and expression of antioxidant enzymes of C. sappan L. extract and its major compound, brazilin, in human epidermal keratinocytes exposed to UVA irradiation. Our results indicated that C. sappan L. extract reduced UVA-induced HO production via GPX7 activation. Moreover, brazilin exhibited antioxidant effects that were similar to those of C. sappan L. via glutathione peroxidase 7 (GPX7), suggesting that C. sappan L. extract and its natural compound represent potential treatments for oxidative stress-induced photoaging of skin.

Humans , Antioxidants , Pharmacology , Benzopyrans , Pharmacology , Caesalpinia , Chemistry , Hydrogen Peroxide , Toxicity , Keratinocytes , Cell Biology , Radiation Effects , Oxidative Stress , Radiation Effects , Peroxidases , Genetics , Metabolism , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Protective Agents , Pharmacology , Ultraviolet Rays
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab ; 41(12): 1248-1254, 2016 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27863208


The cucurbits (prebiotics) were investigated as novel agents for radio-modification against gastrointestinal injury. The cell-cycle fractions and DNA damage were monitored in HCT-15 cells. A cucurbit extract was added to culture medium 2 h before irradiation (6 Gy) and was substituted by fresh medium at 4 h post-irradiation. The whole extract of the fruits of Lagenaria siceraria, Luffa cylindrica, or Cucurbita pepo extract enhanced G2 fractions (42%, 34%, and 37%, respectively) as compared with control (20%) and irradiated control (31%). With cucurbits, the comet tail length remained shorter (L. siceraria, 28 µm; L. cylindrica, 34.2 µm; C. pepo, 36.75 µm) than irradiated control (41.75 µm). For in vivo studies, L. siceraria extract (2 mg/kg body weight) was administered orally to mice at 2 h before and 4 and 24 h after whole-body irradiation (10 Gy). L. siceraria treatment restored the glutathione contents to 48.8 µmol/gm as compared with control (27.6 µmol/gm) and irradiated control (19.6 µmol/gm). Irradiation reduced the villi height from 379 to 350 µm and width from 54 to 27 µm. L. siceraria administration countered the radiation effects (length, 366 µm; width, 30 µm, respectively) and improved the villi morphology and tight junction integrity. This study reveals the therapeutic potential of cucurbits against radiation-induced gastrointestinal injury.

Fruit/chemistry , Gastrointestinal Diseases/prevention & control , Lagenidium/chemistry , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Prebiotics , Radiation Injuries, Experimental/prevention & control , Radiation-Protective Agents/therapeutic use , Animals , Cell Line, Tumor , Cucurbita/chemistry , DNA Damage , Fruit/economics , G2 Phase/radiation effects , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diet therapy , Gastrointestinal Diseases/metabolism , Gastrointestinal Diseases/pathology , Glutathione/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa/pathology , Intestinal Mucosa/radiation effects , Intestinal Mucosa/ultrastructure , Luffa/chemistry , Male , Mice , Microvilli/metabolism , Microvilli/pathology , Microvilli/radiation effects , Microvilli/ultrastructure , Plant Extracts/metabolism , Radiation Effects , Radiation Injuries, Experimental/diet therapy , Radiation Injuries, Experimental/metabolism , Radiation Injuries, Experimental/pathology , Radiation-Protective Agents/metabolism , Random Allocation , Survival Analysis , Tight Junctions/metabolism , Tight Junctions/pathology , Tight Junctions/radiation effects , Tight Junctions/ultrastructure
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-239549


To study the effects of 1.8 mT sinusoidal electromagnetic fields of different frequencies on bone mineral density (BMD) and biomechanical properties in young rats.A total of 32 female SD rats (6-week-old) were randomly divided into 4 groups (8 in each):control group, 10 Hz group, 25 Hz group and 40 Hz group. The experimental groups were given 1.8 mT sinusoidal electromagnetic field intervention 90 min per day. The whole body BMD of rats was detected with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry after 4 and 8 weeks of intervention. After 8 weeks of intervention, all rats were sacrificed, and the BMD of femur and lumbar vertebra, the length and diameter of femur, the width between medial and lateral malleolus were measured. Electronic universal material testing machine was used to obtain biomechanical properties of femur and lumbar vertebra, and micro CT scan was performed to observe micro structures of tibial cancellous bone.Compared with the control group, rats in 10 Hz and 40 Hz groups had higher whole body BMD, BMD of femur, maximum load and yield strength of femur, as well as maximum load and elastic modulus of lumbar vertebra (all<0.05). But no significant differences in the length and diameter of femur, and the width between medial and lateral malleolus were observed between control group and experimental groups (all>0.05). Micro CT scan showed that the trabecular number and separation degree, bone volume percentage were significantly increased in 10 Hz and 40 Hz groups (all<0.01). Rats in 25 Hz group also had higher BMD and better in biomechanical properties than control group, but the differences were not statistically significant (all>0.05).10 and 40 Hz of 1.8 mT sinusoidal electromagnetic field can significantly improve the bone density, microstructure and biomechanical properties in young rats.

Animals , Female , Rats , Absorptiometry, Photon , Biomechanical Phenomena , Radiation Effects , Bone Density , Radiation Effects , Cancellous Bone , Radiation Effects , Electromagnetic Fields , Femur , Radiation Effects , Lumbar Vertebrae , Radiation Effects , Magnetic Field Therapy , Methods , Osteogenesis , Radiation Effects , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Tibia , Radiation Effects
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-287131


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the effects of Heijiangdan Ointment ( HJD) on oxidative stress in (60)Co γ-ray radiation-induced dermatitis in mice.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Female Wistar mice with grade 4 radiation dermatitis induced by (60)Co γ-rays were randomly divided into four groups (n=12 per group); the HJD-treated, recombinant human epidermal growth factor (rhEGF)-treated, Trolox-treated, and untreated groups, along with a negative control group. On the 11th and 21st days after treatment, 6 mice in each group were chosen for evaluation. The levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were detected using spectrophotometric methods. The fibroblast mitochondria were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The expressions of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) were analyzed by western blot.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Compared with the untreated group, the levels of SOD, MDA and LDH, on the 11th and 21st days after treatment showed significant difference (P<0.05). TEM analysis indicated that fibroblast mitochondria in the untreated group exhibited swelling and the cristae appeared fractured, while in the HJD group, the swelling of mitochondria was limited and the rough endoplasmic reticulum appeared more relaxed. The expressions of FGF-2 and TGF-β1 increased in the untreated group compared with the negative control group (P<0.05). After treatment, the expression of FGF-2, rhEGF and Trolox in the HJD group were significantly increased compared with the untreated group (P<0.05), or compared with the negative control group (P<0.05). The expression of TGF-β1 showed significant difference between untreated and negative control groups (P<0.05). HJD and Trolox increased the level of TGF-β1 and the difference was marked as compared with the untreated and negative control groups (P<0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>HJD relieves oxidative stress-induced injury, increases the antioxidant activity, mitigates the fibroblast mitochondrial damage, up-regulates the expression of growth factor, and promotes mitochondrial repair in mice.</p>

Animals , Female , Humans , Mice , Biological Products , Pharmacology , Therapeutic Uses , Cell Proliferation , Radiation Effects , Cobalt Radioisotopes , Dermatitis , Drug Therapy , Pathology , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Pharmacology , Therapeutic Uses , Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 , Genetics , Metabolism , Fibroblasts , Pathology , Radiation Effects , Gamma Rays , L-Lactate Dehydrogenase , Metabolism , Malondialdehyde , Metabolism , Mitochondria , Metabolism , Radiation Effects , Ointments , Oxidative Stress , Radiation Effects , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Radiation Injuries , Drug Therapy , Pathology , Superoxide Dismutase , Metabolism , Transforming Growth Factor beta1 , Genetics , Metabolism , Up-Regulation , Radiation Effects
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-328278


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To explore the protection of high intensity microwave radiation on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) activity and hippocampal CA1 structure in rats and the protectiveeffect of Qindan Granule (QG) on radiation injured rats.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Totally 48 Wistar rats were randomlydivided into 8 groups, i.e., the normal control group, post-radiation day 1, 7, and 10 groups, 7 and 10days prevention groups, day 7 and 10 treatment groups, 6 in each group. Rats in prevention groups wererespectively administered with QG liquid (1 mL/100 g, 4. 75 g crude drugs) for 7 days and 10 days bygastrogavage and then microwave radiation. Then preventive effect for radiation injury was statisticallycalculated with the normal control group and the post-radiation day 1 group. Rats in treatment groupswere firstly irradiated, and then administered with QG liquid (1 mL/100 g, 4.75 g crude drugs). Finally preventive effect for radiation injury was statistically calculated with the normal control group, post-radiation day 7 and 10 groups. Contents of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), beta endorphin (beta-EP), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) were detected. Morphological changes and structure of hippocampal CA1 region were observed under light microscope.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Compared with the normal control group, contents of CRH and beta-EP significantly decreased in each radiation group. Serum contents of ACTH and beta-EP significantly increased in post-radiation day 1 and 7 groups (P < 0.05). Compared with radiation groups, beta-EP content in serum and pituitary significantly increased, and serum ACTH content significantly decreased in prevention groups (P < 0.05). Pituitary contents of CRH and beta-EP significantly increased in prevention groups. Serum contents of ACTH, beta-EP, and HSP70 were significantly lower in day 7 treatment group than post-radiation day 7 group (P < 0.05). Morphological results showed that pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region arranged in disorder, with swollen cells, shrunken and condensed nucleus, dark dyeing cytoplasm, unclear structure. Vessels in partial regions were dilated with static blood; tissues were swollen and sparse. In prevention and treatment groups pathological damage of hippocampal CA1 region was obviously attenuated; neurons were arranged more regularly; swollen, pycnotic, or deleted neuron number were decreased; vascular dilatation and congestion was lessened.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>QG could affect HPAA function and activity of high intensity microwave radiated rats, showing certain preventive and therapeutic effects of microwave radiated rats by adjusting synthesis and release of partial bioactive peptides and hormones in HPAA, improving pathological injury in hippocampal CA1 region.</p>

Animals , Rats , Adrenocorticotropic Hormone , Blood , CA1 Region, Hippocampal , Pathology , Radiation Effects , Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone , Metabolism , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Pharmacology , HSP70 Heat-Shock Proteins , Blood , Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System , Radiation Effects , Microwaves , Pituitary-Adrenal System , Radiation Effects , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , beta-Endorphin , Blood , Metabolism
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 61(5): 225-232, 1 sept., 2015.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-142335


La radioterapia cerebral es una de las piedras angulares del tratamiento de numerosos tumores cerebrales primarios y metastásicos. Pese a ello, aparte de su efecto terapéutico deseado sobre las células tumorales, una parte sustancial de los pacientes sufre efectos secundarios de carácter neurotóxico a consecuencia de su aplicación. La necrosis por radiación puede provocar síntomas neurológicos y cambios radiográficos progresivos. Diferenciarla de la progresión tumoral en las imágenes puede llegar a ser un verdadero reto, dada la similitud que en ocasiones presentan las características de la resonancia magnética en ambas situaciones. Por esa razón, a veces es necesario recurrir a la biopsia quirúrgica y la confirmación histopatológica para confirmar el diagnóstico y orientar el tratamiento. Existen opciones eficaces de tratamiento para la necrosis cerebral por radiación y los pacientes con síntomas deben recibirlas. Es preciso ampliar el conocimiento sobre los procesos celulares y moleculares que se esconden detrás del desarrollo de la necrosis por radiación si se quiere prevenir y minimizar la morbilidad asociada a ella y mejorar las estrategias terapéuticas disponibles (AU)

Cerebral radiation is an indispensable cornerstone in the treatment of many primary and metastatic brain tumors. However, besides its desired therapeutic effect on tumor cells, a significant proportion of patients will experience neurotoxic side effects as the consequence of radiotherapy. Radiation necrosis can result in progressive neurological symptoms and radiographic changes. To differentiate radiation necrosis from progressive tumor based on imaging can pose a diagnostic challenge because the MRI characteristics may be similar in both situations. Therefore, surgical biopsy and pathological confirmation is sometimes necessary to guide further management. Effective treatment options for cerebral radiation necrosis exist and should be offered to symptomatic patients. A better understanding of the cellular and molecular processes underlying the development of radiation necrosis is necessary to prevent and minimize radiationassociated morbidity and to improve treatment strategies (AU)

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Cerebrum/pathology , Radiation Injuries/pathology , Radiation Injuries/prevention & control , Radiotherapy , Radiation Effects , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Positron-Emission Tomography , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D , Neurotoxicity Syndromes , Necrosis/diagnosis , Necrosis/drug therapy , Intracranial Hypertension , Radiotherapy Dosage , Chemoradiotherapy , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Hyperbaric Oxygenation , Glioma/diagnosis , Disease Progression
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-237675


In order to search for a new pathway to improve the yield of ginseng through growing at the full sun shine accompanied by salicylic acid (SA), the net photosynthetic rate (P(n)), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), malondialdehyde (MDA) in Panax ginseng leaves, and the content of ginsenosides in roots were compared under various concentrations of SA and full sun shine with the traditional shade shed. Under the full sun shine, 0.05, 0.2 mmol x L(-1) SA increased net photosynthetic rate to a great extent. Under the cloudy day, the average net photosynthetic rate increased by 127.8% and 155.0% over the traditional shade shed, 13.9% and 27.5% over the treatment without SA respectively; under the clear day, 23.5% and 30.4% over the traditional shade shed, 8.6% and 14.6% over the treatment without SA, particularly obvious in the morning and late afternoon. With such concentration, SA increased activities of SOD, CAT, POD, and decreased the contents of the MDA. This difference resulted from different light intensity, rise of light saturation point, and fall of compensation point. Full sun shine decreased ginsenosides contents, but with SA, the ginsenosides regained, the content of Rg1 and Re, Rb1, total six types of ginsenosides in SA 0.2 mmol x L(-1) group were higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05) and other groups. The application of 0.2 mmol x L(-1) SA under full sun shine during a short time has little threat to the P. ginseng in spring, and could enhance the resistance to the adversity, which would improve the yield of ginseng heavily.

Catalase , Metabolism , Ginsenosides , Metabolism , Light , Malondialdehyde , Metabolism , Panax , Chemistry , Metabolism , Radiation Effects , Peroxidases , Metabolism , Photosynthesis , Plant Proteins , Metabolism , Salicylic Acid , Pharmacology , Seasons , Superoxide Dismutase , Metabolism
National Journal of Andrology ; (12): 737-741, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-276026


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To observe the effect of Liuweidihuang Pills in relieving cellphone electromagnetic radiation-induced histomorphological abnormality, oxidative injury, and cell apoptosis in the rat testis.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Thirty adult male SD rats were equally randomized into a normal, a radiated, and a Liuweidihuang group, the animals in the latter two groups exposed to electromagnetic radiation of 900 MHz cellphone frequency 4 hours a day for 18 days. Meanwhile, the rats in the Liuweidihuang group were treated with the suspension of Liuweidihuang Pills at 1 ml/100 g body weight and the other rats intragastrically with the equal volume of purified water. Then all the rats were killed for observation of testicular histomorphology by routine HE staining, measurement of testicular malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels by colorimetry, and determination of the expressions of bax and bcl-2 proteins in the testis tissue by immunohistochemistry.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Compared with the normal controls, the radiated rats showed obviously loose structure, reduced layers of spermatocytes, and cavitation in the seminiferous tubules. Significant increases were observed in the MDA level (P < 0.01) and bax expression (P < 0.01) but decreases in the GSH level (P < 0.01) and bcl-2 expression (P < 0.01) in the testis issue of the radiated rats. In comparison with the radiated rats, those of the Liuweidihuang group exhibited nearly normal testicular structure, significantly lower MDA level (P < 0.05), bax expression (P < 0.01), and bcl-2 expression (P < 0.01).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Liuweidihuang Pills can improve cellphone electromagnetic radiation-induced histomorphological abnormality of the testis tissue and reduce its oxidative damage and cell apoptosis.</p>

Animals , Male , Rats , Apoptosis , Radiation Effects , Body Weight , Radiation Effects , Cell Phone , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Pharmacology , Electromagnetic Radiation , Glutathione , Metabolism , Malondialdehyde , Metabolism , Oxidative Stress , Radiation-Protective Agents , Pharmacology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Seminiferous Tubules , Radiation Effects , Spermatocytes , Metabolism , Radiation Effects , Staining and Labeling , Testis , Metabolism , Pathology , Radiation Effects