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Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 67-84, June 20, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396376


Homeopathy is highly controversial. The main reason for this is its use of very highly dilute medicines (high homeopathic potencies, HHP), diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. Research using Nano Tracking Analysis has demonstrated the presence of particles in HHPs. This study aims to verify the results of a previous publication that identified the ionic composition of these particles in all dilutions. We used Scanning Electron Microscopy & Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) to examine dilutions of a commonly used homeopathic medicine, an insoluble metal, Cuprum metallicum, for the presence of particles (NPs). The homeopathic medicines tested were specially prepared according to the European pharmacopoeia standards. We compared the homeopathic dilutions/dynamizations of copper with simple dilutions and dynamized lactose controls. We observed an ionic diversity common to all preparations including HHPs but also significant differences in the relative quantity of each ion between manufacturing lines of homeopathic copper and lactose controls. The probability that the observed differences could have occurred chance alone (especially above Avogadro limit) can be rejected at p < 0.001. The essential component of these homeopathic medicines is sodium hydrogen carbonate, modulated by some other elements and by its quantity, size and shape. Homeopathic medicines made of Cuprum metallicum do contain material with a specific ionic composition even in HHPs diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. This specificity can be attributed to the manufacturing process. This material demonstrates that the step-by-step process (dynamized or not) does not match the theoretical expectations of a dilution process. The starting material and dilution/dynamization method influences the nature of these NPs. Further measurements are needed on other raw materials using the same controls (solvent and simply diluted manufacturing lines) to support these findings. The role of sodium bicarbonate must be carefully studied in the future.

Dinamización , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Nanopartículas , Espectrometría por Rayos X , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Cuprum , Bicarbonato de Sodio , Cobre , Lactosa
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 83(3/4): 79-107, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1402357


Além da reconhecida aplicação nas doenças crônicas, a homeopatia individualizada também pode atuar de forma resolutiva ou complementar nos casos agudos, incluindo as doenças epidêmicas. No entanto, para atingir esse intento, apresenta uma metodologia semiológica e terapêutica específica que deve ser seguida e respeitada, com o risco de não apresentar a eficácia e a segurança desejada. No caso das doenças epidêmicas, que pela virulência dos seus agentes provoca um quadro sintomatológico comum na maioria dos indivíduos suscetíveis, o medicamento homeopático individualizado (medicamento homeopático do gênio epidêmico) deve apresentar semelhança com o conjunto de sinais e sintomas característicos dos pacientes acometidos nos diferentes estágios de cada surto epidêmico. Estudos evidenciam a eficácia e a segurança desta prática terapêutica e/ou profilática em diversas epidemias do passado. Assim sendo, após o levantamento dos possíveis medicamentos homeopáticos individualizados do gênio epidêmico de cada epidemia, sua aplicação terapêutica e/ou profilática em larga escala deve ser sustentada por ensaios clínicos prévios que demonstrem sua eficácia e segurança, em consonância com os aspectos éticos e bioéticos da pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos. Cumprindo essas premissas da boa prática clínica, elaboramos, em março de 2020, esse protocolo de pesquisa para investigar, em ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e placebo-controlado, a eficácia e a segurança de possíveis medicamentos homeopáticos individualizados do gênio epidêmico da COVID-19. Caso a eficácia e a segurança se confirmem, e tão somente nessa condição, o medicamento poderá ser utilizado de forma generalizada e coletiva no tratamento e na prevenção da atual epidemia. Com esse intuito, encaminhamos este projeto a médicos, pesquisadores e gestores de diversos hospitais públicos e privados, solicitando uma oportunidade para aplicar essa proposta em pacientes internados em enfermarias e/ou centros de terapia intensiva destinadas ao tratamento da COVID-19.

In addition to the recognized application in chronic diseases, individualized homeopathy can also act in a resolutive or complementary way in acute cases, including epidemic diseases. However, to achieve this intent, it presents a specific semiologic and therapeutic methodology that must be followed and respected, with the risk of not presenting the desired efficacy and safety. In the case of epidemic diseases, which due to the virulence of their agents causes a common symptomatological picture in most susceptible individuals, the individualized homeopathic medicine (homeopathic medicine of the epidemic genius) should present similarity with the set of characteristic symptoms and signs of the patients affected in the different stages of each epidemic outbreak. Studies show the efficacy and safety of this therapeutic and/or prophylactic practice in several epidemics of the past. Therefore, after the survey of possible individualized homeopathic medicine from the epidemic genius of each epidemic, its therapeutic and/or large-scale prophylactic application should be supported by previous clinical trials that demonstrate its effectiveness and safety, in line with the ethical and bioethical aspects of research involving human beings. Fulfilling these premises of good clinical practice, we developed, in March 2020, this research protocol to investigate, in a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial, the effectiveness and safety of possible individualized homeopathic medicines of epidemic genius of COVID-19. If effectiveness and safety are confirmed, and only in this condition, the medicine may be used in a generalized and collective manner in the treatment and prevention of the current epidemic. To this end, we refer this project to physicians, researchers and managers of several public and private hospitals, requesting an opportunity to apply this proposal to patients hospitalized in wards and/or intensive care units for the treatment of COVID-19.

Humanos , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Género Epidémico , Terapéutica Homeopática/normas , Bryonia , Ética en Investigación , COVID-19/prevención & control
Int. j. high dilution res ; 20(4): 11-28, Dec. 31, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396371


Homeopathy is highly controversial. The main reason for this is its use of very highly dilute medicines (high homeopathic potencies, HHP), diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. Research using several different methods has demonstrated the presence of particles, including nanoparticles of source material, in HHPs. This study aims to verify the results of a previous publication that detected the presence of particles in all dilutions. We used the Nano Tracking Analyzer (NTA) to examine dilutions of a commonly used homeopathic medicine, an insoluble metal, Cuprum metallicum, for the presence of particles. The homeopathic medicines tested were specially prepared according to the European pharmacopoeia standards. We compared the homeopathic dilutions/dynamizations with simple dilutions and controls including a soluble medicine. We observed the presence of solid material in all preparations including HHPs (except for pure water). The measurements showed significant differences in particle sizes distribution between homeopathic manufacturing lines and controls. Homeopathic medicines do contain material with a specific size distribution even in HHPs diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. This specificity can be attributed to the manufacturing and potentization process. This material demonstrates that the step-by-step process (dynamized or not) does not match the theoretical expectations in a dilution process. The starting material and dilution/dynamization method influences the nature and concentration of these NPs.

Dinamización , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Nanopartículas , Cloruro de Potasio , Cuprum , Kali Muriaticum , Cobre , Lactosa
Homeopatia Méx ; 88(718): 20-26, jul.-sept. 2019.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147355


Como bien es conocido en el ambiente académico, científico y de salud pública nacional e internacional, una limitante mayor para la aceptación y expansión de la Homeopatía es el desconocimiento de los mecanismos de acción de los fármacos o medicamentos a diluciones o dinamizaciones muy elevadas, o Ultra Diluciones Homeopáticas (UDH). Es un flanco por el cual la Homeopatía es atacada constantemente, ignorando las múltiples investigaciones de tipo clínico, así como los aspectos biofísicos del comportamiento de los solventes a niveles de ultradiluciones. Este texto intenta llevar al médico homeópata de habla hispana una monografía acerca del desarrollo de la investigación teórica y práctica de los mecanismos íntimos de acción de las ultra diluciones homeopáticas (UDH) en células, animales de laboratorio y humanos. A través de este texto trataremos de dar una visión retrospectiva del trabajo teórico-experimental realizado por dos académicos comprometidos con la Homeopatía en México. Me refiero al doctor Hugo Montfort Rubín, médico homeópata originario de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y al Doctor en Ciencias Ángel Salas Cuevas, ingeniero, físico y maestro de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía (ENMyH) del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Ambos personajes, ya fallecidos, dejaron amplias y profundas huellas en alumnos, médicos homeópatas e instituciones en las que participaron. Desearía poder incluir en esta pequeña aportación el gran trabajo que realizó el doctor Roberto Mendiola Q. en la década de 1960 acerca de la cristalografía de las altas diluciones homeopáticas, pero la falta de material confiable me lo impide. (AU)

As it is well known in both national and international scientific, academic and public health environments, one of the mayor limitations to the acceptance and expansion of Homeopathy is the ignorance of the mechanisms of action of homeopathic drugs or medications that are highly diluted or dynamized, also known as Ultra High Homeopathic Dilutions. This constitutes an angle from which Homeopathy is constantly attacked, and the multiple clinical-type investigations, as well as the biophysical aspects of the behavior of of solvents at an ultra-diluted level are both ignored. This written work attempts to lead the spanish-speaking homeopathic physician towards a monograph regarding the development of theoretical and practical investigation of the intimate mechanisms of action of Homeopathic ultradilutions in cells, laboratory animals and humans. Through this text, we will attempt to provide a retrospective vision of the theoretical and experimental work conducted by two academics who are committed to Homeopathy in Mexico. I am referring to Dr. Hugo Montfort Rubín, a Homeopathic physician from Monterrey, Nuevo León, and the doctor in science, Ángel Salas Cuevas, a physical engineer y teacher in the Nacional School of Medicine and Homeopathy in Mexico (ENMyH) of the Politechnical National Institute (IPN). Both characters, both deceased, left broad and deep marks in their students, Homeopathic physicians and the institutions they participated in their lifetime. I wish to include this small contribution to the great work of doctor Roberto Mendiola Q. during the 1960's, regarding the crystallography of high homeopathic dilutions, however, the lack of reliable material prevents me from doing so. (AU)

Altas Potencias , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Mecanismo de Acción del Medicamento Homeopático , Medicamento Homeopático , México
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 82(3/4): 24-25, 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1049887


A partir das colocações feitas pelo Dr. Pedro Mintz, em artigo intitulado "Dinamização em pressão ou vácuo relativo" (Revista de Homeopatia 172:26), gostaríamos de discutir alguns pontos. A busca de novas formas e novos caminhos para se obter o que Hahnemann classificou como cura é elogiável sob todos os aspectos. São muitos os caminhos que hoje se pesquisam, tendo o autor colocado mais um que, certamente, merecerá um estudo criterioso para se chegar às soluções que ele busca.

Dinamización , Presión Atmosférica , Temperatura , Farmacotécnica Homeopática
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 81(1/2): 29-54, 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-908632


Objetivo: A última revisão sistemática das pesquisas físico-químicas sobre preparações homeopáticas foi publicada em 2003. O objetivo do presente estudo foi atualizar e ampliar o estado atual dos conhecimentos na área das propriedades físico-químicas das preparações homeopáticas. Na parte 1 do estudo objetivamos apresentar um panorama da literatura quanto à qualidade e métodos utilizados nas publicações. Na parte 2 objetivamos identificar as técnicas experimentais mais interessantes. Desta maneira, esperamos estar na posição de gerar hipóteses significativas quanto ao possível modo de ação das preparações homeopáticas. Métodos: Foi adotado um procedimento com 2 etapas: 1) pesquisa ampla da literatura, seguida de análise bibliométrica e da qualidade das publicações e, 2) análise qualitativa minuciosa das pesquisas físico-químicas individuais localizadas. Na presente publicação relatamos a etapa 1). Realizamos uma busca nas principais bases científicas de dados de publicações relatando pesquisas físico-químicas da homeopatia desde a sua origem até o final de 2015. As publicações foram avaliadas através de um sistema de pontuação, o Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Foram coletadas informações sobre o país de origem dos estudos e as técnicas experimentais utilizadas. Resultados: Localizamos 183 publicações (versus 44 na revisão anterior), 122 delas com MIS ≥ 5. A taxa de publicações na área foi ˜2 por ano entre as década de 1970 e 2000. Depois aumentou para mais de 5,5 publicações por ano. [...] Conclusões: As pesquisas físico-químicas sobre as preparações homeopáticas está aumentando tanto na quantidade e na qualidade das publicações. (AU)

Objectives: The last systematic review of physicochemical research performed on homeopathic preparations was published in 2003. The aim of the study is to update and expand the current state of knowledge in the area of physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. In part 1 of the study, we aim to present an overview of the literature with respect to publication quality and methods used. In part 2, we aim to identify the most interesting experimental techniques. With this, we aim to be in a position to generate meaningful hypotheses regarding a possible mode of action of homeopathic preparations. Methods: A two-step procedure was adopted: (1) an extensive literature search, followed by a bibliometric and quality analysis on the level of publications and (2) a thorough qualitative analysis of the individual physicochemical investigations found. In this publication, we report on step (1). We searched major scientific databases to find publications reporting physicochemical investigations of homeopathy from its origin to the end of 2015. Publications were assessed using a scoring scheme, the Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Information regarding country of origin of the research and experimental techniques used was extracted. Results: We identified 183 publications (compared to 44 in the last review), 122 of which had an MIS ‡5. The rate of publication in the field was *2 per year from the 1970s until 2000. Afterward, it increased to over 5.5 publications per year. [...]Conclusions: Physicochemical research into homeopathic preparations is increasing both in terms of quantity and quality of the publications. (AU)

Dinamización , Altas Potencias , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Homeopatía
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 81(1/2): 29-54, 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: hom-12226


Objetivo: A última revisão sistemática das pesquisas físico-químicas sobre preparações homeopáticas foi publicada em 2003. O objetivo do presente estudo foi atualizar e ampliar o estado atual dos conhecimentos na área das propriedades físico-químicas das preparações homeopáticas. Na parte 1 do estudo objetivamos apresentar um panorama da literatura quanto à qualidade e métodos utilizados nas publicações. Na parte 2 objetivamos identificar as técnicas experimentais mais interessantes. Desta maneira, esperamos estar na posição de gerar hipóteses significativas quanto ao possível modo de ação das preparações homeopáticas. Métodos: Foi adotado um procedimento com 2 etapas: 1) pesquisa ampla da literatura, seguida de análise bibliométrica e da qualidade das publicações e, 2) análise qualitativa minuciosa das pesquisas físico-químicas individuais localizadas. Na presente publicação relatamos a etapa 1). Realizamos uma busca nas principais bases científicas de dados de publicações relatando pesquisas físico-químicas da homeopatia desde a sua origem até o final de 2015. As publicações foram avaliadas através de um sistema de pontuação, o Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Foram coletadas informações sobre o país de origem dos estudos e as técnicas experimentais utilizadas. Resultados: Localizamos 183 publicações (versus 44 na revisão anterior), 122 delas com MIS ≥ 5. A taxa de publicações na área foi ˜2 por ano entre as década de 1970 e 2000. Depois aumentou para mais de 5,5 publicações por ano. [...] Conclusões: As pesquisas físico-químicas sobre as preparações homeopáticas está aumentando tanto na quantidade e na qualidade das publicações. (AU)

Objectives: The last systematic review of physicochemical research performed on homeopathic preparations was published in 2003. The aim of the study is to update and expand the current state of knowledge in the area of physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. In part 1 of the study, we aim to present an overview of the literature with respect to publication quality and methods used. In part 2, we aim to identify the most interesting experimental techniques. With this, we aim to be in a position to generate meaningful hypotheses regarding a possible mode of action of homeopathic preparations. Methods: A two-step procedure was adopted: (1) an extensive literature search, followed by a bibliometric and quality analysis on the level of publications and (2) a thorough qualitative analysis of the individual physicochemical investigations found. In this publication, we report on step (1). We searched major scientific databases to find publications reporting physicochemical investigations of homeopathy from its origin to the end of 2015. Publications were assessed using a scoring scheme, the Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Information regarding country of origin of the research and experimental techniques used was extracted. Results: We identified 183 publications (compared to 44 in the last review), 122 of which had an MIS ‡5. The rate of publication in the field was *2 per year from the 1970s until 2000. Afterward, it increased to over 5.5 publications per year. [...]Conclusions: Physicochemical research into homeopathic preparations is increasing both in terms of quantity and quality of the publications. (AU)

Homeopatía , Altas Potencias , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Dinamización
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 79(1/2): 49-58, 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-788868


Organoterápicos (OT) são medicamentos diluídos e agitados, produzidos a partir de órgãos de animais saudáveis e utilizados como complemento ao tratamento homeopático ou convencional. As matérias-primas (matrizes) disponíveis no país não ofereciam rastreabilidade ou informações como a origem do material preparado. Este artigo apresenta um relato etnográfico e descreve a produção de matrizes de OTs a partir de tecidos de carneiro nas proporções (escalas) decimal, centesimal e cinquenta milesimal. Foram obtidos 70 diferentes órgãos, partes de órgãos e algumas composições, com informações completas sobre a origem e rastreabilidade...

Organotherapy (OT) employs serially diluted and agitated medicines prepared with organs of healthy animals as adjuvant to homeopathic or conventional treatment. The starting-substances for OT available in Brazil have no traceability and there is no information as to their origin. In the present article we present an ethnographic report of organ collection and preparation of 70 new OT medicines from sheep tissue in the decimal, centesimal and 50 milesimal scales which meet all traceability requirements...

Animales , Dinamización , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Organoterapia/normas , Antropología Cultural , Ovinos
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 79(1/2): 49-58, 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex | ID: hom-11261


Organoterápicos (OT) são medicamentos diluídos e agitados, produzidos a partir de órgãos de animais saudáveis e utilizados como complemento ao tratamento homeopático ou convencional. As matérias-primas (matrizes) disponíveis no país não ofereciam rastreabilidade ou informações como a origem do material preparado. Este artigo apresenta um relato etnográfico e descreve a produção de matrizes de OTs a partir de tecidos de carneiro nas proporções (escalas) decimal, centesimal e cinquenta milesimal. Foram obtidos 70 diferentes órgãos, partes de órgãos e algumas composições, com informações completas sobre a origem e rastreabilidade. (AU)

Organotherapy (OT) employs serially diluted and agitated medicines prepared with organs of healthy animals as adjuvant to homeopathic or conventional treatment. The starting-substances for OT available in Brazil have no traceability and there is no information as to their origin. In the present article we present an ethnographic report of organ collection and preparation of 70 new OT medicines from sheep tissue in the decimal, centesimal and 50 milesimal scales which meet all traceability requirements. (AU)

Animales , Organoterapia/normas , Dinamización , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Antropología Cultural , Ovinos
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(693): 14-18, nov.-dic. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex | ID: hom-11061


El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de mostrar los efectos de la Calendula officinalis en preparación homeopática sobre las lesiones características de la queratosis seborreica, en una muestra piloto, de tipo clínico, conformada por ocho pacientes del sexo femenino, cuyo rango de edad se encuentra entre los 52 y 76 años. Las voluntarias fueron captadas en la Unidad Médica de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. La elección de la calendula officinalis como tratamiento fue sustentada por antecedentes de estudios realizados sobre la misma, los cuales demostraron una acción antitumoral. (AU)

This paper aims to show the effects of Calendula officinalis in homeopathic preparation on the characteristic lesions of seborrheic keratosis, a pilot sample, clinical, composed of eight female patients whose age range is between 52 and 76 years. The volunteers were captured in the Medical Unit of the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy , National Polytechnic Institute . The choice of calendula officinalis and treatment was supported by a history of studies of the same , which showed an antitumor action. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Queratosis Seborreica/terapia , /uso terapéutico , Terapéutica Homeopática , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Resultado del Tratamiento
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(693): 14-18, nov.-dic. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-754748


El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de mostrar los efectos de la Calendula officinalis en preparación homeopática sobre las lesiones características de la queratosis seborreica, en una muestra piloto, de tipo clínico, conformada por ocho pacientes del sexo femenino, cuyo rango de edad se encuentra entre los 52 y 76 años. Las voluntarias fueron captadas en la Unidad Médica de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. La elección de la calendula officinalis como tratamiento fue sustentada por antecedentes de estudios realizados sobre la misma, los cuales demostraron una acción antitumoral.

This paper aims to show the effects of Calendula officinalis in homeopathic preparation on the characteristic lesions of seborrheic keratosis, a pilot sample, clinical, composed of eight female patients whose age range is between 52 and 76 years. The volunteers were captured in the Medical Unit of the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy , National Polytechnic Institute . The choice of calendula officinalis and treatment was supported by a history of studies of the same , which showed an antitumor action.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , /uso terapéutico , Queratosis Seborreica/terapia , Terapéutica Homeopática , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Resultado del Tratamiento
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 77(1/2): 21-27, 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-716928


O preparo e a dispensação dos medicamentos homeopáticos, em nosso país, são realizados em farmácias com manipulação homeopática, fato que possibilita a perfeita adequação da prescrição às necessidades do paciente. O trabalho da classe farmacêutica homeopática levou à publicação de várias edições da Farmacopeia Homeopática Brasileira; com isto foi padronizada a manipulação desses medicamentos nas diversas farmácias do país. Com o tempo, porém, observamos que algumas necessidades não foram supridas. Com o objetivo de colaborar com a padronização dos medicamentos, neste trabalho propomos um procedimento para preparo e dispensação de medicamentos com o método cinquenta-milesimal diluídos (para pacientes mais sensíveis), sob a forma decomplexos e ainda em glóbulos.

In Brazil, homeopathic medicines are prepared and delivered by homeopathic pharmacies, which allows for exact fitting of the medicines to the patients’ needs. As a result of the cumulative work of homeopathic pharmacists, several editions of the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopeia were published, resulting in nationwide standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines. That advance notwithstanding, clinical practice showed that some particular cases escaped the scope of the standards. To contribute to a more thorough standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines, in the present article we describe procedures for preparation and delivery of fifty-millesimal (LM) potencies with additional dilutions (for more sensitive patients), in complex formulas or globules.

Cincuenta Milesimal , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Organon
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 77(1/2): 21-27, 2014.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | HomeoIndex | ID: hom-10953


O preparo e a dispensação dos medicamentos homeopáticos, em nosso país, são realizados em farmácias com manipulação homeopática, fato que possibilita a perfeita adequação da prescrição às necessidades do paciente. O trabalho da classe farmacêutica homeopática levou à publicação de várias edições da Farmacopeia Homeopática Brasileira; com isto foi padronizada a manipulação desses medicamentos nas diversas farmácias do país. Com o tempo, porém, observamos que algumas necessidades não foram supridas. Com o objetivo de colaborar com a padronização dos medicamentos, neste trabalho propomos um procedimento para preparo e dispensação de medicamentos com o método cinquenta-milesimal diluídos (para pacientes mais sensíveis), sob a forma decomplexos e ainda em glóbulos. (AU)

In Brazil, homeopathic medicines are prepared and delivered by homeopathic pharmacies, which allows for exact fitting of the medicines to the patients’ needs. As a result of the cumulative work of homeopathic pharmacists, several editions of the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopeia were published, resulting in nationwide standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines. That advance notwithstanding, clinical practice showed that some particular cases escaped the scope of the standards. To contribute to a more thorough standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines, in the present article we describe procedures for preparation and delivery of fifty-millesimal (LM) potencies with additional dilutions (for more sensitive patients), in complex formulas or globules. (AU)

Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Cincuenta Milesimal , Organon
Medisan ; 16(5)may. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | CUMED | ID: cum-49955


Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y retrospectiva, basada en la metodología de utilización de medicamentos del tipo prescripción-indicación, para describir la prescripción, elaboración y dispensación de los remedios homeopáticos en el Hospital General Docente Dr Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta diciembre del 2008, cuyas irregularidades fueron determinadas durante el diagnóstico inicial y eran causadas por el desconocimiento de los profesionales sobre esta modalidad terapéutica. Como respuesta a las deficiencias encontradas se confeccionó una multimedia que aporta los elementos teórico-metodológicos para recetar, confeccionar y administrar estos medicamentos alternativos, lo cual representa la incorporación y actualización de nuevos conocimientos en el modo de actuación de los especialistas médicos y farmacéuticos(AU)

A descriptive and retrospective investigation based on the prescription-indication drug use methodology to describe the prescription, manufacturing and distribution of the homeopathic remedies was carried out in Dr Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January to December, 2008. Irregularities were determined during the initial diagnosis and were caused by the lack of knowledge about this therapeutic modality by the professionals. As a response to the detected deficiencies a multimedia was developed which provides the theoretical-methodological elements prescribing, manufacturing and controlling these alternative drugs, which represents the incorporation and updating of new knowledge in the performance of the medical specialists and pharmacists(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Medicamento Homeopático , Posología Homeopática , Mecanismo de Acción del Medicamento Homeopático , Atención Secundaria de Salud , Programas Informáticos , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Retrospectivos
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-621610


Homeopathy is universally known as an opponent of allopathic Medicine, namely scientific medicine based on ponderal drugs and recognised mechanisms of receptor agonism and antagonism following the dose-response curve. Over time the difficulty to explain with arguments the action of homeopathic ultra-diluted remedies has led many homeopaths to distance themselves from any harmacological knowledges. Nevertheless this position fortgets not only the modalities in which homeopathy was born and has grown, but a lot of modern changes of view in body-mind communication, cell communication, neuro-immune-endocrinology and bioelectromagnetism, that could give new reasons to treat as clinical homeopathic practice is teaching and to recognize the principle of similars as a modern pharmacological principle. These arguments, receptorial cell communication, bioelectromagnetism and body-mind unity are the bases of Homeopathy and of the Similia Principle and are all included in embryonic but sufficiently clear considerations in the fundamental book of Hahnemann, the Organon (parr. 11, 13, 15-18, 21, 22, 29-32, 63-70). Two kind of evidences confirm the pharmacological bases of Similia Priniciple, in vitro experiments and homeopathic pathogenetic trials on healthy volunteers, best known as provings. Even clinical homeopathic phenomena like initial aggravation and return of old symptoms confirm this pharmacological view of the Simila Principle.

Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Principio de Similitud , Técnicas In Vitro
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-621615


Some pertinent questions in the practice of science is to know what one is researching, with whom and where. These questions are even more crucial for those involved in High Dilution studies, an emergent and multidisciplinary scientific , where concepts, methods and models are still to be validated. In this research , such questions can be addressed through networks because communication between peers accelerates the process of conceiving and refining the concepts, methodologies and standards that give consistency to emergent knowledge. A thematic network can be effective in building an identity for the science of HDs and related community. This article introduces the project ReNPAD (National Network of Researchers in High Dilutions), a Brazilian initiative aiming to put together researchers involved in studies in HDs in order to stimulate interaction and give visibility to the theirs efforts [1].

Investigadores , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Base de Datos
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-621616


Introduction: Repeatability of experiments is an important criterion of modern research and a major challenge for homeopathic basic research. There is a lack of a recent overview about basic research studies in high homeopathic potencies that have been subjected to laboratory-internal, multicenter or independent repetition trials. Methods: We considered biochemical, immunological, botanical, cell biological and zoological studies on high potencies, i.e. beyond a dilution of 10-23. Main sources of information were reviews, personal contact with members of the homeopathic basic research community, and the MEDLINE and HOMBREX databases. Studies were extracted from the publications and grouped into models. Studies were further sorted according to repetition type (laboratory-internal, multicenter, or independent) and results achieved. Results: A total of 107 studies have been found. From these, 30 were initial studies. In the attempt to reproduce one of these initial studies, 53 follow up studies yielded comparable effects (35 laboratoryinternal, 8 multicenter, 10 independent repetitions), eight studies showed a consistent, yet different result from the initial study (2 laboratory-internal, 2 multicenter, 4 independent repetitions), and 16 studies yielded zero effects (5 laboratory-internal, 2 multicenter, 9 independent repetitions). When all repetitive studies are considered, 69% reported effects comparable to that of the initial study, 10% different effects, and 21% zero effects. Independently performed repetition studies reported 44% comparable effects, 17% different effects, and 39% zero effects. Conclusions: We identified 24 experimental models in basic research on high homeopathic potencies, which were repeatedly investigated. 22 models were reproduced with comparable results, 6 models with different results, and repetition showed no results for 15 models. Independent reproductions with either comparable or different results were found for seven models. We encourage further repetition trials of published studies, in order to learn more about the model systems used and in order to test their repeatability [1].

Bibliometría , Farmacotécnica Homeopática
Boletín informativo (Barcelona) ; 29: 20-23, abr.-mayo-jun. 2010.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex | ID: hom-10876
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2010. ix,95 p. tab, graf.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-589568


A atividade de manipulação de medicamentos é um importante segmento do mercado farmacêutico brasileiro, com aproximadamente 7.847 farmácias magistrais registradas nos Conselhos Regionais de Farmácia do país. A grande demanda de produção e o risco de acidentes quando fora dos padrões de conformidade, preocupa as autoridades sanitárias, órgãos de classe e a população. A realização do controle de qualidade nas farmácias de manipulação é importante para assegurar as características físico-químicas e microbiológicas dos insumos utilizados e garantir eficácia e segurança dos produtos manipulados dispensados à população. É função da vigilância sanitária (VISA) a verificação das adequações dos estabelecimentos e serviços relacionados à saúde, através da aplicação da legislação sanitária, que determina para os produtos farmacêuticos o controle de qualidade e a implantação das Boas Práticas de Manipulação como ferramentas imprescindíveis. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o controle de qualidade de medicamentos realizado pelas farmácias de manipulação do setor privado no município de Campo Grande/MS, assim como a adequação das ações de vigilância sanitária. Tratou-se de avaliação normativa, onde o julgamento foi baseado em uma matriz com os indicadores, componentes, critérios e pontuações que resultaram no estabelecimento dos padrões de adequação do controle de qualidade realizado pelas farmácias de manipulação. Os dados foram obtidos dos roteiros de inspeção e relatórios de inspeção consolidados referentes ao período de maio de 2008 a Dezembro de 2009. Os resultados apontaram, em média, para um padrão de adequação aceitável em relação à dimensão estrutura e inadequado em relação à dimensão processo do controle de qualidade realizado pelas farmácias de manipulação estudadas. No que se refere às ações de vigilância sanitária, foi observado que as ações executadas foram semelhantes àquelas padronizadas em 73% dos estabelecimentos estudados.

Compounding medicine is an important segment of the Brazilian pharmaceutical market with approximately 7,847 compounding pharmacies registered in the Regional Boards of Pharmacy of the country. The great demand for production of this type of medicine and the risk of accidents when the production is out of compliance standards, worry health authorities, class agencies and population. The completion of quality control in compounding pharmacies is important to ensure the physical-chemical and microbiological inputs used and ensure effectiveness and safety of handled products dispensed to the population. It is the role of the Sanitary Surveillance (VISA) to verify the adequacy of the establishments and services and to control consumer goods and services which relate to health, by means of implementation of health legislation which requires that quality control and the deployment of Compounding Best Practices are essential tools to ensuring the quality of products and services. This study aimed to evaluate the quality control of medicine prepared by compounding pharmacies in the private sector in the municipality of Campo Grande-MS, as well as the adequacy of health surveillance activities. This was a normative evaluation, where judgment is based on a theoretical model of evaluation and on judgment matrix with indicators, components, criteria and scores which resulted in the establishment of standards of quality control adequacy standards achieved by compounding pharmacies. Data were obtained from scripts of sanitary inspection and inspection reports consolidated for the period from May 2008 to December 2009.The results pointed to an acceptable standard of adequacy, in average, for the structure of quality control and inadequate for the process of the quality control process in the establishments surveyed. With regard to health surveillance activities, it was observed that the activities performed were similar to those standards in 73% of the establishments studied.

Humanos , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Farmacias Homeopáticas , Control de Calidad , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Calidad de los Medicamentos Homeopáticos , Inspección Sanitaria