The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of several anesthetics in the brachyuran crab Neohelice granulata, an emergent experimental model. The essential oils (EOs) of Lippia alba, Aloysia tryphilla, and Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree oil; TTO), the isolated compounds eugenol, menthol, terpinen-4-ol, and the nanoencapsulated form of TTO, were administered in one or more of the following ways: added to the water (immersion), through an arthrodial membrane (injected), or by oral gavage. Unexpectedly, most EOs did not produce an anesthetic effect after immersion. Only TTO and eugenol induced anesthesia by immersion, with very long induction and recovery times compared to anesthesia of other crustaceans. However, a good anesthetic effect was observed with the injection of terpinen-4-ol and nanoencapsulated TTO in N. granulata; both demonstrated ideal induction and recovery times. These substances appear to be promising anesthetic alternatives for crustaceans.