OBJECTIVE: : The optimal adjuvant therapy for women with stages III and IV endometrial cancer following surgical staging and cytoreductive surgery is controversial. We sought to determine the outcome of patients with advanced stage endometrial cancer treated with postoperative chemotherapy+/-radiation to determine whether there was an advantage to combining treatment modalities. METHODS: : A retrospective analysis of patients with surgical stages III and IV endometrial cancer from 1975 to 2006 was conducted at Duke University and the University of North Carolina. Inclusion criteria were comprehensive staging procedure including hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, +/-selective pelvic/aortic lymphadenectomy, surgical debulking, and treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: : 356 Patients with advanced stage endometrial cancer were identified who received postoperative adjuvant therapies; 48% (n=171) radiotherapy alone, 29% (n=102) chemotherapy alone, 23% (n=83) chemotherapy and radiation. The median age was 66 years; 38% had endometrioid tumors; and 83% were optimally debulked. There was a significant difference between the adjuvant treatment groups for both OS and PFS (p<0.001), with those receiving chemotherapy alone having poorer 3-year OS (33%) and PFS (19%) compared to either radiotherapy alone (70% and 59%) or combination therapy (79% and 62%). After adjusting for stage, age, grade, and debulking status the hazard ratio (HR) for OS was 1.60 (95% CI, 0.88 to 2.89; p=0.122) for chemotherapy alone and 2.01 (95% CI, 1.17 to 3.48; p=0.012) for radiotherapy alone, compared to combination therapy. When the analysis was restricted to optimally debulked patients the adjusted HR for patients who were treated with either chemotherapy or radiation alone indicated a significantly higher risk for disease progression [HR=1.84 (95% CI, 1.03 to 3.27; p=0.038); HR=1.80 (95% CI, 1.10 to 2.95; p=0.020)] and death [HR=2.33 (95% CI, 1.12 to 4.86; p=0.024); HR=2.64 (95% CI, 1.38 to 5.07; p=0.004)], respectively, compared to patients who received combination therapy. CONCLUSION: : Combined adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation was associated with improved survival in patients with advanced stage disease compared to either modality alone. Future clinical trials are needed to prospectively evaluate multi-modality adjuvant therapy in women with advanced staged endometrial cancer to determine the appropriate sequencing and types of chemotherapy and radiation.
Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapéutico , Carcinoma/tratamiento farmacológico , Carcinoma/radioterapia , Neoplasias Endometriales/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias Endometriales/radioterapia , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Carcinoma/patología , Carcinoma/cirugía , Quimioterapia Adyuvante , Ciclofosfamida/administración & dosificación , Doxorrubicina/administración & dosificación , Neoplasias Endometriales/patología , Neoplasias Endometriales/cirugía , Femenino , Humanos , Histerectomía , Estimación de Kaplan-Meier , Escisión del Ganglio Linfático , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estadificación de Neoplasias , North Carolina/epidemiología , Oportunidad Relativa , Ovariectomía , Compuestos de Platino/administración & dosificación , Modelos de Riesgos Proporcionales , Radioterapia Adyuvante , Estudios Retrospectivos , Resultado del TratamientoRESUMEN
The study was designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of IP cisplatin [CDDP] combined with intravenous thiosulphate and concurrent whole abdomen hyperthermia for advanced, recurrent or progressive ovarian carcinoma. Between September 1991 and November 1998, 41 patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer received escalating doses of IP (IP) cisplatin (six cycles given every 3-4 weeks) and whole abdomen hyperthermia with intravenous thiosulphate as second line treatment. Whole abdomen hyperthermia was administrated using a BSD-2000 annular phased array system. Forty-one patients were enrolled in the phase I/II portions of the study. Forty-four per cent (18/41) had undergone sub-optimal cytoreductive surgery and 15% (6/41) had been optimally debulked of their disease. Ninety per cent (37/41) had platinum-resistant disease and 10% (4/41) had platinum-sensitive disease. No DLTs occurred in the phase I testing and the recommended dose for this combination schedule was 180 mg m-2 of IP cisplatin with thiosulphate and whole abdomen hyperthermia. The overall response rate was 44% (10 CR, 8 PR) and the median survival for all patients from protocol entry was 30 months (range 2-107 months). Median duration and survival of those achieving a pathologic CR was 14 months (range 2-27 months) and 35 months (range 14-71 months, 95% CI 16-54 months), respectively. Salvage platinum based IP cisplatin with hyperthermia did achieve pathologic CR in selected patients and was well tolerated. These promising results suggest a role for the use of adjuvant whole abdomen hyperthermia as a means of augmenting chemosensitization.
Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Carcinoma/terapia , Cisplatino/uso terapéutico , Hipertermia Inducida , Recurrencia Local de Neoplasia/terapia , Neoplasias Ováricas/terapia , Adulto , Anciano , Antineoplásicos/administración & dosificación , Antineoplásicos/efectos adversos , Carcinoma/patología , Cisplatino/administración & dosificación , Cisplatino/efectos adversos , Terapia Combinada , Progresión de la Enfermedad , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Femenino , Humanos , Hipertermia Inducida/métodos , Infusiones Parenterales , Persona de Mediana Edad , Recurrencia Local de Neoplasia/patología , Estadificación de Neoplasias , Neoplasias Ováricas/patología , Tasa de Supervivencia , Factores de TiempoRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Five randomized studies have demonstrated a benefit derived from adding cisplatin (CDDP)-based chemotherapy to radiotherapy (RT) for treatment of cervical carcinoma. The Dutch Phase III pelvic tumor trial demonstrated a survival and local control benefit due to the addition of hyperthermia (HT) to RT. The authors evaluated response and toxicity in patients with locally advanced cervical carcinoma (LACC) who were treated with concurrent weekly CDDP, HT, and RT (whole pelvis [n=7] and whole pelvis and paraaortic nodes [n=5]). METHODS: From August 1998 through December 2000, 12 patients with LACC or locally recurrent cervical carcinoma (LRCC) following hysterectomy were enrolled on a pilot study combining weekly CDDP, HT, and RT. RESULTS: Ten patients were treated at initial diagnosis. All achieved clinical complete response and durable local control. Two of the 10 experienced recurrence outside the pelvis; 1 of these patients had pulmonary metastasis, and the other had isolated paraaortic nodal involvement. Two patients treated for LRCC experienced local and systemic progression and died of disease within 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: In this small series, trimodality therapy resulted in an excellent clinical response and was well tolerated. The addition of HT to chemoradiotherapy represents a promising new strategy that warrants multiinstitutional collaborative efforts to confirm its efficacy.