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BMC Med ; 22(1): 125, 2024 Mar 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38500147


BACKGROUND: Highlighted by the rise of COVID-19, climate change, and conflict, socially vulnerable populations are least resilient to disaster. In infectious disease management, mathematical models are a commonly used tool. Researchers should include social vulnerability in models to strengthen their utility in reflecting real-world dynamics. We conducted a scoping review to evaluate how researchers have incorporated social vulnerability into infectious disease mathematical models. METHODS: The methodology followed the Joanna Briggs Institute and updated Arksey and O'Malley frameworks, verified by the PRISMA-ScR checklist. PubMed, Clarivate Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO Africa Wide Information, and Cochrane Library were systematically searched for peer-reviewed published articles. Screening and extracting data were done by two independent researchers. RESULTS: Of 4075 results, 89 articles were identified. Two-thirds of articles used a compartmental model (n = 58, 65.2%), with a quarter using agent-based models (n = 24, 27.0%). Overall, routine indicators, namely age and sex, were among the most frequently used measures (n = 42, 12.3%; n = 22, 6.4%, respectively). Only one measure related to culture and social behaviour (0.3%). For compartmental models, researchers commonly constructed distinct models for each level of a social vulnerability measure and included new parameters or influenced standard parameters in model equations (n = 30, 51.7%). For all agent-based models, characteristics were assigned to hosts (n = 24, 100.0%), with most models including age, contact behaviour, and/or sex (n = 18, 75.0%; n = 14, 53.3%; n = 10, 41.7%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Given the importance of equitable and effective infectious disease management, there is potential to further the field. Our findings demonstrate that social vulnerability is not considered holistically. There is a focus on incorporating routine demographic indicators but important cultural and social behaviours that impact health outcomes are excluded. It is crucial to develop models that foreground social vulnerability to not only design more equitable interventions, but also to develop more effective infectious disease control and elimination strategies. Furthermore, this study revealed the lack of transparency around data sources, inconsistent reporting, lack of collaboration with local experts, and limited studies focused on modelling cultural indicators. These challenges are priorities for future research.

COVID-19 , Communicable Diseases , Humans , Social Vulnerability , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Communicable Disease Control , Models, Theoretical
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 639, 2024 Feb 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38424507


INTRODUCTION: Access to childcare is an understudied social determinant of health (SDOH). Our health system established a childcare facility for patients to address childcare barriers to healthcare. Recognizing that social risk factors often co-exist, we sought to understand intersecting social risk factors among patients with childcare needs who utilized and did not utilize the childcare facility and identify residual unmet social needs alongside childcare needs. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of patients who enrolled in the childcare facility from November 2020 to October 2022 to compare parameters of the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) associated with the census tract extracted from electronic medical record (EMR) data among utilizers and non-utilizers of the facility. Overall SVI and segmentation into four themes of vulnerability (socioeconomic status, household characteristics, racial/ethnic minority status, and housing type/transportation) were compared across utilizers and utilizers. Number of 90th percentile indicators were also compared to assess extreme levels of vulnerability. A sample of utilizers additionally received a patient-reported social needs screening questionnaire administered at the childcare facility. RESULTS: Among 400 enrollees in the childcare facility, 70% utilized childcare services and 30% did not. Utilizers and non-utilizers were demographically similar, though utilizers were more likely to speak Spanish (34%) compared to non-utilizers (22%). Mean SVI was similar among utilizers and non-utilizers, but the mean number of 90th percentile indicators were higher for non-utilizers compared to utilizers (4.3 ± 2.7 vs 3.7 ± 2.7, p = 0.03), primarily driven by differences in the housing type/transportation theme (p = 0.01). Non-utilizers had a lower rate of healthcare utilization compared to utilizers (p = 0.02). Among utilizers who received patient-reported screening, 84% had one unmet social need identified, of whom 62% agreed for additional assistance. Among social work referrals, 44% were linked to social workers in their medical clinics, while 56% were supported by social work integrated in the childcare facility. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis of SDOH approximated by SVI showed actionable differences, potentially transportation barriers, among patients with childcare needs who utilized a health system-integrated childcare facility and patients who did not utilize services. Furthermore, residual unmet social needs among patients who utilized the facility demonstrate the multifactorial nature of social risk factors experienced by patients with childcare needs and opportunities to address intersecting social needs within an integrated intervention. Intersecting social needs require holistic examination and multifaceted interventions.

Ethnicity , Social Determinants of Health , Child , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Social Vulnerability , Child Care , Minority Groups
Pancreas ; 53(4): e317-e322, 2024 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38416846


OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to determine differences in Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) scores among minorities (African-Americans and Hispanics) with acute pancreatitis (AP) compared with non-Hispanic whites (NHWs) with AP. The secondary objectives were to determine differences in diet, sulfidogenic bacteria gene copy numbers (gcn) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels between the 2 groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with AP were enrolled during hospitalization (n = 54). Patient residential addresses were geocoded, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's SVI scores were appended. Dietary intake and serum H2S levels were determined. Microbial DNAs were isolated from stool, and gcn of sulfidogenic bacteria were determined. RESULTS: Minorities had higher SVI scores compared with NHWs ( P = 0.006). They also had lower consumption of beneficial nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids [stearidonic ( P = 0.019), and eicosapentaenoic acid ( P = 0.042)], vitamin D ( P = 0.025), and protein from seafood ( P = 0.031). Lastly, minorities had higher pan-dissimilatory sulfite reductase A ( pan-dsrA ) gcn ( P = 0.033) but no significant differences in H2S levels ( P = 0.226). CONCLUSION: Minorities with AP have higher SVI compared with NHWs with AP. Higher SVI scores, lower consumption of beneficial nutrients, and increased gcn of pan-dsrA in minorities with AP suggest that neighborhood vulnerability could be contributing to AP inequities.

Ethnic and Racial Minorities , Pancreatitis , Humans , Acute Disease , Social Vulnerability , Diet
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 31928, 31 ago. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1452578


This article presents, the vulnerabilities related with regarding access to health services facedby refugee women, of a research project conducted in Portugal between 2020 and 2022 as part of the Masters in Intercultural Relations program at Universidade Aberta. Objective: The overall goal was to gain a better understanding of the psychosocial reality of women who arrived in Portugal as a result of forced migration, focusing on the main difficulties of the migratory and adaptation journey -highlighting vulnerabilities related to health and access to health services at the present article -and the protective factors that facilitated their processes of resilience, adaptation, and social integration. Methodology:The meaningsof the protagonists' experiences were disclosed through nine semi-structured and in-depth interviews with a woman from Iraq, seven from Syria, and one from Libya, which were conducted separately, recorded and transcribed. Following the transcription and translation of the interviews, the content analysis began with the coding and categorization of the obtained data. Results:The investigationuncovered a number of vulnerabilities triggered by the migratory experience and gender belonging, such as prejudice, social isolation, and cultural shock (mostly linked to religion and clothing), which validated the intersectional analysis. The findings highlight a number of obstacles in the host nation, including access to health care, the quality of institutional interactions, and knowledge of the Portuguese language.Conclusions:The current investigation led to theconclusion that there are flawsin Portugal in terms of ensuring full access to health care for forced migrant women, highlighting as major obstacles: a lack of information in languagesother than Portuguese, a lack of offers tolearn and masterthe Portugueselanguage, a lack of knowledge about how health institutions work, and a lack of sensitivity and intercultural skills inhealthcareservices (AU).

Este artigo apresenta as vulnerabilidades relacionadas no acesso aos serviços de saúde sentidas por mulheres refugiadas, de um projeto de investigação realizado em Portugal entre 2020 e 2022 no âmbito do Mestrado em Relações Interculturais da Universidade Aberta. Objetivo:O objetivo geral foi conhecer melhor a realidade psicossocial das mulheres que chegaram a Portugal como resultado da migração forçada, focando as principais dificuldades do percurso migratório e de adaptação,destacando as vulnerabilidades relacionadas com a saúde e acesso aos serviços de saúde, além dos fatores de proteção que facilitaram seus processos de resiliência, adaptação e integração social. Metodologia:Os significados das vivências das protagonistasforam relevados por meio de nove entrevistas semiestruturadas e em profundidade, realizadas individualmente, gravadas e transcritas, com umamulher do Iraque, seteda Síria e umada Líbia. Após transcrição e tradução das entrevistas, a análise de conteúdopartiu da codificação e categorização da informação recolhida.Resultados:A investigação desvelou uma série de vulnerabilidadescausadas pela experiência migratória epertença de gênero,como a discriminação sentida sob a forma de preconceitos, o isolamento social e o choque cultural (sobretudo relacionado com a religião e o vestuário utilizado), o que justificou a análise intersecional. Os resultados revelam umconjuntode desafiosno país de acolhimento, como o acesso à saúde, a qualidade das relações institucionais e o domínio da língua portuguesa.Conclusões: A presente investigação permitiu concluir que existem algumas carências em Portugal no que diz respeito à garantia do pleno acesso aos cuidados de saúde sentidas pelasmulheres migrantes forçadas, destacando-se como principais obstáculos: a falta de informação numa língua que não o português, a falta de domínio da língua portuguesa, o desconhecimento sobre o funcionamento das instituições de saúde e falta de sensibilidade e de competências interculturais nos cuidados de saúde (AU).

Este artículo presenta, las vulnerabilidades relacionadasconen el acceso a los servicios de salud que sienten las mujeres refugiadas, de un proyectorealizado en Portugal entre 2020 y 2022 en el ámbito del Máster en Relaciones Interculturales de la Universidade Aberta.Objetivo: El objetivo fue comprender la realidad psicosocial de las mujeres que llegaron a Portugal como resultado de la migración forzada, centrándose en las principales dificultades del viaje de migración y adaptación, destacandovulnerabilidades relacionadas con la salud y el acceso a los servicios de salud, además de los factores de protección que facilitaron sus procesos de resiliencia, adaptación e integración social. Metodología: Los significados de las experiencias fueron revelados através de nueve entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad, realizadas individualmente, grabadas y transcritas, con una mujer de Irak, siete de Siria y una de Libia. Luego de la transcripción y traducción, se inició el análisis de contenido con la codificación y categorización de la información.Resultados: La investigación reveló vulnerabilidades provocadas por la experiencia migratoria y la pertenencia de género,como la discriminación sentida en forma de prejuicio, el aislamiento social y el choque cultural (principalmente relacionado con la religión y la vestimenta), que justificaron el análisis interseccional.Los resultados revelan desafíos en Portugal,como el acceso a la salud, la calidad de las relaciones institucionales y el dominio de la lengua portuguesa.Conclusiones: La presente investigación llevó a la conclusión de que existen fallas en Portugal en cuanto a garantizar el pleno acceso a la atención de la salud de las refugiadas,destacándose: falta de información en un idioma diferenteal portugués, falta de dominio de la lengua portuguesa, falta de conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de las instituciones de salud y falta de sensibilidad y habilidades interculturales en la atención de la salud (AU).

Humans , Female , Adult , Refugees , Women's Health , Human Migration , Social Vulnerability , Health Services Accessibility , Portugal/epidemiology , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Human Rights , National Health Programs
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e251630, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448947


Este estudo qualitativo teve como objetivo compreender, a partir da teoria de bioecológica de desenvolvimento, as implicações da prática profissional no processo de acolhimento de crianças em uma casa-abrigo, na perspectiva de cuidadoras. As participantes foram 10 profissionais de uma casa-abrigo localizada na região sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a organização e análise dos dados sustentou-se na Grounded Theory, com auxílio do software Atlas.ti 8.4.14. Os resultados evidenciaram uma centralização das ações de acolhimento e atenção em torno dos cuidados físicos das crianças. As ações para promover suporte e cuidados emocionais dentro da casa-abrigo eram delegadas às profissionais da equipe técnica da instituição. Observou-se que as dificuldades encontradas pelas cuidadoras diziam respeito à falta de segurança e preparação para responder e acolher as demandas emocionais das crianças, as quais estão presentes em diversos momentos do processo de acolhimento. Percebeu-se que as práticas institucionais afetaram decisivamente tanto as ações de acolhimento das participantes e o suporte emocional oferecido às crianças na passagem pela casa-abrigo quanto as cuidadoras, no sentido de vivenciarem no trabalho sentimentos de insegurança. Os resultados tensionam ecologicamente a interação nos processos proximais presentes no desenvolvimento humano. Advoga-se pela reflexão sobre as implicações das práticas institucionais de uma casa-abrigo e o desenvolvimento infantil, visando o cuidado integral dos acolhidos.(AU)

Based on the developmental bioecological theory, this study analyzes the implications of professional practice in children's user embracement at a shelter from the caregivers' perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 professionals from a shelter located in southern Brazil. Data organization and analysis was performed based on Grounded Theory using the Atlas.ti 8.4.14 software. Results showed that embracement and attention focus on the physical care of children. Support and emotional care activities were delegated to the institution's technical team. Caregivers faced difficulties regarding the lack of security and preparation to respond to and accept the children's emotional demands, which arise at different moments in the embracement process. The institutional practices decisively affected both user embracement actions and the emotional support offered to the children, as well as the caregivers, in the sense of experiencing feelings of insecurity. These findings ecologically tension the interaction in the proximal processes present in human development. Further reflections on the implications of institutional shelter-based practices for child development are needed to provide comprehensive care.(AU)

Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo comprender, desde la perspectiva de la teoría bioecológica del desarrollo, las implicaciones de la práctica profesional en el proceso de acogida de niños en una institución infantil desde la perspectiva de las cuidadoras. Las participantes fueron 10 profesionales de una institución de acogida infantil ubicada en la región Sur de Brasil. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada, y para la organización y análisis de datos se aplicó Grounded Theory, con el uso del software Atlas.ti 8.4.14. Los resultados mostraron que las acciones de recepción y atención se centran en el cuidado físico de los niños. Las acciones de promoción de apoyo y cuidado emocional dentro del alojamiento se asignaron a los profesionales del equipo técnico de la institución. Se observó que las dificultades encontradas por las cuidadoras estaban relacionadas con la falta de seguridad y preparación para responder y aceptar las demandas emocionales de los niños, las cuales se encuentran presentes en diferentes momentos del proceso de acogida. Se notó que las prácticas institucionales afectaron decisivamente tanto las acciones de acogida de las participantes como el apoyo emocional que la institución brinda a los niños durante su paso, así como a las cuidadoras en el sentido de experimentar sentimientos de inseguridad en el trabajo. Estos resultados tensan ecológicamente la interacción en los procesos proximales presentes en el desarrollo humano. Se aboga por reflexionar sobre las implicaciones de las prácticas institucionales en los alojamientos institucionales y el desarrollo infantil, apuntando a la atención integral de los acogidos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Professional Practice , Child , Caregivers , Ecology , User Embracement , Human Development , Pain , Parent-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior , Paternal Deprivation , Play and Playthings , Poverty , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Safety , Attention , Sibling Relations , Sleep , Social Adjustment , Social Change , Social Conditions , Social Environment , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Support , Sociology , Sports , Violence , Battered Child Syndrome , Women , Child Labor , Adoption , Divorce , Family , Child, Abandoned , Child Abuse , Child Advocacy , Child Development , Child, Institutionalized , Child Rearing , Child, Unwanted , Child Welfare , Residence Characteristics , Family Characteristics , Health , Hygiene , Child of Impaired Parents , Liability, Legal , Hunger , Civil Disorders , Parenting , Interview , Domestic Violence , Cultural Diversity , Life , Crime Victims , Alcohol-Related Disorders , Affect , Culture , Personal Autonomy , Official Instructions , Defense Mechanisms , Adult Children , Stress Disorders, Traumatic , Qualitative Research , Friends , Minors , Adolescent Development , Human Rights Abuses , Diet , Alcoholism , Empathy , Health of Institutionalized Children , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Drug Users , Chemically-Induced Disorders , Enslaved Persons , Grounded Theory , Grandparents , Psychological Trauma , Child, Adopted , Child, Foster , Freedom , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Family Separation , Psychological Distress , Right to Health , Emotional Abuse , Freedom of Religion , Social Interaction , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Family Support , Household Work , Human Rights , Individuality , Institutionalization , Jealousy , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Love , Malpractice , Maternal Deprivation , Mental Disorders , Motivation , Object Attachment
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250670, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448949


Este artigo refere-se à parte de uma pesquisa de doutorado, realizada em hospital de alta complexidade do Sistema Único de Saúde, cujos participantes são os profissionais de saúde. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o potencial da abordagem das narrativas como método de pesquisa e intervenção nos serviços de saúde, traçando aproximações com a teoria psicanalítica. Sua relevância no campo da Saúde Pública está calcada no reconhecimento do papel do sujeito como agente de mudanças. O texto divide-se em duas partes: na primeira, explora as especificidades do trabalho na área da saúde, o paradigma da saúde pública no que concerne à gestão e possíveis contribuições da clínica ampliada para esse modelo. Na segunda parte, analisa o uso das narrativas como método de pesquisa nesse campo e as aproximações conceituais entre a narrativa em Walter Benjamin e a psicanálise em Freud. Busca na literatura referências sobre experiências análogas que fundamentem a proposta ora realizada e conclui pela importância de, no momento atual, apostar na força germinativa das narrativas como fonte criativa de novas formas de cuidar.(AU)

This article derives from a PhD research conducted with health professionals at a high-complexity public hospital from the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). It analyzes the potential of the narrative as a research and intervention method in health services, outlining approximations with psychoanalysis. In the field of Public Health, the narrative approach acknowledges the individual as an agent of change. The text is divided into two parts. The first presents an overview of the peculiarities involved in healthcare, the Public Health paradigm regarding service management and possible contributions from the expanded clinic to this model. The second analyzes the use of narratives as a research method in this field and the conceptual approximations between Benjamin's narrative and Freud's psychoanalysis. It searches the literature for references on similar experiences to support the present proposal and concludes by highlighting the importance of betting on the creative power of narratives as a source for new ways to care.(AU)

Este artículo es parte de una investigación doctoral, realizada con los profesionales de la salud de un hospital de alta complejidad del Sistema Único de Salud de Brasil. Su propósito es analizar el potencial del enfoque en narrativas como método de investigación e intervención en los servicios de salud, esbozando aproximaciones entre las narrativas y la teoría del psicoanálisis. Su relevancia en el campo de la salud pública se basa en el reconocimiento del rol del sujeto como agente de cambio. El texto se divide en dos partes: La primera investiga las especificidades del trabajo en el área de la salud, el paradigma de la salud pública en la gestión de los servicios y las posibles contribuciones de la clínica ampliada a este modelo. En la segunda parte, analiza el uso de narrativas como método de investigación en este campo y las aproximaciones conceptuales entre la narrativa de Walter Benjamin y el psicoanálisis de Freud. Este estudio busca en la literatura referencias sobre experiencias similares que apoyen la propuesta ahora realizada y concluye con la importancia de, en el momento actual, apostar por el poder de las narrativas como fuente creadora de nuevas formas de cuidar.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Narration , Qualitative Research , Education, Public Health Professional , Policy , Anxiety , Pain , Parapsychology , Personality , Politics , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychology , Psychopathology , Psychotherapy , Public Health Administration , Quality of Health Care , Regional Health Planning , Social Change , Social Conditions , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Superego , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Unconscious, Psychology , Behavior , Behavioral Symptoms , Technical Cooperation , Burnout, Professional , Activities of Daily Living , Mental Health , Disease , Psychological Techniques , Health Strategies , Efficiency, Organizational , Life , Health Equity , Organizational Modernization , Biomedical Technology , Disaster Vulnerability , Culture , Capitalism , Value of Life , Death , Depression , Economics , Ego , Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management , Scientific and Technical Activities , Essential Public Health Functions , Humanization of Assistance , Ethics, Institutional , Information Technology , Narrative Therapy , Social Determinants of Health , Integrality in Health , Ambulatory Care , Psychological Trauma , Emotion-Focused Therapy , Occupational Stress , Fascism , Burnout, Psychological , Interpersonal Psychotherapy , Psychological Distress , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Health Occupations , Health Services Accessibility , History , Human Rights , Id , Mental Health Services , Morals
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e241608, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448958


O distanciamento social ocasionado pela pandemia de Covid-19 levou a profundas mudanças na rotina das famílias com crianças pequenas, aumentando o estresse no ambiente doméstico. Este estudo analisou a experiência de planejamento e implementação de um projeto de extensão universitária que ofereceu orientação a pais com filhos de 0 a 11 anos por meio de chamadas de áudio durante a pandemia. O protocolo de atendimento foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de famílias de baixa renda e listava problemas específicos relacionados ao confinamento em casa e ao fechamento das escolas seguidos por uma variedade de estratégias de enfrentamento. A análise de 223 queixas relatadas pelos usuários em 130 ligações revelou que 94% dos problemas referidos pelos pais foram contemplados pelo protocolo de atendimento e estavam relacionados aos problemas externalizantes (39%) ou internalizantes (26%) das crianças ou ao declínio do bem-estar subjetivo dos pais (29%). Serviços de apoio devem orientar os pais quanto ao uso de práticas responsivas e assertivas que promovam o bem-estar emocional da criança e estabeleçam expectativas comportamentais em contextos estressantes. A diminuição dos conflitos entre pais e filhos resultante do uso dessas estratégias tende a reduzir o sofrimento dos pais, aumentando sua sensação de bem-estar subjetivo. Recomenda-se ampla divulgação dessas iniciativas e seguimento dos casos.(AU)

The social distancing the COVID-19 pandemic entailed has led to profound changes in the routine of families with young children, increasing stress in the home environment. This study analyzed the experience of planning and implementing a university extension program that offered support to parents with children from 0 to 11 years old via audio calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service protocol was developed to meet the needs of low-income families and listed specific problems related to home confinement and school closure followed by a variety of coping strategies. The analysis of 223 complaints reported by users in 130 calls revealed that 94% of the problems reported by parents were addressed by the protocol and were related to children's externalizing (39%) or internalizing (26%) problems or to the decline in parents' subjective well-being (29%). Support services should guide parents on the use of responsive and assertive practices that promote the child's emotional well-being and set behavioral expectations in stressful contexts. The reduction in conflicts between parents and children resulting from the use of these strategies tends to reduce parents' suffering, increasing their sense of subjective well-being. Wide dissemination of these initiatives and case follow-up are recommended.(AU)

La distancia social causada por la pandemia de COVID-19 condujo a cambios profundos en la rutina de las familias con niños pequeños, aumentando el estrés en el entorno del hogar. Este estudio analizó la experiencia de planificar e implementar un proyecto de extensión universitaria que ofreció orientación a los padres con niños de cero a 11 años a través de llamadas de audio durante la pandemia COVID-19. El protocolo de atención se desarrolló para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias de bajos ingresos y enumeró problemas específicos relacionados con el confinamiento en el hogar y el cierre de la escuela, seguido de una variedad de estrategias de afrontamiento. El análisis de 223 quejas informadas por los usuarios en 130 llamadas reveló que el 94% de los problemas informados por los padres fueron abordados por el protocolo de atención y estaban relacionados con los problemas de externalización (39%) o internalización (26%) de los niños o la disminución del bienestar subjetivo de los padres (29%). Los servicios de apoyo deberían aconsejar a los padres sobre el uso de prácticas receptivas y asertivas que promuevan el bienestar emocional del niño y establezcan expectativas de comportamiento en contextos estresantes. La reducción de los conflictos entre padres e hijos como resultado del uso de estas estrategias tiende a reducir el sufrimiento de los padres, aumentando su sensación de bienestar subjetivo. Se recomienda una amplia difusión de estas iniciativas y seguimiento de casos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Orientation , Parents , Personal Satisfaction , Child , Problem Behavior , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Appetite , Play and Playthings , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychomotor Agitation , Quality of Life , Reading , Recreation , Remedial Teaching , Respiratory Tract Infections , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , School Health Services , Self Concept , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Social Adjustment , Social Conditions , Social Conformity , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Task Performance and Analysis , Telephone , Temperament , Therapeutics , Time , Unemployment , Violence , Behavior Therapy , Work Hours , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Child Abuse, Sexual , Boredom , Neurosciences , Virus Diseases , Activities of Daily Living , Bereavement , Exercise , Divorce , Child Abuse , Child Development , Mental Health , Mass Vaccination , Relaxation Therapy , Immunization , Self-Injurious Behavior , Civil Rights , Parenting , Panic Disorder , Interview , Cognition , Domestic Violence , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Lecture , Disabled Children , Wit and Humor , Internet , Creativity , Crisis Intervention , Crying , Disaster Vulnerability , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , Death , Friends , Aggression , Depression , Drive , Economics , Education, Special , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Faculty , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fear , Binge Drinking , Meals , Return to Work , Hope , Optimism , Pessimism , Self-Control , Phobia, Social , Psychosocial Support Systems , Work-Life Balance , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Screen Time , Disgust , Sadness , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Psychosocial Intervention , Teleworking , Financial Stress , Food Insecurity , Sentiment Analysis , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Family Support , Government , Guilt , Holistic Health , Homeostasis , Hospitalization , Household Work , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Anger , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Mental Disorders
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255496, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529211


O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a construção metodológica desenvolvida em uma pesquisa de mestrado, na qual sustentamos a escrita de cenas como método de pesquisa da escuta clínica. As cenas do trabalho em questão foram recolhidas ao longo do tempo, no contorno da experiência de um projeto de extensão universitária de atenção à infância e adolescência em situação de vulnerabilidade social, situado em uma comunidade periférica. Apresentamos, neste texto, as interrogações que se elaboraram em torno da escolha pelo trabalho com cenas, e compartilhamos o resgate histórico dessas como um método de escrever a clínica, bem como a retomada de sua análise a partir da tradição psicanalítica. Amparadas nesta teoria e em leituras e contribuições do filósofo francês Jacques Derrida, embasamos a noção de que a cena se constitui como um lugar de produção, ao engendrar a configuração particular de elementos significantes nos processos de subjetivação e de construção social. A cena não é, então, compreendida aqui como uma representação do que acontece na clínica, mas como um modo de produzir a escuta e os seus processos de investigação.(AU)

This article aims to present the methodological construction developed in a master's research, in which the writing of scenes as a method of clinical listening research was endorsed. The scenes from the study in question were collected over time, from the experience gained in a project conducted within a university extension program on care in childhood and adolescence in social vulnerability, in a peripheral community. In this study, we present some questions that were elaborated surrounding the choices of working with scenes; and we share the historical rescue of this work as a method of writing on clinic practices and resuming their analysis from the psychoanalytic tradition. Based on the psychoanalytic theory and on the readings and contributions of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, we corroborate the notion that the scene is constituted as a place of production, engendering the particular configuration of significant elements in the processes of subjectivation and social construction. Here, the scene is not a representation of clinical practice but one mode of producing listening and its research processes.(AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la construcción metodológica desarrollada en una investigación de maestría, en la que sostenemos la escritura de escenas como método de investigación de la escucha clínica. Las escenas del trabajo en cuestión se recogieron a lo largo del tiempo desde la experiencia en un proyecto de extensión universitario de atención a la niñez y adolescencia en situación de vulnerabilidad social aplicado en una comunidad periférica. En este texto, presentamos los interrogantes que se elaboraron en torno a la elección por el trabajo con escenas y compartimos el rescate histórico de las mismas como un método de escribir la clínica y la reanudación del análisis a partir de la tradición psicoanalítica. Amparadas en el psicoanálisis y en lecturas y contribuciones del filósofo francés Jacques Derrida, nos basaremos en la noción de que la escena se constituye como un lugar de producción, engendrando la configuración particular de elementos significantes en los procesos de subjetivación y de construcción social. La escena no es aquí una representación de lo que pasa en la clínica, sino un modo de producir escucha y sus procesos de investigación.(AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Psychoanalysis , Child , Child Welfare , Equipment and Supplies , Methodology as a Subject , Meals , Social Vulnerability , Parapsychology , Parent-Child Relations , Parents , Paternity , Play and Playthings , Play Therapy , Poverty , Psychological Phenomena , Psychological Theory , Psychology , Psychology, Clinical , Reality Therapy , Scapegoating , Schools , Sibling Relations , Social Class , Social Isolation , Social Justice , Social Responsibility , Social Support , Social Work , Speech , Superego , Unconscious, Psychology , Behavior , Poverty Areas , Solid Waste Use , Child, Abandoned , Child Abuse , Child Advocacy , Child Care , Child Development , Developmental Disabilities , Residence Characteristics , Hygiene , Child Health , Liability, Legal , Adolescent , Parenting , Clinical Clerkship , Comprehensive Health Care , Consciousness , Life , Crime , Crisis Intervention , Affect , Culture , Narration , Diapers, Infant , Research Subjects , Aggression , Human Rights Abuses , Dreams , Education , Ego , Employment , Job Market , Ethics , Child Nutrition , Bullying , Social Marginalization , Child, Foster , Social Privilege , Freedom , Freudian Theory , Economic Status , Respect , Clinical Decision Rules , Social Inclusion , Housing Instability , Low Socioeconomic Status , History , Human Rights , Id , Functional Laterality , Love , Memory , Memory, Short-Term , Morale , Names
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255165, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529227


O presente estudo qualitativo objetivou compreender as expectativas de mães e cuidadoras sobre a sua participação no Programa ACT para Educar Crianças em Ambientes Seguros na versão remota, no período da pandemia de covid-19. Também visou identificar a percepção das participantes sobre educar uma criança em um ambiente seguro. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas on-line com doze mães e cuidadoras, antes da participação no Programa ACT. Os resultados indicaram diferentes expectativas sobre a participação no Programa ACT, entre elas: adquirir novos conhecimentos, aprimorar as habilidades parentais, trocar experiências, receber auxílio no momento da pandemia de covid-19 e possibilitar para a criança um desenvolvimento saudável. Na percepção das mães e cuidadoras, a versão remota do Programa ACT apresenta aspectos positivos; entre eles, a participação de pais e cuidadores que não residem na cidade em que é oferecida a intervenção. No entanto, apontaram como fatores negativos a ausência do contato físico e as interrupções que podem acontecer a partir das falhas de internet. Para as mães e cuidadoras, educar a criança em um ambiente seguro estava relacionado a promover os direitos estabelecidos no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), como educação, saúde, lazer, cuidado, afeto, assim como protegê-la de situações de violência. Considera-se que as expectativas das participantes estavam alinhadas aos objetivos do Programa ACT. Torna-se prioritário oferecer programas de prevenção à violência aos pais e cuidadores, em especial em momentos adversos como o da pandemia de covid-19, a fim de promover o desenvolvimento e a saúde das crianças, assim como prevenir situações de violação de direitos.(AU)

This qualitative study aims to understand the expectations of mothers and caregivers about participating in the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in its remote version, during the COVID-19 pandemic period. It also aims to identify the participants' perception of raising a child in a safe environment. Semi-structured on-line interviews were conducted with 12 mothers/caregivers, prior to participation in the ACT Program. The results indicated different expectations regarding the participation in the ACT Program, for example: acquiring new knowledge, improving parenting skills, exchanging experiences, receiving support during the COVID-19 pandemic, and enabling the child to have a healthy development. In the perception of mothers and caregivers, the remote version of the ACT Program has positive aspects, such as the participation of parents and caregivers who do not live in the city where the intervention is offered. However, they pointed out as negative factors absence of physical contact and interruptions due to internet failures. For the mothers/caregivers, educating children in a safe environment was related to promoting the rights established by the Brazilian Child and Adolescent Statute, namely education, health, leisure, care, affection, as well as protecting them from situations of violence. The expectations of the participants were aligned with the objectives of the ACT Program. Offering violence prevention programs to parents and caregivers is a priority, especially in adverse moments such as the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to promote the development and health of children, as well as prevent situations of violation of rights.(AU)

Este estudio cualitativo pretendió comprender las expectativas de madres y cuidadoras sobre la participación en el Programa de ACT para Educar a Niños en Ambientes Seguros en la versión remota, en el periodo de la pandemia de la COVID-19. También se propuso identificar la percepción de las participantes sobre educar a un niño en un ambiente seguro. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas en línea con 12 madres/cuidadoras, antes de la participación en el Programa ACT. Los resultados señalaron diferentes expectativas con la participación del Programa de ACT, entre ellas: adquirir nuevos conocimientos, perfeccionar las habilidades parentales, intercambiar experiencias, recibir auxilio en el momento de la pandemia de la COVID-19 y posibilitar al niño un desarrollo saludable. En la percepción de las madres y cuidadoras, la versión remota del Programa de ACT presenta aspectos positivos, como la participación de padres y cuidadores que no residen en la ciudad donde es ofrecida la intervención. Sin embargo, señalaron como factores negativos la ausencia del contacto físico y las interrupciones, que pueden ocurrir por fallas en Internet. Para las madres/cuidadoras, educar al niño en un ambiente seguro estaba relacionado a promover los derechos establecidos en el Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente de Brasil, como educación, salud, ocio, cuidado, afecto, así como protegerlo de situaciones de violencia. Se considera que las expectativas de las participantes estaban alineadas con los objetivos del Programa de ACT. Es prioritario ofrecer programas de prevención a la violencia a los padres y cuidadores, en especial en momentos adversos como el de la pandemia de la COVID-19, con el fin de promover el desarrollo y la salud de los niños, así como prevenir situaciones de vulneración de derechos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Child Abuse , Disease Prevention , Psychosocial Intervention , Appetite , Personality Development , Play Therapy , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychomotor Performance , Public Policy , Safety , Schools , Sex Offenses , Authoritarianism , Social Adjustment , Social Class , Social Isolation , Social Responsibility , Social Support , Stress, Psychological , Battered Child Syndrome , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Behavioral Symptoms , Child Abuse, Sexual , Brazil , Online Systems , Character , Child , Child, Abandoned , Child Care , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Negotiating , Interview , Domestic Violence , Coronavirus , Combat Disorders , Communications Media , Comprehensive Health Care , Crime , Hazards , Affective Symptoms , Culture , Surveillance in Disasters , Death , Whistleblowing , Vulnerable Populations , Aggression , Dreams , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Family Therapy , Pandemics , Social Networking , Personal Narrative , Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders , Psychological Trauma , Social Workers , Child, Foster , Frustration , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Respect , Psychological Distress , Sexual Trauma , Social Inclusion , Return to School , Food Supply , COVID-19 , Home Environment , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Hematoma , Homicide , House Calls , Human Rights , Infanticide , Life Change Events , Love , Malpractice , Maternal Welfare , Mental Disorders , Narcissism , Object Attachment
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e257126, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529221


O texto é um relato de experiência da participação no Grupo de Estudos psicoQuilombologia ocorrida nos meses de setembro de 2020 a março de 2021, período atravessado pela segunda onda da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. O objetivo do relato é apresentar o conceito-movimento de psicoQuilombologia como uma proposta epistemológica quilombola de agenciamento de cuidado e saúde, com base em uma escuta que se faça descolonial e inspirada no fecundo e ancestral acervo de cuidado dos povos africanos, quilombolas e pretos, preservado e atualizado em nossos quilombos contemporâneos. A metodologia utilizada é a escrevivência, método desenvolvido por Conceição Evaristo que propõe uma escrita em que as vivência e memórias estão totalmente entrelaçadas, imersas e imbricadas com a pesquisa. O resultado das escrevivências dessa pesquisa descortinam que os povos pretos desenvolveram práticas de cuidado e acolhimento às vulnerabilidades do outro, enraizadas no fortalecimento de laços e conexões coletivas de afetos e cuidado mútuos. Práticas de cuidado que articulam memória, ancestralidade, tradição, comunidade, transformação, luta, resistência e emancipação, engendrando modos coletivos de ser e viver. Nas quais cuidar do outro implica tratar suas relações e situar o cuidado como extensão de uma cura que se agencia no coletivo. O trabalho conclui apontando que o cenário pandêmico vigente acentua a pungência de se desenvolver estratégias de cuidado baseadas em epistemologias pretas e quilombolas, valorizando os sentidos de ancestralidade, comunidade, pertencimento e emancipação.(AU)

The text is an experience report of the participation in the psicoQuilombology Study Group that carried out from September 2020 to March 2021, during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The purpose of the report is to introduce the concept-movement of psicoQuilombology as a quilombola epistemological proposal for the development of care and health, based on a decolonial listening and inspired by the rich care collection of African peoples, quilombolas and Blacks, preserved and updated in our contemporary quilombos. The methodology used is writexperience [escrevivências], a method developed by Conceição Evaristo who proposes a writing in that the experiences and memories are totally involved with the research. The result of the writability of this research show that Black people have developed practices of care and acceptance of the other's vulnerabilities, based on the strengthening of ties and collective connections of mutual affection and care. Care practices that mix memory, ancestry, tradition, community, transformation, struggle, resistance and emancipation, outlining collective ways of being and living. The core idea is that taking care of the other means treating your relationships and maintaining care as an extension of a cure that takes place in the collective. The paper concludes by pointing out that the current pandemic scenario demonstrates the urgent need to develop care strategies based on black and quilombola epistemologies, valuing the senses of ancestry, community, belonging and emancipation.(AU)

Este es un reporte de experiencia de la participación en el Grupo de Estudio psicoQuilombología que ocurrió en los meses de septiembre de 2020 a marzo de 2021, periodo en que Brasil afrontaba la segunda ola de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Su propósito es presentar el concepto-movimiento de psicoQuilombología como una propuesta epistemológica quilombola para el desarrollo del cuidado y la salud, basada en una escucha decolonial e inspirada en el rico acervo asistencial de los pueblos africanos, quilombolas y negros, conservado y actualizado en nuestros quilombos contemporáneos. La metodología utilizada es la escrivivencia, un método desarrollado por Conceição Evaristo quien propone una escrita en que las vivencias y los recuerdos están totalmente involucrados con la investigación. El resultado de la escrivivencia muestra que las personas negras han desarrollado prácticas de cuidado y aceptación de las vulnerabilidades del otro, basadas en el fortalecimiento de lazos y conexiones colectivas de afecto y cuidado mutuos. Prácticas de cuidado que mezclan memoria, ascendencia, tradición, comunidad, transformación, lucha, resistencia y emancipación, perfilando formas colectivas de ser y vivir. El cuidar al otro significa tratar sus relaciones y mantener el cuidado como una extensión de una cura que tiene lugar en lo colectivo. El trabajo concluye que el actual escenario pandémico demuestra la urgente necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de atención basadas en epistemologías negras y quilombolas, y que valoren los sentidos de ascendencia, comunidad, pertenencia y emancipación.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Black or African American , Health Strategies , Problem-Based Learning , Knowledge , Empathy , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Quilombola Communities , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychology , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Religion , Audiovisual Aids , Social Behavior , Social Conditions , Social Desirability , Social Dominance , Social Identification , Socioeconomic Factors , Stereotyping , Violence , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Mainstreaming, Education , Attitude , Ethnicity , Family , Mental Health , Colonialism , Congresses as Topic , Basic Sanitation , Community Participation , Life , Cooperative Behavior , Internet , Culture , Spiritual Therapies , Personal Autonomy , Spirituality , Vulnerable Populations , Black People , Agriculture , Education , Ego , User Embracement , Existentialism , Racism , Social Marginalization , Human Migration , Ethnic Violence , Enslavement , Moral Status , Frailty , Survivorship , Political Activism , Social Construction of Ethnic Identity , Nation-State , Freedom , Social Vulnerability Index , Solidarity , Empowerment , Social Evolution , Sociodemographic Factors , Systemic Racism , Ethnic and Racial Minorities , Cognitive Restructuring , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Working Conditions , African People , Traditional Medicine Practitioners , Hierarchy, Social , History , Homing Behavior , Household Work , Housing , Human Rights , Individuality , Life Change Events , Mass Behavior
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e244202, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1431126


O objeto de estudo deste trabalho é a atuação de psicólogas(os) no campo da educação básica. Tivemos como objetivo investigar as práticas de atuação e os desafios enfrentados pelas(os) psicólogas(os) que trabalham na educação em Boa Vista (RR), com intuito de conhecer a inserção desses profissionais no sistema educacional. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, orientada pelo referencial teórico-metodológico da Psicologia Escolar Crítica. Realizamos o processo de levantamento dos dados entre os meses de março e abril de 2018, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, audiogravadas e transcritas. Encontramos 21 psicólogas e um psicólogo trabalhando em instituições educacionais e de ensino na cidade; a maioria atuava na educação básica; metade dos entrevistados ingressou por concurso público e a outra metade era contratada e comissionada; poucos(as) foram contratados(as) como psicólogos(as) escolares. Para a análise, selecionamos dez psicólogas(os) com mais tempo no cargo. Quanto às práticas de atuação, identificamos que 60% atuavam na modalidade clínica e 40% na modalidade clínica e institucional. Como desafios, encontramos melhoria das condições de trabalho; estabelecimento de relações hierárquicas e a dificuldade de fazer compreender as especificidades desse campo de trabalho; necessidade na melhoria das condições para formação continuada; atuação da(o) psicóloga(o) escolar enquanto ação institucional. Diante do exposto, compreendemos ser necessária uma mudança de paradigma na atuação das(os) psicólogas(os) que trabalham na educação na região, e a apropriação das discussões da área, principalmente, aquelas apresentadas pela Psicologia Escolar Crítica, vez que esta contribui para uma atuação que leve em conta os determinantes sociais, políticos, culturais e pedagógicos que constituem o processo de escolarização.(AU)

This work has as object of study the role of psychologists in the field of Basic Education. We aimed to investigate practices and challenges faced by psychologists who work in education in Boa Vista/RR, to know the insertion of these professionals in the educational system. This is a qualitative research, guided by the theoretical-methodological framework of Critical School Psychology. The data collection process was carried out between March and April 2018, with semi-structured, audio-recorded, and transcribed interviews. We found 21 female psychologists and one male psychologist working in educational institutions in the municipality; most worked in Basic Education; half of the interviewees had applied to work as government employee and the other half were hired and commissioned; few were hired as school psychologists. To carry out the analysis, we selected ten psychologists with more time in the position. Regarding the practices, we have identified that 60% worked in the clinical modality and 40% in the clinical and institutional modality. As challenges, we find the improvement in working conditions; the establishment of hierarchical relationships and the difficulty of making the specificities of this field of work understood; the need to improve conditions for continuing education; the practice of the school psychologist as institutional action. In view of the above, we understand that a paradigm shift in the performance of psychologists working in education in that region is necessary, and the appropriation of discussions in the area, especially those presented by Critical School Psychology, contributes to an action that considers social, political, cultural, and pedagogical determinants that constitute the schooling process.(AU)

Este trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la actuación profesional de las(os) psicólogas(os) en la educación básica. Su objetivo es investigar las prácticas y retos que enfrentan las(os) psicólogas(os) que trabajan en la educación en Boa Vista, en Roraima (Brasil), con la intención de conocer la inserción de estos profesionales en el sistema educativo. Esta es una investigación cualitativa que se guía por el marco teórico-metodológico de la Psicología Escolar Crítica. Se recopilaron los datos entre los meses de marzo y abril de 2018, mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, grabadas en audio y después transcritas. Las 21 psicólogas y un psicólogo trabajan en instituciones educativas de la ciudad; la mayoría trabajaba en la educación básica; la mitad de los entrevistados ingresaron mediante concurso público y la otra mitad era contratada y de puesto comisionado; pocos fueron contratados como psicólogos escolares. Para el análisis, se seleccionaron diez psicólogas(os) con más tiempo en el cargo. Con respecto a las prácticas, el 60% trabajaba en la modalidad clínica; y el 40%, en la modalidad clínica e institucional. Los retos son mejora de las condiciones laborales; establecimiento de relaciones jerárquicas y dificultad para comprender las especificidades de este campo de trabajo; necesidad de mejorar las condiciones para la educación continua; y actuación dela (del) psicóloga(o) escolar como acción institucional. En vista de lo anterior, es necesario el cambio de paradigma en la práctica profesional de las(os) psicólogas(os) que trabajan en la educación de la región y la apropiación de las discusiones del área, especialmente las presentadas por la Psicología Escolar Crítica, que contribuye a una acción que tiene en cuenta los determinantes sociales, políticos, culturales y pedagógicos que constituyen el proceso de escolarización.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology, Educational , Schools , Education, Primary and Secondary , Pathology , Aptitude , Play and Playthings , Play Therapy , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Applied , Psychology, Clinical , Psychomotor Performance , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Remedial Teaching , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , School Health Services , Autistic Disorder , Social Adjustment , Social Change , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Values , Socialization , Student Dropouts , Students , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Task Performance and Analysis , Thinking , Underachievement , Behavior , Mainstreaming, Education , Mentors , Adaptation, Psychological , Family , Child Advocacy , Developmental Disabilities , Child Guidance , Child Rearing , Mental Health , Child Health , Mental Competency , Public Sector , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Disabled Persons , Interview , Cognition , Communication , Communication Disorders , Problem-Based Learning , Community Participation , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Counseling , Creativity , Growth and Development , Dyslexia , Education of Intellectually Disabled , Education, Special , Educational Measurement , Educational Status , Projects , Ethics, Institutional , Information Technology , Faculty , Resilience, Psychological , Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena , Bullying , Medicalization , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Academic Failure , School Mental Health Services , Psychosocial Functioning , Social Vulnerability , Health Services Needs and Demand , Holistic Health , Human Development , Human Rights , Individuality , Intelligence , Interpersonal Relations , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Medical History Taking , Memory , Mental Disorders , Motivation
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(4): 1436-1457, dez. 2022.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1428524


Atualmente, verifica-se o incremento do número de casos divulgados em relatórios oficiais sobre violência sexual infanto-juvenil na Reserva Indígena de Dourados (RID), o que demonstra uma grave problemática de vulnerabilidade social e a necessidade de articulação das políticas públicas para os povos originários. O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em caracterizar a violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes indígenas. Realizou-se pesquisa qualitativa de análise documental de 20 reportagens veiculadas em 10 jornais de abrangência estadual, no período de 2015 a 2020. A abordagem decolonial orientou a interpretação dos resultados. Os resultados revelam que crianças do gênero feminino foram as mais vitimizadas. A maioria dos agressores possui vínculo de parentesco com as vítimas e a vulnerabilidade social e o uso de álcool são identificados como fatores de risco para a ocorrência das violências sexuais. Sugere-se a articulação de uma rede especializada de atendimento e a implementação de políticas públicas, que considerem a insterseccionalidade de marcadores sociais de gênero, etnia, idade e território, como fatores de proteção para o combate à violência sexual infanto-juvenil de indígenas.

Nowadays is observed an increase in the number of sexually abused children and adolescents from Indigenous Reservation of Dourados (RID). This fact brings light to the serious problem of social vulnerability among this population and signalizes a special need for public policies for native peoples. The objective of this study was characterizing the sexual abuse of indigenous children and adolescents. To do that, it was made a qualitative research with a documentary analysis of 20 reports published in 10 state newspapers, between 2015 to 2020. The results were interpreted with a decolonial approach and reveal that female children were the most victimized. Besides, most of the aggressors were related to the victims, and social vulnerability and alcohol use were identified as risk factors. To face violence against indigenous children and adolescents it is suggested the articulation of a specialized network of assistance, as well as the implementation of public policies that consider the intersectionality of social markers of gender, ethnicity, age, and territory.

Actualmente, se ha producido un aumento en el número de casos de violencia sexual contra niños y adolescentes en la Reserva Indígena de Dourados (RID), lo que demuestra un grave problema de vulnerabilidad social y la necesidad de articular políticas públicas para los pueblos indígenas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la violencia sexual contra niños y adolescentes indígenas. Realizamos una investigación cualitativa de análisis documental de 20 reportajes publicados en 10 periódicos que cubren el estado, en el periodo de 2015 a 2020. El enfoque decolonial guió la interpretación de los resultados. Los resultados revelan que las niñas fueron las más victimizadas. La mayoría de los agresores tienen vínculos familiares con las víctimas y la vulnerabilidad social y el consumo de alcohol se identifican como factores de riesgo para la aparición de los malos tratos. Se sugiere la articulación de una red de atención especializada y la implementación de políticas públicas que consideren la interseccionalidad de los marcadores sociales de género, etnia, edad y territorio, como factores de protección para combatir el maltrato infantil de los niños indígenas.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Public Policy , Sex Offenses , Child Abuse, Sexual , Indigenous Peoples , Social Vulnerability , Child Abuse , Qualitative Research , Gender Identity
Am J Cardiol ; 178: 149-153, 2022 09 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35787337


We analyzed the association between social vulnerability index (SVI) and healthcare access among patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Using cross-sectional data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016 to 2019, we identified measures related to healthcare access in individuals with ASCVD, which included healthcare coverage, presence of primary care clinician, duration since last routine checkup, delay in access to healthcare, inability to see doctor because of cost, and cost-related medication nonadherence. We analyzed the association of state-level SVI (higher SVI denotes higher social vulnerability) and healthcare access using multivariable-adjusted logistic regression models. The study population comprised 203,347 individuals aged 18 years or older who reported a history of ASCVD. In a multivariable-adjusted analysis, prevalence odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for participants residing in states in the third tertile of SVI compared with those in the first tertile (used as reference) were as follows: absence of healthcare coverage = 1.03 (0.85 to 1.24), absence of primary care clinician = 1.33 (1.12 to 1.58), >1 year since last routine checkup = 1.09 (0.96 to 1.23), delay in access to healthcare = 1.39 (1.18, 1.63), inability to see a doctor because of cost = 1.21 (1.06 to 1.40), and cost-related medication nonadherence = 1.10 (0.83 to 1.47). In conclusion, SVI is associated with healthcare access in those with pre-existing ASCVD. Due to the ability of SVI to simultaneously and holistically capture many of the factors of social determinants of health, SVI can be a useful measure for identifying high-risk populations.

Atherosclerosis , Cardiovascular Diseases , Atherosclerosis/epidemiology , Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Services Accessibility , Humans , Social Vulnerability
BMC Public Health ; 22(1): 167, 2022 01 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35073906


BACKGROUND: The number of older women living with HIV in Africa is growing, and their health outcomes may be adversely impacted by social frailty, which reflects deficits in social resources that accumulate over the lifespan. Our objective was to adapt a Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) originally developed in Canada for use in a study of older women living with or without HIV infection in Mombasa, Kenya. METHODS: We adapted the SVI using a five-step process: formative qualitative work, translation into Kiswahili, a Delphi procedure, exploration of potential SVI items in qualitative work, and a rating and ranking exercise. Four focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted (three with women living with HIV and one with HIV-negative women), and two expert panels were constituted for this process. RESULTS: Themes that emerged in the qualitative work were physical impairment with aging, decreased family support, a turn to religion and social groups, lack of a financial safety net, mixed support from healthcare providers, and stigma as an added burden for women living with HIV. Based on the formative FGD, the expert panel expanded the original 19-item SVI to include 34 items. The exploratory FGD and rating and ranking exercise led to a final 16-item Kenyan version of the SVI (SVI-Kenya) with six domains: physical safety, support from family, group participation, instrumental support, emotional support, and financial security. CONCLUSIONS: The SVI-Kenya is a holistic index to measure social frailty among older women in Kenya, incorporating questions in multiple domains. Further research is needed to validate this adapted instrument.

Frailty , HIV Infections , Aged , Female , HIV Infections/psychology , Humans , Kenya , Social Stigma , Social Support , Social Vulnerability
S. Afr. med. j ; 112(11): 860-865, 2022. tales, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1399216


Despite South Africa's substantial reduction in vertical HIV transmission (VHT), national paediatric HIV elimination is not yet attained. National and Western Cape Province (WC) HIV guidelines recommend enhanced postnatal prophylaxis for infants at high risk for VHT, identified in the WC 2015/2016 guidelines by any single high-risk criterion (maternal antiretroviral therapy (ART) <12 weeks, absent/ unsuppressed maternal HIV viral load (HIV-VL) <12 weeks before/including delivery, spontaneous preterm labour, prolonged rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis). Accuracy of high-risk infant identification is unknown. Objectives. Primarily, to determine the proportion of infants at high risk for VHT, the accuracy of labour-ward risk classification, the criteria determining high-risk statuses and the criteria missed among unrecognised high-risk infants; secondarily, to determine maternal factors associated with high-risk infants. Methods. Infants born to women living with HIV at a rural regional hospital (May 2016 - April 2017) were retrospectively evaluated using data from the labour ward VHT register, standardised maternity case records, National Health Laboratory Service database and WC Provincial Health Data Centre. The study-derived risk status for each infant was determined using documented presence/absence of risk criteria and compared with labour ward assigned risk to determine accuracy. Proportions of high-risk and unrecognised high-risk infants with each high-risk criterion were determined. Maternal characteristics associated with having a high-risk infant were evaluated using multivariable logistic regression. Results. For liveborn infants, labour ward assigned risk classifications were 40% (n=75/188) high risk, 50% (n=94/188) low risk and 10% (n=19/188) unclassified. Study-derived risk was high risk for 69% (n=129/188) and low risk for 31% (n=59/188), yielding a high-risk classification sensitivity of 51% (95% confidence interval (CI) 42 - 60) and specificity of 69% (95% CI 56 - 80). Absent/unsuppressed HIVVL <12 weeks before delivery accounted for 83% (n=119/143) of study-derived high-risk exposures and 81% (n=60/74) of missed high-risk exposures. Fewer mothers of high-risk infants had >4 antenatal visits (38% v. 81%, p<0.01) and first antenatal visit <20 weeks' gestation (57% v. 77%, p=0.01). Only the number of antenatal visits remained associated with having a high-risk infant after adjusting for gestation at first visit and timing of HIV diagnosis and ART initiation: each additional antenatal visit conferred a 39% (95% CI 25 - 50) reduction in the odds of having a high-risk infant. Conclusion. Labour ward risk classification failed to recognise half of high-risk infants. Infant high-risk status as well as non-detection thereof were driven by suboptimal maternal HIV-VL monitoring. Reinforcing visit frequency later in pregnancy may improve antenatal HIV-VL monitoring, and point-of-care HIV-VL monitoring at delivery could improve recognition of virally unsuppressed mothers and their high-risk infants

Humans , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Integrative Pediatrics , Infant , Postnatal Care , Recognition, Psychology , Social Vulnerability
Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(2): e320203, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386841


Resumo O objetivo deste ensaio teórico é discutir as condições de produção de vulnerabilidade e vulneração dos povos indígenas no Brasil no enfrentamento da coronavirus disease (Covid-19). Iniciamos por um panorama dos processos de negação de direitos e vulnerabilização que se intensificaram no governo Bolsonaro. Por fim, destacamos os componentes da vulnerabilidade e vulneração que afetam os povos indígenas brasileiros no enfrentamento da Covid-19. Os resultados mostraram que os povos indígenas têm múltiplas vulnerabilidades relacionadas aos seus contextos sócio-históricos e culturais que, no Brasil, são agravadas por uma política neocolonialista e autoritária. Concluímos que os povos indígenas brasileiros não estão apenas expostos à condição de vulnerabilidade, mas à vulneração frente à Covid-19. O estudo contribui para a compreensão das implicações da ausência de condições equitativas de proteção contra o coronavírus em relação à alta mortalidade dos indígenas devido à Covid-19.

Abstract This theoretical essay aims to discuss the conditions of production of vulnerability and vulneration of indigenous peoples in Brazil coping with Covid-19. We begin with an overview of the processes of denial of rights and vulnerability that intensified in the Bolsonaro government. We finally highlight the components of vulnerability and vulneration that affect Brazilian indigenous peoples in confronting Covid-19. Results showed that indigenous peoples have multiple vulnerabilities related to their socio historical and cultural contexts, which in Brazil are aggravated by a neocolonialist and authoritarian politic. We clearly concluded that Brazilian indigenous peoples are not only exposed to the condition of vulnerability, but to vulneration facing with Covid 19. The study contributes for understanding the implications of the absence of equitable conditions of protection against the coronavirus regarding to the high mortality of indigenous people due to Covid-19.

Humans , Health of Indigenous Peoples/legislation & jurisprudence , Indigenous Peoples , COVID-19 , Social Vulnerability , Health Policy , Human Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Socioeconomic Factors , Unified Health System , Brazil , Delivery of Health Care
ScientificWorldJournal ; 2021: 9512854, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34434079


This narrative review addresses resilience and stress during pregnancy, which is part of a broader concept of maternal health. Pregnancy and postpartum are opportune periods for health promotion interventions, especially because the close contact of the women with health professionals. In this way, it can be considered a useful window of opportunity to identify women at higher risk for adverse outcomes. Integrated health is a concept that aims at providing comprehensive care related to the promotion of individuals' physical, mental, and social well-being. In this context, stress during pregnancy has been targeted as a remarkable condition to be addressed whether due to individual issues, social issues, or specific pregnancy issues, since it is directly and indirectly associated with pregnancy complications. Stress is associated with preterm birth, postpartum depression, anxiety, child neurodevelopment, and fetal distress. The way that an individual faces a stressful and adverse situation is called resilience; this reaction is individual, dynamic, and contextual, and it can affect maternal and fetal outcomes. Low resilience has been associated with poorer pregnancy outcomes. The social context of pregnancy can act as a protective or contributory (risk) factor, indicating that environments of high social vulnerability play a negative role in resilience and, consequently, in perceived stress. A given stressor can be enhanced or mitigated depending on the social context that was imposed, as well as it can be interpreted as different degrees of perceived stress and faced with a higher or lower degree of resilience. Understanding these complex mechanisms may be valuable for tackling this matter. Therefore, in the pregnancy-puerperal period, the analysis of the stress-resilience relationship is essential, especially in contexts of greater social vulnerability, and is a health-promoting factor for both the mother and baby.

Anxiety/prevention & control , Depression, Postpartum/prevention & control , Maternal Health , Pregnancy Complications/prevention & control , Resilience, Psychological , Stress, Psychological/prevention & control , Female , Fetal Distress/prevention & control , Fetus , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Parturition/psychology , Perinatal Care/organization & administration , Pregnancy , Premature Birth/prevention & control , Premature Birth/psychology , Social Vulnerability
Bol. Anál. Político-Instit ; (26): 93-102, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | ECOS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1247279


Este texto expõe as (in)adequações e os efeitos dos programas de transferência de renda do governo federal ­ Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) e Auxílio Emergencial (AuxEm) ­ sobre os povos indígenas da região do rio Negro, no estado do Amazonas. Descreve, ainda, os problemas que já eram enfrentados no PBF e que agora se intensificam por erros no desenho das ações de enfrentamento da pandemia e no seu processo de implementação, desencaixados da realidade dos povos indígenas, impondo efeitos negativos e reforçando vulnerabilidades

Coronavirus , Equipment and Supplies , Coronavirus Infections , Health Services Needs and Demand , Pandemics , Public Policy , Indigenous Peoples , Social Vulnerability
Rev. argent. salud publica ; 13(Suplemento COVID-19): 1-8, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS, ARGMSAL | ID: biblio-1177208


INTRODUCCIÓN: La morbimortalidad por la enfermedad por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) constituye un problema de salud pública en la Provincia de Buenos Aires y en el resto de Argentina. Las poblaciones con vulnerabilidad social están expuestas a riesgos de manera potenciada. OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución de los casos confirmados de COVID-19 en el Gran Buenos Aires, localizados en zonas con diferentes características sociales categorizadas por vulnerabilidad socioterritorial, desde el inicio de la pandemia hasta el 15 de julio de 2020. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Las variables analizadas fueron sexo, edad, evolución de la enfermedad y domicilio categorizado por medio del índice de vulnerabilidad socioterritorial (IVST). RESULTADOS: La mayor cantidad de casos positivos para COVID-19 se encontró en el grupo etario de 20 a 59 años, y el 48% fueron mujeres. El 47% de los casos estudiados residían en zonas vulnerables. El 28% de los casos confirmados requirieron internación. Se internaron en unidades de cuidados intensivos el 3,8% del total de los casos confirmados. Los casos de residentes en zonas no vulnerables tuvieron mayor requerimiento de cuidados intensivos. La letalidad fue de 3,5%, mayor en los varones, y más elevada en residentes de zonas no vulnerables, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa respecto a los pertenecientes a zonas vulnerables. En la distribución por grupos etarios, se observó un exceso de letalidad estadísticamente significativo en menores de 60 años. DISCUSIÓN: Se observó un número mayor de internaciones en UCI y en la letalidad del grupo de población residente en territorio no vulnerable.

Argentina , Clinical Evolution , Coronavirus Infections , Social Vulnerability
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 18(2): e45026, 2019-03-18.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1120842


The aging of the Brazilian population requires elderly care policies to be evaluated. Objective: To identify health professionals' perceptions about elderly care in Primary Health Care. Method: Case study with triangulation of data based on Ayres' vulnerability framework, conducted in the north of Paraná, Brazil. Data collection took place from January to March 2016 and was divided into: visit to and interview with the regional coordination, elderly care observation, documental analysis, and focal groups with 18 health professionals. Results: The analyses led to three categories: "Social and emotional vulnerability resulting in PHC dependence", "Network-organized services for comprehensive care" and "Poor human and financial resources". Primary Health Care evidences the elderly's social and individual vulnerabilities. Poorhuman and financial resources and a practice centered on curative, biologistic and therapeutic actions reveal a programmatic vulnerability, forcing professionals to take on secondary-and tertiary-level roles. Conclusion: Changes in management planned according to local difficulties and characteristics could boost strategies that mitigate vulnerabilities by means of qualification actions and strengthening of the social network and existing services.

Em decorrência do crescente envelhecimento da população brasileira, são necessárias avaliações das políticas de atenção à saúde do idoso. Objetivo:identificar as percepções dos profissionais de saúde referentes ao cuidado voltado à pessoa idosa na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método:Estudo de Caso com Triangulação de dados embasado no referencial teórico de Vulnerabilidade de Ayres. Realizado no norte do Paraná, Brasil. A coleta ocorreu de janeiro a março de 2016 e dividiu-se em: visita à coordenação regional e realização de entrevista, observação da assistência ao idoso, análise documental e grupos focais com dezoito profissionais da saúde. Resultados:Após análise, emergiram três categorias: "Vulnerabilidade social e afetiva voltada para dependência da APS", "Serviços organizados em rede e voltados para o cuidado integral" e "Dificuldade de recursos humanos e financeiros". A Atenção Primária aponta vulnerabilidades social e individual da pessoa idosa. Dificuldades de recursos humanos e financeiros, prática centrada em ações curativas, biologistas e terapêuticas denunciam a vulnerabilidade programática, impelindo os profissionais a funções de nível secundário e terciário. Conclusão: Mudanças na gestão planejadas sob a ótica das dificuldades e características locais poderiam potencializar estratégias que diminuíssemas vulnerabilidades por meio de ações de capacitação e fortalecimento da rede social e serviços existentes.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Health of the Elderly , Health Personnel , Empathy , Organization and Administration , Societies , Therapeutics , Aging , Family , Frail Elderly , Health Strategies , Health Management , Disaster Vulnerability , Workforce , Financial Resources in Health , Social Vulnerability , Health Resources , Investments