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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988811


Bipolar disorder (BD) is considered to be mainly related to qi, phlegm, fire and deficiency. Binding constraint of liver qi is the initial cause, while phlegm and qi interact obstruction as well as phlegm and fire interact binding is the key pathogenesis of the transformation between depression and mania, and deficiency of both qi and yin is the main reason of the protracted course of disease. In clinical practice, BD is divided into binding constraint of liver qi pattern, phlegm and qi interact obstruction pattern, phlegm and fire interact binding pattern, and deficiency of both qi and yin pattern, which can be treated with Jinyu Shugan Powder (金玉疏肝散), Kaiyu Wendan Decoction (开郁温胆汤), Qingxin Huatan Decoction (清心化痰汤), and Baihe Shengmai Beverage (百合生脉饮) in their modifications respectively; moreover, Guanye Jinsitao (Herba Hyperici Perforati) is usually used to rectify qi, relieve phlegm and clear heat. It is also suggested to put focus on the prevention and treatment of qi, phlegm and heat simultaneously, and modify the medicinals flexibly in accordance with the pathogenesis evolution and the abnormal exuberance.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457677


This study was aimed to analyze the bioinformatics of proteomics of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) intervened by active principle region of Yang-Xin Tong-Mai Formula (apr-YTF). The latest versions of bioinformatics tools including DAVID ( and GO ( were combined to assign a precise function to rat bone marrow MSCs intervened by apr-YTF. KEGG and VISANT were assigned with a precise function to rat bone marrow MSCs intervened by apr-YTF. The results showed that a total of 102 biological processes were mainly involved, with 35 cellular components and 6 molecular functions. These proteins interacted in 3 signal transduction pathways. It was concluded that the following proteins and signal transduction pathways played an important role in the process of apr-YTF inducing BMSCs differentiation into cardiomyocytes. Presenilin-1 and Presenilin-2 were in the Notch signaling pathway. And syntaxin-4 protein was in soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein (SNARE). The apr-YTF played a role on MSCs from multiple sites, with multiple links through different biological processes. The bioinformatics of proteomics can predict action mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) from the holism concept. The validation in combination with molecularbiology was a good way for TCM modernization.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516824


In the light of mathematical maximum likily hood method, the conditioned probability of clinical manifestations in TCM syndrome of asthenic heart qi - and blood and control group were calculated to establish a " List of Quantitative Diagnostic Index of TCM Manifestations Differentiation for Qi and Blood in Heart Disease". Based on the scoring of the above list, the rate of coincidence of retro - spective test of the three signs were 92. 70%, 93. 20%, 94. 98% respectively, and that of prospective test were 84. 61%, 81.82%, 87. 50% respectively. Authors' address: Institute of diagnostics, Hunan College of TCM, Changsha, Hunan 410027

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516403


Clinical observation demonstrated that the syndromes in Qi- stagnation Blood - stasis and Qi- deficiency Blood- stasis were characterized by manifestations in the face, tongue, nail and pulse. In addition to the changes of increase in C/HS, h4/hl, RT, stagnation aggregation of RBC in microcirculation, sluggish flowing which were common to both disorders, exams of facial hemotachogram microcirculation of the tongue and, nails, sphygmobologram and cardiac vascular functions revealed that, in the patient of Qi -stagnation Blood - stasis. HD, /[ + ], h3/n, w/twere all markedly increased with spasm of capillary loops, lowered AC flocculent blood flowing and other abnormalities of peripheral vessels, suggesting that normal cardiac output and high peripheral resistance were the pathophysiological features of Qi- stagnation Blood -stasis, while most of the patients with Qi - deficiencyBlood--stasis revealed HS, HS/. [t4-t1]/t, t1/tand marked lowering of 4 parameters (Sr, Co, SI, CD of hypofunction of the heart, short capillary loops with blurring, poor filling, poor perfusion of blood, suggesting that low cardiac pumping and low cardiac output were the pathophysiological characteristics of Qi - deficiency Blood - stasis syndrome.