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Crit Care Nurse ; 41(2): e10-e16, 2021 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33791770


BACKGROUND: In critically ill patients, maintaining appropriate serum potassium concentrations requires careful supplementation to correct hypokalemia but avoid hyperkalemia. At the study institution, an institution-based, nurse-driven standardized electrolyte replacement protocol is used in critically ill patients with a serum creatinine concentration of 2 mg/dL or less. If the serum creatinine concentration is greater than 2 mg/dL, electrolyte replacement requires a physician order. OBJECTIVE: To determine if standardized potassium supplementation is safe in critically ill patients with renal insufficiency not requiring renal replacement therapy. METHODS: This study was an institutional review board-approved, single-center, retrospective evaluation of critically ill patients receiving intravenous potassium replacement per protocol. Patients were grouped according to serum creatinine concentration (≤ 2 mg/dL or > 2 mg/dL) at the time of replacement. The primary outcome was the incidence of hyperkalemia (potassium concentration ≥ 5 mEq/L) following potassium replacement. Secondary outcomes were the incidence of hyperkalemia, change in serum potassium concentration, and need for hyperkalemia treatment. Outcomes were analyzed using χ2 and t tests. RESULTS: Of 814 patients screened, 145 were included (99 with serum creatinine ≤ 2 mg/dL and 46 with serum creatinine > 2 mg/dL). The incidence of hyperkalemia was not different between groups (P = .57). Five patients experienced hyperkalemia; none received hyperkalemia treatment. Change in serum potassium was similar for patients in the 2 groups (P = .33). CONCLUSIONS: A standardized, nurse-driven electrolyte replacement protocol can be used safely in critically ill patients with renal insufficiency not requiring renal replacement therapy.

Hiperpotasemia , Insuficiencia Renal , Enfermedad Crítica , Humanos , Hiperpotasemia/inducido químicamente , Potasio , Estudios Retrospectivos
J Med Chem ; 56(9): 3446-55, 2013 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23517028


Biophysical fragment screening of a thermostabilized ß1-adrenergic receptor (ß1AR) using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) enabled the identification of moderate affinity, high ligand efficiency (LE) arylpiperazine hits 7 and 8. Subsequent hit to lead follow-up confirmed the activity of the chemotype, and a structure-based design approach using protein-ligand crystal structures of the ß1AR resulted in the identification of several fragments that bound with higher affinity, including indole 19 and quinoline 20. In the first example of GPCR crystallography with ligands derived from fragment screening, structures of the stabilized ß1AR complexed with 19 and 20 were determined at resolutions of 2.8 and 2.7 Å, respectively.

Fenómenos Biofísicos , Diseño de Fármacos , Piperazinas/química , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Receptores Adrenérgicos beta 1/metabolismo , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Simulación del Acoplamiento Molecular , Piperazina , Unión Proteica , Conformación Proteica , Receptores Adrenérgicos beta 1/química , Resonancia por Plasmón de Superficie
Methods Enzymol ; 493: 115-36, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21371589


Biophysical studies with G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are typically very challenging due to the poor stability of these receptors when solubilized from the cell membrane into detergent solutions. However, the stability of a GPCR can be greatly improved by introducing a number of point mutations into the protein sequence to give a stabilized receptor or StaR®. Here, we present the utility of StaRs for biophysical studies and the screening of fragment libraries. Two case studies are used to illustrate the methods: first, the screening of a library of fragments by surface plasmon resonance against the adenosine A(2A) receptor StaR, demonstrating how very small and weakly active xanthine fragments can be detected binding to the protein on chips; second, the screening and detection of fragment hits of a larger fragment library in an NMR format called TINS (target-immobilized NMR screening) against the ß(1) adrenergic StaR.

Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/métodos , Receptores Acoplados a Proteínas G/genética , Antagonistas del Receptor de Adenosina A2/química , Antagonistas del Receptor de Adenosina A2/farmacología , Resonancia Magnética Nuclear Biomolecular , Receptor de Adenosina A2A/química , Receptores Acoplados a Proteínas G/química , Solubilidad
Anal Biochem ; 402(2): 170-8, 2010 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20371220


We evaluated the performance of Fujifilm's new AP-3000 surface plasmon resonance biosensor for kinetic analysis and fragment screening. Using carbonic anhydrase II as a model system, we characterized a set of 10 sulfonamide-based inhibitors that range in molecular mass from 98 to 341Da and approximately 10,000-fold in affinity (0.4mM to 20nM). Although the data collected from the AP-3000 were generally similar to those collected using a Biacore T100, the AP-3000's stop-flow analyte delivery system complicated the shapes of the association- and dissociation-phase binding responses. We illustrate how reasonable estimates of the kinetic rate constants can be extracted from AP-3000 data by limiting data analysis to only the regions of the responses collected during flow conditions. We also provide an example of the results obtained for a fragment-screening study with the AP-3000, which is the ideal application of this technology.

Anhidrasa Carbónica II/metabolismo , Inhibidores de Anhidrasa Carbónica/farmacología , Sulfonamidas/farmacología , Resonancia por Plasmón de Superficie/instrumentación , Anhidrasa Carbónica II/antagonistas & inhibidores , Inhibidores de Anhidrasa Carbónica/química , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/instrumentación , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/métodos , Cinética , Sulfonamidas/química , Resonancia por Plasmón de Superficie/métodos