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Rev Rene (Online) ; 24: e88610, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1514679


RESUMO Objetivo identificar intervenções de enfermagem para prevenção de quedas em pessoas idosas hospitalizadas. Métodos revisão integrativa desenvolvida nas bases de dados Web of Science, MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, CINAHL e LILACS utilizando a estratégia PICo com descritores controlados e suas combinações mediante os operadores booleanos AND e OR. Incluíram-se estudos abordando as intervenções para prevenção de quedas em pessoas idosas no contexto hospitalar, sem limitação geográfica ou de idioma, a partir de 2004 com a criação da The World Alliance for Patient Safety. Três revisores trabalharam nas citações, com uso do EndNote basic e Rayyan, alcançando amostra final de 20 estudos. Resultados foram identificadas 202 intervenções de enfermagem para prevenção de quedas em pessoas idosas hospitalizadas, categorizadas em seis domínios da Nursing Interventions Classification (Fisiológico: básico; Fisiológico: complexo; Comportamental; Segurança; Família; Sistemas de Saúde). Conclusão identificaram-se intervenções de enfermagem para prevenção de quedas em pessoas idosas hospitalizadas, o que fornece subsídios para construção de protocolos assistenciais e melhorias da assistência. Contribuições para a prática: os resultados permitem que o enfermeiro possa prevenir a ocorrência de quedas, pondo em prática achados científicos consistentes desde o planejamento de ações até a execução e reavaliação dos resultados com a equipe.

ABSTRACT Objective to identify nursing interventions for fall prevention in hospitalized aged people. Methods integrative review developed on the Web of Science, MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, CINAHL and LILACS databases using the PICo strategy with controlled descriptors and their combinations using the Boolean operators AND and OR. Studies addressing interventions to prevent falls in aged people in the hospital setting were included, without geographical or language limitation, from 2004 with the creation of The World Alliance for Patient Safety. Three reviewers worked on the citations, using EndNote basic and Rayyan, reaching a final sample of 20 studies. Results 202 nursing interventions were identified for fall prevention in hospitalized aged people, categorized into six domains of the Nursing Interventions Classification (Physiological: basic; Physiological: complex; Behavioral; Safety; Family; Health Systems). Conclusion nursing interventions were identified for the prevention of falls in hospitalized aged people, which provides subsidies for the construction of care protocols and improvements in care. Contributions to practice: the results allow nurses to prevent the occurrence of falls, putting into practice consistent scientific findings from the planning of actions to the execution and reassessment of results with the team.

Accidentes por Caídas , Anciano , Enfermería , Prevención de Accidentes , Hospitalización
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252098, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440797


Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o risco de desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT), bem como sua associação com pensamentos ou tentativas suicidas e a saúde mental de policiais militares feridos por arma de fogo, na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), nos anos de 2017 a 2019. A pesquisa contou com a participação de 30 entrevistados, que responderam o Inventário Demográfico e a Lista de verificação de TEPT para o DSM-5 (PCL-5). Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica estatística Análise Exploratória de Dados e a técnica multivariada Análise de Correspondência. Os resultados revelaram a existência de risco de desenvolvimento do transtorno de forma parcial ou total em uma expressiva parcela da população entrevistada, tendo homens como maioria dos sintomáticos, com média de 38 anos, exercendo atividades operacionais e vitimados em via pública quando estavam de folga do serviço. O ferimento deixou a maioria com sequelas, com destaque para dores crônicas, limitações de locomoção e/ou mobilidade e perda parcial de um membro. E, ainda, policiais sintomáticos apresentaram comportamentos suicidas, relatando já terem pensado ou tentado tirar a própria vida. Desta forma, conclui-se que policiais militares são expostos constantemente a traumas inerentes a sua profissão. Quando há ameaça de vida, como nos casos de ferimentos por arma de fogo, são suscetíveis a sequelas físicas decorrente do ferimento, somadas a sequelas mentais tardias, como o surgimento de sintomatologias de TEPT e ideação suicida.(AU)

This study aimed to identify the risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its associations around suicidal thoughts or attempts and mental health in military police officers injured by firearms, in the Metropolitan Region of Belem (RMB), from 2017 to 2019. The research had the participation of 30 respondents who answered the Demographic Inventory and the PTSD checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). For data analysis, we used the statistical technique Exploratory Data Analysis and the multivariate technique Correspondence Analysis. The results revealed the existence of risk of developing partial or total disorder in a significant portion of the interviewed population, with men as most of the symptomatic individuals, with mean age of 38 years, developing operational activities and victimized on public roads when they were off duty. The injuries left most of them with sequelae, especially chronic pain, limited locomotion and/or mobility, and partial loss of a limb. In addition, symptomatic officers showed suicidal behavior, such as reporting they had thought about or tried to take their own lives. Thus, we conclude that military policemen are constantly exposed to traumas inherent to their profession. When their lives are threatened, as in the case of firearm wounds, they are susceptible to physical sequelae resulting from the injury, in addition to late mental sequelae, such as the appearance of PTSD symptoms and suicidal ideation.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el riesgo de desarrollo de trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) y sus asociaciones con pensamientos o tentativas suicidas y la salud mental en policías militares heridos por armamiento de fuego, en la Región Metropolitana de Belém (Brasil), en el período entre 2017 y 2019. En el estudio participaron 30 entrevistados que respondieron el Inventario Demográfico y la Lista de verificación de TEPT para el DSM-5 (PCL-5). Para el análisis de datos se utilizaron la técnica estadística Análisis Exploratoria de Datos y la técnica multivariada Análisis de Correspondencia. Los resultados revelaron que existen riesgos de desarrollo de trastorno de estrés postraumático de forma parcial o total en una expresiva parcela de la población de policías entrevistados, cuya mayoría de sintomáticos eran hombres, de 38 años en media, que ejercen actividades operacionales y fueron victimados en vía pública cuándo estaban de día libre del servicio. La lesión dejó la mayoría con secuelas, especialmente con dolores crónicos, limitaciones de locomoción y/o movilidad y la pierda parcial de un miembro. Aún los policías sintomáticos presentaran comportamiento suicida, tales como relataran qué ya pensaron o tentaron quitar la propia vida. Se concluye que los policías militaran se exponen constantemente a los traumas inherentes a su profesión. Cuando existe amenaza de vida, como en los casos de heridas por armamiento de fuego, son expuestos a secuelas físicas transcurridas de la herida, sumado a secuelas mentales tardías, como el surgimiento de sintomatologías de TEPT y la ideación suicida.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Dolor , Heridas y Lesiones , Heridas por Arma de Fuego , Síntomas Psíquicos , Riesgo , Distrés Psicológico , Ansiedad , Trastornos de Ansiedad , Trastornos Fóbicos , Prisiones , Psicología , Conducta Fugitiva , Seguridad , Atención , Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Suicidio , Intento de Suicidio , Terapéutica , Violencia , Síntomas Conductuales , Horas de Trabajo , Agotamiento Profesional , Adaptación Psicológica , Catatonia , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual , Salud Laboral , Conducta Autodestructiva , Defensa Civil , Derechos Civiles , Trastorno de Pánico , Sector Público , Cognición , Eficiencia Organizacional , Contusiones , Víctimas de Crimen , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Ingenio y Humor , Crimen , Alerta en Emergencia , Programa de Protección Civil , Protección Civil , Proceso Legal , Muerte , Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales , Agresión , Depresión , Mareo , Sueños , Alcoholismo , Reacción de Fuga , Prevención de Enfermedades , Vigilancia de la Salud del Trabajador , Vigilancia del Ambiente de Trabajo , Fatiga Mental , Miedo , Catastrofización , Medicalización , Esperanza , Atención Plena , Conducta Criminal , Trastornos Relacionados con Traumatismos y Factores de Estrés , Trauma Psicológico , Abuso Físico , Excitabilidad Cortical , Equilibrio entre Vida Personal y Laboral , Estrés Laboral , Violencia con Armas , Reducción de Desastres , Kinesiofobia , Bienestar Psicológico , Prevención del Suicidio , Prevención de Accidentes , Culpa , Cefalea , Promoción de la Salud , Homicidio , Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Trastornos Mentales
Washington, D.C.; OPAS; 2021-03-09. (OPAS-W/FPL/IM/21-0007).
en Portugués | PAHOIRIS | ID: phr-53357


O Programa de Atenção Integrada para a Pessoa Idosa (ICOPE) foi desenvolvido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para atender às necessidades e demandas de saúde das populações idosas em todo o mundo. Em 2050, a proporção da população global com 60 anos ou mais quase dobrará. Nas Américas, a expectativa de vida aumentou 21,6 anos nas últimas seis décadas. No entanto, viver mais frequentemente significa enfrentar problemas de saúde acumulados durante a velhice. A transição demográfica afetará quase todos os aspectos da sociedade e criará novos e complexos desafios para os sistemas de saúde e assistência social. Portanto, é necessária uma abordagem transformadora na maneira como os sistemas de saúde e os serviços dentro deles são estruturados - para garantir cuidados de alta qualidade que sejam integrados, acessíveis e com foco nas necessidades e direitos das pessoas idosas. A atenção integrada, especialmente para as pessoas idosas e com condições crônicas de saúde, é amplamente aceita como um mecanismo para melhorar os resultados de saúde e a eficiência do sistema. O Manual ICOPE fornece orientações detalhadas para ajudar os profissionais de saúde e cuidadores da comunidade a colocar em prática a atenção integrada para a pessoa idosa, através do desenvolvimento de um plano de cuidados. Dessa forma, o manual auxilia na definição de metas centradas na pessoa e na integração de abordagens nos diferentes níveis de atenção. O plano de cuidados pode incluir várias intervenções para gerenciar declínios na capacidade intrínseca, fornecer assistência e apoio social, desenvolver capacidade para o automanejo e apoiar os cuidadores. A brochura ICOPE apresenta os destaques da abordagem ICOPE para facilitar a sua divulgação e favorecer uma ampla apresentação do método.

Anciano , Envejecimiento , Disciplinas de las Ciencias Biológicas , Dinámica Poblacional , Envejecimiento Saludable , Salud del Anciano , Personal de Salud , Servicios de Salud para Ancianos , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales del Anciano , Cognición , Disfunción Cognitiva , Orientación , Psicoterapia , Remediación Cognitiva , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual , Pruebas de Estado Mental y Demencia , Geriatría , Incontinencia Urinaria , Sensación , Suplementos Dietéticos , Accidentes por Caídas , Prevención de Accidentes
PLoS One ; 15(10): e0238605, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33064723


To "put oneself in the place of other road users" may improve understanding of the global traffic situation. It should be useful enabling drivers to anticipate and detect obstacles in time to prevent accidents to other road users, especially those most vulnerable. We created a pioneering Hazard Perception and Prediction test to explore this skill in different road users (pedestrians, cyclists and drivers), with videos recorded in naturalistic scenarios: walking, riding a bicycle and driving a car. There were 79 participants (30 pedestrians, 14 cyclists, 13 novice drivers and 22 experienced drivers). Sixty videos of hazardous traffic situations were presented, divided into 2 blocks of 30 videos each: 10 walking, 10 riding a bicycle, 10 driving a car. In each situation presented, we evaluated the performance of the participants carrying out the task of predicting the hazard and estimating the risk. In the second block, after they had carried out the task, we gave them feedback on their performance and let them see the whole video (i.e., checking what happened next). The results showed that the holistic test had acceptable psychometric properties (Cronbach's alpha = .846). The test was able to discriminate between the different conditions manipulated: a) between traffic hazards recorded from different perspectives: walking, riding a bicycle and driving a car; b) between participants with different user profiles: pedestrians, cyclists and drivers; c) between the two test blocks: the first evaluation only and the second combining evaluation with this complex intervention. We found modal bias effects in both Hazard Perception and Prediction; and in Risk Estimation.

Accidentes de Tránsito/prevención & control , Accidentes de Tránsito/psicología , Conducción de Automóvil/psicología , Ciclismo/psicología , Caminata/psicología , Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Concienciación , Conducta Peligrosa , Femenino , Salud Holística , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Peatones/psicología , Adulto Joven
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf ; 164: 325-330, 2018 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30130731


With the popularity of automobiles, gas stations carry more gas supply and security risks. In order to effectively analyze the security of the supply chain system of the gas station, this study set the gas station as the center, then the upstream suppliers and downstream consumers were classified into three sub-systems, and the whole system was analyzed by using the method of failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). A total of 50 typical cases of accidents at gas stations in China in the past 20 years have been collected from different websites, uses entropy weight method to deal with the cause of system failure modes, obtains and sorts the risk priority number (RPN). The type and failure cause of the most frequent accidents is the static electricity-induced explosion, and the effective measures to alleviate and deal with the accidents are put forward. The results of the study will help management and gas station staffs reasonably prevent gas station safety risks.

Prevención de Accidentes , Gasolina/efectos adversos , Análisis de Modo y Efecto de Fallas en la Atención de la Salud/métodos , Petróleo/efectos adversos , China , Electricidad , Humanos , Modelos Estadísticos , Medición de Riesgo , Seguridad , Electricidad Estática
PLoS One ; 13(3): e0194065, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29513737


The goal of the present study was to examine the effect of listening to self-relevant words (i.e., one's own name) on vigilant attention, arousal, and subjective sleepiness during performance of a psychomotor vigilance test (PVT). Twenty-one participants aged 20-26 years (22.2 ± 1.76) performed a PVT in four experimental conditions: one in which their own full name was pronounced every 20 s in the stimuli epochs, one in which their full name was pronounced in inverted form, one in which beeps were played, and a control condition with no stimuli. Listening to personal names reduced attentional lapses during the PVT (i.e., the number of reaction times no less than 500 ms). The results are a first step in applying the name effect to technologies and devices aimed at maintaining arousal levels and preventing accidents during a monotonous task, such as driving.

Estimulación Acústica , Nivel de Alerta/fisiología , Atención/fisiología , Nombres , Desempeño Psicomotor , Vigilia/fisiología , Prevención de Accidentes , Adulto , Conducción de Automóvil , Electroencefalografía , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Tiempo de Reacción , Adulto Joven
BMC Health Serv Res ; 18(1): 21, 2018 01 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29334963


BACKGROUND: Falls are a major socio-economic problem among residential aged care (RAC) populations resulting in high rates of injury including hip fracture. Guidelines recommend that multifactorial prevention strategies are implemented but these require translation into clinical practice. A community of practice (CoP) was selected as a suitable model to support translation of the best available evidence into practice, as it could bring together like-minded people with falls expertise and local clinical knowledge providing a social learning opportunity in the pursuit of a common goal; falls prevention. The aims of this study were to evaluate the impact of a falls prevention CoP on its membership; actions at facility level; and actions at organisation level in translating falls prevention evidence into practice. METHODS: A convergent, parallel mixed methods evaluation design based on a realist approach using surveys, audits, observations and semi-structured interviews. Participants were 20 interdisciplinary staff nominating as CoP members between Nov 2013-Nov 2015 representing 13 facilities (approximately 780 beds) of a RAC organisation. The impact of the CoP was evaluated at three levels to identify how the CoP influenced the observed outcomes in the varying contexts of its membership (level i.), the RAC facility (level ii.) and RAC organisation (level iii.). RESULTS: Staff participating as CoP members gained knowledge and awareness in falls prevention (p < 0.001) through connecting and sharing. Strategies prioritised and addressed at RAC facility level culminated in an increase in the proportion of residents supplemented with vitamin D (p = 0.002) and development of falls prevention education. At organisation level a falls policy reflecting preventative evidence-based guidelines and a new falls risk assessment procedure with aligned management plans were written, modified and implemented. A key disenabling mechanism identified by CoP members was limited time to engage in translation of evidence into practice whilst enabling mechanisms included proactive behaviours by staff and management. CONCLUSIONS: Interdisciplinary staff participating in a falls prevention CoP gained connectivity and knowledge and were able to facilitate the translation of falls prevention evidence into practice in the context of their RAC facility and RAC organisation. Support from RAC organisational and facility management to make the necessary investment in staff time to enable change in falls prevention practice is essential for success.

Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Servicios de Salud Comunitaria , Enfermería Geriátrica/métodos , Hogares para Ancianos , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Australia , Estudios Transversales , Atención a la Salud , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Práctica Clínica Basada en la Evidencia , Humanos , Masculino , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Vitamina D/uso terapéutico
JAMA ; 318(17): 1687-1699, 2017 11 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29114830


Importance: Falls result in substantial burden for patients and health care systems, and given the aging of the population worldwide, the incidence of falls continues to rise. Objective: To assess the potential effectiveness of interventions for preventing falls. Data Sources: MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Ageline databases from inception until April 2017. Reference lists of included studies were scanned. Study Selection: Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of fall-prevention interventions for participants aged 65 years and older. Data Extraction and Synthesis: Pairs of reviewers independently screened the studies, abstracted data, and appraised risk of bias. Pairwise meta-analysis and network meta-analysis were conducted. Main Outcomes and Measures: Injurious falls and fall-related hospitalizations. Results: A total of 283 RCTs (159 910 participants; mean age, 78.1 years; 74% women) were included after screening of 10 650 titles and abstracts and 1210 full-text articles. Network meta-analysis (including 54 RCTs, 41 596 participants, 39 interventions plus usual care) suggested that the following interventions, when compared with usual care, were associated with reductions in injurious falls: exercise (odds ratio [OR], 0.51 [95% CI, 0.33 to 0.79]; absolute risk difference [ARD], -0.67 [95% CI, -1.10 to -0.24]); combined exercise and vision assessment and treatment (OR, 0.17 [95% CI, 0.07 to 0.38]; ARD, -1.79 [95% CI, -2.63 to -0.96]); combined exercise, vision assessment and treatment, and environmental assessment and modification (OR, 0.30 [95% CI, 0.13 to 0.70]; ARD, -1.19 [95% CI, -2.04 to -0.35]); and combined clinic-level quality improvement strategies (eg, case management), multifactorial assessment and treatment (eg, comprehensive geriatric assessment), calcium supplementation, and vitamin D supplementation (OR, 0.12 [95% CI, 0.03 to 0.55]; ARD, -2.08 [95% CI, -3.56 to -0.60]). Pairwise meta-analyses for fall-related hospitalizations (2 RCTs; 516 participants) showed no significant association between combined clinic- and patient-level quality improvement strategies and multifactorial assessment and treatment relative to usual care (OR, 0.78 [95% CI, 0.33 to 1.81]). Conclusions and Relevance: Exercise alone and various combinations of interventions were associated with lower risk of injurious falls compared with usual care. Choice of fall-prevention intervention may depend on patient and caregiver values and preferences.

Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Ejercicio Físico , Trastornos de la Visión/diagnóstico , Anciano , Calcio/uso terapéutico , Suplementos Dietéticos , Planificación Ambiental , Femenino , Evaluación Geriátrica , Humanos , Masculino , Vitamina D/uso terapéutico
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28665325


The size and complexity of industrial chemical plants, together with the nature of the products handled, means that an analysis and control of the risks involved is required. This paper presents a methodology for risk analysis in chemical and allied industries that is based on a combination of HAZard and OPerability analysis (HAZOP) and a quantitative analysis of the most relevant risks through the development of fault trees, fault tree analysis (FTA). Results from FTA allow prioritizing the preventive and corrective measures to minimize the probability of failure. An analysis of a case study is performed; it consists in the terminal for unloading chemical and petroleum products, and the fuel storage facilities of two companies, in the port of Valencia (Spain). HAZOP analysis shows that loading and unloading areas are the most sensitive areas of the plant and where the most significant danger is a fuel spill. FTA analysis indicates that the most likely event is a fuel spill in tank truck loading area. A sensitivity analysis from the FTA results show the importance of the human factor in all sequences of the possible accidents, so it should be mandatory to improve the training of the staff of the plants.

Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Petróleo , Industria Química , Técnicas de Apoyo para la Decisión , Árboles de Decisión , Humanos , Probabilidad , Medición de Riesgo , España
J Pediatr Nurs ; 34: 23-28, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28285832


PROBLEM: Patient fall prevention begins with accurate risk assessment. However, sustained improvements in prevention and quality of care include use of validated fall risk assessment tools (FRATs). The goal of FRATs is to identify patients at highest risk. Adult FRATs are often borrowed from to create tools for pediatric patients. Though factors associated with pediatric falls in the hospital setting are similar to those in adults, such as mobility, medication use, and cognitive impairment, adult FRATs and the factors associated with them do not adequately assess risk in children. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Articles were limited to English language, ages 0-21years, and publish date 2006-2015. SAMPLE: The search yielded 22 articles. Ten were excluded as the population was primarily adult or lacked discussion of a FRAT. Critical appraisal and findings were synthesized using the Johns Hopkins Nursing evidence appraisal system. RESULTS: Twelve articles relevant to fall prevention in the pediatric hospital setting that discussed fall risk assessment and use of a FRAT were reviewed. Comparison between and accuracy of FRATs is challenged when different classifications, definitions, risk stratification, and inclusion criteria are used. CONCLUSIONS: Though there are several pediatric FRATs published in the literature, none have been found to be reliable and valid across institutions and diverse populations. IMPLICATIONS: This integrative review highlights the importance of choosing a FRAT based on an institution's identified risk factors and validating the tool for one's own patient population as well as using the tool in conjunction with nursing clinical judgment to guide interventions.

Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Accidentes por Caídas/estadística & datos numéricos , Hospitales Pediátricos , Seguridad del Paciente , Medición de Riesgo/métodos , Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Niño , Preescolar , Humanos , Incidencia , Pacientes Internos , Philadelphia
Inj Prev ; 23(2): 114-117, 2017 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27301415


Knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) can enable evidence-informed road safety policy and practice by reducing the gap between what is known to be effective and what actually occurs. A quality improvement project, undertaken within a government policy frame, was implemented in 2015 to produce an enhanced KTE framework for road safety (the framework). Information was collected from 35 road safety stakeholders in the UK, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Thirteen KTE facilitators were identified that covered research funding and production, the expertise of knowledge users and dissemination practices. The framework was subsequently developed, which separated facilitators seen as essential for a KTE system, from others perceived as aspirational due to their lesser influence and the considerable time and resources required for their implementation. The framework provides a heuristic device to enable policy agencies to holistically assess and improve current KTE systems for road safety, to encourage evidence-informed policy and practice.

Accidentes de Tránsito/prevención & control , Conducción de Automóvil/legislación & jurisprudencia , Salud Pública , Política Pública , Seguridad/legislación & jurisprudencia , Prevención de Accidentes , Planificación Ambiental , Práctica Clínica Basada en la Evidencia , Regulación Gubernamental , Humanos , Difusión de la Información , Países Bajos/epidemiología , Noruega/epidemiología , Formulación de Políticas , Desarrollo de Programa , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Mejoramiento de la Calidad , Suecia/epidemiología , Reino Unido/epidemiología
Inj Prev ; 23(5): 356, 2017 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27597402


BACKGROUND: Medical conditions and medications may be associated with motor vehicle collisions (MVCs), which pose a major public health problem worldwide. Further epidemiological assessment is necessary for certain diseases and medications. Moreover, since disease aetiology and patterns of medication use may differ among ethnicities and healthcare systems, a population-specific approach is necessary. The present epidemiological study is designed to assess the medical conditions and medications associated with the risk of fatal MVCs among at-fault drivers in the Korean population. METHOD AND DESIGN: A retrospective cohort will be constructed for individuals who died in MVCs between 2005 and 2014 in the Korean Traffic Accident Analysis System database, which is linked to the Korean National Health Insurance database between 2002 and 2014. In order to compare medical conditions and medication use among drivers who died in a fatal MVC with the general population, standardised prevalence ratios will be calculated. In the culpability study, we will identify conditions and drugs associated with MVCs, comparing drivers with higher levels of responsibility to those with lower levels of responsibility. In the case-crossover study, the transient effects of medical conditions and medications will be examined using a conditional logistic regression model that adjusts for confounders. DISCUSSION: The results of this study will help to characterise the associations of diseases and medications with fatal MVCs in an Asian population, with the goal of informing regulatory and clinical decision-making regarding patients with the relevant conditions and the establishment of strategies for improving traffic safety.

Accidentes de Tránsito/estadística & datos numéricos , Conducción de Automóvil , Trastornos del Conocimiento/complicaciones , Responsabilidad Legal , Medicamentos bajo Prescripción/efectos adversos , Tiempo de Reacción/efectos de los fármacos , Trastornos de la Visión/complicaciones , Prevención de Accidentes , Accidentes de Tránsito/legislación & jurisprudencia , Accidentes de Tránsito/mortalidad , Adulto , Anciano , Pueblo Asiatico , Conducción de Automóvil/legislación & jurisprudencia , Trastornos del Conocimiento/fisiopatología , Estudios Cruzados , Femenino , Humanos , Concesión de Licencias , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Programas Nacionales de Salud , Prevalencia , República de Corea/epidemiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Responsabilidad Social , Trastornos de la Visión/fisiopatología
Aust Health Rev ; 41(1): 13-18, 2017 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26982888


Objective This study evaluates whether a community of practice (CoP) could conduct a falls prevention clinical audit and identify gaps in falls prevention practice requiring action. Methods Cross-sectional falls prevention clinical audits were conducted in 13 residential aged care (RAC) sites of a not-for-profit organisation providing care to a total of 779 residents. The audits were led by an operationalised CoP assisted by site clinical staff. A CoP is a group of people with a shared interest who get together to innovate for change. The CoP was made up of self-nominated staff representing all RAC sites and comprised of staff from various disciplines with a shared interest in falls prevention. Results All 13 (100%) sites completed the audit. CoP conduct of the audit met identified criteria for an effective clinical audit. The priorities for improvement were identified as increasing the proportion of residents receiving vitamin D supplementation (mean 41.5%, s.d. 23.7) and development of mandatory falls prevention education for staff and a falls prevention policy, as neither was in place at any site. CoP actions undertaken included a letter to visiting GPs requesting support for vitamin D prescription, surveys of care staff and residents to inform falls education development, defining falls and writing a falls prevention policy. Conclusion A CoP was able to effectively conduct an evidence-based falls prevention activity audit and identify gaps in practice. CoP members were well positioned, as site staff, to overcome barriers and facilitate action in falls prevention practice. What is known about the topic? Audit and feedback is an effective way of measuring clinical quality and safety. CoPs have been established in healthcare using workplace staff to address clinical problems but little is known about their ability to audit and influence practice change. What does this paper add? This study contributes to the body of knowledge on CoPs in healthcare by evaluating the performance of one in the domain of falls prevention audit action. What are the implications for practitioners? A CoP is an effective model to engage staff in the clinical audit process. Clinical audits can raise staff awareness of gaps in practice and motivate staff to plan and action change as recommended in best practice guidelines.

Prevención de Accidentes , Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Hogares para Ancianos , Auditoría Médica , Administración de la Seguridad/métodos , Anciano , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Política Organizacional , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Mejoramiento de la Calidad , Vitamina D/administración & dosificación , Australia Occidental
Phys Ther ; 95(8): 1095-110, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25655877


BACKGROUND: Preventing falls is an international priority. There is a need to synthesize the highest-quality falls prevention evidence in one place for clinicians. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to conduct an umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of falls prevention interventions in community-dwelling older adults. DATA SOURCES: The MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, BNI, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, PubMed, and PEDro databases were searched. STUDY SELECTION: Meta-analyses with one pooled analysis containing ≥3 RCTs that investigated any intervention to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults aged ≥60 years were eligible. Sixteen meta-analyses, representing 47 pooled analyses, were included. DATA EXTRACTION: Two authors independently extracted data. DATA SYNTHESIS: Data were narratively synthesized. The methodological quality of the meta-analyses was moderate. Three meta-analyses defined a fall, and 3 reported adverse events (although minor). There is consistent evidence that exercise reduces falls (including the rate, risk, and odds of falling), with 13/14 pooled analyses (93%) from 7 meta-analyses demonstrating a significant reduction. The methodological quality of meta-analyses investigating exercise were medium/high, and effect sizes ranged from 0.87 (relative risk 95% confidence interval=0.81, 0.94; number of studies=18; number of participants=3,568) to 0.39 (rate ratio 95% confidence interval=0.23, 0.66; number of meta-analyses=6). There is consistent evidence that multifactorial interventions reduce falls (5/6, 83% reported significant reduction). There is conflicting evidence regarding the influence of vitamin D supplementation (7/12, 58.3% reported significant reduction). LIMITATIONS: Meta-analyses often used different methods of analysis, and reporting of key characteristics (eg, participants, heterogeneity, publication bias) was often lacking. There may be some overlap among included meta-analyses. CONCLUSIONS: There is consistent evidence that exercise and individually tailored multifactorial interventions are effective in reducing falls in community-dwelling older adults.

Prevención de Accidentes , Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Vida Independiente , Metaanálisis como Asunto , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Anciano , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad
Accid Anal Prev ; 68: 57-74, 2014 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24589246


In the public schools of many developing countries, numerous accidents and incidents occur because of poor safety regulations and management systems. To improve the educational environment in Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Education seeks novel approaches to measure school safety performance in order to decrease incidents and accidents. The main objective of this research was to develop a systematic approach for measuring Saudi school safety performance using the balanced scorecard framework philosophy. The evolved third generation balanced scorecard framework is considered to be a suitable and robust framework that captures the system-wide leading and lagging indicators of business performance. The balanced scorecard architecture is ideal for adaptation to complex areas such as safety management where a holistic system evaluation is more effective than traditional compartmentalised approaches. In developing the safety performance balanced scorecard for Saudi schools, the conceptual framework was first developed and peer-reviewed by eighteen Saudi education experts. Next, 200 participants, including teachers, school executives, and Ministry of Education officers, were recruited to rate both the importance and the performance of 79 measurement items used in the framework. Exploratory factor analysis, followed by the confirmatory partial least squares method, was then conducted in order to operationalise the safety performance balanced scorecard, which encapsulates the following five salient perspectives: safety management and leadership; safety learning and training; safety policy, procedures and processes; workforce safety culture; and safety performance. Partial least squares based structural equation modelling was then conducted to reveal five significant relationships between perspectives, namely, safety management and leadership had a significant effect on safety learning and training and safety policy, procedures and processes, both safety learning and training and safety policy, procedures and processes had significant effects on workforce safety culture, and workforce safety culture had a significant effect on safety performance.

Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Accidentes/estadística & datos numéricos , Auditoría Administrativa/métodos , Administración de la Seguridad/organización & administración , Instituciones Académicas , Gestión de la Calidad Total/métodos , Análisis Factorial , Humanos , Modelos Organizacionales , Cultura Organizacional , Innovación Organizacional , Objetivos Organizacionales , Política Organizacional , Arabia Saudita/epidemiología
J Burn Care Res ; 35(3): e159-63, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23799481


Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a fuel that is widely used for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. LPG is also commonly used in restaurants, industries, and cars; however, the home continues to be the main site for accidents. In Turkey, the increased usage of LPG as a cooking or heating fuel has resulted in many burn injuries from LPG mishaps. Between January 2000 and June 2011, 56 LPG-burned patients were compared with 112 flame-burned patients. There were no significant differences with respect to the mean age, sex, hospitalization time, and mortality in both groups. In the LPG-caused burn cases, 41 burns (73.2%) occurred at home, seven (12.5) were work-related mishaps, and eight (14.3) were associated with car accidents. The majority of the LPG burns (82%, 46 patients) resulted from a gas leak, and 18% of them were related to the failure to close LPG tubes in the patients' kitchens (10 patients). Burns to the face and neck (82 vs 67%, P = .039) and upper (62 vs 23%, P = .000) and lower (70 vs 45%, P = .002) extremities were significantly higher in LPG-caused burn cases than flame-burned cases. General awareness regarding the risk of LPG and first aid for burns appears to be lacking. The LPG delivery system should be standardized throughout countries that widely use LPG.

Accidentes Domésticos/estadística & datos numéricos , Quemaduras Químicas/epidemiología , Aceites Combustibles/efectos adversos , Mortalidad Hospitalaria/tendencias , Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Distribución por Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Unidades de Quemados , Quemaduras/epidemiología , Quemaduras/etiología , Quemaduras/terapia , Quemaduras Químicas/etiología , Quemaduras Químicas/terapia , Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado , Niño , Preescolar , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Hospitalización/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Incidencia , Lactante , Puntaje de Gravedad del Traumatismo , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Petróleo/efectos adversos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Medición de Riesgo , Distribución por Sexo , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Análisis de Supervivencia , Tasa de Supervivencia , Turquía/epidemiología , Adulto Joven
Inj Prev ; 20(1): 29-34, 2014 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23800638


BACKGROUND: In India, fall-related injury morbidity and mortality is an emerging public health problem in older people. Despite awareness of a growing burden, there is a scarcity of literature on effective and acceptable interventions. This study was undertaken to explore the perceptions of older people regarding the risk of falls and understanding of fall prevention programmes. METHODS: We conducted six focus group discussions (FGDs), comprising single gender for three socio-demographic groups in a north Indian city, Chandigarh, in 2011. FGDs were conducted in local language (Punjabi), recorded, transcribed and translated in English. Two researchers independently conducted thematic analysis. RESULTS: Focus group participants were aware of the devastating consequences of fall-related injuries. The predominant reasons for explaining an increased risk of falling was age, uneven surfaces, physical weakness and mental health. There were several other competing health priorities in this population. Preventive measures ranging from individual to government level initiatives were suggested. The experience, knowledge, perceptions and health priorities were diverse among the three socio-demographic groups. However, the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness for improving balance and strength using yoga in this population needs to be evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: Careful consideration of health priorities is required for development of falls prevention, particularly among the urban poor. Further, initiatives that foster community engagement, such as participatory action may increase acceptability of initiatives to prevent fall-related injury among older people in India.

Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Prioridades en Salud , Prevención de Accidentes/métodos , Anciano , Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos , Terapia por Ejercicio/psicología , Femenino , Grupos Focales , Humanos , India , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Investigación Cualitativa , Riesgo , Yoga