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Thromb Haemost ; 81(2): 306-11, 1999 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10064011


The thrombotic risk associated with elevated plasma levels of clotting factor VIII (FVIII) was investigated in a mouse model of thrombophilia. After the intravenous injection of recombinant human FVIII and/or of purified FVIII-free human von Willebrand factor (vWF), a controlled mild injury was inflicted on the carotid artery of FVB mice by irradiation with filtered green light in combination with intravenous injection of the dye rose bengal. Formation of a platelet-rich thrombus was continuously monitored for 40 min via transillumination and the thrombus size was measured via image analysis. Administration of recombinant human FVIII at 40 microg/kg led to initial FVIII plasma activities equivalent to 250% of normal human plasma FVIII activity and significantly enhanced thrombus size. Immunohistochemical staining illustrated the accumulation of FVIII within the thrombi. Human vWF, even at 10 mg/kg, had no effect on thrombus formation. The thrombotic tendency induced by FVIII was significantly inhibited by the administration of human vWF in a dose-dependent manner. Separate plasma measurements revealed that human FVIII has comparable affinities for human and murine vWF but that human vWF does not effectively bind murine platelets. The inhibition by human vWF of the thrombotic tendency induced by human FVIII could therefore be explained by a lack of accumulation of FVIII within the developing thrombus because of the reduced affinity of human vWF for murine platelets and the reduced occupancy of murine von Willebrand factor by human FVIII after injection of human vWF. These results show that vWF actively participates in FVIII accumulation in the arterial thrombus and provide experimental evidence for epidemiological findings that elevated plasma FVIII levels are associated with an increased thrombotic risk, also in arteries.

Trombosis de las Arterias Carótidas/etiología , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Factor VIII/toxicidad , Trombofilia/sangre , Factor de von Willebrand/uso terapéutico , Animales , Plaquetas/metabolismo , Trombosis de las Arterias Carótidas/inducido químicamente , Factor VIII/análisis , Factor VIII/metabolismo , Femenino , Humanos , Luz , Masculino , Ratones , Fotoquímica , Unión Proteica , Proteínas Recombinantes de Fusión/uso terapéutico , Proteínas Recombinantes de Fusión/toxicidad , Factores de Riesgo , Rosa Bengala/toxicidad , Especificidad de la Especie , Trombofilia/epidemiología , Factor de von Willebrand/metabolismo
Thromb Haemost ; 76(2): 263-9, 1996 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8865543


The prevention of neointima formation by the tissue selective angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor quinapril and by the combination quinapril/G4120 (a platelet alpha Ub beta 3 and smooth muscle cell alpha v beta 3 antagonist) was investigated in a hamster carotid artery injury model. Quinapril at 10 mg/kg/day reduced neointima formation by about 45%, 1 and 2 weeks after injury to the artery, i.e. significantly better than the non-tissue selective ACE inhibitor captopril at 100 mg/kg/day. Quinapril did not decrease the early smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation in the media, but in agreement with its inhibition of the carotid artery ACE activity by 62%, SMC proliferation was reduced by 70% in the newly forming intima. To improve the inhibition of early medial SMC proliferation, quinapril (10 mg/kg/day) was complemented with G4120 (100 micrograms/kg/h). This combined treatment reduced the proliferation of medial SMCs to about 50% throughout the first week following injury, whereas intima SMC proliferation was reduced by 70% throughout treatment. Accordingly, the drug combination reduced neointima formation more potently than each drug separately by 70%. The disruption of medial elastic laminae, observed in the control and G4120 treated group, was consistently reduced when G4120 was complemented with quinapril. Thus, the present study shows in a hamster model of carotid artery injury, that combining drugs that prevent SMC migration and proliferation via different modes of action can lead to the effective prevention of neointima formation.

Inhibidores de la Enzima Convertidora de Angiotensina/farmacología , Arterias Carótidas/efectos de los fármacos , Isoquinolinas/farmacología , Músculo Liso Vascular/efectos de los fármacos , Péptidos Cíclicos/farmacología , Sulfóxidos/farmacología , Tetrahidroisoquinolinas , Túnica Íntima/efectos de los fármacos , Análisis de Varianza , Animales , Traumatismos de las Arterias Carótidas , Estenosis Carotídea/prevención & control , División Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Cricetinae , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Quimioterapia Combinada , Masculino , Músculo Liso Vascular/patología , Glicoproteínas de Membrana Plaquetaria/antagonistas & inhibidores , Quinapril , Receptores de Vitronectina/antagonistas & inhibidores , Valores de Referencia
Thromb Haemost ; 74(2): 655-9, 1995 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8585002


Upon vascular damage platelet activation and blood coagulation are initiated. Interference at the initial level of the activation of the coagulation cascade can result in effective inhibition of thrombus formation. The in vivo antithrombotic properties of a series of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor mutants (BPTI, aprotinin) 4C2, 7L22, 5L15, 5L15-PEG, 6L15 and 5L84, as described in the accompanying paper, with a combined inhibitory activity on factor Xa, factor VIIa-tissue factor complex, factor XIa and plasma kallikrein were compared to rTAP, r-hirudin, heparin and enoxaparin in a platelet rich thrombosis model in hamsters. Platelet dependent thrombus deposition was quantified by dedicated image analysis after transillumination of the femoral vein to which a standardised vascular trauma was applied. After increasing intravenous bolus injections all tested agents, except for aprotinin, induced a dose dependent decrease of thrombus formation and a concomitant prolongation of the aPTT. From the linear correlation between these two parameters it was found that 5 out of the 6 tested aprotinin analogues, rTAP and r-hirudin completely inhibited thrombus formation at a therapeutical (2- to 3-fold) aPTT prolongation while 4C2, heparin and enoxaparin only inhibited thrombus formation for 40 to 50 percent at a 2-fold aPTT prolongation. Based on the calculated IC50 values for thrombus formation rTAP was found to be the most active compound in this model. It is concluded that acceptable interference at the initial level of the blood coagulation, e.g. within a therapeutical aPTT prolongation, can significantly inhibit platelet deposition at a site of vascular injury.

Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico , Aprotinina/análogos & derivados , Fibrinolíticos/uso terapéutico , Trombosis/prevención & control , Animales , Aprotinina/uso terapéutico , Proteínas de Artrópodos , Bovinos , Cricetinae , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Enoxaparina/uso terapéutico , Factor VIIa/antagonistas & inhibidores , Factor XIa/antagonistas & inhibidores , Inhibidores del Factor Xa , Vena Femoral/lesiones , Heparina/uso terapéutico , Terapia con Hirudina , Humanos , Péptidos y Proteínas de Señalización Intercelular , Calicreínas/efectos adversos , Masculino , Tiempo de Tromboplastina Parcial , Péptidos/uso terapéutico , Adhesividad Plaquetaria/efectos de los fármacos , Proteínas Recombinantes/uso terapéutico , Tromboplastina/antagonistas & inhibidores
Thromb Haemost ; 74(2): 751-7, 1995 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8585017


The in vivo activity of MA-16N7C2, the first monoclonal antibody that contains an echistatin-like RGD-sequence and inhibits platelet glycoprotein (GP)IIb/IIIa function, was determined in baboons. A dose-finding study assessing haemostatic variables such as bleeding time and ex vivo platelet aggregation showed that doses of as low as 0.2-0.3 mg/kg resulted in a pronounced effect. The effects were dose-dependent and lasted for several days, implying that MA-16N7C2 is a potent and long-acting GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor. Following the initial studies, the antithrombotic effect of 0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg of the antibody, given as a bolus, was determined in a baboon model of platelet-dependent, arterial-type thrombus formation. In these studies, a thrombogenic device consisting of Dacron vascular graft material was inserted as extension segments into a permanent arteriovenous shunt. The results confirmed the potent and long-lasting antithrombotic effect of MA-16N7C2. Surprisingly, the antithrombotic effect was stronger 48 h after a dose of 0.3 mg/kg administration than on the day of treatment with 0.1 mg/kg, despite the fact that comparable numbers of GPIIb/IIIa receptors were occupied on resting platelets. We postulate that with the high dose of MA-16N7C2 and after an extended period, occupied GPIIb/IIIa may be internalised by the platelets. Upon platelet activation, these receptors become reexposed but are unable to participate in thrombus formation. This is in contrast to unoccupied internal GPIIb/IIIa receptors early after a low dose of MA-16N7C2.

Anticuerpos Monoclonales/uso terapéutico , Fibrinolíticos/uso terapéutico , Complejo GPIIb-IIIa de Glicoproteína Plaquetaria/antagonistas & inhibidores , Trombosis/prevención & control , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Anticuerpos Monoclonales/inmunología , Anticuerpos Monoclonales/farmacología , Derivación Arteriovenosa Quirúrgica , Tiempo de Sangría , Gatos , Cricetinae , Perros , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Femenino , Fibrinolíticos/farmacología , Masculino , Ratones , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Oligopéptidos , Papio , Activación Plaquetaria , Complejo GPIIb-IIIa de Glicoproteína Plaquetaria/inmunología , Tereftalatos Polietilenos , Conejos , Ratas , Porcinos , Trombosis/etiología
Thromb Haemost ; 71(6): 741-7, 1994 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7974342


A patient with a history of habitual abortion, deep venous thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, high titer IgG anticardiolipin antibodies and a clearly positive lupus anticoagulant, was treated during her seventh pregnancy with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) from the third month onwards. Every month, a daily infusion of 400 mg immunoglobulins per kg body weight was given during five consecutive days. The patient's pregnancy ended preterm with a live birth, delivered by caesarian section because of a placental abruption. The 1070 g (P20-P25) weighing girl was in good health, apart from a bradycardia, due to dysfunction of the atrioventricular conduction. Each treatment with IVIg resulted in a slight reduction of both anticardiolipin antibodies and lupus anticoagulant levels and in an increase in platelet count. During the six-month observation period, a gradual decline in antiphospholipid antibodies and an increase in platelet count was found. The potential role of anti-idiotypic antibodies, present in the IVIg used for treatment, was studied. In vitro, IVIg were able to reduce the binding of the patient's anticardiolipin antibodies to cardiolipin coated microtiter plates. The presence of anti-idiotypic antibodies in IVIg was further documented by affinity chromatography and by realtime biospecific interaction analysis (BIA) on a BIA-core instrument. Affinity purified anticardiolipin antibodies were retarded on a column of insolubilized IVIg and a weak interaction was found between IVIg and affinity purified antiphospholipid antibodies, coupled to the BIA-core biosensor. In addition, the same technology revealed increased levels of anti-antiphospholipid antibodies in the patient's plasma following IVIg therapy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Síndrome Antifosfolípido/terapia , Inmunoglobulinas Intravenosas/uso terapéutico , Complicaciones del Embarazo/terapia , Adulto , Anticuerpos Antiidiotipos/sangre , Anticuerpos Antifosfolípidos/inmunología , Síndrome Antifosfolípido/inmunología , Aspirina/uso terapéutico , Cromatografía de Afinidad , Terapia Combinada , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Femenino , Humanos , Nadroparina/uso terapéutico , Recuento de Plaquetas , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo/inmunología , Resultado del Tratamiento
Eur J Vasc Surg ; 4(4): 349-54, 1990 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2397772


Red blood cell (RBC) quality and function during autotransfusion with the Solcotrans system were studied. Up to 64% (mean 999.5 +/- 310 ml) of the total volume of blood lost (mean 1895 +/- 707 ml) during operation in 10 patients undergoing elective abdominal aortic surgery was salvaged. No patient received homologous blood during surgery. Haemoglobin (Hb) and Haematocrit (PCV) values decreased but within acceptable limits. No evidence of DIC was found and renal function was unaffected. Mechanical and functional damage to the RBC was minimal and erythrocyte oxygen-carrying capacity was excellent. 2,3-DPGRBC concentration and RBC reduced glutathion were normal. The device was easy to handle and technical problems were not encountered. It was accurate in salvaging blood although the need for homologous blood was not entirely eliminated since four patients received homologous blood products in the postoperative period. No adverse clinical events occurred.

Aorta Abdominal/cirugía , Transfusión de Sangre Autóloga/métodos , Anciano , Coagulación Sanguínea/fisiología , Calcio/sangre , Eritrocitos/fisiología , Femenino , Hematócrito , Hemoglobinas/análisis , Hemólisis , Humanos , Arteria Ilíaca/cirugía , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Recuento de Plaquetas
Drugs ; 31(6): 517-49, 1986 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-3525085


In this review, the major current problems related to the pharmacology and clinical use of antiplatelet drugs are discussed in relation to the physiopathology of the platelet-vessel wall interaction and arterial thrombus formation. Although platelet adhesion to injured vessels is a crucial step in thrombogenesis, none of the currently used antiaggregating drugs prevents this phenomenon. Why the normal endothelium does not react with platelets is not known. Thus we are unable to pharmacologically restore endothelial 'non-thrombogenicity' when lost by single or repeated injury. In contrast, more information is available on the mechanisms controlling and amplifying platelet activation by physiological stimuli (such as collagen and thrombin), and on their pharmacological modulation. The 3 main amplification loops involve arachidonic acid metabolism, ADP release and possibly the availability of a phospholipid platelet activating factor. These pathways are in turn activated by the phosphatidylinositol cycle. The most widely used antiaggregating drug is aspirin. It prevents the formation of arachidonic acid metabolites both in platelets and in vascular cells. The use of low-dose aspirin, thromboxane-synthase inhibitors, thromboxane receptor antagonists, epoprostenol (prostacyclin) and its stable analogues, and ticlopidine all appear to be promising pharmacological approaches, but none has so far been tested in clinical trials for thrombosis prevention. On the other hand, aspirin (in relatively large doses of 300 to 1500 mg daily), sulphinpyrazone and dipyridamole have been tested alone or in combination in the secondary prevention of thromboembolic complications. Aspirin has significantly reduced both the occurrence of myocardial infarction and mortality rate in patients with unstable angina and/or previous myocardial infarction; it has also proved beneficial in cerebrovascular disease. The beneficial effect of aspirin was dose-independent. In some of these trials aspirin was combined with either dipyridamole or sulphinpyrazone. When used alone, the latter compound has reduced sudden death or thromboembolic complications in patients with myocardial infarction. It remains to be established whether antiplatelet therapy may prevent or stop the progression of atherosclerosis.

Fibrinolíticos/uso terapéutico , Agregación Plaquetaria/efectos de los fármacos , Trombosis/prevención & control , Aspirina/farmacología , División Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Puente de Arteria Coronaria , Enfermedad Coronaria/tratamiento farmacológico , Endotelio/fisiología , Epoprostenol/análogos & derivados , Epoprostenol/metabolismo , Epoprostenol/uso terapéutico , Fibrina/biosíntesis , Fibrinólisis , Humanos , Músculo Liso Vascular/fisiopatología , Adhesividad Plaquetaria/efectos de los fármacos , Receptores de Prostaglandina/efectos de los fármacos , Flujo Sanguíneo Regional/efectos de los fármacos , Trombosis/sangre , Tromboxano-A Sintasa/antagonistas & inhibidores
Haemostasis ; 10(6): 297-303, 1981.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7035306


10 male Wistar rats were made diabetic by an intravenous injection of streptozotocin. 10 sex and age-matched rats served as control animals. 5 of the diabetic and 5 of the control rats received Bay g 6575 (20 mg/kg orally) for 6 days each week throughout the whole study period (9-11 months). From these animals aorta was removed for prostacyclin bioassay based upon its platelet aggregation inhibitory effect. The diabetic rats treated with Bay g 6575 released significantly more prostacyclin than the controls (p less than 0.005). Our study suggests further experiments in other animal models more susceptible to diabetic vascular lesions than the rat model to evaluate the possible beneficial role of the treatment with Bay g 6575.

Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/tratamiento farmacológico , Epoprostenol/sangre , Fibrinolíticos/uso terapéutico , Prostaglandinas/sangre , Pirazoles/uso terapéutico , Pirazolonas , Adenoma/complicaciones , Animales , Aorta/análisis , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/complicaciones , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/diagnóstico , Femenino , Riñón/patología , Neoplasias Renales/complicaciones , Masculino , Ratas , Ratas Endogámicas , Factores de Tiempo