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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 27: e47800, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1365263


RESUMO A ludoterapia de orientação humanista de Axline se baseia no pressuposto de que o jogo é a maneira natural da criança se expressar. Contudo, essa abordagem parece apresentar algumas lacunas éticas no que diz respeito à relação da criança com o Outro. Tais lacunas foram discutidas a partir do pensamento do filósofo Emmanuel Lévinas, que tratou da ética da alteridade radical. Neste sentido, este trabalho reflete como a ética levinasiana pode se manifestar não só na ludoterapia, mas também na prática clínica, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa com metodologia de estudo de caso. O grupo terapêutico aconteceu em 14 sessões de aproximadamente uma hora e era formado por três crianças de 5 a 7 anos. As sessões foram descritas de forma narrativa e a terapeuta escreveu, a partir delas, as suas Versões de Sentido. Ademais, foram realizadas anamneses, devolutivas, entrevistas com outros profissionais da saúde e visitas escolares. As sessões foram analisadas a partir da descrição e compreensão dos sentidos. Verificou-se que o processo grupal pareceu caminhar para uma maior abertura e proximidade entre os participantes do grupo e que a terapeuta precisou ir em direção à criança, isto é, demonstrar abertura à sua diferença. Concluiu-se que, ao entrar na brincadeira junto à criança, o psicoterapeuta não pôde apreender o mundo infantil, mas apenas cumprir com o seu dever ético e inferir que o encontro com as crianças em terapia significa descobrir a diferença pela via traumática. Ressaltou-se, além disso, a dificuldade em teorizar sobre a criança ou a infância, visto que ambas só têm sentido enquanto for fomentado o respeito à alteridade.

RESUMEN La Terapia de Juego humanista de Axline se basa en la suposición de que jugar es la forma natural del niño de expresarse. Sin embargo, este enfoque parece presentar lagunas éticas con respecto a la relación del niño con los demás. Estas lagunas se discutieron a partir de los pensamientos de Emmanuel Lévinas, un filósofo que escribió sobre la ética de la alteridad radical. En este sentido, se discutió cómo la ética de Lévinas puede verse en la terapia de juegos, incluida la práctica clínica. La investigación fue cualitativa con una metodología de estudio de caso. El grupo se realizó en 14 reuniones terapéuticas de una hora de duración y estuvo formado por tres niños de 5 a 7 años. Las reuniones se describieron en forma narrativa y la terapeuta escribió, a partir de ellas, sus Versiones de Significado. Además, se realizó anamnesis, devolutivos, entrevistas con otros profesionales de la salud y visitas escolares. Las sesiones se analizaron a partir de la descripción y comprensión de los sentidos. Fue posible verificar que el proceso del grupo se dirigió hacia una mayor apertura y proximidad entre los participantes del grupo, y que la terapeuta tuvo que dirigirse hacia los niños,es decir, demostrar apertura a su diferencia. Se concluyó que, al entrar en el juego con el niño, el psicoterapeuta no puede apoderarse del mundo de los niños, sino cumplir el deber ético; y reunirse con los niños en terapia era encontrar la diferencia a través de una forma traumática. Además, se destacó la dificultad para teorizar sobre el niño o la infancia, ya que ambos solo tienen sentido si se fomenta el respeto por la alteridad.

ABSTRACT Axline's humanistic-oriented Play Therapy assumes that play is a child's natural way of expressing herself. However, this approach seems to present some ethical gaps when thought concerning the relationship with others. Such gaps were discussed based on Emmanuel Lévinas' thoughts, a philosopher who wrote about radical otherness ethics. In this sense, it was necessary to reflect on how Levinasian ethics can be manifested in Play Therapy, including clinical practice. The research was qualitative, with a case study methodology. The therapeutic group took place in 14 sessions and consisted of three children, aged 5 to 7, with a one-hour meeting. The sessions were described narratively, and the Sense's Version of the therapist was written. Anamnesis, feedback, interviews with other health professionals and school visits were also conducted. The sessions were analyzed based on the description and understanding of meanings. It was found that the group process seemed to move towards greater openness and proximity among the participants and that the therapist needed to move towards the children, opening up to their differences. It was concluded that, when entering the play with the child, the psychotherapist cannot apprehend the child's world but only fulfill her ethical duty and meeting herself with the children in therapy was facing the difference through a traumatic via. It is noteworthy that it is difficult to theorize about childhood, and the theory will only make sense while promoting respect to otherness.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Play Therapy , Play and Playthings/psychology , Psychology , Therapeutics/psychology , Behavior , Aggression/psychology , Emotions , Ethics , Psychotherapists/psychology
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 26: e46410, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1287637


RESUMO A associação entre mindfulness (MF) e Realidade Virtual (RV) é recente. O MF vem sendo utilizado na psicoterapia em razão dos efeitos terapêuticos observados. Entretanto, não são todos os pacientes que conseguem obter o benefício desse recurso, sendo a RV uma via para o trabalho com o MF por facilitar o sentido de presença. Este artigo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre a utilização terapêutica da RV na prática de MF. Foram analisados 23 artigos completos, sendo os principais focos de pesquisa: o aprimoramento dos ecossistemas imersivos e dos recursos terapêuticos no contexto do MF em relação à experiência do usuário; o desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos econômicos; material de fácil manuseio para facilitar a experiência do usuário. Concluímos que a RV pode ser facilitadora como ferramenta no tratamento de pacientes cujo perfil se enquadra em terapia mediada por MF, embora sejam necessários estudos controlados que permitam compreender as especificidades da RV e as variáveis com valor terapêutico.

RESUMEN La asociación entre mindfulness (MF) y Realidad Virtual (VR) es reciente. MF se ha utilizado en psicoterapia debido a los efectos terapéuticos observados. Sin embargo, no todos los pacientes pueden obtener el beneficio de este recurso, siendo la RV una forma de trabajar con el MF porque facilita el sentido de presencia. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión narrativa de la literatura sobre el uso terapéutico de la RV en la práctica de MF. Se analizaron 23 artículos completos, siendo los principales focos de investigación: la mejora de ecosistemas inmersivos y recursos terapéuticos en el contexto de MF en relación a la experiencia del usuario; el desarrollo de recursos tecnológicos económicos; material fácil de manejar para facilitar la experiencia del usuario. Concluimos que la RV puede ser un facilitador como herramienta en el tratamiento de pacientes cuyo perfil encaja en la terapia mediada por MF, aunque son necesarios estudios controlados para entender las especificidades de la RV y las variables con valor terapéutico.

ABSTRACT The association between mindfulness (MF) and Virtual Reality (VR) is recent. MF has been used in psychotherapy due to the therapeutic effects reported. However, not all patients are able to obtain the benefits of this resource, and VR becomes a way to work with MF as it facilitates the sense of presence. This paper presents a narrative review of the literature about therapeutic uses of VR in the practice of MF. A total of 23 complete papers were analyzed, being the main research focuses: the improvement of immersive ecosystems and therapeutic resources in the context of MF in relation to the user experience; the development of economic technological resources; easy to handle material to facilitate the user experience. We concluded that VR can be a facilitator as a tool in the treatment of patients who could benefit from MF-informed therapy, although controlled studies are needed to understand the specificities of VR and the variables with therapeutic value.

Psychotherapy , Mindfulness , Virtual Reality , Anxiety/psychology , Psychology, Clinical/trends , Therapeutics/psychology , Biosensing Techniques/trends , Meditation/psychology , Depression/psychology , Psychological Distress
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e45235, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135777


RESUMO. Contextos de exclusão conformam ciclos de marginalização de grupos populacionais, como a população em situação de rua (PSR). Nesse contexto violações de direitos humanos são recorrentes, em especial a dificuldade de acesso à saúde. A efetivação das políticas para a PSR nas cidades brasileiras ainda é escassa, por sua restrição a cidades de médio e grande porte e ao parco investimento público. Dessa forma, o estudo tem por objetivo investigar os percursos de cuidado à saúde da PSR em um município de pequeno porte. Foram realizadas observações de campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas para identificação e compreensão dos recursos acionados nas trajetórias de cuidado à saúde, que foram analisadas a partir da análise de conteúdo temática. Ressaltaram-se as diversas estratégias desenvolvidas pelo público diante da negação do direito à saúde e ao autocuidado. Destacam-se entre os resultados a precariedade de ofertas ao cuidado da saúde da mulher, a restrição do cuidado em saúde ao uso de substâncias psicoativas, de cunho medicalizante e centrado no paradigma da abstinência. Observou-se a importância da moradia para o cuidado integral, e das redes sociais e comunitárias como forma de restabelecimento da saúde nas ruas.

RESUMEN. Los contextos de exclusión conforman ciclos de marginación de grupos poblacionales, como la población en situación de calle (PSC). En este contexto, violaciones de derechos humanos son recurrentes, en especial la dificultad de acceso a la salud. La efectividad de las políticas para la PSC en las ciudades brasileñas sigue siendo escasa, por su restricción a ciudades de mediano y gran porte y a la poca inversión pública. Así, el estudio buscó investigar los recorridos de cuidado a la salud de la PSC en una ciudad de pequeño porte. Se realizaron observaciones de campo y entrevistas semiestructuradas para identificación y comprensión de los recursos accionados en las trayectorias de cuidado de la salud, que fueron analizadas a partir del análisis de contenido temático. Se resaltan las diversas estrategias desarrolladas por este público como forma de resistencia a la negación del derecho a la salud y autocuidado. Se destacan la precariedad de ofertas al cuidado de la salud de la mujer, la restricción del cuidado en salud al uso de sustancias psicoactivas, de cuño de medicalización y centrado en el paradigma de la abstinencia. Se observaron la importancia de la vivienda para el cuidado integral, y de las redes sociales y comunitarias como forma de restablecimiento de la salud en las calles.

ABSTRACT. Exclusion contexts constitute cycles of marginalization of population groups, such as the homeless people (HP). In this context, human rights violations are recurrent, especially related to the difficulty of access to health services. The effectiveness of the policies for HP in Brazilian cities is still scarce, due to its restriction to medium and large cities and the limited public investment. Thus, the study sought to investigate HP health care paths in a small city. Field observations and semi-structured interviews were carried out to identify and understand the resources used in health care trajectories, which were analyzed based on thematic content analysis. Several strategies developed by the public in the face of the denial to the health rights and self-care are highlighted. Among the results, the precariousness of offers to women's health care, the restriction of health care to the use of psychoactive substances, of medicalizing nature and centered on the abstinence paradigm were stood out. It was observed the importance of housing for comprehensive care, and social and community networks as a way of restoring health on the streets.

Humans , Male , Female , Ill-Housed Persons/psychology , Human Rights/psychology , Public Policy , Self Care/psychology , Social Support , Therapeutics/psychology , Violence/psychology , Women's Rights , Community Networks , Delivery of Health Care , Vulnerable Populations/psychology , Alcoholism/psychology , Mental Health Assistance , Drug Users/psychology , Social Marginalization/psychology , Right to Health/psychology , Health Services
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 2(1): 56-81, 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1391130


Introducción: el objetivo de este estudio es develar si la técnica Neuromuscular Funcional (NMF) puede ser considerada como opción de tratamiento en el Síndrome de Apnea Obstructiva de Sueño (SAOS) y si se complementa con la Terapia Miofun-cional Orofacial o hace parte de ella.Métodos: la fenomenología trascendental de Husserl es el enfoque metodoló-gico que se adoptó para este estudio, siguiendo la ruta para su desarrollo: epojé, reducción trascendental fenomenológica y síntesis. El contenido real se obtuvo mediante dos entrevistas semiestructuradas, aplicadas a un informante clave que contó con los criterios de inclusión presupuestados. Resultados: en la primera etapa se identificaron 10 noesis y 266 noemas, que fue-ron relacionados entre sí; en la fase de reducción trascendental las noesis se redujeron a 5 y los noemas a 14. Análisis y discusión: el Método Chiavaro como fenómeno se decanta en las di-mensiones: (a) Enfoque Sistémico, (b) Técnica Neuromuscular Funcional y (c) Téc-nica Respiratoria. La prioridad del fenómeno NMF es la explicación de la alteración dentro del enfoque sistémico a partir de la lógica Función-Estructura-Función, de esta manera el SAOS se considera una manifestación de esas relaciones y como tal se le cataloga como adaptación o como función en disfunción.Conclusiones: la Técnica NMF hace parte de la neurorrehabilitación mientras que la TMO para intervenir el SAOS se inscribe en la fisiología del ejercicio

Introduction: the objective of this study is to reveal if the Functional Neuromuscu-lar technique (In Spanish: NMF) can be considered as a treatment option for OSA. Additionally, this paper seeks to assess if the aforementioned is derived from, a por-tion of or if it is complemented by Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT). Methods: Husserl's transcendental phenomenology is the methodological approach that was adopted for this study, following the path to its development: epoché, phenomenologi-cal transcendental reduction and synthesis. The actual content was obtained through two semi-structured interviews applied to a key informant who met the preconceived inclusion criteria.Results: in the first stage 10 noesis and 266 noems , which were related to each other, were identified; in the phase of transcendental reduction, the noesis were reduced to 5 and the noems to 14. Analysis and discussion: the Chiavaro Method as a phenomenon is composed of three dimensions: (a) Systemic Approach, (b) Functional Neuromuscular Technique and (c) Respi-ratory Technique. The priority of the NMF phenomenon is the explanation of the alteration within the systemic approach based on the Function-Structure-Function logic, ergo the OSA is considered a manifestation of these relationships and as such it is classified as adaptation or as a function in dysfunction.Conclusions: the NMF technique is a part of neurorehabilitation whilst OMT for the in-tervention of OSA is subscribed to the physiology of exercise.

Humans , Apnea , Sleep Wake Disorders/diagnosis , Therapeutics/psychology , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/diagnosis , Neurological Rehabilitation , Sleep , Therapeutics/methods , Facial Pain , Exercise , Sleep Apnea, Central/diagnosis , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Mouth Breathing
Poiésis (En línea) ; (34): 41-56, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-987170


En este artículo se da a conocer la posibilidad de hacer terapia psicológica a través de la fotografía, presentándose como una forma poco empleada de realizar intervenciones terapéuticas. La tesis que sustenta es la siguiente: existe una relación entre la temporalidad, las vivencias, las emociones generadas a partir de las fotografías y la intervención terapéutica con estas, desde la película Smoke del director Wayne Wang. Tiene como base las reflexiones proporcionadas por la "escena del álbum fotográfico" de esta película. Se toma por tanto la importancia que otorgan los tres elementos de la temporalidad, pasado, presente y futuro. Dentro de esta temporalidad, se dan las vivencias que generan experiencias y adquieren sentido al ser resignificadas en el aquí y el ahora, por medio de las fotografías en el espacio terapéutico. En este aspecto, lo nombrado por la palabra posibilita la conexión con las emociones y la contextualización de lo que la fotografía le representa al paciente. De esta forma, las fotografías se convierten en un aliado terapéutico, enfatizando en aquello que desde la terapia Gestalt es mencionado como figura, lo que permite al paciente comprender aquello que es evidente en la fotografía y sobre lo cual debe acentuar y permitir acompañar su trabajo terapéutico.

In this article, we see the possibility of doing psychological therapy through photography, presenting as a little used form of therapeutic interventions. The thesis that he maintains in the layer: there is a relation between the temporality, the experiences, the emotions generated from the photographs and the therapeutical therapy with them, of the film Smoke of the director Wayne Wang. It is based on the reflections provided by the scene from the photographic album of this film. It is therefore taken the value that gives the three elements of temporality, past, present and future. Within this temporality, the experiences are generated that generate experiences and acquire meaning to be resignified in the here and now, through the photographs in the therapeutic space. In this aspect, what is named by the word makes possible the connection with the emotions and the contextualization of what the representative photographs the patient. In this way, the photographs become a therapeutic ally, emphasizing in what Gestalt therapy is mentioned as a figure, which allows the patient to understand what is evident in the photograph and what should be emphasized and allowed to accompany their therapeutic work.

Humans , Phototherapy/psychology , Therapeutics/psychology , Imagery, Psychotherapy , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Gestalt Therapy
Rev. calid. asist ; 31(1): 10-17, ene.-feb. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-149845


Introducción y objetivo. El déficit de vitamina D en los ancianos es elevado. Complementar con suplementos de calcio y vitamina D es una práctica habitual en individuos con riesgo de caídas y/o fracturas que, sin embargo, obtiene un bajo grado de cumplimiento. El objetivo es determinar la adherencia al calcio y vitamina D en ancianos con hipovitaminosis D en una zona urbana de Madrid. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio de intervención en 438 individuos ≥ 65 años con hipovitaminosis D procedentes de la «Cohorte Peñagrande». Se les pautó calcio y vitamina D y se valoró la adherencia a los 3 y 12 meses mediante el test de Morisky-Green y el recuento de recetas prescritas. Resultados. Se analizaron 413 de los 438 individuos con hipovitaminosis D (18 casos no se trataron por contraindicaciones y 7 se perdieron). A los 3 y 12 meses el 63,9 y el 47,2%, respectivamente, fueron adherentes. El 19,3% de los no adherentes a los 3 meses fueron buenos cumplidores al año tras una intervención educativa breve. La comorbilidad se asoció con menor adherencia al año (46,3% versus 35,2%, p = 0,027). La principal causa de no adherencia al calcio fue la intolerancia digestiva, y a la vitamina D, los olvidos. Se observó concordancia entre valorar la adherencia con el test de Morisky y recuento de recetas prescritas (índice Kappa = 69,8%). Conclusiones. La falta de adherencia a tratamientos crónicos con calcio y vitamina D es un problema relevante en ancianos. Es importante evaluar la adherencia y aplicar estrategias de educación sanitaria en la práctica clínica (AU)

Background and objective. The vitamin D deficiency is high in the elderly population. Calcium and vitamin D supplements is a frequently used measure in individuals at risk for falls and/or fractures. However, this practice has achieved a low level of compliance. The aim is to assess the adherence to treatment with calcium and vitamin D in elders with hypovitaminosis D in an urban area of Madrid. Patients and methods. Intervention study performed on 438 individuals ≥ 65 years from the ‘Peñagrande Cohort’ with hypovitaminosis D that were treated with calcium and vitamin D. Adherence at 3 and 12 months was assessed using the Morisky-Green and counting of prescriptions written. Results. A total of 413 of the 438 individuals with hypovitaminosis D were analysed (18 patients were not treated because of contraindications, and 7 were considered lost). At 3 and 12 months, 63.9% and 47.2%, respectively, were adherents. After a brief educational intervention, 19.3% of individuals without adherence at 3 months became good compliers when measured at one year. Comorbidity was associated with lower rates of adherence to treatment after one year (46.3% versus 35.2%, P = .027). The main cause of non-adherence to calcium was digestive intolerance, and due to oversights for vitamin D. Concordance between adherence assessed by the Morisky test and counting of prescriptions written was high (Kappa index = 69.8%). Conclusions. Non-adherence to chronic treatment with calcium and vitamin D is a relevant problem in elderly. It is important to assess adherence and implement health education strategies in clinical practice (AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Medication Adherence/psychology , Calcium/administration & dosage , Calcium/pharmacology , Primary Health Care/methods , Spain/ethnology , Clinical Clerkship/classification , Therapeutics/psychology , Fractures, Bone/metabolism , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Medication Adherence/ethnology , Calcium/classification , Calcium/metabolism , Primary Health Care/standards , Clinical Clerkship/methods , Therapeutics , Fractures, Bone/psychology , Fractures, Bone/rehabilitation
J Am Coll Health ; 62(6): 434-9, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24678824


OBJECTIVE: To examine the feasibility and initial efficacy of 2 abbreviated dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training groups: emotion regulation skills only and emotion regulation with mindfulness skills. PARTICIPANTS: Participants were 24 undergraduates (aged 18-29) with significant emotion dysregulation who participated between February and May of 2010, 2011, and 2012. METHODS: Participants participated in 2-hour weekly group sessions for 8 weeks and completed outcome measures at baseline, midtreatment, posttreatment, and 4-week follow-up. RESULTS: Participants in both conditions made significant gains, with large effect sizes, across measures of emotion regulation, affect, skills use, and functioning. There were no differences between the 2 groups, suggesting no additive benefit of mindfulness skills. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study provides support for the acceptability and efficacy of abbreviated DBT skills training in colleges, given significant improvements, positive feedback, and low attrition. Impediments to feasibility included recruitment difficulties, particularly due to scheduling constraints.

Psychotherapy, Group/education , Social Skills , Students/psychology , Teaching/standards , Therapeutics/psychology , Universities , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Pilot Projects , Psychotherapy, Group/standards , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment Outcome
Dynamis (Granada) ; 34(2): 289-315, 2014. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-134730


This article offers, in the first place, an overview on women's healthcare in relation to childbirth in ancient Mesopotamia, as an introduction that helps to evaluate the meaning of the 7th century Assur text BAM 248 within therapeutic cuneiform texts on childbirth. We proceed to analyse the variety of therapeutic approaches to childbirth present in BAM 248, which brings together various healing devices to help a woman give birth quickly and safely. We analyse the text in its entirety as an example of intersection between different medical approaches to childbirth, given the number of differences in the complexity of remedies, in the materia medica employed, in the methods of preparation and application, even in the technical knowledge required and also, most probably, in the social origin and/or use of the remedies in question (AU)

No disponible

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Parturition/genetics , Parturition/metabolism , Therapeutics/instrumentation , Therapeutics/methods , Mesopotamia/ethnology , Diet , Diet/history , Quality of Health Care/classification , Ceremonial Behavior , Parturition/ethnology , Parturition/physiology , Parturition/psychology , Therapeutics/classification , Therapeutics/psychology , Diet/classification , Diet/psychology , Quality of Health Care/organization & administration , Maternal-Child Health Services
Medisur ; 11(5)2013.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-55673


La hipnosis constituye un complemento eficaz en el tratamiento de una amplia variedad de trastornos psicológicos y médicos. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer sus antecedentes históricos y destacar sus aportes en el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades. Se revisan los resultados de estudios que poseen relevancia clínica y muestran que esta técnica, cuando se utiliza como un coadyuvante a otras intervenciones médico psicológicas, incrementa su eficacia. Sus aplicaciones fundamentales están dadas en el alivio del dolor, los trastornos del sueño, la deshabituación tabáquica, la obesidad, el asma, la enuresis infantil, enfermedades de la piel, disminución de síntomas ansiosos, disfunción sexual eréctil, el desarrollo de la capacidad de atención y habilidades creativas. También se usa para el tratamiento de trastornos inmunológicos, en la disminución de los síntomas de las pacientes con fibromialgia, en trastornos de colon irritable y en niños con trastornos estomacales(AU)

Hypnosis is an effective complement in the treatment of many psychological and medical disorders. The objective of this article is to expose hypnosiss historical precedents and to point out its contribution in the treatment of various diseases. Was checked the results of precedent researches with clinical relevance, showing that, when hypnosis is used as a complement for other medical and psychological interventions, its efficiency is increased. Its main applications are focus in to relieve pain, dreams disorders, smoking cessation, the obesity, the asthma, enuresis in children, skin diseases, the drop of anxiety symptoms, sexual failure, the develop of capacity for attention and creative skills. It is also used in the treatment of immunological disorders, the drop of symptoms in patient with fibromyalgia, in disorders of irritable colon and children with stomach disorders(AU)

Humans , Hypnosis/history , Hypnosis/methods , Therapeutics/methods , Therapeutics/psychology
J Acupunct Meridian Stud ; 5(3): 97-103, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22682270


The placebo effect has evolved from being thought of as a nuisance in clinical research to a biological phenomenon worthy of scientific investigation. The study of the placebo effect and of its evil twin, the nocebo effect, is basically the study of the therapeutic ritual around the patient, and it plays a crucial role in the therapeutic outcome. In recent years, different types of placebo responses have been analyzed with sophisticated biological tools that have uncovered specific mechanisms at the neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, biochemical, and cellular levels. Most of our knowledge about the neurobiological mechanisms of the placebo response comes from pain and Parkinson's disease, whereby the neuronal networks involved in placebo responsiveness have been identified. In the first case, opioid, cannabinoid, and cholecystokinin circuits have been found to be involved. In the second case, dopaminergic activation in the striatum and neuronal changes in basal ganglia have been described. This recent research has revealed that these placebo-induced biochemical and cellular changes in a patient's brain are very similar to those induced by drugs. This new way of thinking may have profound implications in clinical trials and medical practice both for pharmacological interventions and for nonpharmacological treatments such as acupuncture.

Brain/physiopathology , Ceremonial Behavior , Therapeutics/psychology , Clinical Trials as Topic , Humans , Placebo Effect , Treatment Outcome
J Sci Study Relig ; 49(3): 507-16, 2010.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20886698


Chronic pain (CP) is a stressful condition that severely impacts individuals' lives. Researchers have begun to explore the role of religion for CP patients, but the literature is scarce, especially for West European populations. Drawing from the transactional theory of stress, this study examined the associations between the religious meaning system and the life satisfaction for a group of CP patients who were members of a Flemish patients' association. To take into account the religious landscape of West European countries, the centrality of one's religious meaning system, rather than religious content, was the focus. Results from the questionnaires completed by 207 patients suggest that the centrality of a meaning system is an important factor in the promotion of life satisfaction for this group, above and beyond the influence of several control variables. Furthermore, the centrality of the religious meaning system moderated or buffered the detrimental influence of pain severity on life satisfaction.

Pain , Patients , Quality of Life , Religion and Medicine , Stress, Psychological , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Mental Healing/history , Mental Healing/psychology , Pain/economics , Pain/ethnology , Pain/history , Pain/psychology , Patients/history , Patients/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Stress, Psychological/economics , Stress, Psychological/ethnology , Stress, Psychological/history , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Therapeutics/history , Therapeutics/psychology
Psicol. clín ; 22(1): 125-140, jun. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-46335


Este estudo de caso visa compreender o processo de mudança de uma pessoa em psicoterapia de grupo a partir de uma perspectiva narrativa. A observação participante e a análise dos registros das doze sessões de um grupo de curto prazo permitiram investigar episódios e intervenções terapêuticas que contribuíram para a construção de uma narrativa em que a pessoa se descrevia com uma maior autonomia em sua vida, superando a narrativa anterior saturada pelo problema. Entendemos que os recursos propostos pela perspectiva narrativa, tais como a identificação de acontecimentos extraordinários, a externalização do problema e o fortalecimento das narrativas de enfrentamento ajudaram a construir novos sentidos por meio da criação de um espaço dialógico no contexto grupal. Apesar da fertilidade da aproximação das propostas narrativas ao campo grupal, as reflexões realizadas apontaram ainda alguns desafios a serem enfrentados.(AU)

This case study aims to understand the change process of a person in group psychotherapy, from a narrative perspective. Participant observation and an analysis of the notes of twelve sessions of a short-term group allowed us to investigate episodes and therapeutic interventions that had contributed to the construction of a narrative in which the person self-described as more autonomous, surpassing the previous narrative saturated by the problem. It was observed that narrative resources such as, the identification of unique outcomes, externalizing the problem and the reinforcement of confrontational narratives have helped to construct new meanings through the creation of a dialogical space in the group context. In spite of the fertility of the use of narrative proposals in the group field, our reflections pointed out some challenges to be faced in this approach.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Psychotherapy, Group , Therapeutics/psychology
Psicol. clín ; 22(1): 125-140, jun. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-557260


Este estudo de caso visa compreender o processo de mudança de uma pessoa em psicoterapia de grupo a partir de uma perspectiva narrativa. A observação participante e a análise dos registros das doze sessões de um grupo de curto prazo permitiram investigar episódios e intervenções terapêuticas que contribuíram para a construção de uma narrativa em que a pessoa se descrevia com uma maior autonomia em sua vida, superando a narrativa anterior saturada pelo problema. Entendemos que os recursos propostos pela perspectiva narrativa, tais como a identificação de acontecimentos extraordinários, a externalização do problema e o fortalecimento das narrativas de enfrentamento ajudaram a construir novos sentidos por meio da criação de um espaço dialógico no contexto grupal. Apesar da fertilidade da aproximação das propostas narrativas ao campo grupal, as reflexões realizadas apontaram ainda alguns desafios a serem enfrentados.

This case study aims to understand the change process of a person in group psychotherapy, from a narrative perspective. Participant observation and an analysis of the notes of twelve sessions of a short-term group allowed us to investigate episodes and therapeutic interventions that had contributed to the construction of a narrative in which the person self-described as more autonomous, surpassing the previous narrative saturated by the problem. It was observed that narrative resources such as, the identification of unique outcomes, externalizing the problem and the reinforcement of confrontational narratives have helped to construct new meanings through the creation of a dialogical space in the group context. In spite of the fertility of the use of narrative proposals in the group field, our reflections pointed out some challenges to be faced in this approach.

Humans , Male , Adult , Psychotherapy, Group , Therapeutics/psychology
Psicol. cienc. prof ; 29(4): 752-767, dez. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-59168


Tendo como pano de fundo o quadro da reforma psiquiatrica no Brasil, o presente artigo procura situar e diferenciar dois conceitos que considera mister para a transformacao do modelo manicomial de assistencia a saude mental: desospitalizacao e desinstitucionalizacao. A partir do aprofundamento da discussao desses conceitos, ressalta a necessidade da desinstitucionalizacao da assistencia a saude mental, abrangendo tanto praticas terapeuticas quanto o desmonte dos hospitais psiquiatricos. Em proposta pragmatica, procura reposicionar o papel e a atuacao dos agentes da saude vinculados ao hospital psiquiatrico, discutindo a possibilidade de desinstitucionalizacao de suas praticas terapeuticas pela proposicao de um trabalho territorial. A estruturacao e a aplicacao pratica desse trabalho visariam a montagem e ao fortalecimento de uma rede concisa de servicos e encaminhamentos que poderiam subsidiar a necessaria transformacao do paradigma da saude mental e auxiliar a implantacao dos servicos substitutivos, resgatando o debito da exclusao social contraida pela saude mental junto a loucura e investindo na inclusao social e na cidadania da populacao atendida em situacao asilar. O hospital psiquiatrico, ainda necessario para a garantia da assistencia a saude mental dado o atual quadro brasileiro de composicao e estruturacao dos servicos substitutivos, apresenta-se aqui como catalisador de sua propria reforma.(AU)

Assuming the Brazilian psychiatric reform as a background, this article aims to situate and differentiate two essential concepts in order to transpose the old model of mental health attention, centered in the psychiatric hospitals: dehospitalization and odesinstitutionalizationo. Exploring these concepts, the need of odesinstitutionalizationo of the attention in mental health is underlined, emphasizing the necessary changes in the therapeutic practices as well as in hospitalization. In the pragmatic field, the article tries to re-set the role and the work of health professionals bound to psychiatric hospitals, arguing about the possibilities of desinstitutionalization of the therapeutic practices by proposing a community-based work. The organization and the practical application of this work focuses the creation or fortification of a solid net of community services that would subsidize the needful changes in the mental health paradigm and in the strengthening of substitute services. It might rescue the debit of social exclusion made by mental health, investing in social inclusion and in the citizenship of the individuals with mental disorders. The psychiatric hospitals, still needed for the mental health attention, considering the actual panorama of composition and constitution of the substitute services, becomes here the catalyzer of its own reform.(AU)

Teniendo como telon el cuadro de la reforma psiquiatrica en Brasil, el presente articulo procura situar y diferenciar dos conceptos que considera menester para la transformacion del modelo de manicomio de asistencia a la salud mental: deshospitalizacion y desinstitucionalizacion. Desde el ahondamiento de la discusion de estos conceptos, resalta la necesidad de la desinstitucionalizacion de la asistencia a la salud mental, abarcando tanto practicas terapeuticas como el desmontado de los hospitales psiquiatricos. En propuesta pragmatica, procura reposicionar el papel y la actuacion de los agentes de la salud vinculados al hospital psiquiatrico, discutiendo la posibilidad de desinstitucionalizacion de sus practicas terapeuticas por la proposicion de un trabajo territorial. La estructuracion y la aplicacion practica de ese trabajo pretenderian el montaje y el fortalecimiento de una red concisa de servicios y encaminamientos que podrian subvencionar la necesaria transformacion del paradigma de la salud mental y auxiliar la implantacion de los servicios sustitutivos, rescatando la deuda de la exclusion social contraida por la salud mental junto a la locura e invirtiendo en la inclusion social y en la ciudadania de la poblacion atendida en situacion asilar. El hospital psiquiatrico, aun necesario para la garantia de la asistencia a la salud mental dado el actual cuadro brasileno de composicion y estructuracion de los servicios sustitutivos, se presenta aqui como catalizador de su propia reforma.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Rehabilitation , Rehabilitation Centers , Therapeutics/psychology , Mental Health Services , Psychosocial Deprivation , Social Support , Psychosocial Impact , Hospitalization , Psychiatry
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 29(4): 752-767, dez. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-540704


Tendo como pano de fundo o quadro da reforma psiquiatrica no Brasil, o presente artigo procura situar e diferenciar dois conceitos que considera mister para a transformacao do modelo manicomial de assistencia a saude mental: desospitalizacao e desinstitucionalizacao. A partir do aprofundamento da discussao desses conceitos, ressalta a necessidade da desinstitucionalizacao da assistencia a saude mental, abrangendo tanto praticas terapeuticas quanto o desmonte dos hospitais psiquiatricos. Em proposta pragmatica, procura reposicionar o papel e a atuacao dos agentes da saude vinculados ao hospital psiquiatrico, discutindo a possibilidade de desinstitucionalizacao de suas praticas terapeuticas pela proposicao de um trabalho territorial. A estruturacao e a aplicacao pratica desse trabalho visariam a montagem e ao fortalecimento de uma rede concisa de servicos e encaminhamentos que poderiam subsidiar a necessaria transformacao do paradigma da saude mental e auxiliar a implantacao dos servicos substitutivos, resgatando o debito da exclusao social contraida pela saude mental junto a loucura e investindo na inclusao social e na cidadania da populacao atendida em situacao asilar. O hospital psiquiatrico, ainda necessario para a garantia da assistencia a saude mental dado o atual quadro brasileiro de composicao e estruturacao dos servicos substitutivos, apresenta-se aqui como catalisador de sua propria reforma.

Assuming the Brazilian psychiatric reform as a background, this article aims to situate and differentiate two essential concepts in order to transpose the old model of mental health attention, centered in the psychiatric hospitals: dehospitalization and odesinstitutionalizationo. Exploring these concepts, the need of odesinstitutionalizationo of the attention in mental health is underlined, emphasizing the necessary changes in the therapeutic practices as well as in hospitalization. In the pragmatic field, the article tries to re-set the role and the work of health professionals bound to psychiatric hospitals, arguing about the possibilities of desinstitutionalization of the therapeutic practices by proposing a community-based work. The organization and the practical application of this work focuses the creation or fortification of a solid net of community services that would subsidize the needful changes in the mental health paradigm and in the strengthening of substitute services. It might rescue the debit of social exclusion made by mental health, investing in social inclusion and in the citizenship of the individuals with mental disorders. The psychiatric hospitals, still needed for the mental health attention, considering the actual panorama of composition and constitution of the substitute services, becomes here the catalyzer of its own reform.

Teniendo como telon el cuadro de la reforma psiquiatrica en Brasil, el presente articulo procura situar y diferenciar dos conceptos que considera menester para la transformacion del modelo de manicomio de asistencia a la salud mental: deshospitalizacion y desinstitucionalizacion. Desde el ahondamiento de la discusion de estos conceptos, resalta la necesidad de la desinstitucionalizacion de la asistencia a la salud mental, abarcando tanto practicas terapeuticas como el desmontado de los hospitales psiquiatricos. En propuesta pragmatica, procura reposicionar el papel y la actuacion de los agentes de la salud vinculados al hospital psiquiatrico, discutiendo la posibilidad de desinstitucionalizacion de sus practicas terapeuticas por la proposicion de un trabajo territorial. La estructuracion y la aplicacion practica de ese trabajo pretenderian el montaje y el fortalecimiento de una red concisa de servicios y encaminamientos que podrian subvencionar la necesaria transformacion del paradigma de la salud mental y auxiliar la implantacion de los servicios sustitutivos, rescatando la deuda de la exclusion social contraida por la salud mental junto a la locura e invirtiendo en la inclusion social y en la ciudadania de la poblacion atendida en situacion asilar. El hospital psiquiatrico, aun necesario para la garantia de la asistencia a la salud mental dado el actual cuadro brasileno de composicion y estructuracion de los servicios sustitutivos, se presenta aqui como catalizador de su propia reforma.

Humans , Male , Female , Mental Health Services , Psychosocial Deprivation , Psychosocial Impact , Rehabilitation , Rehabilitation Centers , Social Support , Therapeutics/psychology , Hospitalization , Psychiatry
Adler Mus Bull ; 35(1): 3-13, 2009 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20052806


Arsenicals have been used since ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and in the Far East as part of traditional Chinese medicine. In Western countries, they became a therapeutic mainstay for various ailments and malignancies in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Fowler's potassium bicarbonate-based solution of arsenic trioxide (As2O3)solution was the main treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia until the 1930s. After a decline in the use of arsenic during the mid-20th century, arsenic trioxide was reintroduced as an anticancer agent after reports emerged from China of the success of an arsenic trioxide-containing herbal mixture for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia. Arsenic trioxide was first purified and used in controlled studies in China in the 1970s.Subsequently, randomised clinical trials performed in the United States led to FDA approval of arsenic trioxide in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory acute promyelocytic leukaemia.

Arsenic , Clinical Trials as Topic , Materia Medica , Medicine, Traditional , Poisons , Therapeutics , Arsenic/history , Arsenic Poisoning/ethnology , Arsenic Poisoning/history , Clinical Trials as Topic/history , Herbal Medicine/education , Herbal Medicine/history , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive/ethnology , Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive/history , Materia Medica/history , Medicine, Traditional/economics , Medicine, Traditional/history , Medicine, Traditional/psychology , Plant Preparations/history , Poisons/history , Therapeutics/history , Therapeutics/psychology
Cultura (Asoc. Docentes Univ. San Martín Porres) ; 25(21): 211-227, dic. 2007. graf
Article in Spanish | LIPECS | ID: biblio-1107716


Uno de los requisitos para el trabajo de acompañamiento terapéutico es la congruencia que deberá mostrar el terapeuta con su propia conducta, además de una actitud empática y por supuesto la aceptación incondicional a la persona que atiende. Como habilidades, siguiendo el Modelo de la Programación Neurolingüística el terapeuta deberá entrenarse en analizar estrategias conductuales del paciente, mediante la agudización de su capacidad de observación profunda de los cambios fisiológicos de la persona y su comunicación no verbal mediante la técnica de Calibración. Aprenderá a conocer los canales de percepción de sus paciente, mediante la observación de su Sistema representacional. Prestará una cuidadosa atención a las palabras que usa, entendimiento que éstas son una descripción verbal de su experiencia, analizando sus Patrones de lenguaje o Metalenguaje y por último conociendo a qué prestan atención sus clientes tanto interna como externamente ¿Cuál es su escala de valores? ¿Cuál es su actitud ante los objetivos y metas? ¿Escucha más sus propios deseos, o se rige por los deseos de los demás? Utiliza para esto, el análisis de sus Metaprogramas, estos son vistos cómo filtros que le limitan su percepción y comprensión de la realidad. Estas técnicas de análisis orientan al terapeuta en su comunicación con el paciente e impiden que las conjeturas que puedan venir de sus propio mundo interno, interfieran en las comunicación terapéutica y de ésta manera se logre una mejora en la calidad de vida del cliente.

One of the requirements for the accompanying therapeutic work is that the therapist must show consistency in his own behavior, as well as an empathic attitude and of course an unconditional acceptance of the patient. Following the Model of Neuro-linguistic Programming, the therapist, as part of his abilities, should be trained in behavioral analysis strategies for the patient, with the goal of improving the therapist’s ability to quickly observe physiological changes in the individual and their non-verbal communications using the calibration technique. The therapist should learn how to read their patients’ channels of perception, by observing their Representational system. He should pay special attention to the words he uses, keeping in mind that they are a verbal description of the patients’ experience, analyzing his language patterns or Meta-language and finally understanding what their patients pay attention to, both internally and externally. What is their scale of values? What is their attitude towards their goals and targets? Do they listen more to their own desires? Or are they governed by the wishes of others? For this, the therapist uses analysis of the patient’s Meta-programs, the filters which limit their perceptions and their understanding of reality. These analysis techniques guide the therapist in his communication with the patient and prevent speculation that may come from the therapist’s own inner world, interfering with the therapeutic communication. And in this way, these techniques will result in an improvement in the patient’s quality of life.

Male , Female , Humans , Calibration , Neurolinguistic Programming , Professional-Patient Relations , Therapeutics/methods , Therapeutics/psychology