Oculomotor disorders in 22 infarctions in the thalamic region are recorded. Clinical examination and electro-oculography (17 cases) showed that paramedian thalamo-subthalamic lesions were responsible for clear deficits: upgaze paralysis and in some cases downgaze paralysis, partial paresis of the oculomotor nerve, deficits of lateral eye movements, myosis, paralysis of head flexion combined with downgaze paralysis. Postero-median choroid artery infarction was associated with upgaze paresis, slight deficit of lateral eye movements and myosis. Postero-lateral choroid artery infarction resulted in a partial visual field defect and in some cases, a contralateral hypometria; myosis was slight and inconstant. Infarctions of the internal capsule (anterior choroid artery, deep branches of the middle cerebral artery) were associated with a deficit of contralateral saccades. Ocular pursuit, when possible, was often saccadic, whatever the site of the infarction. This prevailed with gaze towards the lesion side.