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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954356


Tai Chi and Qigong (TCQ) are regarded as major therapies of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and welcomed by increasing practitioners worldwide for their efficacy in various health issues. To better learn about the popularity of TCQ in the United States, the related data collected from 2007, 2012 and 2017 questionnaires of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were examined and analyzed. The result showed that adult TCQ practitioners in the US increased substantially from 2007-2017, the percentage of Tai Chi practitioners in adult population was 1.0% in 2007, and Qigong practitioners 0.3%; Tai Chi practitioners was 1.1% in 2012, and Qigong practitioners 0.3%; in 2017, Tai Chi practitioners was 1.5%, and Qigong practitioners 0.5%. The top three reasons for using TCQ were: 82.4% for general wellness or disease prevention, 64.6% to improve or enhance energy, and 35.1% recommended by family, friends or co-workers. The health benefits of TCQ, the demand for complementary therapies and increasing research evidences were positive factors for the growth, while there are also challenges including insufficiencies in scientific researches and lacking of standardized teaching system. To promote the future development of TCQ in the US and oversea countries, we should optimize the research methods and standardize the teaching system, encourage the exchange and training of TCQ related professionals, and promote the integration of TCQ into conventional medical system and other related industries.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882542


India is a parliamentary republic country located in South Asian. Its medical and healthcare insurance is paid by the state government and it has the world’s largest "free medical" service system. India has a long history of traditional medicine (TM) represented mainly by Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga etc. As early as the 2nd century BC, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was introduced to India along with religious exchanges and trade activities. At present, acupuncture has achieved independent legal status in India and there are many acupuncture clinics and associations. However, non-acupuncture TCM treatments lack development in India, but the application of acupuncture lacks of systematic standards.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882552


Mongolia is a parliamentary republic country in the north of our country. Healthcare system is mainly composed of three parts: state-owned medical institutions, private clinics and mixed-ownership medical institutions, characteris by the wide coverage but uneven resources. Due to the folk customs and climate, diseases of the digestive system are more common, and the main diseases that cause deaths of Mongolian residents are ischemic heart disease, stroke, and liver cancer. Mongolia is located by and culturally related to China, so the development and dissemination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is likely acceptable to the public. Mongolia’s traditional medicine and TCM have long-term exchanges and influences, promoting each other’s development, which also are protected by Mongolian laws. The concerns such as the inheritance, study and protection of Mongolian traditional medicine, the promotion of non-medicinal therapies restrict the development Mongolian and Chinese traditional medicine. It is recommended that Mongolian and TCM jointly promote the development and dissemination of traditional medicine in the world by cultivating high-level medical talents, increasing research and protection of herbal medicines, and expanding the application of non-drug therapies.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882556


Iraq is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious federal country located in southwest Asia and northeast of the Arabian Peninsula. Medical insurance is based on the primary health care model, supplemented by private medical care. Traditional medicine in Iraq is dominated by Islamic medicine. With the support of the Chinese government, the first Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) center was established in 2000. However, due to safety issues, the management of the center had problems such as insufficient staff, limited medical experience, and non-persistentsupport. At present, TCM has not been included in the Iraqi medical insurance system, which has affected the people’s medical choice and hindered the development of TCM. It is recommended to strengthen the construction of existing TCM centers, improve the accessibility of TCM education, and strengthen the cooperation and exchanges of traditional medicine between the two countries to promote the spread and development of TCM in Iraq.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882560


South Africa is an ethnically and culturally diverse presidential republic country. The medical and health system consists of public and private medical care. AIDS, lower respiratory infections, neonatal diseases, and interpersonal violence and road injuries are the leading causes of adult death. South Africa has rich herbal resources, and a long history of traditional medicine, which is mainly black African traditional medicine. Until the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa in 1998, the development of TCM was significantly improved, and legislation of TCM was adopted by the government in 2000. Chinese herbal medicine has not yet formed industrial standardization, the TCM application and TCM education are insufficient. Therefore, it is suggested to accelerate the standardization of TCM, to strengthen the TCM education for professional TCM practitioners, and to form a large-scale, industrial and standardized development model. Only in these ways can TCM provide good medical services for residents in South African.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882562


Egypt’s medical insurance is mainly covered by government and commercial insurance. The low coverage of commercial insurance and the quality of medical services needs more improvement in Egypt. Recently, the incidence rate of diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypertensive heart disease, COPD and liver cancer is rising. Traditional Egyptian medicine is similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and its modern traditional medicine is mainly Arabian medicine. Acupuncture, as the main form of TCM, was introduced into Egypt in the 1970s, but it has not been covered by the medical insurance system. The development of TCM in Egypt needs improvement. It is suggested that further explorated fields should be focused on the acupuncture therapy, TCM education and TCM treatment of keeping health in Egypt.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882569


The Algerian medical health system provides free medical care. The incidence of non-communicable diseases, such as ischemic heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease, are high. Acupuncture has become a popular treatment recognized by the public with certain influence. However, some problems restrict the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Algeria, like insufficient training of TCM talents; lack of TCM related knowledge, and medical insurance policy uncoving TCM. Based on the status quo of TCM, we suggested promotion and dissemination of TCM development in Algeria, including breaking through education limitation to expand the talent team, carrying out targeted publicity to expand the influence of TCM, promoting the inclusion of TCM in medical insurance and government legislative protection. Only in these ways, could we increase and expand the strength and scope of TCM influence, and promote the development of TCM in Algeria.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882588


Turkey is a presidential republic country located in the Eurasian continent, which has a universal health coverage since the health reform in 2003. The leading causes of death in this country are ischemic heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. Besides, lower respiratory infections, chronic kidney disease, and hypertensive heart disease are the diseases which have a fastest growing rate. Chinese acupuncture was officially recognized by Turkey in 1991 with the promulgation of Acupuncture Treatment Legislation. At present, only trained practitioners and dentist could conduct acupuncture treatment, which was stated in Regulation of Tradition and Complementary Medicine Practice. The application of Turkish acupuncture and moxibustion is still applied in a simplified way that lack of TCM theory. Moreover, Chinese herbal medicine is still not officially recognized and still under control of the Ministry of Agriculture. Therefore, it is suggested to introduce TCM theory in the spread of acupuncture, to promote acupuncture research and clinical practice, to clarify the different standards between the two countries, and to cooperate in Chinese medicine researches, especially those related to the local high incidence and refractory disease so as to promote the development of TCM in Turkey and provide medical services for local residents.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882589


Indonesia is an island country in Southeast Asia. In 2014, Indonesia established the National Health Insurance System (NHIS), and until 2019, the NHIS hadcovered 82% residents. The leading causes of death in Indonesia were stroke, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, tuberculosis and cirrhosis. In 1996, the Indonesian Ministry of Health allowed acupuncturists to enter Indonesian medical institutions to practice acupuncture. After that acupuncture was included in college education as a major course. However, there are still some problems, such as insufficient policy and legislation support of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), imperfect education and talent training system of TCM, and low acceptance of TCM theories. Therefore, it is recommended that the local societies and organizations could actively promote the government’s legislation on TCM; local TCM schools could build a team of excellent teachers, improve teaching quality, and cultivate local TCM talents; strengthen the cooperation and exchanges of traditional medicine between the two countries to promote the spread and development of TCM in Indonesia.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882590


Serbia is a parliamentary republic country in Southeast Europe. It implements a health security system with social insurance as the mainstay and social assistance as a supplement. Ischemic heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease are the major causes of death, and the mortality rates of cardiomyopathy and chronic kidney disease are increasing. Serbia has relevant legislation on traditional medicine. Acupuncture, as the main form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been introduced to Serbia in an early stage. Acupuncture was recognized as a legal medical method in 2005, and then the corresponding educational institutions of TCM were established soon. However, the limitation of acupuncture treatment application, difficulty in access to Chinese medicine, and undeveloped of TCM education system, all of them restrict the development of TCM in Serbia. It is recommended to improve the development and dissemination of Chinese medicine in Serbia, like to increase the promotion of acupuncture, pay attention to the Chinese medicine for preventive health care, and strengthen TCM education.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882605


American medical insurance is mainly composed of public medical insurance borne by the government and private medical insurance. The main cause of death in this country are ischemic heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and lung cancer. The motality rate mainly caused by drug use disorders, chronic kidney disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The development of Chinese herbal medicine is relatively slow and difficult. The education system has covered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). However, there still exist certain challenges of the development of TCM acupuncture faces the challenge of localization; Chinese herbal medicine still lacks standardization and TCM education needs to be standardized. Based on the current situation, it is suggested to focus on the development of acupuncture and moxibustion, to promote the registration and declaration of Chinese herbal medicine products for treating difficult diseases, and to strengthen the international exchange of TCM education, so as to promote the development and spread of TCM in the United States.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882606


The medical insurance is provided by the Unified Health System (SUS) covering most of Brazilians and alsocombined with private insurance, and every Brazilan could get access to basic health services. The major diseaseas leading to death in Brazil are ischemic heart disease, stroke and lower respiratory infection. The incidence of AD, chronic kidney disease and diabetes are increasing in recent years. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which was represented by acupuncture, was introduced to Brazil in the early 19th. At present, acupuncture has been widely accepted and used, which was included in SUS. A number of universities have acupuncture courses. However, the specialities and advantages of TCM needs to be strengthened, the local practioners lack the understanding of TCM theory, the appropriate use of herbal medicine, and there lacks TCM education standards, all these limit the development of TCM. Thus, in order to promote the development and dissemination of TCM in Brazil, it is suggested to give full play of the characteristics of TCM in preventing disease, increase the research and development input of herbal medicine, standardize the education stystem of TCM, etc.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882607


The popularization of medical insurance in Panama has been basically completed. The coverage of health insurance is high, but with the problem of polarization. The major causes of death in Panama are is chemic heart disease, stroke, AD and diabetes. In recent years, the chronic kidney disease and COPD are increasing significantly. Panamanian native medicine, considered as complementary and alternative medicine, is recognized by local laws and usedby most of indigenous groups and rural people. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Panama is at the starting stage, and there is no relevant legislation. However, this country attaches great importance to indigenous traditional medicine, and more and more people gradually accept it. TCM has great development potential in this country. It is suggested to promote the development of TCM in Panama. By culture as the pathway, exploring various forms of cooperation and exchange, taking the research and development of traditional herbal medicine as the breakthrough point, and increasing the spead of acupuncture usage, etc.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882622


Thailand is a constitutional monarchy located in the central and southern part in Southeast Asia. It mainly implements the civil service insurance plan, the social insurance plan and the "Thai 30" plan, and the government bears the main health expenditures. The Thai traditional and alternative medicine system includes Thai traditional medicine, indigenous medicine and alternative medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) belongs to the category of alternative medicine. Currently, Thai traditional medicine and Chinese acupuncture have been included in medical insurance. With Thailand’s approval of doctors to use Chinese medicine to treat diseases published (Notification No.1 of BE 2543), a series of activities such as the establishment of national TCM center, the certification of TCM doctors, and the set of TCM courses and training have promoted TCM development in Thailand. However, the application of Chinese herbal medicine is restricted by Thai medicine laws; the practical skills of acupuncture and moxibustion is insufficient; and the TCM education is not systematic and complete. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out extensive and continuous publicity in the future to promote policy and legislative support; to strengthen research and development of Chinese patent medicine on popular diseases in Thailand and promote localization; to establish a special practice training center to improve acupuncture clinical operation capacity; to add and refine the content of TCM regarding university education system as well as short-term training; and to encourage cooperation between China and Thailand in talent exchanges and scientific researches, promoting the development of TCM in Thailand.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882624


Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural constitutional monarchy and federal system located in Southeast Asia. The top three diseases that cause deaths are ischemic heart disease, lower respiratory tract infections and stroke. Lower respiratory tract infections, colorectal cancer and Alzheimer’s disease have been the fastest growing diseases in recent years. The health insurance system complements public and private health care system. Traditional medicine in Malaysia includes Malaysian Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Indian Medicine, Islamic Medicine and homeopathy. Although TCM, such as acupuncture, has not been covered by health insurance, it is widely used under the impetus of the local Chinese people. At present, in Malaysia, the TCM public acceptance and education need promotion, and scientific researches need to be improved. It is hoped that in the future, the development of TCM in Malaysia will be better developed and disseminated by promoting TCM relevant legislation, increasing public awareness, focusing on education and training, and carrying out international scientific research cooperation.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882636


The Philippines’ medical system is mainly based on the provincial responsibility system and the limited hierarchical. The Philippine government implement Philhealth program which can provide medical insurance for most people. The top 10 fatal diseases in this country includes ischemic heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory tract infection and so on. Of these diseases, the increasing rate of hypertensive heart disease, chronic kidney disease and diabetes are fast. Bone setting, massage and herbal medicine are the major form of traditional medicine in the Philippines. The acceptance of acupuncture and moxibustion by the government and local people is relatively high acupuncture and moxibustion therapy has been included in its medical insurance. There are many limitations on the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory and Chinese herbal medicine in the Philippines, and the clinical application of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is still limited. TCM education in the Philippines is still not systematic. Therefore, it is suggested to improve the education system of TCM, strengthen the promotion of acupuncture and moxibustion, give full play of the advantages of TCM for native high-risk diseases, and to make use of modern technologies such as telemedicine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-435883


Objective To explore the influence from I Ching perception of febrile disease theory to the syndrome differentiation and treatment of Viral myocarditis.Methods Documentary study.Results The febrile disease theory gained certain reference from simple ontology and motion concept in ancient Chinese philosophy.VMC was caused by disorder of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors,transition from Kan diagram to Li diagram,together with the mixture of pathogenic qi.Treatment should mainly focus on eliminating pathogen and nourishing yin to coordinate water and fire,conforming to universe rules,and smoothing Qi to reduce blockage.Conclusion The cognitive perception,pathogenesis and treatment of febrile disease theory are all deeply influenced by I Ching.Therefore,the combination of I Ching and febrile disease theory in diagnosis and treatment of VCM will improve clinical effects,as well as featuring the cultural nature of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-416756


Objective To analyze the problems of treating plague by TCM and find out the characteristics of clinical research of contemporary plague by the analysis of clinical research literature on the treatment of plague by TCM. Methods Differential treatment methods of one kind of plague in the literature as the main source of the data and the information that the pathogenesis-symptom-location of disease-nature of disease-prescriptions-drugs were taken to build the data base of the syndrome differentiation and treatment of certain kind of plague. Results Analyzed with literatures,the characteristics of plague clinical research showed: Different pathogenesis characteristics and evolution of plague were caused by diff① erent evils. ②Contemporary plague was named by western disease name. A new model which disease differentiation combined with syndrome differentiation has been formed. ③The diversification of administration promoted the treatment of emergent communicable disease with Chinese medicine. Conclusion The plague research lacked such research literature which could both reflect individualized diagnosis and embody the clinical rules. Traditional Chinese medicine theory could be researched and enriched by finding out the pathogenesis characteristics and evolution rule of the new plague and thus guide the clinical practice. It was effective to control and treat mergent communicable disease with TCM.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-434158


Objective:To study the qualitative and quantitative methods of Shenbai concentrated pills. Methods:Danshen root and lightyellow sophora root in Shenbai concentrated pills were identified with the method of TLC. The contents of astragaloside Ⅳ and paeoniflorin were determined with the method of HPLC. Results: For TLC, the spots of the two herbal drugs were well separated and without interference. Quantitative analysis of HPLC showed that the average recovery of astragaloside 1V was 100.82% (RSD1.73%) with the RSD values of precision, repeatability and stability tests were 2.79%, 1.48% and 1.44%, respectively; and the average recovery of paeoniflorin was 99.83% (RSD2.34%) with the RSD values of precision, repeataibility and stability tests were 2.25%, 2.16% and 1.60%, respectively. Conclusions: The methods set up by this study are accurate and easy to perform with the merits of good resolution, specificity and reproducibility. It could effectively control the quality of Shenbai concentrated pills.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-579850


Objective To observe the effects of TCM preconditioning of warming Yang and supplementing heart Qi on the myocardial ultrastructure of rats with acute myocardial ischemia, and discuss its protection on the ischemia reperfusion myocardium and relation with myocardial ischemic preconditioning. Method Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups, 3 of which were fed normally, one of which was administered with TCM, and myocardial infarction model was established after 10 days. IR group were reperfused 48 hours after 45 min of ischemia. TCM group were treated with prophylactic administration of 0.36 g/100 g body weight for 10 days before the same ischemia and reperfusion as IR group. IP group were also performed the same ischemia and reperfusion as IR group after 5 min of ischemia and 5 min of reperfusion three times. The myocardial ultrastructure of rats was observed by electron microscope. Results In IR group:sarcolemma damaged, myofilament dissolved and fragmented, arranged loosely, mitochondria arranged confused, some mitochondria looked like cavitation or partly cavitation, some also presented coacervation state, glycogen decreased. And the myocardium damaged badly, it proved that part of the myocardium damaged after the ischemia reperfusion. In TCM and IP groups:the state of the cardiocytes were improved relatively and the sarcolemmas were integrated, the cardiocytes’ nucleoli presented to be oval-shape, and the nucleoli looked obviously, the mitochondria were showed relatively obviously, myofilaments were well arranged, the bright and dark bands of the sarcomeres looked apparently, mitochondria arranged in good order between the myofibrils, but still some myofilaments were broke and part of the mitochondria presented cavitation state. Conclusion The myocardial ischemic preconditioning and TCM preconditioning of warming Yang and supplementing heart Qi both can protect the ischemic myocardium through mitigating the damages of the myocardial ultrastructure, and they have the similar protection effects on the damaged myocardial ultrastructure of the rats with ischemia reperfusion.