BACKGROUND: Quality control of herbal medicines based on characteristic components is an important trend. Although the plant metabolomics provide a powerful tool for species classification, the discovered marker is usually limited in practical application. For rapid discovery of efficient marker combination, we proposed a strategy integrating targeted metabolite profiling and sequential optimization method. METHODS: This strategy included: (1) directional enrichment and chemical profiling of targeted metabolites by matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). (2) Partial least squares discrimination analysis (PLS-DA)-based sequential screening of efficient marker combination was constructed for various species predictions. Five Lonicera species and their characteristic metabolites, sponins, were taken as a case study. RESULTS: A total of 19 saponins were identified, and 12 major and available saponins were enriched based on MSPD and quantified by LC-MS/MS in 5 Lonicera species flower buds. Followed by 3 runs of PLS-DA-based screening, a combination consisting of macranthoidin B, dipsacoside B and α-hederin was discovered as the effective chemical marker for 5 analogous Lonicera flower classification. CONCLUSION: Our study provides an effective and applicable approach to select the practical marker combination for the assessment of analogical herb medicines.
Cromatografía Liquida/métodos , Lonicera/química , Lonicera/metabolismo , Metabolómica/métodos , Espectrometría de Masas en Tándem/métodos , Biomarcadores/análisis , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Flores/química , Flores/metabolismo , Análisis de los Mínimos Cuadrados , Metabolómica/estadística & datos numéricos , Ácido Oleanólico/análogos & derivados , Ácido Oleanólico/análisis , Ácido Oleanólico/metabolismo , Plantas Medicinales/química , Saponinas/análisis , Saponinas/metabolismo , Especificidad de la Especie , Espectrometría de Masas en Tándem/estadística & datos numéricosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Macroscopic identification has been widely used as a convenient method for herbal authentication and quality assessment. However, sensory evaluation heavily relied on personal experience and lacked enough evidence-based validations. PURPOSE: We aim to reveal the correlation between macroscopic characteristics and tissue-specific chemical composition of the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza (SMR), and then develop a rapid method for quality assessment. METHODS: Thirty-two batches of SMR were collected and evaluated. The outer-surface color and diameter as the representative tissue features of SMR were selected as the macroscopic indexes. SMR were then divided into three parts along transverse section as outer bark, middle part and central part, to explore the spatial distribution of chemicals. Outer-surface color information was converted into RGB values, while the diameter data were expressed by mean distance, respectively. Thirteen major components including eight salvianolic acids and five tanshinones in each part were determined by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Finally, several mathematical models were established and optimized to evaluate the correlation between outer-surface color, size and chemical distribution. RESULT: All five tanshinones mainly distributed in the outer bark while salvianolic acids were averagely existed among three parts. Correlational studies revealed that the surface color depth was significantly and positively correlated with tanshinone contents in the outer bark, while the size showed poor correlation in any chemicals. A color-oriented model was thus developed for the prediction of tanshinone contents in SMR, and a 9â¯×â¯9 standard color chart was created for easily use. CONCLUSION: This study contributes an alternative method for macroscopic features-based quality evaluation of herbs, and also complements some scientific data for traditional knowledge.
Raíces de Plantas/química , Salvia miltiorrhiza/química , Abietanos/análisis , Alquenos/análisis , Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión , Color , Medicamentos Herbarios Chinos/química , Polifenoles/análisis , Espectrometría de Masas en TándemRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To assess the therapeutic effect of Xuebijing injection on adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). METHODS: A multicenter prospective randomized control study was conducted at 10 intensive care units in Jiangsu province. A total of 172 early ARDS patients were randomly divided into Xuebijing treatment and control groups. All patients received routine therapy of ARDS while additional Xuebijing injection 100 ml was administered in the treatment group intravenously for 7 days. Lung injury score, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II (APACHE II) score, multiple organ dysfunction score (MODS) and PaO2/FiO2 of the patients was recorded before and after treatment. Mortality at 28 days and the duration of mechanical ventilation were compared between two groups. RESULTS: Ninety-one patients were assigned to receive Xuebijing injection and 81 patients as control; Mortality at Days 28 and 90, the duration of mechanical ventilation and ventilation free days showed no difference between two groups (P > 0.05). PaO2/FiO2 improved after randomization versus pre-treatment in all patients. There was no significant difference between two groups. Murray scores were not significantly different between two groups. In a subgroup analysis of patients with pulmonary infection, pulmonary contusion and extra-pulmonary cause, two groups had no difference in mortality at Day 28, mortality at Day 90, the duration of mechanical ventilation, ventilation free days and days of ICU stay (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The treatment of Xuebijing injection early in course of ARDS does not improve the mortality of ARDS patients. But it may improve lung function and oxygenation. Further studies are warranted.