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Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 18(6): 1048-1052, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27219484


Pollinator specialisation through exploitation barriers (such as long floral tubes) does not necessarily mean a lack of pollination when the favoured pollinator is rare or absent. Theory predicts that suboptimal visitors will contribute to plant reproduction in the absence of the most effective pollinator. Here I address these questions with Chasmanthe floribunda a long-tubed plant species in the Cape Floristic Region, which is reliant on one species of pollinator, the long-billed Malachite Sunbird. In contrast to short-billed sunbirds, the Malachite Sunbird occurs in lower abundance or is absent in transformed landscapes. Short-billed sunbirds rob and thieve nectar from long-tubed flowers, but their potential contribution towards pollination is unknown. Experiments assessing seed set after single flower visits were performed to determine whether thieving short-billed sunbirds can act as substitute pollinators. To determine whether short-billed sunbirds reduce pollen limitation in transformed areas, pollen supplementation was done by hand and compared to natural fruit set. Short billed sunbirds are unable to act as substitute pollinators, and seed set is significantly lower in the flowers that they visited, compared to flowers visited by long-billed sunbirds. This is substantiated on a landscape scale, where fruit production in Chasmanthe floribunda could artificially be increased by 35% in transformed landscapes, but not so in natural areas. These findings have important consequences for the management and conservation of long-tubed bird-pollinated plant species that exist in recently transformed landscapes. The potential vulnerability of specialised plant species in transformed landscapes is highlighted.

Iridaceae/fisiología , Passeriformes/fisiología , Polinización , Animales , Flores/anatomía & histología , Flores/fisiología , Iridaceae/anatomía & histología , Néctar de las Plantas/fisiología , Polen/anatomía & histología , Polen/fisiología , Reproducción , Semillas/anatomía & histología , Semillas/fisiología
Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 18(1): 124-31, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25865269


Reproduction is a crucial stage in the naturalisation of introduced plant species. Here, using breeding system experiments and observations of floral visitors, we investigate whether a lack of pollinators or an inability to autonomously self-fertilise limits naturalisation in five Australian Banksia species and the co-familial Hakea salicifolia in South Africa. Banksia species were heavily utilised by native insects and nectar-feeding birds. Although Banksia produced fruit when pollinators were excluded, pollinators significantly increased seed set in four of the five species. H. salicifolia flowers were visited by 11 insect species; honeybees (Apis mellifera) were the main visitors. Flowers in naturalised H. salicifolia populations received almost four times the number of visits as flowers in non-naturalised populations; the latter showed both pollen limitation (PLI 0.40) and partial self-incompatibility. This should not prevent invasion, since H. salicifolia produces fruits via autonomous selfing in the absence of pollinators. The results suggest a limited role of breeding systems in mediating naturalisation of introduced Proteaceae species. Other factors, such as features of the recipient environments, appear to be more important. Spatial variation in rates of reproduction might, however, explain variation in the extent and rate of naturalisation of different populations.

Polinización/fisiología , Proteaceae/fisiología , Autofecundación/fisiología , Animales , Australia , Abejas , Flores/fisiología , Insectos , Especies Introducidas , Polen , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Sudáfrica
Water Sci Technol ; 71(4): 487-94, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25746638


To date, phosphorus recovery as struvite in wastewater treatment plants has been mainly implemented on water phases resulting from dewatering processes of the sludge line. However, it is possible to recover struvite directly from sludge phases. Besides minimising the return loads of phosphorus from the sludge line to the water line, placing such a process within the sludge line is claimed to offer advantages such as a higher recovery potential, enhanced dewaterability of the treated sludge, and reduced speed of scaling in pipes and dewatering devices. In the wastewater treatment plant at Leuven (Belgium), a full-scale struvite recovery process from digested sludge has been tested for 1 year. Several monitoring campaigns and experiments provided indications of the efficiency of the process for recovery. The load of phosphorus from the sludge line returning to the water line as centrate accounted for 15% of the P-load of the plant in the reference situation. Data indicated that the process divides this phosphorus load by two. An improved dewaterability of 1.5% of dry solids content was achieved, provided a proper tuning of the installation. Quality analyses showed that the formed struvite was quite pure.

Fósforo/química , Aguas del Alcantarillado/química , Eliminación de Residuos Líquidos/métodos , Aguas Residuales/química , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/química , Bélgica , Reactores Biológicos , Purificación del Agua/métodos
Lasers Med Sci ; 25(5): 655-9, 2010 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19529881


The capacity of photo-sensitizers, used in combination with laser light to kill micro-organisms has been demonstrated in different studies. Photo-activated disinfection (PAD) has been introduced in periodontology as an aid for disinfection of periodontal pockets. The aim of this study is to verify the harm for dental vitality of the use of PAD in periodontal pockets. Root canals of 24 freshly extracted human teeth where prepared using profiles up to a size of ISO #50 and filled with thermo-conductor paste. A silicon-based false gum was made in which a periodontal pocket was created and filled with photo-sensitizer phenothiazine chloride (phenothiazine-5-ium, 3.7-bis (dimethylamino)-, chloride). The external root surface was irradiated during 60 s with a 660-nm diode laser (output power: 20 mW; power density: 0.090 W/cm(2); Energy density: 5.46 J/cm(2)) using a periodontal tip with a diameter of 1 mm and a length of 7 mm. Temperatures were recorded inside the root canal using a thermocouple. Measurements were recorded every second, starting at 10 s before lasering, during the irradiation and were continued for 150 s after the end of irradiation, and six measurements were done per tooth. An average temperature increase of 0.48 +/- 0.11 degrees C was recorded. Our results demonstrated that pulp temperature increase was lower than 3 degrees C, which is considered to be harmless for pulp injury. Regarding pulp temperature increase, the use of PAD for disinfection of periodontal pockets can be considered as a safe procedure for dental vitality.

Pulpa Dental/efectos de la radiación , Desinfección/métodos , Terapia por Luz de Baja Intensidad/efectos adversos , Bolsa Periodontal/radioterapia , Pulpa Dental/lesiones , Calor/efectos adversos , Humanos , Técnicas In Vitro , Láseres de Semiconductores/efectos adversos , Bolsa Periodontal/microbiología , Fármacos Fotosensibilizantes/uso terapéutico , Seguridad , Temperatura
Lasers Med Sci ; 25(5): 651-4, 2010 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19488675


Photo-activated decontamination (PAD) has been reported in caries treatment as an aid in dentine decontamination. The aim of this study is to verify the harmlessness for pulp vitality of photo-activated decontamination (PAD) in caries treatment. Twenty freshly extracted single-rooted teeth were used. Deep class I cavities with a

Caries Dental/radioterapia , Pulpa Dental/efectos de la radiación , Desinfección/métodos , Terapia por Luz de Baja Intensidad/efectos adversos , Caries Dental/microbiología , Pulpa Dental/lesiones , Pulpa Dental/microbiología , Dentina/microbiología , Dentina/efectos de la radiación , Calor/efectos adversos , Humanos , Técnicas In Vitro , Láseres de Semiconductores/efectos adversos , Fármacos Fotosensibilizantes/administración & dosificación , Seguridad , Temperatura
Rev Sci Tech ; 23(3): 851-61, 2004 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15861880


Many of the problems associated with the delivery of quality veterinary services to smallholders in Africa are attributed to the complexity of the provision of animal health care (AHC) in sub-Saharan Africa. In this region, a holistic and analytical approach is needed to determine area-specific requirements for sustainable, and thus quality, AHC. This study examines three components of the animal health care system in sub-Saharan Africa, namely, the structure, the process and the outcomes. It focuses particularly on the factors that contribute to the quality of the structure and the process. For this purpose, two measures of quality are used, i.e. availability (in relation to the structure) and acceptability (in relation to the process). The authors identify factors that affect the availability and acceptability of AHC and suggest ways in which they, and hence the quality of AHC provided to smallholders in Africa, can be improved.

Crianza de Animales Domésticos/métodos , Evaluación de Procesos y Resultados en Atención de Salud , Medicina Veterinaria/normas , África del Sur del Sahara , Animales , Países en Desarrollo , Humanos , Medicina Veterinaria/métodos
J Nat Prod ; 61(5): 585-90, 1998 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9599254


From a bioassay-guided fractionation procedure using Herpes simplex virus type 1 as the target model, a virucidal saponin mixture (maesasaponin mixture B) was isolated from the MeOH extract of leaves of Maesa lanceolata. The maesasaponin mixture B consisted of six homologous oleanane-type triterpenoid saponins 1-6, identified by 1H, 13C, and 2D NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The maesasaponin mixture B (1-6) showed several biological activities expected for saponins. It exhibited a moderate virucidal activity against enveloped viruses. The maesasaponin mixture B (1-6) was tested for further properties. The saponin mixture was found to be highly hemolytic and molluscicidal: it hemolyzed 50% of human erythrocytes (1% suspension) at a concentration estimated at 1.6 microg/mL and exerted against Biomphalaria glabrata snails a severe toxic effect with LD95 and LD50 values of 4.1 and 2.3 ppm, respectively. In addition, the maesasaponin mixture B (1-6) showed moderate fungistatic and antimutagenic properties. The evaluation of these diverse activities is described.

Moluscos/efectos de los fármacos , Plantas Medicinales/química , Saponinas/farmacología , Árboles/química , Triterpenos/farmacología , Animales , Antifúngicos/química , Antifúngicos/aislamiento & purificación , Antifúngicos/farmacología , Antineoplásicos Fitogénicos/química , Antineoplásicos Fitogénicos/aislamiento & purificación , Antineoplásicos Fitogénicos/farmacología , Antivirales/química , Antivirales/aislamiento & purificación , Antivirales/farmacología , Conformación de Carbohidratos , Secuencia de Carbohidratos , Hemólisis/efectos de los fármacos , Humanos , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Hojas de la Planta/química , Saponinas/química , Saponinas/aislamiento & purificación , Triterpenos/química , Triterpenos/aislamiento & purificación
Acta Trop ; 65(1): 23-31, 1997 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9140511


Two successive experiments were carried out in which three cows were treated by intramuscular injection of either 0.5 mg/kg isometamidium or 1 mg/kg ethidium and compared with another group of three cows which received a subcutaneously implanted sustained release device (SRD) containing the same dose of drug. The prophylactic effect of both drug formulations was evaluated by exposing the animals at monthly intervals to Glossina morsitans morsitans infected with Trypanosoma congolense. The average protection period using the isometamidium- and the ethidium-SRD was extended by a factor of 3.2 and 2.8, respectively in comparison with the intramuscular injection of the drugs. In the analysis of isometamidium concentrations in the serum of the animals using a competitive drug-ELISA the drugs remained present for much longer periods in the sera of the implanted animals than in those of the intramuscularly treated cattle. The animals were still protected, however, a long time after the disappearance of detectable drug levels in the serum. No difference in drug sensitivity could be observed, when breakthrough isolates were compared from animals which received the ethidium-SRD and those treated intramuscularly, although a slight loss sensitivity occurred in the breakthrough isolates as compared to the parent trypanosome population.

Etidio/uso terapéutico , Fenantridinas/uso terapéutico , Tripanocidas/uso terapéutico , Trypanosoma congolense/efectos de los fármacos , Tripanosomiasis Africana/tratamiento farmacológico , Tripanosomiasis Africana/prevención & control , Animales , Bovinos , Etidio/administración & dosificación , Etidio/farmacocinética , Femenino , Bombas de Infusión Implantables , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Fenantridinas/administración & dosificación , Fenantridinas/farmacocinética , Tripanocidas/administración & dosificación , Tripanocidas/farmacocinética , Tripanosomiasis Africana/sangre
Vet Parasitol ; 63(3-4): 179-85, 1996 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8966986


Two consecutive experiments were carried out to evaluate the prophylactic effect of biodegradable slow release devices (SRD), containing either isometamidium or homidium bromide. Rabbits subcutaneously implanted with SRD, were challenged with different Trypanosoma congolense stocks at regular intervals between 1 and 6.5 months after treatment. In a first experiment the efficacy of two types of isometamidium-SRD (poly(D,L-lactide) and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)) was compared with the classical intramuscular (i.m.) injection of the drug. Since the former polymer gave an average protection period, which was much longer than the other isometamidium formulation, a second experiment was carried out to evaluate the prophylactic effect of poly(D,L-lactide) SRD, containing either isometamidium or homidium bromide, with that of the i.m. injections of the same drugs at a dose of 1 mg kg-1. The average protection period of the homidium bromide SRD was significantly longer than that of the i.m. injected drug (112 vs. 49 days). No significant difference was obtained, however, when isometamidium was administered either as a SRD or as an i.m. injection. The average protection periods were, respectively, 106 +/- 37 days and 84 +/- 18 days. When breakthrough isolates derived from SRD-treated animals were compared with the original stocks of T. congolense, the former showed some loss of sensitivity to homidium bromide. No difference in sensitivity was observed, however, for isometamidium.

Etidio/administración & dosificación , Fenantridinas/administración & dosificación , Tripanocidas/administración & dosificación , Trypanosoma congolense , Tripanosomiasis Africana/prevención & control , Animales , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Implantes de Medicamentos , Resistencia a Medicamentos , Femenino , Inyecciones Intramusculares , Conejos , Factores de Tiempo , Trypanosoma congolense/efectos de los fármacos
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg ; 89(4): 460; author reply 461, 1995.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7570899
Phytomedicine ; 1(4): 299-302, 1995 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23196018


Extracts of the bark and the root of Harrisonia abyssinica exhibited in vitro antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and molluscicidal activities. Bioassay-guided fractionation resulted in the isolation of the active compounds.

J Ethnopharmacol ; 44(3): 195-8, 1994 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7898126


Two groups of mice, showing a patent infection of Schistosoma mansoni, were orally treated with an alcoholic extract of Ambrosia maritima leaves. One group received a single dose, equivalent to 15 g leaves/kg body weight, whereas the other received 5 consecutive doses. The schistosomicidal activity of the plant extract was evaluated 1 week after treatment using 4 parameters: worm load, motility of the worms, oogram and the number of eggs in the liver and intestinal wall. In comparison to the control group no effect at all was observed in the mice who received one single dose of A. maritima. In the group receiving 5 consecutive daily doses, however, the percentage of immature eggs in the intestinal wall had slightly decreased as compared to the controls, but this was compensated by an increase in the number of eggs in the liver. Given the high doses of plant extract used, it is concluded that oral administration of A. maritima has a negligible effect on S. mansoni in mice.

Plantas Medicinales , Schistosoma mansoni/efectos de los fármacos , Esquistosomiasis mansoni/tratamiento farmacológico , Esquistosomicidas/uso terapéutico , Administración Oral , Animales , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Femenino , Hígado/efectos de los fármacos , Masculino , Ratones , Extractos Vegetales/uso terapéutico , Schistosoma mansoni/aislamiento & purificación
Planta Med ; 60(5): 460-3, 1994 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7997478


Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae), used in traditional medicine because of its antimicrobial properties, was found to contain a series of 6-alkenyl-salicylic acids. They were isolated from the ethanolic extract of leaves and stems of Spondias mombin by a combination of chromatographic methods. Their structure was determined by NMR and MS techniques as (17:3), (17:2) and (17:1) pelandjuaic acid [or 6-(8'Z,11'Z,14'Z-heptadecatrienyl)-salicylic acid, 6-(8'Z,11'Z-heptadecadienyl)-salicylic acid, and 6-(10'Z-heptadecenyl)-salicylic acid, respectively], 6-(12'Z-non-adecenyl)-salicylic acid, and 6-(15'Z-heneicosenyl)-salicylic acid, the two last compounds being new ones. These phenolic acids were shown to have a pronounced antibacterial effect against Bacillus cereus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Mycobacterium fortuitum (minimal bactericidal concentration in a concentration range of 3-25 micrograms/ml), and a molluscicidal effect against the snail Biomphalaria glabrata, an intermediate host in the schistosome life cycle. Because of their high molluscicidal activity (LC90 down to 1-3 ppm), these long-chain salicylic acid derivatives may be important tools in the prevention of schistosomiasis.

Antibacterianos/aislamiento & purificación , Bacterias/efectos de los fármacos , Biomphalaria/efectos de los fármacos , Hidroxibenzoatos/aislamiento & purificación , Plantas Medicinales/química , Animales , Antibacterianos/química , Antibacterianos/farmacología , Hidroxibenzoatos/química , Hidroxibenzoatos/farmacología , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Hojas de la Planta , Tallos de la Planta
J Ethnopharmacol ; 42(1): 7-11, 1994 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8046947


The toxicity of the molluscicidal plant Ambrosia maritima L. was evaluated against Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti. In the larvicidal assays a negligible mortality was observed in both species after application of the dried leaves in the water at concentrations up to 2000 mg/l. When the powdered leaves were applied at the surface of the water, however, up to 38% of the larvae of A. stephensi were killed at 2000 mg/l. Virtually no inhibitory effect on the larval growth of both species was noticed. It can be concluded that Ambrosia maritima has little or no effect on the larvae of A. stephensi or Ae. aegypti.

Aedes , Anopheles , Insecticidas , Extractos Vegetales , Animales , Femenino , Larva , Masculino
Acta Trop ; 52(4): 275-82, 1993 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8094589


Several field experiments were carried out in Senegal to evaluate the molluscicidal activity of Ambrosia maritima L. Applications of 400 mg L-1 of dry leaves of the plant in creeks of the Lampsar river did result in a reduction of Bulinus spp of 54-56% 2 weeks after treatment. Treatment of a closed irrigation canal caused a reduction of the density of Biomphalaria pfeifferi up to 77% 2 weeks after the application of 150 mg L-1 and 300 mg L-1. In both trials, however, a quick increase in the snail density was observed after treatment. It is concluded that the large amounts of crude plant material required to achieve snail reductions of less than 80% compromise the use of A. maritima in schistosomiasis control programmes.

Biomphalaria , Bulinus , Moluscocidas , Plantas Medicinales , Esquistosomiasis/prevención & control , Animales , Reservorios de Enfermedades , Interacciones Huésped-Parásitos , Lactonas/análisis , Moluscocidas/química , Plantas Medicinales/química , Senegal , Sesquiterpenos/análisis
J Ethnopharmacol ; 33(1-2): 1-12, 1991.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1943157


The actual knowledge about Ambrosia maritima is reviewed with emphasis on recent developments in the fields of plant morphology and taxonomy, the molluscicidal principles--the sesquiterpene lactones--present in the plant and the effects on snails and on non-target organisms. The use of the plant in traditional medicine is also discussed. Areas where more research is needed are outlined.

Moluscos/fisiología , Moluscocidas/toxicidad , Plantas Tóxicas/química , África del Norte , Animales , Moluscocidas/química
Drug Chem Toxicol ; 14(4): 353-73, 1991.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1811958


The acute and subchronic toxicity of the molluscicidal plant, Ambrosia maritima L., has been tested on rats. No toxic signs could be detected neither after oral administration of 5 g/kg of dried leaves of the plant as a powder or as a methanolic extract, nor after the incorporation of 50,000 ppm powdered leaves in the feed during 4 weeks. Using an aqueous extract of the plant material of A. maritima or using ambrosin, one of the active molluscicidal components of the plant, no mutagenic activity could be detected in the S. typhimurium strains TA97, TA 98, TA1538, TA100 and TA1535.

Moluscocidas/toxicidad , Mutágenos/toxicidad , Extractos Vegetales/toxicidad , Plantas Tóxicas , Sesquiterpenos/toxicidad , Administración Oral , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Moluscocidas/administración & dosificación , Pruebas de Mutagenicidad , Tamaño de los Órganos/efectos de los fármacos , Ratas , Ratas Endogámicas , Sesquiterpenos/análisis , Sesquiterpenos de Guayano
Toxicon ; 29(6): 745-50, 1991.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1926175


The toxicity of the molluscicidal plant, Ambrosia maritima L., has been evaluated in fish, crustacea and algae. The LC50 for fries of the guppy, Lebistes reticulatus, was respectively 650 and 450 mg/litre using a powder or an ether-methanol-hexane extract from the leaves of the plant. This concentration is much higher than the molluscicidal concentration (LC90) of 35 to 70 mg/litre, which is used in the field (irrigation canals in Egypt). Preliminary tests showed that juveniles of L. reticulatus and Tilapia aurea were as sensitive as the fries. Using the same extract of A. maritima the LC50 for Daphnia magna was 766 mg/litre and no toxic effects could be observed in algae Selenastrum capricornutum at 1 g/litre. It can be concluded that A. maritima has a very low toxicity to aquatic non-target organisms. It is not toxic when used at the molluscicidal concentration of 35 to 70 mg/litre.

Moluscocidas/toxicidad , Extractos Vegetales/toxicidad , Plantas Tóxicas/química , Animales , Daphnia , Eucariontes , Dosificación Letal Mediana , Poecilia
Planta Med ; 53(1): 49-51, 1987 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17268960


The investigation of the aerial parts of two collections of AMBROSIA MARITIMA afforded in addition to known pseudoguaianolides nine new ones including two nor-sesquiterpene lactones and two dimeric lactones. The structures were elucidated by highfield (1)H-NMR spectroscopy.