The herb dwarf lilyturf tuber (Maidong, Ophiopogonis Radix) is widely used in Chinese traditional medicine to manage diabetes and its complications. However, the role of Maidong polysaccharide extract (MPE) in pancreatic ß-cell function is unclear. Here, we investigated whether MPE protects ß-cell function and studied the underlying mechanisms. We treated db/db and high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice with 800 or 400 mg/kg MPE or water for 4 weeks, followed by an oral glucose tolerance test. Pancreas and blood were collected for molecular analyses, and clonal MIN6 ß-cells and primary islets from HFD-induced obese mice and normal chow diet-fed mice were used in additional analyses. In vivo, MPE both increased insulin secretion and reduced blood glucose in the db/db mice but increased only insulin secretion in the HFD-induced obese mice. MPE substantially increased the ß-cell area in both models (3-fold and 2-fold, p < 0.01, for db/db and HFD mice, respectively). We observed reduced nuclear translocation of the p65 subunit of NF-κB in islets of MPE-treated db/db mice, coinciding with enhanced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). In vitro, MPE potentiated GSIS and decreased interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) secretion in MIN6 ß-cells. Incubation of MIN6 cells with tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), interferon-γ, and IL-1ß amplified IL-1ß secretion and inhibited GSIS. These effects were partially reversed with MPE or the IκB kinase ß inhibitor PS1145, coinciding with reduced activation of p65 and p-IκB in the NF-κB pathway. We conclude that MPE may have potential for therapeutic development for ß-cell protection.
Quinasa I-kappa B/metabolismo , Secreción de Insulina/efectos de los fármacos , Células Secretoras de Insulina/metabolismo , Interleucina-1beta/metabolismo , Obesidad/metabolismo , Ophiopogon/química , Extractos Vegetales , Tubérculos de la Planta/genética , Factor de Transcripción ReIA/metabolismo , Animales , Línea Celular , Grasas de la Dieta/efectos adversos , Grasas de la Dieta/farmacología , Inflamación/metabolismo , Inflamación/patología , Células Secretoras de Insulina/patología , Ratones , Obesidad/inducido químicamente , Obesidad/tratamiento farmacológico , Obesidad/patología , Extractos Vegetales/química , Extractos Vegetales/farmacologíaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: The metabolic role of d-serine, a non-proteinogenic NMDA receptor co-agonist, is poorly understood. Conversely, inhibition of pancreatic NMDA receptors as well as loss of the d-serine producing enzyme serine racemase have been shown to modulate insulin secretion. Thus, we aim to study the impact of chronic and acute d-serine supplementation on insulin secretion and other parameters of glucose homeostasis. METHODS: We apply MALDI FT-ICR mass spectrometry imaging, NMR based metabolomics, 16s rRNA gene sequencing of gut microbiota in combination with a detailed physiological characterization to unravel the metabolic action of d-serine in mice acutely and chronically treated with 1% d-serine in drinking water in combination with either chow or high fat diet feeding. Moreover, we identify SNPs in SRR, the enzyme converting L-to d-serine and two subunits of the NMDA receptor to associate with insulin secretion in humans, based on the analysis of 2760 non-diabetic Caucasian individuals. RESULTS: We show that chronic elevation of d-serine results in reduced high fat diet intake. In addition, d-serine leads to diet-independent hyperglycemia due to blunted insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells. Inhibition of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors rapidly restores glycemia and glucose tolerance in d-serine supplemented mice. Moreover, we show that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SRR as well as in individual NMDAR subunits are associated with insulin secretion in humans. CONCLUSION: Thus, we identify a novel role of d-serine in regulating systemic glucose metabolism through modulating insulin secretion.
Secreción de Insulina/efectos de los fármacos , Serina/farmacología , Animales , Glucemia/metabolismo , Peso Corporal , Dieta Alta en Grasa , Suplementos Dietéticos , Metabolismo Energético , Glucosa/metabolismo , Intolerancia a la Glucosa/metabolismo , Prueba de Tolerancia a la Glucosa , Homeostasis , Hiperglucemia/metabolismo , Insulina/metabolismo , Resistencia a la Insulina/fisiología , Células Secretoras de Insulina/efectos de los fármacos , Células Secretoras de Insulina/metabolismo , Hígado/metabolismo , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Obesidad/metabolismo , Serina/metabolismoRESUMEN
Despite significant advances in our understanding of the biology determining systemic energy homeostasis, the treatment of obesity remains a medical challenge. Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been proposed as an attractive strategy for the treatment of obesity and its complications. AMPK is a conserved, ubiquitously expressed, heterotrimeric serine/threonine kinase whose short-term activation has multiple beneficial metabolic effects. Whether these translate into long-term benefits for obesity and its complications is unknown. Here, we observe that mice with chronic AMPK activation, resulting from mutation of the AMPK γ2 subunit, exhibit ghrelin signaling-dependent hyperphagia, obesity, and impaired pancreatic islet insulin secretion. Humans bearing the homologous mutation manifest a congruent phenotype. Our studies highlight that long-term AMPK activation throughout all tissues can have adverse metabolic consequences, with implications for pharmacological strategies seeking to chronically activate AMPK systemically to treat metabolic disease.
Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP/metabolismo , Células Secretoras de Insulina/enzimología , Células Secretoras de Insulina/patología , Obesidad/enzimología , Adiposidad/genética , Adulto , Envejecimiento/patología , Proteína Relacionada con Agouti/metabolismo , Animales , Núcleo Arqueado del Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético/genética , Activación Enzimática , Conducta Alimentaria , Femenino , Heterocigoto , Humanos , Hiperfagia/complicaciones , Hiperfagia/enzimología , Hiperfagia/genética , Hiperfagia/patología , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Insulina/metabolismo , Masculino , Ratones , Mitocondrias/metabolismo , Mutación/genética , Neuronas/metabolismo , Obesidad/sangre , Obesidad/complicaciones , Obesidad/patología , Fosforilación Oxidativa , Receptores de Ghrelina/metabolismo , Ribosomas/metabolismo , Transducción de Señal/genética , Transcriptoma/genética , Regulación hacia Arriba/genéticaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: Hypothalamic nutrient sensing regulates glucose production, but the neuronal circuits involved remain largely unknown. Recent studies underscore the importance of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the dorsal vagal complex in glucose regulation. These studies raise the possibility that hypothalamic nutrient sensing activates a forebrain-hindbrain NMDA-dependent circuit to regulate glucose production. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We implanted bilateral catheters targeting the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) (forebrain) and dorsal vagal complex (DVC) (hindbrain) and performed intravenous catheterizations to the same rat for infusion and sampling purposes. This model enabled concurrent selective activation of MBH nutrient sensing by either MBH delivery of lactate or an adenovirus expressing the dominant negative form of AMPK (Ad-DN AMPK α2 [D¹57A]) and inhibition of DVC NMDA receptors by either DVC delivery of NMDA receptor blocker MK-801 or an adenovirus expressing the shRNA of NR1 subunit of NMDA receptors (Ad-shRNA NR1). Tracer-dilution methodology and the pancreatic euglycemic clamp technique were performed to assess changes in glucose kinetics in the same conscious, unrestrained rat in vivo. RESULTS: MBH lactate or Ad-DN AMPK with DVC saline increased glucose infusion required to maintain euglycemia due to an inhibition of glucose production during the clamps. However, DVC MK-801 negated the ability of MBH lactate or Ad-DN AMPK to increase glucose infusion or lower glucose production. Molecular knockdown of DVC NR1 of NMDA receptor via Ad-shRNA NR1 injection also negated MBH Ad-DN AMPK to lower glucose production. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular and pharmacological inhibition of DVC NMDA receptors negated hypothalamic nutrient sensing mechanisms activated by lactate metabolism or AMPK inhibition to lower glucose production. Thus, DVC NMDA receptor is required for hypothalamic nutrient sensing to lower glucose production and that hypothalamic nutrient sensing activates a forebrain-hindbrain circuit to lower glucose production.
Glucosa/biosíntesis , Hipotálamo/fisiología , N-Metilaspartato/fisiología , Neuronas/fisiología , Prosencéfalo/fisiología , Rombencéfalo/fisiología , Animales , Cateterismo Venoso Central , Maleato de Dizocilpina/farmacología , Gluconeogénesis/efectos de los fármacos , Gluconeogénesis/fisiología , Glucosa/metabolismo , Técnica de Clampeo de la Glucosa/métodos , Homeostasis/efectos de los fármacos , Lactatos/metabolismo , Masculino , Ratas , Ratas Sprague-Dawley , Receptores de N-Metil-D-Aspartato/antagonistas & inhibidores , Receptores de N-Metil-D-Aspartato/fisiología , Nervio Vago/fisiologíaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: The fuel sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the hypothalamus regulates energy homeostasis by sensing nutritional and hormonal signals. However, the role of hypothalamic AMPK in glucose production regulation remains to be elucidated. We hypothesize that bidirectional changes in hypothalamic AMPK activity alter glucose production. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: To introduce bidirectional changes in hypothalamic AMPK activity in vivo, we first knocked down hypothalamic AMPK activity in male Sprague-Dawley rats by either injecting an adenovirus expressing the dominant-negative form of AMPK (Ad-DN AMPKα2 [D(157)A]) or infusing AMPK inhibitor compound C directly into the mediobasal hypothalamus. Next, we independently activated hypothalamic AMPK by delivering either an adenovirus expressing the constitutive active form of AMPK (Ad-CA AMPKα1(312) [T172D]) or the AMPK activator AICAR. The pancreatic (basal insulin)-euglycemic clamp technique in combination with the tracer-dilution methodology was used to assess the impact of alternations in hypothalamic AMPK activity on changes in glucose kinetics in vivo. RESULTS: Injection of Ad-DN AMPK into the hypothalamus knocked down hypothalamic AMPK activity and led to a significant suppression of glucose production with no changes in peripheral glucose uptake during the clamps. In parallel, hypothalamic infusion of AMPK inhibitor compound C lowered glucose production as well. Conversely, molecular and pharmacological activation of hypothalamic AMPK negated the ability of hypothalamic nutrients to lower glucose production. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that changes in hypothalamic AMPK activity are sufficient and necessary for hypothalamic nutrient-sensing mechanisms to alter glucose production in vivo.
Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP/metabolismo , Glucosa/biosíntesis , Hipotálamo/enzimología , Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP/antagonistas & inhibidores , Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP/genética , Aminoimidazol Carboxamida/análogos & derivados , Aminoimidazol Carboxamida/farmacología , Animales , Glucemia/efectos de los fármacos , Glucemia/metabolismo , Peso Corporal , Inhibidores Enzimáticos/farmacología , Glucagón/sangre , Glucólisis/efectos de los fármacos , Homeostasis , Hipoglucemiantes/farmacología , Hipotálamo/efectos de los fármacos , Insulina/sangre , Masculino , Ratas , Ratas Sprague-Dawley , Ribonucleótidos/farmacologíaRESUMEN
Within the central nervous system (CNS), the hypothalamus senses and integrates information on the nutrient state of the body. However, the molecular mechanisms translating nutrient sensing into changes in gene expression and, ultimately, nutrient intake remain unclear. A crucial function for the cyclic AMP-response element binding protein (CREB) co-activator CREB-regulated transcription co-activator 2 (CRTC2) in maintaining glucose homeostasis has been shown in the liver. Here, we report CRTC2 expression in distinct areas of the CNS, including hypothalamic neurons. We show that hypothalamic CRTC2 phosphorylation and subcellular localization is altered by nutrient state. Specifically, glucose regulates hypothalamic CRTC2 activity via AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-mediated phosphorylation of CRTC2. Hypothalamic AMPK controls the expression of the cAMP response element (CRE) gene, insulin receptor substrate 2 (Irs2), by regulating CRTC2 occupancy of the Irs2 promoter. Indeed, CRTC2 is required for the appropriate expression of specific hypothalamic CRE genes. Our data identify CRTC2 as a new hypothalamic AMPK target and highlight a role for CRTC2 in the mechanisms linking hypothalamic glucose sensing with CRE gene regulation.
Regulación de la Expresión Génica , Glucosa/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Transactivadores/metabolismo , Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP/metabolismo , Animales , Proteína de Unión a Elemento de Respuesta al AMP Cíclico/metabolismo , Ratones , Ratas , Técnicas de Cultivo de Tejidos , Factores de TranscripciónRESUMEN
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a widely conserved Ser/Thr-specific protein kinase, homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Snf1, and involved in nutrient sensing in lower organisms. In 2003, we reviewed the role of this enzyme in glucose homeostasis in mammals [Rutter, G.A., daSilvaXavier, G., Leclerc, I., 2003. Roles of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in mammalian glucose homoeostasis. Biochem. J. 375 (Pt 1), 1-16]. In the subsequent 5 years, dramatic strides have taken place in our understanding of the role of AMPK in the control of whole body metabolic homeostasis, the regulation of the enzyme by upstream kinases, and its molecular structure. These new studies and earlier work arguably propel AMPK, and perhaps related family members into a "super league" of potential therapeutic targets for maladies including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity. Here, we survey some of these recent advances, focussing on the role of this and related enzymes in the control of pancreatic beta-cell function and glucose homeostasis.
Adenilato Quinasa/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus/enzimología , Diabetes Mellitus/terapia , Adenilato Quinasa/química , Animales , Peso Corporal , Humanos , Hipotálamo/enzimología , Insulina/metabolismo , Células Secretoras de Insulina/enzimologíaRESUMEN
Wolfram syndrome, an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy, is caused by mutations in the WFS1 gene encoding an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein, Wolframin. Although its precise functions are unknown, Wolframin deficiency increases ER stress, impairs cell cycle progression and affects calcium homeostasis. To gain further insight into its function and identify molecular partners, we used the WFS1-C-terminal domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen with a human brain cDNA library. Na+/K+ ATPase beta1 subunit was identified as an interacting clone. We mapped the interaction to the WFS1 C-terminal and transmembrane domains, but not the N-terminal domain. Our mapping data suggest that the interaction most likely occurs in the ER. We confirmed the interaction by co-immunoprecipitation in mammalian cells and with endogenous proteins in JEG3 placental cells, neuroblastoma SKNAS and pancreatic MIN6 beta cells. Na+/K+ ATPase beta1 subunit expression was reduced in plasma membrane fractions of human WFS1 mutant fibroblasts and WFS1 knockdown MIN6 pancreatic beta-cells compared with wild-type cells; Na+/K+ ATPase alpha1 subunit expression was also reduced in WFS-depleted MIN6 beta cells. Induction of ER stress in wild-type cells only partly accounted for the reduced Na+/K+ ATPase beta1 subunit expression observed. We conclude that the interaction may be important for Na+/K+ ATPase beta1 subunit maturation; loss of this interaction may contribute to the pathology seen in Wolfram syndrome via reductions in sodium pump alpha1 and beta1 subunit expression in pancreatic beta-cells.
Retículo Endoplásmico/metabolismo , Proteínas de la Membrana/metabolismo , ATPasa Intercambiadora de Sodio-Potasio/metabolismo , Animales , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Células COS , Línea Celular , Chlorocebus aethiops , ADN Complementario , Biblioteca de Genes , Humanos , Células Secretoras de Insulina/metabolismo , Técnicas del Sistema de Dos Híbridos , Síndrome de WolframRESUMEN
A fuller understanding of the central mechanisms involved in controlling food intake and metabolism is likely to be crucial for developing treatments to combat the growing problem of obesity in Westernised societies. Within the hypothalamus, specialized neurones respond to both appetite-regulating hormones and circulating metabolites to regulate feeding behaviour accordingly. Thus, the activity of hypothalamic glucose-excited and glucose-inhibited neurones is increased or decreased, respectively, by an increase in local glucose concentration. These 'glucose-sensing' neurones may therefore play a key role in the central regulation of food intake and potentially in the regulation of blood glucose concentrations. Whilst the intracellular signalling mechanisms through which glucose-sensing neurones detect changes in the concentration of the sugar have been investigated quite extensively, many elements remain poorly understood. Furthermore, the similarities, or otherwise, with other nutrient-sensing cells, including pancreatic islet cells, are not completely resolved. In this review, we discuss recent advances in this field and explore the potential involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase and other nutrient-regulated protein kinases.
Glucosa/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Islotes Pancreáticos/metabolismo , Complejos Multienzimáticos/metabolismo , Neuronas/metabolismo , Proteínas Serina-Treonina Quinasas/metabolismo , Transducción de Señal , Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP , Animales , Regulación del Apetito , Metabolismo Energético , Homeostasis , Humanos , Inhibición Neural , Obesidad/metabolismo , Obesidad/fisiopatología , Transmisión SinápticaRESUMEN
AMPK (5'-AMP-activated protein kinase) is emerging as a metabolic master switch, by which cells in both mammals and lower organisms sense and decode changes in energy status. Changes in AMPK activity have been shown to regulate glucose transport in muscle and glucose production by the liver. Moreover, AMPK appears to be a key regulator of at least one transcription factor linked to a monogenic form of diabetes mellitus. As a result, considerable efforts are now under way to explore the usefulness of AMPK as a therapeutic target for other forms of this disease. Here we review this topic, and discuss new findings which suggest that AMPK may play roles in regulating insulin release and the survival of pancreatic islet beta-cells, and nutrient sensing by the brain.
Glucosa/metabolismo , Complejos Multienzimáticos/fisiología , Proteínas Serina-Treonina Quinasas/fisiología , Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por AMP , Tejido Adiposo/enzimología , Animales , Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Homeostasis , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Insulina/biosíntesis , Insulina/genética , Islotes Pancreáticos/enzimología , Islotes Pancreáticos/metabolismo , Hígado/enzimología , Hígado/metabolismo , Complejos Multienzimáticos/química , Músculo Esquelético/enzimología , Miocardio/enzimología , Proteínas Serina-Treonina Quinasas/química , Subunidades de ProteínaRESUMEN
Glucose-responsive (GR) neurons from hypothalamic nuclei are implicated in the regulation of feeding and satiety. To determine the role of intracellular ATP in the closure of ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channels in these cells and associated glia, the cytosolic ATP concentration ([ATP](c)) was monitored in vivo using adenoviral-driven expression of recombinant targeted luciferases and bioluminescence imaging. Arguing against a role for ATP in the closure of K(ATP) channels in GR neurons, glucose (3 or 15 mM) caused no detectable increase in [ATP](c), monitored with cytosolic luciferase, and only a small decrease in the concentration of ATP immediately beneath the plasma membrane, monitored with a SNAP25-luciferase fusion protein. In contrast to hypothalamic neurons, hypothalamic glia responded to glucose (3 and 15 mM) with a significant increase in [ATP](c). Both neurons and glia from the cerebellum, a glucose-unresponsive region of the brain, responded robustly to 3 or 15 mM glucose with increases in [ATP](c). Further implicating an ATP-independent mechanism of K(ATP) channel closure in hypothalamic neurons, removal of extracellular glucose (10 mM) suppressed the electrical activity of GR neurons in the presence of a fixed, high concentration (3 mM) of intracellular ATP. Neurons from both brain regions responded to 5 mM lactate (but not pyruvate) with an oligomycin-sensitive increase in [ATP](c). High levels of the plasma membrane lactate-monocarboxylate transporter, MCT1, were found in both cell types, and exogenous lactate efficiently closed K(ATP) channels in GR neurons. These data suggest that (1) ATP-independent intracellular signalling mechanisms lead to the stimulation of hypothalamic neurons by glucose, and (2) these effects may be potentiated in vivo by the release of lactate from neighbouring glial cells.