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Acta Neurochir (Wien) ; 166(1): 87, 2024 Feb 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38366108


PURPOSE: Percutaneous 3-mm twist-drill trephination (TDT) under local anesthesia as a bedside operative technique is an alternative to the conventional open surgical trephination in the operating theatre. The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy and safety of this minimal invasive procedure. METHODS: This retrospective study comprises 1000 patients who were treated with TDT under local anesthesia at bedside due to chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and hydrocephalus (HYD) as a result of subarachnoid hemorrhage or non-hemorrhagic causes, increased intracranial pressure (IIP) in traumatic brain injury or non-traumatic brain edema, and other pathologies (OP) requiring drainage. Medical records, clinical outcome, and results of pre- and postoperative computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) were analyzed. RESULTS: Indications for TDT were cSDH (n = 275; 27.5%), ICH (n = 291; 29.1%), HYD (n = 316; 31.6%), IIP (n = 112; 11.2%), and OP (n = 6; 0.6%). Overall, primary catheter placement was sufficient in 93.8% of trephinations. Complication rate was 14.1% and mainly related to primary catheter malposition (6.2%), infections (5.2%), and secondary hemorrhage (2.7%); the majority of which were clinically inapparent puncture channel bleedings not requiring surgical intervention. The revision rate was 13%. CONCLUSIONS: Bedside TDT under local anesthesia has proven to be an effective and safe alternative to the conventional burr-hole operative technique as usually performed under general anesthesia in the operation theatre, and may be particularly useful in emergency cases as well as in elderly and multimorbid patients.

Hematoma Subdural Crónico , Hidrocefalia , Humanos , Anciano , Trepanación/métodos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Anestesia Local , Resultado del Tratamiento , Hematoma Subdural Crónico/cirugía , Drenaje/métodos , Hidrocefalia/cirugía , Hemorragia Cerebral/cirugía
Environ Res ; 244: 117965, 2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38123048


Despite a multi-decade decrease in cardiovascular disease, geographic disparities have widened, with excess mortality concentrated within the United States (U.S.) South. Petroleum production and refining, a major contributor to climate change, is concentrated within the U.S. South and emits multiple classes of atherogenic pollutants. We investigated whether residential exposure to oil refineries could explain variation in self-reported coronary heart disease (CHD) prevalence among adults in southern states for the year 2018, where the majority of oil refinery activity occurs (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma). We examined census tract-level association between oil refineries and CHD prevalence. We used a double matching method to adjust for measured and unmeasured spatial confounders: one-to-n distance matching and one-to-one generalized propensity score matching. Exposure metrics were constructed based on proximity to refineries, activities of refineries, and wind speed/direction. For all census tracts within 10 km of refineries, self-reported CHD prevalence ranged from 1.2% to 17.6%. Compared to census tracts located at ≥5 km and <10 km, one standard deviation increase in the exposure within 5 km of refineries was associated with a 0.33 (95% confidence interval: 0.04, 0.63) percentage point increase in the prevalence. A total of 1119.0 (123.5, 2114.2) prevalent cases or 1.6% (0.2, 3.1) of CHD prevalence in areas within 5 km from refineries were potentially explained by exposure to oil refineries. At the census tract-level, the prevalence of CHD explained by exposure to oil refineries ranged from 0.02% (0.00, 0.05) to 47.4% (5.2, 89.5). Thus, although we cannot rule out potential confounding by other personal risk factors, CHD prevalence was found to be higher in populations living nearer to oil refineries, which may suggest that exposure to oil refineries can increase CHD risk, warranting further investigation.

Enfermedad Coronaria , Contaminación por Petróleo , Petróleo , Adulto , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Industria del Petróleo y Gas , Factores de Riesgo , Enfermedad Coronaria/inducido químicamente , Enfermedad Coronaria/epidemiología , Contaminación por Petróleo/efectos adversos
Yearb Med Inform ; 32(1): 27-35, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38147847


OBJECTIVE: Planning reliable long-term planning actions to handle disruptive events requires a timely development of technological infrastructures, as well as the set-up of focused strategies for emergency management. The paper aims to highlight the needs for standardization, integration, and interoperability between Accident & Emergency Informatics (A&EI) and One Digital Health (ODH), as fields capable of dealing with peculiar dynamics for a technology-boosted management of emergencies under an overarching One Health panorama. METHODS: An integrative analysis of the literature was conducted to draw attention to specific foci on the correlation between ODH and A&EI, in particular: (i) the management of disruptive events from private smart spaces to diseases spreading, and (ii) the concepts of (health-related) quality of life and well-being. RESULTS: A digitally-focused management of emergency events that tackles the inextricable interconnectedness between humans, animals, and surrounding environment, demands standardization, integration, and systems interoperability. A consistent and finalized process of adoption and implementation of methods and tools from the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN), via findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) data principles, to Medical Informatics and Digital Health Multilingual Ontology (MIMO) - capable of looking at different approaches to encourage the integration between the ODH framework and the A&EI vision, provides a first answer to these needs. CONCLUSIONS: ODH and A&EI look at different scales but with similar goals for converging health and environmental-related data management standards to enable multi-sources, interdisciplinary, and real-time data integration and interoperability. This allows holistic digital health both in routine and emergency events.

Informática Médica , Salud Única , Humanos , Calidad de Vida , Manejo de Datos , Estándares de Referencia
JMIR Diabetes ; 8: e47224, 2023 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38016426


BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a worldwide chronic condition causing morbidity and mortality, with a growing economic burden on health care systems. Complications from poorly controlled diabetes are associated with increased socioeconomic costs and reduced quality of life. Smartphones have become an influential platform, providing feasible tools such as health apps to deliver tailored support to enhance the ability of patients with diabetes for self-management. Gro Health is a National Health Service division X-certified digital health tool used to deliver educational and monitoring support to facilitate the development of skills and practices for maintaining good health. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess self-reported outcomes of the Gro Health app among users with diabetes and prediabetes and identify the factors that determine engagement with the digital health tool. METHODS: This was a service evaluation of self-reported data collected prospectively by the developers of the Gro Health app. The EQ-5D questionnaire is a standardized tool used to measure health status for clinical and economic appraisal. Gro Health users completed the EQ-5D at baseline and 6 months after using the app. Users provided informed consent for the use of their anonymized data for research purposes. EQ-5D index scores and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were calculated at baseline and 6 months for individuals with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Descriptive statistics and multiple-regression models were used to assess changes in the outcome measures and determine factors that affected engagement with the digital tool. RESULTS: A total of 84% (1767/2114) of Gro Health participants completed EQ-5D at baseline and 6 months. EQ-5D index scores are average values that reflect people's preferences about their health state (1=full health and 0=moribund). There was a significant and clinically meaningful increase in mean EQ-5D index scores among app users between baseline (0.746, SD 0.23) and follow-up (0.792, SD 0.22; P<.001). The greatest change was observed in the mean VAS score, with a percentage change of 18.3% improvement (61.7, SD 18.1 at baseline; 73.0, SD 18.8 at follow-up; P<.001). Baseline EQ-5D index scores, age, and completion of educational modules were associated with significant changes in the follow-up EQ-5D index scores, with baseline EQ-5D index scores, race and ethnicity, and completion of educational modules being significantly associated with app engagement (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence of a significant positive effect on self-reported quality of life among people living with type 2 diabetes engaging with a digital health intervention. The improvements, as demonstrated by the EQ-5D questionnaire, are facilitated through access to education and monitoring support tools within the app. This provides an opportunity for health care professionals to incorporate National Health Service-certified digital tools, such as Gro Health, as part of the holistic management of people living with diabetes.

J Bone Joint Surg Am ; 105(23): 1897-1906, 2023 12 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37856576


➤ Malnutrition is common among subsets of patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications.➤ Serum proteins, in particular, albumin, may be used in the evaluation of nutritional status.➤ Anthropometric measurements and surveys also play a role in the evaluation of nutritional status.➤ Increased energy and nutrient requirements due to surgical procedures necessitate increased caloric and protein intake in the perioperative period, which may be achieved through diet or supplementation.➤ Evidence supports the use of protein-calorie, amino acid, and immunonutrition supplements. Vitamin D supplementation is an area of further consideration.➤ Diet restriction, activity alterations, pharmacotherapy, and bariatric surgery are all safe, effective approaches to weight loss, although the optimal timing and magnitude of preoperative weight loss require further investigation.

Cirugía Bariátrica , Ortopedia , Humanos , Estado Nutricional , Ingestión de Energía , Dieta , Pérdida de Peso , Cirugía Bariátrica/efectos adversos
Aging Ment Health ; 27(10): 1887-1894, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37477230


OBJECTIVES: Engagement with music (i.e. listening, moving to the beat, joining in, performance) is documented to enhance cognition, mood, socialization, and a host of other wellness indicators in advancing age. A number of comprehensive scales measure this engagement, but a brief, accessible scale designed for general use with older adults is lacking. This project was undertaken to create and offer preliminary validation of the 7-item Music in Aging Wellness Scale (MAWS). METHOD: Seven items reflecting aspects of music engagement (ME) were developed by expert opinion (e.g. 'I always tap my foot or sway my body to good music') for completion on a 1-7, strongly disagree to strongly agree, Likert scale. These were subject to exploratory factor analysis (EFA) (n = 349 cases) along with a set of six experimental items on ageism. It was hypothesized these items would cluster by content, thus showing separation into distinct factors. RESULTS: This was achieved and the resulting measure showed sound internal consistency (0.82), split-half reliability (0.71), and one-year test-retest (0.83). The MAWS total score was found to correlate significantly in expected directions with common gerontological measures. High scorers reported less depression, more mastery, less loneliness, and larger social networks. No association was found for worry-based anxiety and self-reported cognitive decline. CONCLUSION: This preliminary reliability and validity study suggests that the MAWS may be an appropriate outcome and tracking measure for older adults involved in music-wellness interventions. Future research will further validate MAWS characteristics and associations with other established measures in this important field.

Musicoterapia , Música , Humanos , Anciano , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Envejecimiento/psicología , Ansiedad/psicología , Musicoterapia/métodos
Compend Contin Educ Dent ; 44(6): 332-339, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37418470


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive episodes of disrupted breathing during sleep. The most effective treatment for OSA is positive pressure ventilation; however, this treatment can be complicated by adherence difficulties. An array of alternative OSA therapies have emerged, including positional therapy, nasal exhalation devices, oral appliances, and various nasal, pharyngeal, and skeletal surgical treatments. One of the newest options, hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS) therapy, represents a hybrid medical and surgical treatment. This therapy involves an FDA-approved surgically implanted neuromodulation system that is activated by the patient each night to augment upper airway dilator muscle activity and improve airflow. The implanted components comprise a pulse generator, an electrode on the distal portion of the hypoglossal nerve, and a respiratory sensing lead that allows for synchronization of electrical impulses with the patient's respiratory cycle. Using a representative patient case, the authors describe HNS therapy, including its indications, patient selection, surgical procedure, long-term outpatient management, and outcomes data.

Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño , Humanos , Nervio Hipogloso , Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica/métodos , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/terapia , Presión de las Vías Aéreas Positiva Contínua , Resultado del Tratamiento , Sueño/fisiología
Wirel Pers Commun ; : 1-17, 2023 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37360141


In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the world is looking for immunity-boosting techniques for fighting against coronavirus. Every plant is medicine in one or another way, but Ayurveda explains the uses of plant-based medicines and immunity boosters for specific requirements of the human body. To help Ayurveda, botanists are trying to identify more species of medicinal immunity-boosting plants by evaluating the characteristics of the leaf. For a normal person, detecting immunity-boosting plants is a difficult task. Deep learning networks provide highly accurate results in image processing. In the medicinal plant analysis, many leaves are like each other. So, the direct analysis of leaf images using the deep learning network causes many issues for medicinal plant identification. Hence, keeping the requirement of a method at large to help all human beings, the proposed leaf shape descriptor with the deep learning-based mobile application is developed for the identification of immunity-boosting medicinal plants using a smartphone. SDAMPI algorithm explained numerical descriptor generation for closed shapes. This mobile application achieved 96%accuracy for the 64 × 64 sized images.

BJU Int ; 132(3): 343-352, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37204144


OBJECTIVE: To present the protocol for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the efficacy and safety of transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) for refractory neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD). STUDY DESIGN AND RESULTS: bTUNED (bladder and TranscUtaneous tibial Nerve stimulation for nEurogenic lower urinary tract Dysfunction) is an international multicentre, sham-controlled, double-blind RCT investigating the efficacy and safety of TTNS. The primary outcome is success of TTNS, defined as improvements in key bladder diary variables at study end compared to baseline values. The focus of the treatment is defined by the Self-Assessment Goal Achievement (SAGA) questionnaire. Secondary outcomes are the effect of TTNS on urodynamic, neurophysiological, and bowel function outcome measures, as well as the safety of TTNS. CONCLUSIONS: A total of 240 patients with refractory NLUTD will be included and randomized 1:1 into the verum or sham TTNS group from March 2020 until August 2026. TTNS will be performed twice a week for 30 min during 6 weeks. The patients will attend baseline assessments, 12 treatment visits and follow-up assessments at the study end.

Estimulación Eléctrica Transcutánea del Nervio , Vejiga Urinaria Hiperactiva , Humanos , Nervio Tibial/fisiología , Estimulación Eléctrica Transcutánea del Nervio/métodos , Resultado del Tratamiento , Vejiga Urinaria , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto
J Endourol ; 37(7): 817-822, 2023 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37212242


Introduction: Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) has become a new surgical gold standard treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is known that untreated BPH can lead to bladder outlet obstruction (BOO). A positive correlation exists between BOO and chronic kidney disease (CKD), but stability or recovery of renal function after HoLEP remains unknown. We sought to describe changes in renal function after HoLEP in men with CKD. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted of patients who underwent HoLEP with glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) <60, CKD stages III to V. Pre- and postoperative GFRs were selected within 3 months before the operation and within 1 year postoperatively. The presence of an indwelling catheter, preoperative hydronephrosis, history of kidney stones, and prostate size were also reviewed. Data were analyzed in accordance with preoperative CKD stage. Results: Of the reviewed patients, 138 met inclusion criteria with CKD stages III to V. Each CKD group was without significant postoperative complications. There was a significant increase between pre- and postoperative GFR for patients in CKD stages III (n = 116) and IV (n = 17) (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.010, respectively). The mean increase between pre- and postoperative GFR for the CKD stages III and IV patients were 6.4 and 6.49, respectively. There was no correlation between presence of preoperative hydronephrosis, history of kidney stones, catheter dependency, nor prostate size on change in postoperative GFR (p > 0.05). Conclusion: These findings suggest that patients in CKD stages III or IV undergoing HoLEP experience an increase in GFR. It is noteworthy that there appears to be no decline in renal function postoperatively in any group. HoLEP represents an excellent surgical option for patients with preoperative CKD and may prevent further renal decline.

Hidronefrosis , Cálculos Renales , Terapia por Láser , Láseres de Estado Sólido , Hiperplasia Prostática , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica , Resección Transuretral de la Próstata , Masculino , Humanos , Próstata/cirugía , Hiperplasia Prostática/complicaciones , Hiperplasia Prostática/cirugía , Recuperación de la Función , Láseres de Estado Sólido/uso terapéutico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Cálculos Renales/cirugía , Riñón/cirugía , Riñón/fisiología , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/complicaciones , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/cirugía , Hidronefrosis/cirugía , Holmio , Resultado del Tratamiento
Expert Rev Clin Immunol ; 19(7): 745-769, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37122076


INTRODUCTION: Allergy, the immunological hypersensitivity to innocuous environmental compounds, is a global health problem. The disease triggers, allergens, are mostly proteins contained in various natural sources such as plant pollen, animal dander, dust mites, foods, fungi, and insect venoms. Allergies can manifest with a wide range of symptoms in various organs and be anything from just tedious to life-threatening. A majority of all allergy patients are self-treated with symptom-relieving medicines, while allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the only causative treatment option. AREAS COVERED: This review will aim to give an overview of the state-of-the-art allergy management, including the use of new biologics and the application of biomarkers, and a special emphasis and discussion on current research trends in the field of AIT. EXPERT OPINION: Conventional AIT has proven effective, but the years-long treatment compromises patient compliance. Moreover, AIT is typically not offered for food allergies. Hence, there is a need for new, effective, and safe AIT methods. Novel routes of administration (e.g. oral and intralymphatic), hypoallergenic AIT products, and more effective adjuvants hold great promise. Most recently, the development of allergen-specific monoclonal antibodies for passive immunotherapy may also allow the treatment of patients currently not treated or treatable.

Venenos de Artrópodos , Hipersensibilidad a los Alimentos , Hipersensibilidad , Animales , Humanos , Hipersensibilidad/terapia , Desensibilización Inmunológica , Alérgenos/uso terapéutico , Polen
J Arthroplasty ; 38(9): 1869-1876, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36966889


BACKGROUND: Little is known about retrieved zirconia platelet toughened alumina (ZPTA) wear particles from ceramic-on-ceramic (COC) total hip arthroplasty. Our objectives were to evaluate clinically retrieved wear particles from explanted periprosthetic hip tissues and to analyze the characteristics of in vitro-generated ZPTA wear particles. METHODS: Periprosthetic tissue and explants were received for 3 patients who underwent a total hip replacement of ZPTA COC head and liner. Wear particles were isolated and characterized via scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The ZPTA and control (highly cross-linked polyethylene and cobalt chromium alloy) were then generated in vitro using a hip simulator and pin-on-disc testing, respectively. Particles were assessed in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials F1877. RESULTS: Minimal ceramic particles were identified in the retrieved tissue, consistent with the retrieved components demonstrating minimal abrasive wear with material transfer. Average particle diameter from in vitro studies was 292 nm for ZPTA, 190 nm for highly cross-linked polyethylene, and 201 nm for cobalt chromium alloy. CONCLUSION: The minimal number of in vivo ZPTA wear particles observed is consistent with the successful tribological history of COC total hip arthroplasties. Due to the relatively few ceramic particles located in the retrieved tissue, in part due to implantation times of 3 to 6 years, a statistical comparison was unable to be made between the in vivo particles and the in vitro-generated ZPTA particles. However, the study provided further insight into the size and morphological characteristics of ZPTA particles generated from clinically relevant in vitro test setups.

Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Cadera , Prótesis de Cadera , Humanos , Polietileno , Óxido de Aluminio , Aleaciones de Cromo , Cerámica , Falla de Prótesis
Expert Opin Investig Drugs ; 32(1): 25-35, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36655861


INTRODUCTION: The possibility of exposure to high doses of total- or partial-body ionizing radiation at a high dose rate due to radiological/nuclear accidents or terrorist attacks is increasing. Despite research and development during the last six decades, there is a shortage of nontoxic, safe, and effective radiation medical countermeasures (MCMs) for radiological and nuclear emergencies. To date, the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has approved only four agents for the mitigation of hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS). AREA COVERED: We present the current status of a promising radiation countermeasure, gamma-tocotrienol (GT3; a component of vitamin E) as a radiation MCM that has been investigated in murine and nonhuman primate models of H-ARS. There is significant work with this agent using various omic platforms during the last few years to identify its efficacy biomarkers. EXPERT OPINION: GT3 is a newer type of radioprotector having significant injury-countering potential and is currently under advanced development for H-ARS. As a pre-exposure drug, it requires only single doses, lacks significant toxicity, and has minimal, ambient temperature storage requirements; thus, GT3 appears to be an ideal MCM for military and first responders as well as for storage in the Strategic National Stockpile.

Síndrome de Radiación Aguda , Contramedidas Médicas , Protectores contra Radiación , Humanos , Ratones , Animales , Síndrome de Radiación Aguda/tratamiento farmacológico , Síndrome de Radiación Aguda/prevención & control , Protectores contra Radiación/efectos adversos , Vitamina E/efectos adversos
Allergy ; 78(6): 1605-1614, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36704937


BACKGROUND: Peanut allergy is a type-I hypersensitivity immune reaction mediated by the binding of peanut allergens to IgE-FcεRI complexes on mast cells and basophils and by their subsequent cellular degranulation. Of all major peanut allergens, Ara h 2 is considered the most anaphylactic. With few options but allergen avoidance, effective treatment of allergic patients is needed. Passive immunotherapy (herein called PIT) based on prophylactic administration of peanut-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) may present a promising treatment option for this under-served disease. METHOD: Fully human recombinant anti-peanut IgG mAbs were tested in mice sensitized to peanut allergen extract. Allergic mice received intravenous immunotherapy with anti-peanut Ara h 2-specific IgG1 or IgG4 mAbs cocktails, and were then challenged by a systemic injection of high-dose peanut allergen extract. The protection from allergic anaphylaxis was measured by monitoring the core body temperature. RESULTS: PIT with peanut-specific mAbs was associated with a significant and dose-dependent reduction of anaphylactic reactions in peanut-sensitized mice challenged with peanut allergen extract. Complete protection was observed at doses approximately 0.3-0.6 mg mAbs. Mixtures of mAbs were more effective than single mAbs, and effective treatment could be obtained with mAbs of both IgG1 and IgG4 subclasses. The therapeutic effect of anti-Ara h 2 mAbs was based on allergen neutralization and independent of the Fcγ receptor and mast-cell inhibition. CONCLUSION: This is the first report that shows that human-derived anti-peanut mAbs can prevent allergic anaphylaxis in mice. The study demonstrates that neutralizing allergenic epitopes on Ara h 2 by mAbs may represent a promising treatment option in peanut-allergy.

Anafilaxia , Hipersensibilidad Inmediata , Hipersensibilidad al Cacahuete , Humanos , Ratones , Animales , Anafilaxia/prevención & control , Anticuerpos Monoclonales , Antígenos de Plantas , Hipersensibilidad al Cacahuete/prevención & control , Alérgenos , Proteínas Recombinantes , Inmunoglobulina G , Arachis , Extractos Vegetales , Albuminas 2S de Plantas/química
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys ; 115(3): 645-653, 2023 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179990


PURPOSE: Very-high-risk (VHR) prostate cancer (PC) is an aggressive subgroup with high risk of distant disease progression. Systemic treatment intensification with abiraterone or docetaxel reduces PC-specific mortality (PCSM) and distant metastasis (DM) in men receiving external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Whether prostate-directed treatment intensification with the addition of brachytherapy (BT) boost to EBRT with ADT improves outcomes in this group is unclear. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This cohort study from 16 centers across 4 countries included men with VHR PC treated with either dose-escalated EBRT with ≥24 months of ADT or EBRT + BT boost with ≥12 months of ADT. VHR was defined by National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) criteria (clinical T3b-4, primary Gleason pattern 5, or ≥2 NCCN high-risk features), and results were corroborated in a subgroup of men who met Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy (STAMPEDE) trials inclusion criteria (≥2 of the following: clinical T3-4, Gleason 8-10, or PSA ≥40 ng/mL). PCSM and DM between EBRT and EBRT + BT were compared using inverse probability of treatment weight-adjusted Fine-Gray competing risk regression. RESULTS: Among the entire cohort, 270 underwent EBRT and 101 EBRT + BT. After a median follow-up of 7.8 years, 6.7% and 5.9% of men died of PC and 16.3% and 9.9% had DM after EBRT and EBRT + BT, respectively. There was no significant difference in PCSM (sHR, 1.47 [95% CI, 0.57-3.75]; P = .42) or DM (sHR, 0.72, [95% CI, 0.30-1.71]; P = .45) between EBRT + BT and EBRT. Results were similar within the STAMPEDE-defined VHR subgroup (PCSM: sHR, 1.67 [95% CI, 0.48-5.81]; P = .42; DM: sHR, 0.56 [95% CI, 0.15-2.04]; P = .38). CONCLUSIONS: In this VHR PC cohort, no difference in clinically meaningful outcomes was observed between EBRT alone with ≥24 months of ADT compared with EBRT + BT with ≥12 months of ADT. Comparative analyses in men treated with intensified systemic therapy are warranted.

Braquiterapia , Neoplasias de la Próstata , Masculino , Humanos , Braquiterapia/métodos , Neoplasias de la Próstata/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias de la Próstata/radioterapia , Neoplasias de la Próstata/patología , Estudios de Cohortes , Antagonistas de Andrógenos/uso terapéutico , Clasificación del Tumor , Estudios Retrospectivos
Int J Neurosci ; 133(1): 67-76, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33535005


We propose that neural damage in Parkinson's disease (PD) is due to dysregulation of iron utilization rather than to high iron levels per se. Iron deposits are associated with neuronal cell death in substantia nigra (SN) resulting in PD where high levels of iron in SNs are due to dysregulation of iron utilization. Cytosolic aconitase (ACO1) upon losing an iron-sulfur cluster becomes iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1). Rotenone increases levels of IRP1 and induces PD in rats. An increase in iron leads to inactivation of IRP1. We propose a novel treatment strategy to prevent PD. Specifically in rats given rotenone by subcutaneous injections, iron, from iron carbonyl from which iron is slowly absorbed, given three times a day by gavage will keep iron levels constant in the gut whereby iron levels and iron utilization systematically can be tightly regulated. Rotenone adversely affects complex 1 iron-sulfur proteins. Iron supplementation will increase iron-sulfur cluster formation switching IRP1 to ACO1. With IRP1 levels kept constantly low, iron utilization will systematically be tightly regulated stopping dysregulation of complex 1 and the neural damage done by rotenone preventing PD.

Proteína 1 Reguladora de Hierro , Enfermedad de Parkinson , Ratas , Animales , Proteína 1 Reguladora de Hierro/metabolismo , Enfermedad de Parkinson/etiología , Enfermedad de Parkinson/prevención & control , Rotenona , Aconitato Hidratasa/metabolismo , Hierro/metabolismo , Azufre/metabolismo
J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry ; 64(3): 199-208, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36521681


BACKGROUND: In 2010, the Academy of Consultation-Liaison (then Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine) surveyed US residency programs to understand training in consultation-liaison (CL) psychiatry, leading to recommendations in 2014. Since then, residency training in CL has evolved in the context of competing training demands, increased prioritization of electives, and reactions to coronavirus 2019. OBJECTIVE: To determine the current state of residency training in CL across the United States, including the structure of core and elective resident rotations in CL, attending physician staffing, presence of fellows and other trainees, didactic curriculum, and impact of coronavirus 2019. METHODS: Members of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Residency Education Subcommittee designed and piloted an 81-question survey tool that was sent to program directors of 269 US general psychiatry training programs for voluntary completion. RESULTS: One hundred three of 269 programs responded to the survey, yielding a response rate of 38.3%. Responding programs were larger and more likely to have a CL fellowship than nonresponding programs. Of the 103 responding programs, 82.5% have more than the minimally required time on CL, with 46.6% reporting an increase in total CL time in the past decade. Since 2010, 18.4% of responding programs changed the placement of the CL rotation, with 43.7% now adherent to the 2014 Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine recommendation to include core CL training in the second half of residency. Thirty-five percent of responding programs require residents to rotate on more than 1 CL service, and 19.4% have a required outpatient CL component. Faculty full-time equivalent varies widely. Of all services included, 33.8% report that all CL faculty are board-certified in CL psychiatry, whereas 18.7% have no board-certified faculty. Of the 103 responding programs, 36.9% offer a CL fellowship, but 31.1% report no residency graduates pursuing CL fellowships in the past 5 years. Of the included programs, 77.7% have a formal CL curriculum for residents, with 34.0% reporting a separate didactic series during the CL rotation. CONCLUSIONS: Among the responding programs, the amount of time spent on core CL rotations has increased in the past decade, but programs have also shifted CL training earlier in the course of residency. Residency programs are increasingly challenged to provide an optimal CL experience, and updated guidance from Academy of Consultation-Liaison may be appreciated.

Internado y Residencia , Psiquiatría , Estados Unidos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Psiquiatría/educación , Curriculum , Derivación y Consulta
PeerJ ; 10: e14176, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36345483


Coral reefs are declining worldwide primarily because of bleaching and subsequent mortality resulting from thermal stress. Currently, extensive efforts to engage in more holistic research and restoration endeavors have considerably expanded the techniques applied to examine coral samples. Despite such advances, coral bleaching and restoration studies are often conducted within a specific disciplinary focus, where specimens are collected, preserved, and archived in ways that are not always conducive to further downstream analyses by specialists in other disciplines. This approach may prevent the full utilization of unexpended specimens, leading to siloed research, duplicative efforts, unnecessary loss of additional corals to research endeavors, and overall increased costs. A recent US National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop set out to consolidate our collective knowledge across the disciplines of Omics, Physiology, and Microscopy and Imaging regarding the methods used for coral sample collection, preservation, and archiving. Here, we highlight knowledge gaps and propose some simple steps for collecting, preserving, and archiving coral-bleaching specimens that can increase the impact of individual coral bleaching and restoration studies, as well as foster additional analyses and future discoveries through collaboration. Rapid freezing of samples in liquid nitrogen or placing at -80 °C to -20 °C is optimal for most Omics and Physiology studies with a few exceptions; however, freezing samples removes the potential for many Microscopy and Imaging-based analyses due to the alteration of tissue integrity during freezing. For Microscopy and Imaging, samples are best stored in aldehydes. The use of sterile gloves and receptacles during collection supports the downstream analysis of host-associated bacterial and viral communities which are particularly germane to disease and restoration efforts. Across all disciplines, the use of aseptic techniques during collection, preservation, and archiving maximizes the research potential of coral specimens and allows for the greatest number of possible downstream analyses.

Antozoos , Blanqueamiento de los Corales , Animales , Arrecifes de Coral , Antozoos/microbiología