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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253624, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448954


O campo dos estudos transpessoais tem avançado em diversas áreas no Brasil. Comemorou seus 40 anos com uma inserção ativa nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e uma ampliação de núcleos formativos e apoiadores de ensino, pesquisa e ações sociais, além de diálogos com o Sistema de Conselhos de Psicologia. Desafios são apresentados a partir do levantamento de uma série de questões importantes e ignoradas dentro da Psicologia Transpessoal no Brasil. Apresentamos o pluriperspectivismo participativo como possibilidade de decolonizar as matrizes eurocêntricas e estadunidenses, que dão suporte ao pensamento transpessoal brasileiro, buscando honrar nossas raízes históricas e incluir outras epistemologias e ontologias, que dão continuidade à crítica à lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos uma breve agenda de notas temáticas que carecem de um processo decolonizador no campo transpessoal: a) crítica às perspectivas de um pensamento hegemônico, em termos globais por meio da dominação Norte-Sul ou no campo das relações sociais; b) revisão das formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) questionamento da noção de universalismo das ciências e da ética; d) aprofundamento da análise crítica da supremacia restritiva da racionalidade formal técnico-científica em relação às formas de subjetividade, de vivências holísticas e integradoras e de valorização do corpo; e) revisão da noção de sujeito moderno desprovida da cocriação do humano com a comunidade, a história, a natureza e o cosmos.(AU)

The field of transpersonal studies has advanced in several areas in Brazil. It celebrated its 40th anniversary with an active insertion in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and an expansion of training centers and supporters of teaching, research, and social actions, in addition to dialogues with the System of Councils of Psychology. Challenges are presented based on a survey of a series of important and ignored issues within Transpersonal Psychology in Brazil. We present participatory pluriperspectivism as a possibility to decolonize the Eurocentric and North American matrices that support Brazilian transpersonal thought, seeking to honor our historical roots and include other epistemologies and ontologies, which continue the critique of modern Cartesian logic. We indicate a brief agenda of thematic notes that lack a decolonizing process in the transpersonal field: a) criticism of the perspectives of a hegemonic thought, whether in global terms via North-South domination or in the field of social relations; b) review of the forms of "centrocentrism"; c) questioning of the notion of universalism of science and ethics; d) deepening of the critical analysis of the restrictive supremacy of the technical-scientific formal rationality in relation to the forms of subjectivity, of holistic and integrative experiences, and of valuing the body; e) review of the notion of the modern subject devoid of the co-creation of the human with the community, the history, the nature, and the cosmos.(AU)

El campo de los estudios transpersonales ha avanzado en varias áreas de Brasil. Se celebró su 40.º aniversario con una inserción activa en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y una ampliación de los centros de formación y promotores de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social, además de diálogos con el Sistema de Consejos de Psicología. Los desafíos se presentan a partir de una encuesta de una serie de temas importantes e ignorados dentro de la Psicología Transpersonal en Brasil. Presentamos el pluriperspectivismo participativo como una posibilidad para decolonizar las matrices eurocéntrica y americana, que sustentan el pensamiento transpersonal brasileño, buscando honrar nuestras raíces históricas e incluir otras epistemologías y ontologías que continúan la crítica de la lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos una breve agenda de apuntes temáticos que carecen de un proceso decolonizador en el campo transpersonal: a) crítica de las perspectivas de un pensamiento hegemónico, ya sea en términos globales a través del dominio Norte-Sur o en el campo de las relaciones sociales; b) revisión de las formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) cuestionamiento de la noción de universalismo de la ciencia y la ética; d) profundización del análisis crítico de la supremacía restrictiva de la racionalidad formal técnico-científica en relación a las formas de subjetividad, de experiencias holísticas e integradoras y de valoración del cuerpo; e) revisión de la noción de sujeto moderno desprovisto de la cocreación de lo humano con la comunidad, la historia, la naturaleza y el cosmos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Colonialismo , Espiritualidad , Participación Social , Perspectiva del Curso de la Vida , Filosofía , Política , Arte , Práctica Psicológica , Prejuicio , Psicología , Psicología Social , Psicofisiología , Psicoterapia , Racionalización , Aspiraciones Psicológicas , Religión y Psicología , Autoevaluación (Psicología) , Autoimagen , Logro , Justicia Social , Problemas Sociales , Ciencias Sociales , Sociedades , Especialización , Superego , Tiempo , Transexualidad , Inconsciente en Psicología , Universidades , Vitalismo , Trabajo , Conducta , Conducta y Mecanismos de Conducta , Behaviorismo , Negro o Afroamericano , Humanos , Autorrevelación , Adaptación Psicológica , Selección de Profesión , Áreas de Pobreza , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Organizaciones , Salud , Salud Mental , Conflicto de Intereses , Comentario , Competencia Mental , Teoría de Construcción Personal , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Congresos como Asunto , Conciencia , Diversidad Cultural , Conocimiento , Mundo Occidental , Qi , Feminismo , Vida , Conducta Cooperativa , Características Culturales , Evolución Cultural , Cultura , Mala Conducta Profesional , Autonomía Personal , Personeidad , Muerte , Características Humanas , Parto , Impulso (Psicología) , Educación , Ego , Ética Profesional , Etnología , Existencialismo , Resiliencia Psicológica , Teoría de la Mente , Apatía , Racismo , Rendimiento Académico , Cosmovisión , Etnocentrismo , Egocentrismo , Modelo de Creencias sobre la Salud , Funcionamiento Psicosocial , Comparación Social , Libertad de Religión , Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión , Estructura Familiar , Bienestar Psicológico , Objetivos , Alucinógenos , Salud Holística , Derechos Humanos , Humanismo , Id , Individualidad , Individualismo , Acontecimientos que Cambian la Vida , Literatura , Mala Praxis , Antropología , Principios Morales , Motivación , Misticismo , Mitología
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243885, 2023. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422418


Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa, em formato de ensaio, que realiza o estudo comparado de duas obras literárias, de A. Von Chamisso e E. T. A. Hoffmann, e de uma anotação do diário deste último para problematizar a repercussão de algumas formas de desestabilizações do Eu na dinâmica psíquica da neurose. O foco dos textos referidos está no fenômeno do duplo na sua forma negativizada, isto é, como o desaparecimento da imagem exterior que dá suporte ao Eu. As ausências da sombra e do reflexo são entendidas como representações metafóricas de uma alteração do Eu que engendra repercussões importantes na homeostase psíquica, sobretudo nas relações sociais de troca. Explora-se daí a menção no diário de Hoffmann de instrumentos ópticos para interrogar o uso desses aparelhos como modelos metapsicológicos na psicanálise. Salienta-se, ainda, a participação de processos de natureza estética na dinâmica psíquica do infamiliar, tomando como referência a ligação entre o conto de Hoffmann e o relato de Stendhal sobre a sua estadia em Florença.(AU)

This is a qualitative research, in essay format, which performs the comparative study of two literary works, by A. Von Chamisso and E. T. A. Hoffmann, and an annotation in the latter's diary to problematize the repercussion of some forms of destabilization of the Ego's in the psychic dynamics of neurosis. The focus of the referred texts is on the phenomenon of the double in its negative form, that is, as the disappearance of the outer image that supports the Ego. The absences of the shadow and the reflection are understood as metaphorical representations of an alteration of the Ego that generates important repercussions on psychic homeostasis, above all in social relationships of exchange. Thus, we analyze the mention of optical instruments in Hoffmann's diary to question the use of these devices as metapsychological models in psychoanalysis. Note, also, the participation of processes of aesthetic nature in the psychic dynamics of the uncanny, taking as reference the connection between Hoffmann's short story and Stendhal's account of his stay in Florence.(AU)

Este ensayo cualitativo realiza un estudio comparativo de dos obras literarias de A. Von Chamisso y de E. T. A. Hoffmann, junto con una anotación en el diario de este último para problematizar la repercusión de algunas formas de desestabilizaciones de la función del Yo en la dinámica psíquica de la neurosis. Los textos se centran en el fenómeno del doble en su forma negativa, como la desaparición de la imagen exterior que sostiene el Yo. Se entienden las ausencias de la penumbra y el reflejo como una representación metafórica de una alteración de la función del Yo que genera importantes repercusiones en la regulación psíquica, sobre todo en las relaciones de intercambio social. Se analiza la presencia en el diario de Hoffmann de instrumentos ópticos para discutir el uso de estos dispositivos como modelos metapsicológicos en psicoanálisis. Se destaca la reverberación de procesos de naturaleza estética en la dinámica psíquica de lo ominoso, tomando como referencia la conexión entre el cuento de Hoffmann y el relato de Stendhal sobre su estancia en Florencia.(AU)

Humanos , Espacio Personal , Psicoanálisis , Literatura , Narcisismo , Psicología , Psicopatología , Medicina Psicosomática , Trastornos Psicóticos , Inconsciente en Psicología , Inconsciencia , Ciencias de la Conducta , Síntomas Conductuales , Despersonalización , Interacción de Doble Vínculo , Extraversión Psicológica , Metacognición , Regulación Emocional , Trastorno de Personalidad Narcisista , Inhibición Psicológica
Psicol. USP ; 332022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1367239


Este estudo de caso mediado pela internet objetivou avaliar possíveis relações entre contação de histórias associada a exercícios de yoga e autorregulação de crianças com transtorno do espectro autista. Para tanto, pais e cuidadores foram instruídos a utilizar vídeos de contação de histórias, vídeos com demonstração de rotinas de exercícios de yoga e formulários de avaliação, totalizando três encontros. Relações entre controle por contingências e governo por regras foram investigadas. Verificamos resultados positivos nos dois casos estudados, um deles mediado pelos pais da criança e outro pela acompanhante terapêutica. Em conclusão, o envolvimento de pessoas de referência no treino de autorregulação demonstrou gerar efeitos positivos no comportamento das crianças e nas relações interpessoais estabelecidas. Estudos futuros poderão se valer do delineamento testado e do material interventivo para alcançar um maior número de crianças com desenvolvimento atípico e típico

This internet-mediated case study aimed to evaluate possible relationships between storytelling associated with yoga exercises and self-regulation of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. To this end, parents and caregivers were instructed to use storytelling videos, videos with demonstration of yoga exercise routines and evaluation forms in a total of three meetings. Relationships between contingency-shaped and rule-governed behavior were investigated. We found positive results in the two cases studied, one mediated by the child's parents and the other by the therapeutic companion. In conclusion, the involvement of relevant people in self-regulation training has been shown to generate positive effects on children's behavior and also on established interpersonal relationships. Future studies may use the tested design and intervention material to reach a greater number of children with atypical and typical development

Cette étude de cas médiatisée par Internet visait à évaluer les relations possibles entre la narration associée aux exercices de yoga et l'autorégulation d'enfants atteints de troubles du spectre autistique. À cette fin, les parents et les soignants ont été invités à utiliser des vidéos de narration, des vidéos avec démonstration de routines d'exercices de yoga et des formulaires d'évaluation dans un total de trois réunions. Les relations entre les comportements contingents et régis par des règles ont été étudiées. Nous avons trouvé des résultats positifs dans les deux cas étudiés, l'un médiatisé par les parents de l'enfant et l'autre par le compagnon thérapeutique. En conclusion, il a été démontré que l'implication des personnes concernées dans la formation à l'autorégulation a des effets positifs sur le comportement des enfants et sur les relations interpersonnelles établies. Les études futures peuvent utiliser la conception testée et le matériel d'intervention pour atteindre un plus grand nombre d'enfants au développement atypique et typique

Este estudio de caso mediado por Internet tuvo como objetivo evaluar las posibles relaciones entre la narración asociada con los ejercicios de yoga y la autorregulación de los niños con trastorno del espectro autista. Con este fin, se instruyó a los padres y cuidadores a utilizar videos narrativos, videos con demostración de rutinas de ejercicios de yoga y formularios de evaluación en un total de tres reuniones. Se investigaron las relaciones entre el comportamiento en forma de contingencia y el regido por reglas. Encontramos resultados positivos en los dos casos estudiados, uno mediado por los padres del niño y otro por el acompañante terapéutico. En conclusión, se ha demostrado que la participación de personas relevantes en la formación de autorregulación genera efectos positivos en el comportamiento de los niños y también en las relaciones interpersonales establecidas. Los estudios futuros pueden utilizar el diseño probado y el material de intervención para llegar a un mayor número de niños con un desarrollo típico y atípico

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Yoga , Habilidades Sociales , Trastorno del Espectro Autista/terapia , Regulación Emocional , Intervención basada en la Internet , Literatura , Familia , Cuidadores , Relaciones Interpersonales
Rev. Saúde Pública Paraná (Online) ; 4(1): 151-162, abr. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | ColecionaSUS, SESA-PR, CONASS | ID: biblio-1281255


Objetivou-se analisar as evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura sobre o uso da acupuntura em trabalhadores. Estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca realizada em agosto de 2019, nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e na Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica Online. Com os descritores controlados, Saúde do trabalhador; Acupuntura e Trabalhadores. Foram incluídos artigos primários, em português, disponíveis na integra e publicados entre os anos de 2009 e 2019 e foram excluídos artigos secundários. Compuseram a amostra final três artigos, os quais abordavam o uso da acupuntura em trabalhadores de diferenciadas amostras. A acupuntura mostrou-se uma estratégia eficaz para melhoria das condições de saúde e qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores. A acupuntura pode ser uma aliada na promoção de saúde ou tratamento de doenças, há necessidade de maiores evidências cientificas. (AU)

The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature on the use of acupuncture in workers. Integrative literature review study, with a search conducted in August 2019 in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences databases, the Virtual Health Library and the Online Scientific Electronic Library. With controlled descriptors, Worker health; Acupuncture and Workers. Primary articles, in Portuguese, available in full and published between 2009 and 2019, were included and secondary articles were excluded. The final sample three tree articles, which addressed the use of acupuncture in workers from different samples. Acupuncture proved to be an effective strategy for improving health conditions and quality of life for workers. Acupuncture can be an ally in health promotion or treatment of diseases, there is a need for more scientific evidence. (AU)

Humanos , Calidad de Vida , Salud Laboral , Acupuntura , Promoción de la Salud , Literatura
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(4): 48-60, nov. 11, 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255443


El sistema inmune juega un rol fundamental en el mantenimiento de nuestra salud. Sin embargo, hay aspectos esenciales de nuestros estilos de vida que podrían ayudar a fortalecer la respuesta inmune frente a infecciones, tales como una buena alimentación y la práctica regular de actividad física. Mantener nuestro sistema inmune en un estado óptimo podría ser vital en situaciones de riesgo, como lo es la actual pandemia de COVID-19 que se desencadena a nivel mundial. Por ende, el objetivo de esta revisión narrativa de la literatura fue describir los beneficios inmunológicos asociados a la alimentación y actividad física con un enfoque especial al actual desafío sanitario del COVID-19. Particularmente, se ha abordado el efecto de la malnutrición por déficit y exceso, el rol de los macro y micronutrientes, la suplementación de micronutrientes, probióticos y patrones alimentarios sobre la funcionalidad del sistema inmune. En cuanto a la modulación inmunológica por la actividad física, hemos revisado la literatura científica con relación al efecto de la actividad física aeróbica y de los ejercicios de resistencia muscular sobre la respuesta inmunológica; la relación entre la actividad física, función pulmonar e infección por COVID-19, la interacción de la vacunación con actividad física y el riesgo de infección asociado a realizar actividad física en espacios cerrados.

The immune system plays an essential role in maintaining our health. However, there are essential aspects of our lifestyles that could help strengthen the immune response to infections, such as a good diet and regular physical activity. Keeping our immune system in an optimal state could be vital in risky situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic that is unleashed worldwide. Therefore, the objective of this narrative review of the literature was to describe the immunological benefits associated with diet and physical activity with a special focus on the current health challenge of COVID-19. In particular, the effect of excess and deficit malnutrition, the macro and micronutrients role, the supplementation of micronutrients, probiotics, and dietary patterns on the functionality of the immune system has been addressed. Regarding the immunological modulation by physical activity, we have reviewed the effect of aerobic physical activity and muscular resistance exercises on the immune response; the relationship between physical activity, lung function, and COVID-19 infection; the interaction of vaccination with physical activity, and the risk of infection associated with exercising indoors.

COVID-19 , Sistema Inmunológico , Estilo de Vida , Ejercicio Físico , Dieta , Inmunidad , Literatura
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 28(2): 39-58, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128208


A busca pela saúde e longevidade atrai cada vez mais olhares da comunidade científica. Há diversas formas de se conseguir alterações fisiológicas que previnam doenças ou colaborem para modificar estados patológicos já existentes no organismo humano. Atividades diferenciadas, como é o caso da dança, têm sido um recurso utilizado na busca da prevenção de doenças e de agravos, devido à proporção terapêutica e à ação sistêmica que aquela exerce, aliada ao seu baixo custo, em com paração com outros recursos de tratamento multidisciplinar. Este artigo trata-se de uma Pesquisa Bibliográfica na modalidade revisão integrativa da literatura, tendo como objetivo, conhecer e demonstrar o que vem sendo publicado na comunidade científica sobre o impacto do exercício da dança na fisiologia humana. Como método, utilizou-se as bases de dados: PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS, com os seguintes descritores associados: "dança, lterações fisiológicas e terapia através da dança", "dança e terapia através da dança", "dança e alterações fisiológicas", "alterações fisiológicas e terapia através da dança", tendo como critérios de inclusão do material utilizado: artigos originais, disponíveis na íntegra, publicados nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, entre os anos de 2013 a 2018, e que estejam relacionados com as modificações fisiológicas através da dança. Como resultados da busca englobando estas combinações, foram encontrados 2.643 artigos, e destes, foram selecionados para estudo 47 artigos. Conclui-se pelos estudos revisados e organizados no quadro sinóptico, que na relação entre a fisiologia e a dança, há diversas alterações positivas no organismo humano obtidas através da dança, seja como coadjuvante em tratamento, ou seja como fator de prevenção...(AU)

The search for health and longevity attracts more and more views from the scientific community. There are several ways to achieve physiological changes that prevent diseases or collabo rate to modify pathologicalstates already existing in the human body. Differentiated activities as in the case of dance have been a resource used in the search for prevention oficial deseases and aggravation, due to t he therapeutic proportion and systemic action, as well as the low cost compaired to other multidiscip linary treatment resources. This article is about a bibliographical research in the integrative literature review modality, with the aiming to know and demonstrate what has been published in the scientific comm unity about the impact of dance exercise on human physiology. As a method, the following databases were used: PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS, with the following associated descriptors: "dance, physiological chan ges and therapy through dance", "dance and therapy through dance" and "dance and physiological ch anges" , "Physiological changes and therapy through dance", with the following inclusion criteria: original articles, available in full mode, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, between the years 2013 to 2018, and that have been related to the physiological changes through the dance. As search results encompassing these combinations were found 2.643 articles, and seleções for study 4 7 articles. It was conclude from the reviewed studies that were organized in the synoptic table, that the relationship between physiology and dance, there are several positive changes in the human organism obtained through dance, either as an adjunct in treatment, or as a prevention factor...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Fisiología , Terapéutica , Ejercicio Físico , Salud , Danzaterapia , Baile , PubMed , LILACS , Literatura , Longevidad , Patología , Enfermedad
Health Commun ; 35(2): 257-261, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30514123


This essay offers a layered account of the origins and enactment of a narrative medicine program at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine titled the Open Book Project (OBP). Narrative medicine positions clinical judgment as involving both scientific and narrative reasoning, a set of practices particularly well-suited to fostering inclusive health care and social justice. The OBP involved first-year medical students who met bi-monthly to witness, reflect on, and write about literary passages, visual images, music and lyrics, and other works of art. Sessions also provided opportunities for participants to attentively listen and respond to others, opening themselves to diverse ways of knowing and being. The authors move between academic literature, participants' compositions developed during the project, and students' testimonies to illustrate the dividends and difficulties of narrative medicine.

Disparidades en Atención de Salud , Literatura , Narración , Medicina Osteopática/educación , Estudiantes de Medicina/psicología , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina , Humanos , Ohio
Revista Areté ; 20(2): 13-23, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1354747


La participación del Fonoaudiólogo en la rehabilitación neuromuscular orofacial y musculatura implicada en la mecánica deglutoria, se ha complementado con el uso de la terapia eléctrica funcional; esta carece de evidencia científica que respalde su efectividad en los procesos de recuperación funcional. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión documental sobre el uso de la terapia eléctrica funcional en el manejo de la disfagia, con el fin de crear un soporte teórico que respalde los procesos de intervención en fonoaudiología. Metodología: La revisión de la literatura se realizó en las bases de datos de Proquest, EBSCO, Scielo, Redalyc y Medic Latina. Fueron revisados artículos entre el 2008 y 2018. Para la selección de los artículos se utilizó el diagrama de flujo PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Hems for Systematic Reviews and Meta analyses). Resultados: Se revisaron 2980 artículos para exclusión por título, quedando 66 artículos en la primera depuración, de los cuales 21 fueron descartados por no cumplir con ningún criterio propuesto, 10 por repetición y 12 por no permitir el acceso al documento. Finalmente fueron considerados 23 artículos y 5 fuentes de consulta física para realizar el respectivo análisis. Conclusiones: Existe escasa evidencia científica que respalde la intervención fonoaudiológica en la disfagia con electroterapia.

The participation of the speech therapist within the orofacial neuromuscular rehabilitation and the musculature involved in swallowing mechanics, has been complemented with the use of functional electrical therapy, which has lacked scientific evidence that supports its effectiveness in faster recovery processes in terms of functionality. Objective: To carry out a documentary review of information related to the use of functional electric therapy on the management of dysphagia, to create a theoretical support that supports the processes of speech therapy intervention. Methodology: The review of the literature was carried out in the databases of Proquest, EBSCO, Scielo, Redalyc and Medic Latina. Articles were reviewed between 2008 and 2018. For the selection of the articles the PRISMA flow chart (Preferred Reporting Hems for Systematic Reviews and Meta analyzes) was used. Results: 2980 articles were reviewed for exclusion by title, leaving 66 articles in the first debugging, of which 21 were discarded for not complying with any proposed criteria, 10 for repetition and 12 for not allowing access to the document. Finally, 23 articles and 5 sources of physical consultation were considered to perform the respective analysis. Conclusions: There is little scientific evidence to support the speech therapy intervention in dysphagia with electrotherapy.

Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica , Deglución , Fonoaudiología , Habla , Efectividad , Trastornos de Deglución , Mecánica , Metodología como un Tema , Literatura
Complement Ther Med ; 45: 185-189, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31331558


BACKGROUND: Health research reporting guidelines for case reports (CARE - CAse REport) published in 2013 and 2017 have become a generally accepted standard for publishing case reports. The CARE guidelines represent an architectural framework for writing an evidence-based case report that can be customized as need for a specialty (or disease) if needed. We aim to develop a CARE guideline extension for acupuncture following the EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) and the 2010″Guidance for Developers of Health Research Reporting". We have established a group of international experts including; clinicians, researchers and methodologists. We performed a needs assessment based on a review of acupuncture case reports published in the indexed medical literature. The needs assessment will be followed by (1) a series of expert interviews to establish a draft, (2) a modified Delphi process, and (3) a consensus meeting. Following the consensus meeting we will pilot test the CARE draft before publishing the CARE extension for acupuncture. METHODS: We will develop the CARE extensions for acupuncture following recommendations of the EQUATOR Network and the 2010 "Guidance for Developers of Health Research Reporting". We will establish an international multidisciplinary group including clinical practitioners, acupuncturists, researchers of reporting guidelines on acupuncture, clinical epidemiologists and statisticians. We performed a needs assessment, reviewing published case reports using acupuncture as a therapeutic intervention from indexed medical journals (PubMed-PMC and Medline, Scopus, Embase, the Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Wan Fang database, Chinese BioMedicine database (CBM), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and VIP). In consultations with advisors we will develop a draft of potential items to be included in the CARE extension for acupuncture. Then we will conduct a modified Delphi process of at least three rounds, hold a face-to-face consensus meeting, pilot test and submit the CARE extension for acupuncture for publication. CONCLUSION: The development of a widely accepted CARE extension for acupuncture for case reports published in indexed medical journals. These guidelines will follow the EQUATOR Network recommendations and the 2010 "Guidance for Developers of Health Research Reporting".

Terapia por Acupuntura/normas , Publicaciones/normas , Investigación/normas , Escritura/normas , China , Consenso , Humanos , Literatura
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback ; 44(3): 185-193, 2019 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30963334


A previous study stated that reading holy books can make a meaningful change in heart rate variability (HRV). The purpose of this study was to test the effect of reading the Quran, the heavenly religious book of the Muslim people in the Arabic language, on the Farsi (Persian)-speaking Muslims with various levels of spiritual well-being (SWB). In addition, novel to this study was the assessment of whether or not it is possible to use HRV features to distinguish individuals with high SWB from those with medium SWB. First, a questionnaire was completed by 31 volunteers to measure their SWB. Baseline ECG measurements were recorded during the resting stage. The volunteers were then asked to read the Quran for 5 min while ECG was recorded again. HRV indexes were calculated and four features were extracted and analyzed based on their correlation with the different levels of SWB. Independent t-tests were conducted and the results established a significant difference in these four features between high SWB and medium SWB groups, during the reading stage. Subsequently, with the use of these four HRV features, an artificial neural network and a decision tree were designed to classify the levels of SWB in volunteers. The outcome of this study demonstrated that it is possible to evaluate the level of SWB in individuals while they are reading the Quran.

Frecuencia Cardíaca/fisiología , Islamismo , Literatura , Calidad de Vida , Lectura , Espiritualidad , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. polis psique ; 8(2): 162-184, maio-ago. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1058801


Um dos fenômenos da atualidade que merece destaque é a alta popularidade da literatura de autoajuda. As obras desse gênero propõem o cultivo de práticas de influência interpessoal, que incorrem geralmente no recurso à sugestão, criticada por Freud desde antes do século XX. Com efeito, utilizando como principal referencial teórico a psicanálise freudiana, privilegiando a noção de sugestão e, de maneira complementar, a análise de conteúdo de uma obra representativa da autoajuda, o presente estudo objetivou analisar alguns dos mecanismos presentes em tal modalidade literária e discutir os fatores que influenciam na sua ampla aceitação hoje. Em termos conclusivos, aponta que a relação estabelecida entre autor e leitor na autoajuda, pautada por processos psíquicos de identificação e transferência em favor da adesão às propostas do autor, permite que este renove continuamente a promessa de conduzir o leitor ao sucesso. (AU)

One of the phenomena of contemporary times that deserve mention is the high popularity of self-help literature. The works of this genre encourage practices of interpersonal influence, which usually incur in the use of suggestion, criticized by Freud since before the twentieth century. Indeed, using Freudian psychoanalysis as the main theoretical framework, focusing the notion of suggestion and, in a complementary way, the content analysis of a representative work of self-help, this study aimed to analyze some of mechanisms present in such literary genre and discuss the factors that influence its wide acceptance today. Thus, points out that the relationship between author and reader in self-help, guided by psychological processes of identification and transfer in favor of accession to the proposals of the author, allows him continually to renew this promise to lead the reader to success. (AU)

Las obras de la literatura de autoayuda proponen prácticas de cultivo de influencia interpersonal, que generalmente incurren en el uso de la sugestión, criticado por Freud desde antes del siglo XX. El psicoanálisis freudiano fue el principal recurso teórico y metodológico para revisión de la literatura, privilegiando la noción de la sugestión y, de manera complementaria, el análisis de contenido de una obra representativa de la autoayuda, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar algunos de mecanismos presentes en tal literatura y discutir los factores que influyen en su amplia aceptación en la actualidad. En términos concluyentes, señala que la relación entre el autor y el lector en la autoayuda, guiada por los procesos psicológicos de la identificación y la transferencia a favor de la adhesión a las propuestas del autor, permite renovar continuamente esta promesa de conducir al lector hacia el éxito. (AU)

Psicoanálisis , Autocuidado/psicología , Sugestión , Teoría Freudiana , Literatura
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 22(2): 76-83, abr.-jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-959886


Abstract Several autoimmune disorders have been associated with a variety of hematopoietic malignancies, particularly lympho-proliferative disorders. Multiple myeloma (MM) is one of the most common hematologic malignancies and has been described in the context of a variety of autoimmune conditions. Due to their diversity and rarity, the clinical features of autoimmune conditions associated with MM have not been elucidated and the pathogenesis remains unclear. In this report, we describe two cases of autoimmune conditions in the setting of MM and review the current literature.

Resumen Varios trastornos autoinmunes se han asociado a una variedad de neoplasias malignas hematopoyéticas, particularmente trastornos linfoproliferativos. El mieloma múltiple (MM) es una de las neoplasias malignas hematológicas más comunes y ha sido descrito en el contexto de una variedad de condiciones autoinmunes. Debido a su diversidad y rareza, las características clínicas de las condiciones autoinmunes asociadas con el MM no han sido aclaradas y la patogénesis sigue siendo poco clara. En este artículo se describen dos casos de condiciones autoinmunes en el marco del MM y se realiza una revisión de la literatura actual.

Humanos , Neoplasias Hematológicas , Mieloma Múltiple , Patogenesia Homeopática , Literatura , Trastornos Linfoproliferativos , Miastenia Gravis
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 30(2): 122-128, mar.-abr. 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-885786


Resumo Objetivo Validar tecnologia assistiva sobre amamentação para cegos pessoas com deficiência visual na modalidade literatura de cordel em áudio através do acesso online. Métodos Pesquisa de desenvolvimento metodológico. Realizada de agosto de 2012 a março de 2013, com 124 pessoas cegas, as quais apreciaram tecnologia (literatura de cordel) sobre amamentação. Realizaram-se testes para variáveis quantitativas. Resultados A maioria dos sujeitos tinha idade de 30-49 anos (61,3%), sexo feminino (51,6%), cursaram o ensino médio (48,4%), não casados (55,6%), e com deficiência visual de nascença (51,6%). Em relação à avaliação da tecnologia assistiva, pelas médias encontradas, os tópicos foram favoráveis e bem avaliados, objetivo (93,6 ± 10,7), organização (87,0 ± 14,5), estilo de áudio (86,7 ± 15,6) e motivação (88,9 ± 15,3). Conclusão Após avaliações, a tecnologia atingiu os objetivos propostos, com boa organização geral, estrutura, estratégia de apresentação e coerência, além de apropriada compreensão, bom estilo de áudio, motivadora e interessante.

Abstract Objective To validate assistive technology for breastfeeding with a visually impaired individual in the audio Cordel literature (popular and inexpensively printed booklets or pamphlets containing folk novels, poems and songs in Northeastern Brazil) using an online access modality. Methods Methodological research, conducted from August 2012 to March 2013, with 124 blind individuals, who appreciated technology (Cordel literature) on breastfeeding. Tests for quantitative variables were performed. Results Most subjects were aged 30-49 years (61.3%), female (51.6%), and high school education (48.4%), non-married (55.6%), and were visually impaired at birth (51.6%). With regard to the assistive technology, the mean showed the topics that were viewed favorably and well evaluated were objective (93.6±10.7), organized (87.0±14.5), audio (86.7±15.6) and motivating (88.9±15.3). Conclusion After evaluation, the technology achieved the proposed objectives, with good overall organization, structure, presentation strategy and coherence, in addition to enabling proper understanding, having a good audio style, and being motivating and interesting.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Recursos Audiovisuales , Dispositivos de Autoayuda , Lactancia Materna , Personas con Daño Visual , Literatura , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Estudios de Validación como Asunto , Promoción de la Salud
Int Nurs Rev ; 63(1): 104-10, 2016 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26781365


AIM: This study reviewed grey literature to assess clinical nursing and midwifery research conducted in southern and eastern African countries over the past decade. BACKGROUND: The shortage of published nursing research from African countries severely limits the ability of practicing nurses and midwives to base clinical decisions on solid evidence. However, little is known regarding unpublished or unindexed clinical research ('grey literature'), a potentially rich source of information. Identifying these sources may reveal resources to assist nurses in providing evidence-based care. INTRODUCTION: This scoping review of grey literature on clinical nursing and midwifery research in southern and eastern African countries helped to identify gaps in research and assess whether these gaps differ from published research. METHODS: Systematic searches of grey literature were performed. Research was included if it was conducted by nurses in 1 of 25 southern or eastern African countries, between 2004 and 2014 and included patient outcomes. Data were extracted on location, institution, research topic, institutional connections and author information. Chi-square tests were performed to compare differences between indexed and non-indexed literature. RESULTS: We found 262 studies by 287 authors from 17 southern and eastern African countries covering 13 topics. Although all topics were also found in indexed literature and there were statistically significant differences between the number of times, fewer topics were covered in grey literature vs. indexed. DISCUSSION: Patient satisfaction and experience and traditional health practices were more likely to be published, whereas chronic disease, assault and paediatric-related research were less often published. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND HEALTH POLICY: Generally, there is a paucity of clinical nursing research in this region. This could reflect the shortage of nurses prepared to conduct research in this region. Nurses may find additional resources for evidence in the grey literature. A complete understanding of the state of nursing science in southern and eastern African countries will help nurses and midwives to understand gaps in clinical research knowledge, potentially direct their research to more critical topics, and inform funding bodies and policy-makers of the situation of nursing science in southern and eastern African countries.

Servicios de Salud del Indígena/organización & administración , Literatura , Partería/organización & administración , Atención de Enfermería/organización & administración , Publicaciones , África , Investigación en Enfermería Clínica , Países en Desarrollo , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Embarazo
Aging Ment Health ; 20(4): 337-51, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25683767


OBJECTIVES: Dementia is a progressive condition, affecting increasing numbers of people, characterised by cognitive decline. The current systematic review aimed to evaluate research pertaining to the impact of arts and health interventions on cognition in people with dementia. METHOD: A literature search was conducted utilising PsychInfo, Cochrane Reviews, Web of Science, Medline and British Humanities Index databases. Seventeen studies were included in the review, including those related to literary, performing and visual arts. RESULTS: The review highlighted this as an emerging area of research with the literature consisting largely of small-scale studies with methodological limitations including lack of control groups and often poorly defined samples. All the studies suggested, however, that arts-based activities had a positive impact on cognitive processes, in particular on attention, stimulation of memories, enhanced communication and engagement with creative activities. CONCLUSION: The existent literature suggests that arts activities are helpful interventions within dementia care. A consensus has yet to emerge, however, about the direction for future research including the challenge of measurement and the importance of methodological flexibility. It is suggested that further research address some of these limitations by examining whether the impact of interventions vary depending on cognitive ability and to continue to assess how arts interventions can be of use across the stages of dementia.

Arteterapia , Cognición , Servicios de Salud Comunitaria , Demencia/rehabilitación , Literatura , Salud Mental , Comunicación , Demencia/psicología , Humanos , Narración , Canto
Primates ; 56(3): 215-25, 2015 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26045343


For several thousand years the ancient Chinese have accumulated rich knowledge, in the form of written literature and folklore, on the non-human primates widely distributed in China. I have used critical text analysis and discourse analysis to clarify when and how ancient Chinese distinguished gibbons from macaques. I divided the progress into four main stages, the Pre-Shang to Shang dynasty (before 1046 BC), the Zhou to Han dynasty (1046 BC-220 AD), the six dynasties to Song dynasty (220-1279 AD), and the Yuan to Qing dynasties (1279-1840 AD). I found that China's traditional cognition of gibbons and macaques emphasized the appearance of animals, organoleptic performance, or even whether or not their behavior was "moral". They described them as human-like animals by ethical standards but ignored the species itself. This kind of cognitive style actually embodies the "pursuit of goodness", which is the feature of Chinese traditional culture. This study presents some original views on Chinese traditional knowledge of non-human primates.

Cognición , Folclore/historia , Hylobatidae/fisiología , Literatura/historia , Macaca/fisiología , Animales , China , Historia del Siglo XV , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XVII , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia Antigua , Historia Medieval