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Int Urol Nephrol ; 51(9): 1631-1638, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31359357


PURPOSE: Malnutrition, inflammation and poor quality of life are prevalent among elderly haemodialysis patients. Megestrol acetate (MA) is a synthetic progestin that is widely used to increase appetite and weight in various clinical settings. MA has been indicated to be effective in improving quality of life in patients with cancers. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of MA in treating malnourished elderly haemodialysis patients. METHODS: A randomized controlled study involving 46 hypoalbuminemia haemodialysis patients aged 70 years or older was conducted. The patients in MA-treated group (n = 23) took 160 mg of MA daily, while those in control group (n = 23) were enrolled without any intervention. Anthropometric parameters and laboratory results, including height, dry weight, body mass index, and modified subjective global assessment score as well as serum albumin, triglyceride, total cholesterol, hsCRP, IL-1b and IL-6 concentrations were measured in all patients before and after the intervention. Health-related quality of life was also evaluated using the KDQOL-SF 1.3. RESULTS: In the MA-treated group, a total of 18 patients finished the therapy over a 3-month period. Appetite was reported as improved by 15 patients, and a statistically significant increase was observed in dry weight (53.36 ± 6.15 vs. 54.24 ± 6.32, P < 0.01) and serum albumin concentration (29.05 ± 3.91 vs. 37.67 ± 4.88, P < 0.01) in the MA-treated group compared to those of the control group. The quality of life in both the physical domain (46.73 ± 18.17 vs. 63.37 ± 22.35, P < 0.01) and the mental domain (50.28 ± 20.36 vs. 68.02 ± 25.48, P < 0.01) was also improved in the same group. There was no significant change in the inflammatory marker concentrations after the intervention. No serious or unexpected adverse events were observed except that one patient who withdrew due to excessive fluid gain between haemodialysis sessions. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that MA can be effective in improving nutritional status and quality of life by increasing appetite in elderly haemodialysis patients with acceptable side effects; however, MA might not ameliorate inflammation.

Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Inflamación/tratamiento farmacológico , Desnutrición/tratamiento farmacológico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Calidad de Vida , Diálisis Renal , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
Bogotá; IETS; oct. 2017.
No convencional en Español | BRISA | ID: biblio-1395388


INTRODUCCIÓN: El análisis de impacto presupuestal (AIP) de los medicamentos quimioterapéuticos para el tratamiento de cáncer en Colombia, se desarrolló en el marco del mecanismo técnico científico para la ampliación progresiva del Plan de Beneficios en Salud con cargo a la UPC (PBSUPC) y la definición de la lista de exclusiones, establecido en el artículo 15 de la Ley 1751 de 2015. La quimioterapia tiene un gran impacto en el tratamiento oncológico, la cual es indispensable por su valor terapéutico en varios tipos de cáncer. Esta tecnología puede ser usada sola o junto con otros tratamientos, tales como la cirugía o la radioterapia. La quimioterapia engloba a una gran variedad de fármacos y su objetivo es destruir las células tumorales con el fin de lograr la reducción de la enfermedad, los medicamentos empleados en este tipo de tratamiento se les denomina fármacos antineoplásicos. Cada tipo de tumor canceroso tiene una determinada sensibilidad a estos medicamentos, por lo tanto, es frecuente que el mismo fármaco se pueda emplear en el tratamiento de distintos tumores, variando las dosis o asociándolo a otros fármacos distintos. La quimioterapia puede ser administrada con fines curativos o para aliviar los síntomas y prolongar la supervivencia. La forma de administración de la quimioterapia es por ciclos y esto se logra alternando los periodos de tratamiento con periodos de descanso. Un ciclo es, por lo tanto, el periodo de administración del tratamiento y el de descanso hasta la siguiente administración. El objetivo de este análisis de impacto presupuestal (AIP) es estimar el esfuerzo financiero necesario para la adopción de la quimioterapia en el tratamiento de pacientes con cáncer en Colombia, en un horizonte temporal de tres años. Este documento está conformado por cuatro secciones: en la primera se identifican las tecnologías a evaluar, en la segunda sección se especifica la perspectiva, horizonte temporal y la población sobre la cual se realizó el AIP; en la sección tres se detallan los costos utilizados en el modelo, además de los escenarios planteados por los investigadores; por último, en la sección cuatro se exponen los resultados en los diferentes escenarios planteados Este documento describe la metodología desarrollada para realizar el análisis de impacto presupuestal de 21 tecnologías para el manejo quimioterapéutico del cáncer en Colombia Este informe, sigue los lineamientos propuestos en el Manual para la Elaboración de Análisis de Impacto Presupuestal y en Manual de Participación y Deliberación publicados por IETS. Insumos y método: Esta sección presenta los supuestos, parámetros y métodos utilizados para el modelo de estimación del impacto presupuestal describiendo la siguiente información: Perspectiva: La perspectiva de este AIP es la del tercer pagador el cual en nuestro contexto es el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS). Horizonte temporal: El horizonte temporal de este AIP en el caso base corresponde a un año. Adicionalmente se reportan las estimaciones del impacto presupuestal para los años 2 y 3, bajo el supuesto de inclusión en el PBS en el año 1. Población total: Para el desarrollo de este AIP se parte de la población general afiliada al SGSSS colombiano sin distinción de sexo o edad. ESCENARIOS: Se consideró para la formulación de los escenarios de adopción de las tecnologías evaluadas los siguientes aspectos: 1. Los medicamentos evaluados no son alternativas terapéuticas para las patologías observadas, estas tecnologías sanitarias hacen parte de los protocolos de tratamiento con evidencia científica suficiente que garantizan su efectividad y seguridad clínica y que actualmente se encuentran en las opciones de tratamiento utilizados en la práctica clínica colombiana. 2. Al ser esquemas de tratamiento que hacen parte de protocolos estandarizados de aplicación, sí alguno de los medicamentos es sujeto de recobros ante ADRES, este trámite puede generar barreras de acceso al tratamiento hasta que se efectué la respectiva aprobación. Por lo tanto, no hay certeza de la efectividad clínica si los esquemas de tratamiento son suministrados de forma parcial o incompleta. 3. La elección del esquema de tratamiento obedece a criterios clínicos y a las características evaluadas en el paciente, no se espera una sustitución entre los diferentes esquemas sí se realiza un cambio en el mecanismo de financiamiento. 4. La adopción de las tecnologías evaluadas en este AIP no se espera que se modifiquen de manera importante, debido a que estas tecnologías hacen parte integral de los esquemas de tratamiento y su incorporación en la práctica clínica habitual en el contexto internacional y nacional, data de aproximadamente 10 a 5 años. Tambieén son parte de las opciones de primera línea de tratamiento para estadios tempranos, avanzados y localmente avanzados del paciente diagnosticado con câncer. De acuerdo a las anteriores consideraciones, al incorporar los medicamentos evaluados al PBS con cargo a la UPC, se espera la misma composición del mercado con la adopción de los nuevos medicamentos en el 100% de los tratamientos esperados en la siguiente anualidad. Los resultados esperados en el sistema de salud, en este cambio de financiamiento, se esperan obtener en dos puntos: a) En una mejor oportunidad de acceso a los esquemas de tratamiento en el SGSSS (25). b) En una mejora en la cobertura efectiva de los tratamientos de quimioterapia en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer. RESULTADOS: Se muestra el resultado consolidado para las ventiun tecnologías objeto del Análisis de Impacto Presupuestal. La tecnología que genera un mayor impacto es Oxaliplatino, con un valor por persona de $2.363.250,76 usada en 3170 pacientes, para un total de $7.491.504.923,90. El Megestrol es la tecnología con menor impacto, con un costo por persona de $ 383.791,06 y siendo usada en 34 pacientes, tiene un valor total de $ 13.048.896,00. La tretinoina es la tecnología más económica por paciente, con un valor de $ 97.996,50, es usada en 242 personas para un total de $ 23.715.153,00. DISCUSIÓN: En la práctica actual existe un volumen amplio de recobros en el caso de estos medicamentos por usos UNIRS. En algunos casos, los cambios en el mercado farmacéutico, ya sea por el retiro de medicamentos o la llegada de ellos, hace que se modifique indicaciones ya existentes en los registros y que pueden llegar a impactar estos. usos, por ejemplo aquellos casos en los que existe la indicación antineplásico y se cambian por indicaciones especificas, que pueden no considerar condiciones de salud de baja incidencia. Como se ha caracterizado con anterioridad, el mercado de tecnologías sanitarias que se encuentran incluidas al plan de beneficios en salud con cargo a la UPC difiere sustancialmente al mercado de tecnologías sanitarias aún no financiadas por dicho mecanismo. La existencia de las Empresas Administradoras de Planes de Beneficios (EAPB) presume la existencia de un actor que al maximizar su beneficio, es un buen negociador que en cumplimiento de los principios del SGSSS, llega a un precio de equilibrio que maximiza el beneficio social. En cambio, los medicamentos que son sujetos a recobros al ADRES presume un precio fuera de aquel nivel en donde se maximiza al beneficio social, en la medida que no hay una función clara de monopsonio que coteje y negocie un precio de adquisición. En algunos casos puede llegar asumir sobrecostos que las EAPB al ser intermediarias, no tienen incentivos para efectuar un adecuado control. Con el objetivo de estimar el resultado de la incorporación de estos medicamentos al PBS con cargo a la UPC, se asumieron dos escenarios en los cuales la población objetivo del AIP se consideró constante y se asumieron los siguientes supuestos: En el primer escenario se asume que los precios observados en recobros serán el promedio de todas las transacciones de compra en la siguiente anualidad. En el segundo escenario los precios promedio de adquisición de los medicamentos evaluados, corresponden al promedio observado en SISMED como predictor de los precios de equilibrio que pueden generar las EAPB como ente negociador. Se asume que, en promedio, las EAPB son negociadores eficientes que se acercan a un precio de equilibrio que maximiza el bienestar social. Se asume que la población objetivo corresponde al total de posibles pacientes que requieren las tecnologías sanitarias en evaluación, sin que exista demanda insatisfecha para estos esquemas de tratamiento. Para su cálculo, como se presenta en la tabla 09 de los servicios prestados durante el año 2015 y recobrados al FOSYGA en los años 2015 y 2016, se calculó un valor per-cápita de acuerdo con el identificador (cedula de ciudadanía anonimizada) registrado en cada recobro. Luego, este valor es indexado a precios 2016 con el IPC reportado por el DANE a diciembre 31 del año 2015. Este valor será el comparador del precio calculado para cada uno de los medicamentos a partir de SISMED 2016.

Humanos , Tretinoina/uso terapéutico , Epirrubicina/uso terapéutico , Idarrubicina/uso terapéutico , Carmustina/uso terapéutico , Daunorrubicina/uso terapéutico , Mitoxantrona/uso terapéutico , Mitomicina/uso terapéutico , Mesna/uso terapéutico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Dactinomicina/uso terapéutico , Capecitabina/uso terapéutico , Filgrastim/uso terapéutico , Docetaxel/uso terapéutico , Irinotecán/uso terapéutico , Oxaliplatino/uso terapéutico , Vinorelbina/uso terapéutico , Hidroxiurea/uso terapéutico , Ifosfamida/uso terapéutico , Melfalán/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias/tratamiento farmacológico , Evaluación en Salud/economía , Eficacia , Colombia
Clin Breast Cancer ; 16(3): 188-95, 2016 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26971303


BACKGROUND: We conducted a review of randomized trials to compare the overall survival (OS) with fulvestrant 500 mg versus alternative treatment for estrogen receptor-positive advanced breast cancer following endocrine therapy failure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hazard ratios (HRs) were obtained by modeling OS data with the Weibull distribution. A fixed-effect Bayesian network meta-analysis was conducted. The evidence network included anastrozole 1 mg, letrozole 2.5 mg, fulvestrant 250 mg, exemestane 25 mg, megestrol acetate 40 mg, and everolimus 10 mg plus exemestane 25 mg as comparators. Post-antiestrogen and post-aromatase inhibitor subgroup networks were analyzed. RESULTS: In the overall analysis, the HRs suggested improved OS for fulvestrant 500 mg versus fulvestrant 250 mg and megestrol acetate 40 mg, and numerically favorable differences with fulvestrant 500 mg versus other comparators. In the antiestrogen subgroup, the HRs suggested improved OS for fulvestrant 500 mg versus fulvestrant 250 mg and megestrol acetate 40 mg; numerical differences in the HRs were seen versus anastrozole 1 mg and letrozole 2.5 mg. In the aromatase inhibitor subgroup, the HRs for OS numerically favored fulvestrant 500 mg versus fulvestrant 250 mg and exemestane 25 mg. CONCLUSION: Acknowledging the limitations of the present network meta-analysis, these findings suggest that fulvestrant 500 mg might provide improved OS versus fulvestrant 250 mg and megestrol acetate 40 mg for treatment of estrogen receptor-positive ABC following endocrine therapy failure. Although OS efficacy versus everolimus 10 mg plus exemestane 25 mg (for overall evidence network), anastrozole 1 mg, exemestane 25 mg, and letrozole 2.5 mg is numerically favorable, additional studies are required to draw formal conclusions.

Antineoplásicos Hormonales/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias de la Mama/tratamiento farmacológico , Estradiol/análogos & derivados , Anastrozol , Androstadienos/uso terapéutico , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Inhibidores de la Aromatasa/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias de la Mama/mortalidad , Supervivencia sin Enfermedad , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Estradiol/administración & dosificación , Estradiol/uso terapéutico , Everolimus/uso terapéutico , Femenino , Fulvestrant , Humanos , Letrozol , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Metaanálisis en Red , Nitrilos/uso terapéutico , Posmenopausia , Receptores de Estrógenos/biosíntesis , Resultado del Tratamiento , Triazoles/uso terapéutico
Hepatogastroenterology ; 60(123): 475-80, 2013 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23108082


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Early intervention with nutritional supplementation has been shown to halt malnutrition and may improve outcome in some patients with colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate whether dietary counseling, oral nutrition and megestrol acetate during chemotherapy affected nutritional status and survival in patients with advanced disease. METHODOLOGY: Six hundred and twenty-eight patients with colorectal advanced disease were included in the study from January 2000 through December 2009 and divided into one of two groups. Group I consisted of 315 patients who were monitored prospectively and were given nutritional support. Group II included 313 patients without nutritional counseling and support. After the completion of chemotherapy all patients were evaluated (BMI, NST, Appetite Loss Scale and ECOG). RESULTS: After the completion of chemotherapy, there were lower proportions of patients in Group I with a BMI<20, NST>=5, loss of appetite and decreased weight gain. Nutritional counseling and supplemental feeding temporarily halted weight loss and improved appetite. This improvement may have implications for patient survival. Patients with early nutritional support lived 19.1 months while patients in the control group had a survival of 12.4 months (p=0.022). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that concurrent individualized dietary counseling and nutritional support are effective in improving nutritional status thereby lessening chemotherapy-induced morbidity.

Adenocarcinoma/terapia , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Caquexia/prevención & control , Neoplasias Colorrectales/terapia , Apoyo Nutricional , Adenocarcinoma/complicaciones , Adenocarcinoma/tratamiento farmacológico , Adenocarcinoma/mortalidad , Adenocarcinoma/secundario , Anciano , Antineoplásicos/efectos adversos , Regulación del Apetito , Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Índice de Masa Corporal , Caquexia/etiología , Caquexia/mortalidad , Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado , Neoplasias Colorrectales/complicaciones , Neoplasias Colorrectales/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias Colorrectales/mortalidad , Neoplasias Colorrectales/patología , Terapia Combinada , Consejo , Nutrición Enteral , Femenino , Humanos , Estimación de Kaplan-Meier , Masculino , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Evaluación Nutricional , Estado Nutricional , Apoyo Nutricional/métodos , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento , Pérdida de Peso
J Nutr Health Aging ; 16(2): 148-54, 2012 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22323350


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review was to investigate the range of pharmacological interventions that have been studied for treatment of geriatric cachexia, and to evaluate their effect on selected clinical outcomes in this population. METHODS: Databases including Medline and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched up to March 2010 with search terms including "cache*", "intervention", "megestrol acetate" and "cytokine inhibitors". Studies investigating subjects with mean age <60y or disease-related cachexia were excluded. Outcomes assessed were weight or BMI, body composition, appetite and laboratory parameters indicative of cachexia. RESULTS: Fifteen publications met the selection criteria, reporting on ten studies. Seven studies investigated use of megestrol acetate (MA): two randomised controlled trials, one case control study, two pre-test/post-test studies and two retrospective chart reviews. Weight/BMI was common amongst outcomes and these studies showed an improvement in weight compared with baseline. MA studies which investigated body composition, appetite and/or laboratory parameters provided some evidence for improvement in these outcomes. Three randomised controlled trials investigated the use of other interventions: ghrelin, growth hormone and vitamin supplementations. All demonstrated a significant increase in lean body mass. The only other outcome of interest in these three trials was weight in one study with a significant increase demonstrated. CONCLUSION: Little investigation has been conducted in this population and the diagnosis of cachexia is problematic however these trials provide preliminary evidence for beneficial outcomes in older adults likely to have cachexia. Further high quality adequately powered prospective studies are necessary to provide effective treatment for geriatric cachexia.

Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Caquexia/tratamiento farmacológico , Citocinas/antagonistas & inhibidores , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Envejecimiento , Apetito/efectos de los fármacos , Composición Corporal/efectos de los fármacos , Índice de Masa Corporal , Peso Corporal/fisiología , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Fenómenos Fisiológicos de la Nutrición , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Resultado del Tratamiento
Int Urol Nephrol ; 44(4): 1211-22, 2012 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21805328


AIM: Malnutrition is a common clinical problem in dialysis patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of megestrol acetate in malnourished dialysis patients. Thirty-two hypoalbuminemic dialysis patients took 160 mg of megestrol acetate daily for up to 6 months. METHODS: We measured height, dry weight, BMI, modified Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) score, and serum albumin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, hsCRP, IL-1ß and IL-6 concentrations. We used validated questionnaires to evaluate selected dimensions of the quality of life. RESULTS: Only 12 patients completed the study. All patients reported improved appetite, and there were concurrent statistically significant increases in weight, BMI, SGA and albumin concentration (P < 0.05). For the 12 patients who completed 6 months of treatment the increase in these parameters was from 63.26 ± 13.04 to 65.58 ± 12.53 kg, from 23.5 ± 3.8 to 24.66 ± 4.23 kg/m(2), from 5.16 ± 0.94 to 6.16 ± 0.72 points, and from 36.45 ± 1.82 to 40.33 ± 2.71 g/l, respectively. However, there were no significant changes in the levels of inflammatory markers and in quality of life. Side effects included overhydration, excessive weight gain and hyperglycaemia. CONCLUSION: Megestrol acetate may be effective in reversing poor appetite in carefully selected maintenance dialysis patients, but it might not reduce inflammation or improve the quality of life. Because of the potential side effects, close monitoring is essential.

Inflamación/tratamiento farmacológico , Fallo Renal Crónico/complicaciones , Desnutrición/etiología , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Estado Nutricional , Calidad de Vida , Diálisis Renal/efectos adversos , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Índice de Masa Corporal , Citocinas/sangre , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Inflamación/sangre , Inflamación/etiología , Fallo Renal Crónico/psicología , Fallo Renal Crónico/terapia , Masculino , Desnutrición/tratamiento farmacológico , Desnutrición/psicología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento
Med Clin (Barc) ; 137(5): 193-8, 2011 Jul 23.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21524765


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Weight loss in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a prognostic bad factor. The objective of this study is to analyze the effectively of megestrol acetate (MA) to increase appetite of these patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Randomized double blind placebo controlled trial to study the effect of 160 mg/bid of MA, for 8 weeks, on nutritional, functional, analytical and quality of life parameters, in 38 patients with severe COPD and body mass index (BMI) < 21 kg/m(2), or between 21-25 with involuntary weight loss of 5% in the last 3 months. RESULTS: At 8 weeks, in the MA group the body weight increased (2.3 kg) with respect to the control group (0.1 kg) (p<0.04). MA improved significantly the triceps skin-fold thickness (p < 0.04), prealbumin (p<0.004), lymphocytes (p<0.0006), C3 (p<0.04), PCO(2) (p<0.007) and bicarbonate levels (p<0.008). MA did not increase the MRC and SGRQ scales, the distance of 6 MWT nor BODE index. The IL-6 and TNF alpha levels were not modified in the MA group, but leptin did increase (p<0.043). MA improved the sense of wellbeing (p<0.02) and the appetite (p<0.008), compared to the control group. Adverse effects were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: MA safely increases the body weight and the appetite in severe COPD patients with weight loss. MA improves blood gases and nutritional parameters and the sense of wellbeing, but it does not improve the respiratory muscular function or exercise tolerance.

Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Caquexia/tratamiento farmacológico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Estado Nutricional/efectos de los fármacos , Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/complicaciones , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Apetito/efectos de los fármacos , Estimulantes del Apetito/administración & dosificación , Bicarbonatos/sangre , Peso Corporal/efectos de los fármacos , Caquexia/sangre , Caquexia/etiología , Método Doble Ciego , Femenino , Humanos , Hidrocortisona/sangre , Interleucina-6/sangre , Leptina/sangre , Masculino , Acetato de Megestrol/administración & dosificación , Persona de Mediana Edad , Prealbúmina/análisis , Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/sangre , Calidad de Vida , Grosor de los Pliegues Cutáneos , Testosterona/sangre , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa/análisis
Oncologist ; 15(2): 200-11, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20156909


PURPOSE: A phase III, randomized study was carried out to establish the most effective and safest treatment to improve the primary endpoints of cancer cachexia-lean body mass (LBM), resting energy expenditure (REE), and fatigue-and relevant secondary endpoints: appetite, quality of life, grip strength, Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) and proinflammatory cytokines. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred thirty-two assessable patients with cancer-related anorexia/cachexia syndrome were randomly assigned to one of five treatment arms: arm 1, medroxyprogesterone (500 mg/day) or megestrol acetate (320 mg/day); arm 2, oral supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid; arm 3, L-carnitine (4 g/day); arm 4, thalidomide (200 mg/day); and arm 5, a combination of the above. Treatment duration was 4 months. RESULTS: Analysis of variance showed a significant difference between treatment arms. A post hoc analysis showed the superiority of arm 5 over the others for all primary endpoints. An analysis of changes from baseline showed that LBM (by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and by L3 computed tomography) significantly increased in arm 5. REE decreased significantly and fatigue improved significantly in arm 5. Appetite increased significantly in arm 5; interleukin (IL)-6 decreased significantly in arm 5 and arm 4; GPS and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) score decreased significantly in arm 5, arm 4, and arm 3. Toxicity was quite negligible, and was comparable between arms. CONCLUSION: The most effective treatment in terms of all three primary efficacy endpoints and the secondary endpoints appetite, IL-6, GPS, and ECOG PS score was the combination regimen that included all selected agents.

Caquexia/tratamiento farmacológico , Carnitina/uso terapéutico , Ácido Eicosapentaenoico/uso terapéutico , Medroxiprogesterona/uso terapéutico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias/complicaciones , Talidomida/uso terapéutico , Estimulantes del Apetito/efectos adversos , Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Caquexia/etiología , Caquexia/metabolismo , Carnitina/efectos adversos , Ácido Eicosapentaenoico/efectos adversos , Femenino , Humanos , Interleucina-6/metabolismo , Masculino , Medroxiprogesterona/efectos adversos , Acetato de Megestrol/efectos adversos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neoplasias/metabolismo , Talidomida/efectos adversos , Complejo Vitamínico B/efectos adversos , Complejo Vitamínico B/uso terapéutico
Breast Cancer Res Treat ; 119(3): 767-71, 2010 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19115106


Background Endoglin (CD105) is a co-receptor for TGF-beta, is expressed by human vascular endothelial cells, and plays a major role in angiogenesis. Materials and methods Pretreatment EDTA plasma from 224 metastatic breast cancer patients enrolled in a phase III 2nd-line hormone therapy trial and 50 control subjects were assayed for endoglin using an ELISA. Results The female control group (n = 50) plasma endoglin upper limit of normal was defined as the mean + 2 SD (8.7 ng/ml). The breast cancer patient plasma endoglin was 6.40 +/- 2.23 ng/ml (range 3.00-19.79 ng/ml). Elevated plasma endoglin levels were detected in 26 of 224 patients (11.6%). Patients with elevated plasma endoglin had a reduced clinical benefit rate (CR + PR + Stable) (15 vs. 42%) (P = 0.01) to hormone therapy. TTP was shorter for patients with elevated plasma endoglin, but did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.2). Patients with elevated plasma endoglin had decreased overall survival (median 645 vs. 947 days) (P = 0.005). Conclusion Elevated pretreatment plasma endoglin levels predicted for decreased clinical benefit and a shorter overall survival in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with 2nd-line hormone therapy.

Antígenos CD/sangre , Antineoplásicos Hormonales/uso terapéutico , Biomarcadores de Tumor/sangre , Neoplasias de la Mama/sangre , Neoplasias de la Mama/tratamiento farmacológico , Receptores de Superficie Celular/sangre , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Neoplasias de la Mama/mortalidad , Método Doble Ciego , Resistencia a Antineoplásicos/fisiología , Endoglina , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Fadrozol/uso terapéutico , Femenino , Humanos , Estimación de Kaplan-Meier , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Persona de Mediana Edad
Acta Biochim Pol ; 56(4): 733-7, 2009.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19997653


Malnutrition is a common clinical problem in dialysis patients. So far the management of malnutrition in this population has not been fully successful. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of use of megestrol acetate suspension in malnourished dialysis patients. Twenty-six hypoalbuminemic (albumin < or = 3.8 g/dl) dialysis patients took 160 mg of megestrol acetate daily for a period of two months. Anthropometry (dry weight, body mass index) and biochemical measurements of nutrition (serum albumin, triglycerides, total cholesterol) and inflammation (hsCRP, IL-1beta, IL-6) were performed on a monthly basis. The treatment led to a statistically significant increase (P < 0.05) in anthropometry and albumin concentration, with no statistically significant changes in total cholesterol, triglycerides and indices of inflammation. Side effects included overhydration, diarrhoea and hyperglycaemia. Thus, megestrol acetate may be an effective therapeutic agent in improving the nutritional status of carefully selected dialysis patients, while it might not mitigate inflammation. Because of the prevalent side effects it must be monitored closely.

Inflamación/tratamiento farmacológico , Fallo Renal Crónico/complicaciones , Desnutrición/tratamiento farmacológico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Diálisis Renal/efectos adversos , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Desnutrición/etiología , Acetato de Megestrol/efectos adversos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estado Nutricional , Albúmina Sérica/efectos de los fármacos , Albúmina Sérica/metabolismo
Coll Antropol ; 32(2): 505-8, 2008 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18756901


UNLABELLED: The aim of our study was to assess whether the influence of nutritional support, consisting of counseling, enteral liquids support and pharmacologic support, can slow down weight loss and whether the change in weight has the impact on the performance status in our patients. In our study 44 patients with pancreatic cancer were included--26 males (mean age 69 years +/- 2.4 years) and 18 females (mean age 63 +/- 3.2 years). Metastatic disease was found in 21 patients, 15 patients had liver metastasis. Locally advanced disease was found in 24 patients and metastatic and locally advanced disease in 17 patients. Surgery was performed in 34 patients. Forty four (100%) patients underwent nutritional counseling, 33 of them (75%) took supplemental enteral feeding and 44 (100%) took megestrol acetate 400 mg per a day. The patients were followed up during 8 weeks during 5 visits. At first visit we took initial nutritional status of patients. Appetite loss, weight gain and Karnofsky performance status were monitored at every visit. All patients were treated with gemcitabin for a 7 week period. RESULTS: NTS score at initial visit in 44 patients (100%) was > or = 5. Using nutritional counseling, enteral food substitution and pharmacological support, weight gain was observed in 61.1% patients and appetite improved. Average KPS mostly improved after first month of therapy while after two months was again at the basal level. With nutritional counseling, supplemental feeding and pharmacologic support weight loss in our patients slowed down and appetite improved. Despite of that, Karnofsky Performance Status didn't change significantly, reflecting the impact of the disease itself and chemotherapy procedures to the patient's condition. We can conclude that nutritional and pharmacological support can temporarily stop weight loss and improve appetite, social life and quality of life in those groups of patients but have no implications on patients KPS and course of their disease.

Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Estimulantes del Apetito/uso terapéutico , Apoyo Nutricional , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/terapia , Anciano , Desoxicitidina/análogos & derivados , Desoxicitidina/uso terapéutico , Femenino , Humanos , Estado de Ejecución de Karnofsky , Masculino , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/patología , Pérdida de Peso , Gemcitabina
J Am Geriatr Soc ; 52(10): 1708-12, 2004 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15450049


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of proinflammatory cytokines, their receptors, and nutritional indicators (at baseline and after 12 weeks of megestrol acetate (MA) treatment) upon long-term survival in geriatric cachectic patients without active acute infections, inflammation, or cancer. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial with placebo or MA treatment for 12 weeks and then follow-up for more than 4 years. SETTING: Veterans Affairs nursing home in Northport, New York. PARTICIPANTS: Nursing home patients with weight loss of 5% of usual body weight over the previous 3 months or body weight 20% below ideal body weight. INTERVENTION: Random assignment of placebo or MA oral suspension 800 mg/d to the eligible patients for 12 weeks. MEASUREMENTS: White blood cell counts, prealbumin, plasma cytokine levels (or their receptors), including tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), soluble subunits (TNFR-p55 and TNFR-p75), interleukin (IL)-6, soluble IL-2 receptor, and C-reactive protein at baseline and 12 weeks after treatment. RESULTS: There was no difference in survival between the MA and placebo groups. Considering possible confounders, initial IL-6, initial TNFR-p75 levels, and final neutrophil percentage were associated with elevated mortality, whereas higher initial prealbumin, initial albumin, final prealbumin, final albumin, and final weight gain were associated with decreased death. CONCLUSION: In geriatric weight-loss patients with cachexia, certain cytokines and nutritional indicators were effective in predicting long-term mortality, regardless of treatment with MA. Interventions to modify levels of these cytokines or their receptors and improvement in nutritional status by weight gain might be helpful in ameliorating undetected chronic inflammation and thus might prolong the survival of these nursing home residents.

Caquexia/tratamiento farmacológico , Citocinas/sangre , Inflamación/sangre , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Estado Nutricional , Anciano , Caquexia/mortalidad , Intervalos de Confianza , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Factores de Riesgo , Aumento de Peso
AIDS ; 17 Suppl 1: S130-40, 2003 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12870539


The presentation of the nutritional problems of HIV-infected children is changing over time with improved antiretroviral regimens. Early reports of HIV infection in the 1980s, included such problems as malnutrition and wasting. However, as treatment and prophylactic regimens improve, the current nutritional problems of HIV-infected children in developed countries include truncal obesity and insulin resistance in addition to malnutrition. Background data on the wasting syndrome, etiology of malnutrition, nutritional effects of highly active antiretroviral therapies, and nutritional intervention strategies for HIV-infected children will be presented.

Terapia Antirretroviral Altamente Activa , Infecciones por VIH/tratamiento farmacológico , Niño , Suplementos Dietéticos , Nutrición Enteral , Síndrome de Emaciación por VIH/dietoterapia , Síndrome de Emaciación por VIH/etiología , Humanos , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Trastornos Nutricionales/dietoterapia , Trastornos Nutricionales/etiología , Nutrición Parenteral
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am ; 32(2): 325-36, 2003 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12800534


Lifestyle changes in diet, exercise and the environment may help to prevent or ameliorate hot flashes and low bone density in men and women after surgical castration. Conventional medications, including megestrol acetate, SSRIs or clonidine, may improve hot flashes but may have limiting side effects. Some complementary and alternative approaches, including black cohosh, vitamin E, and soy products, work as well as placebo to decrease hot flashes and may be helpful, because they have low toxicity. Acupuncture and neurontin are promising but must be studied further. With regards to the prevention of osteoporosis and fractures in men and women, bisphosphonates are the most potent of the currently available agents; calcitonin is less effective. PTH has a large beneficial effect but is not yet available and is less well studied. In women, continued sexual intercourse and use of vaginal lubricants and moisturizers help to minimize symptoms of vaginal atrophy but do not ameliorate urinary symptoms. Low dose local estrogen treatment is a promising approach for the latter complaints.

Terapia de Reemplazo de Estrógeno , Sofocos/terapia , Hipogonadismo/terapia , Orquiectomía/efectos adversos , Osteoporosis/prevención & control , Ovariectomía/efectos adversos , Contraindicaciones , Femenino , Humanos , Hipogonadismo/etiología , Estilo de Vida , Masculino , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Inhibidores Selectivos de la Recaptación de Serotonina/uso terapéutico , Alimentos de Soja , Trifolium/metabolismo , Vaginitis/terapia
Anticancer Drugs ; 12(9): 719-24, 2001 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11593052


Our objective was to determine the efficacy of megestrol acetate in the treatment of platinum-refractory epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), and to evaluate the toxicities and quality of life (QOL) associated with this therapy. Patients with platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian cancer were treated with megestrol acetate (800 mg/day) orally for 28 days and then 400 mg/day for a minimum of 28 days before being assessed ready for evaluation of response to therapy. Patients who demonstrated a complete response (CR), partial response (PR) or stable disease were continued in the study until there was objective evidence of disease progression. All patients who went off study were followed up at regular intervals, every 2 months, to assess overall survival. Thirty-six patients were enrolled. Response was observed in seven of 36 patients (three CR and four PR). The response rate was 19.4% (95% CI 9-36). Four of the responders had the endometrioid cell type, while two were clear cell carcinoma and one was serouscystadenocarcinoma. All three CR patients had the histology of endometrioid carcinoma with the tumors located in the pelvis. Median survival of the study population was 5.8 months. Median survival in the responders was 12 months, while median survival in the non-responders was 5.5 months. Median progression-free survival in the responders was 8.3 months, while median progression-free survival in the non-responders was only 2 months. The majority of patients gained weight and had a fair quality of life score during treatment. The only toxicity observed was alopecia (grade 1) in four patients. We conclude that megestrol acetate has modest but definite activity in patients with platinum-refractory EOC, particularly in a small subset of the endometrioid subtype with limited disease in the pelvis. Only minimal toxicity was observed and the patients had a fair QOL score during the treatment.

Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias Ováricas/tratamiento farmacológico , Adulto , Antineoplásicos/administración & dosificación , Esquema de Medicación , Femenino , Humanos , Acetato de Megestrol/administración & dosificación , Persona de Mediana Edad , Compuestos de Platino/uso terapéutico , Calidad de Vida , Análisis de Supervivencia , Insuficiencia del Tratamiento
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi ; 21(10): 732-5, 2001 Oct.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12575602


OBJECTIVE: To find effective therapeutic approach for treating true idiopathic precocious puberty suitable to our national condition and different from gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist. METHODS: One hundred and six girls with idiopathic precocious puberty were divided into 3 groups. The 51 girls in the combination therapy group were treated with megestrol acetate (MA) and Chinese medicine for nourishing Yin and removing Fire, the 35 girls in the MA treated group were treated with MA alone and the other 20 girls were given no treatment at all as control. Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulating test was performed before and after treatment, and size of uterus and ovary, linear growth rate, X-ray bone age measurement and final height prediction were also observed simultaneously. RESULTS: After being treated with combination therapy for 2.7 years in average, in the combination therapy group, the luteinizing hormone peak value of LHRH stimulating test was reduced from 48.5 +/- 37.1 IU/L to 12.2 +/- 9.3 IU/L (P < 0.001), size of uterus and ovary decreased, secondary sexual characteristics regressed, the bone age difference/chronological age difference value (delta BA/delta CA) reduced from 1.35 +/- 0.64 to 0.65 +/- 0.36(P < 0.001), and predictive final height increased from 153.3 +/- 3.6 cm to 158.5 +/- 4.3 cm (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Combination therapy could not only modulate the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and the development of internal genitalia, but also could slow down skeletal growth, delay skeletal maturation, and thereby prevent premature epiphyseal fusion and increase the final height of patients.

Medicamentos Herbarios Chinos/uso terapéutico , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Fitoterapia , Pubertad Precoz/tratamiento farmacológico , Niño , Preescolar , Quimioterapia Combinada , Femenino , Hormona Liberadora de Gonadotropina , Humanos , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisario/efectos de los fármacos , Hormona Luteinizante/sangre , Ovario/efectos de los fármacos
J Nutr Health Aging ; 4(4): 246-51, 2000.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11115810


BACKGROUND: The geriatric wasting syndrome (GWS) has been associated with proinflammatory cytokines, depression and progressive decline in quality of life (QOL). The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the changes in cytokine levels and appetite, nutritional markers, and QOL in geriatric patients with GWS following a randomized clinical trial of megestrol acetate (MA) versus placebo. METHODS: This was a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. We evaluated 69 predominantly male (3 females) nursing home residents with weight loss of > or =5% of their usual body weight over the past three months or body weight 20% below their ideal body weight. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or megestrol acetate (MA) oral suspension (O.S.) 800 mg/day for 12 weeks and were then followed for 13 weeks off treatment. Data on appetite, weight, nutritional status, QOL and cytokine levels were collected at baseline and week 12. The correlation between appetite, weight, nutritional status, sense of well being and cytokine level changes in response to MA treatment was examined at week 12. RESULTS: Appetite, sense of well being, and QOL assessed by an "enjoyment list" significantly improved in the MA arm. Rising prealbumin showed a negative correlation with decreasing IL-6 (r = -0.51), TNFR-p 55 (r = -0.49) and sIL-2R (r = -0.38). There was also an improvement in prealbumin and a decrease in IL-6 and TNFR-p55 in the MA-arm (p < 0.01). A correlation between a decrease in the IL-6 levels and improvement in depression (r = 0.50) was seen in the MA arm as well. Improvement in appetite positively correlated with increased enjoyment of life (r = -0.41), less depression (r = -0.34), improved sense of well being (r = 0.36), prealbumin gain (r = 0.30), and weight gain (r = 0.38) by 12 weeks. Also, improvement in appetite positively correlated with improvement in nutritional parameters such as prealbumin, albumin, fat free mass and weight in the MA arm. CONCLUSIONS: In a geriatric nursing home population with weight loss, reduction in cytokine levels after MA treatment correlates with improvement in appetite, prealbumin, albumin, and improvement in quality of life.

Apetito/efectos de los fármacos , Citocinas/efectos de los fármacos , Acetato de Megestrol/uso terapéutico , Estado Nutricional , Calidad de Vida , Síndrome Debilitante/tratamiento farmacológico , Anciano , Citocinas/sangre , Método Doble Ciego , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Acetato de Megestrol/farmacología , Casas de Salud , Estudios Prospectivos , Estadística como Asunto , Aumento de Peso/efectos de los fármacos