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Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol ; 67(13-14): 1343-1361, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37086170


This study aims to explore how individuals with affiliation to spirituality and victimization attribute sexual trauma and revictimization to spiritual principles and its perceived impact on victim assistance. A phenomenological research was conducted with 36 participants divided into three groups: female survivors who turned to spirituality as part of their recovery process (n = 17), spiritually oriented therapists who treat survivors (n = 10), and spiritual leaders and teachers who are often consulted by survivors and their close ones (n = 9). Findings show three prominent themes: (a) ephemeral and eternal components of existence; (b) learning a lesson; and (c) Tikkun Olam (Hebrew: world's repairment). The findings contribute theoretical and practical applications: they offer deep insights into the spiritual reason for revictimization and its cessation, and suggest innovative external explanations anchored in ancient knowledge that can alleviate survivors' suffering from self-blame. The study lays the foundation for an upcoming theory entitled Spiritual Victimology.

Víctimas de Crimen , Espiritualidad , Humanos , Femenino , Sobrevivientes , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Trauma Sexual
J Interpers Violence ; 38(11-12): 7404-7425, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36710496


The current study aims to describe a spiritual facet of recovery processes from sexual trauma, as manifested in the transformation from the frustration and despair of looking for reasons to the traumatic event(s) to the growth and prosperity of finding meaning. A phenomenological research was conducted, interviewing individuals with a variety of affiliations to spirituality and to trauma: female survivors who turned to spirituality as part of their recovery process (n = 17), spiritually oriented therapists who treat survivors (n = 10), and spiritual leaders and teachers who are often consulted by survivors and their close ones (n = 9). Participants were asked about the nature of perceived transformation of survivors' trauma, within the meaning context, and about the perceived relevance of such a spiritual meaning-making process to recovery. Findings suggests four stances in the process:(1) doubting, describing frustrations, denials, and struggles, (2) believing, describing the acceptance of the idea that there is spiritual meaning in the trauma, (3) knowing, describing calmness, comfort, trust, and sense of freedom, and (4) doing, describing carrying the message of spiritual recovery to other survivors. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on victimology and on spirituality. It adds to the research on the spiritual meaning-making process, on the role of spirituality in survivors' perceptions of victimization and recovery, and on the importance of spiritual meaning as a recovery capital. Additionally, it directs therapists to broaden their discussions with survivors on their beliefs and values. The study lays the foundation for a theory entitled Spiritual Victimology.

Víctimas de Crimen , Espiritualidad , Humanos , Femenino , Sobrevivientes , Emociones , Trauma Sexual , Adaptación Psicológica
Trauma Violence Abuse ; 24(4): 2143-2164, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35466836


Therapeutic dance has been increasingly used as a treatment modality for sexual trauma, yet its evidence-based efficacy has not yet been catalogued. We therefore conducted a systematic review to summarize the existing evidence for therapeutic dance as an intervention for healing after sexual trauma. We searched 5 major databases to identify intervention studies on the use of therapeutic dance for individuals with histories of sexual trauma. Studies were included based on the following criteria: 1) the study involves individuals who have been exposed to sexual trauma; 2) the study reports on any form of dance as a therapeutic intervention; and 3) the study reports on dance intervention outcomes. A total of 1,686 sources were identified. Of these, 11 articles met eligibility criteria and were assessed. Reported outcomes were extracted and organized into emergent domains. We found that therapeutic dance acts upon three broad domains-affect, self, and interpersonal relationships - and can be delivered in diverse settings. Across the studies, dance showed benefits on outcomes. However, a significant weakness of the current peer-reviewed literature is the lack of robust empirical intervention research on dance therapy. Overall, the emerging literature suggests that therapeutic dance is a potential intervention for those who have experienced sexual trauma. The review findings presented here can be used to inform practitioners and systems of care targeted for those who have been subject to sexual trauma.

Danzaterapia , Trauma Sexual , Humanos , Trauma Sexual/terapia , Resultado del Tratamiento
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e263291, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529215


Este artigo tem como objetivo produzir uma análise histórica sobre as intersecções entre Psicologia e sexualidade desviantes da norma no Brasil, de fins do século XIX a meados da década de 1980. Esta temporalidade foi escolhida por abarcar o surgimento das pesquisas científicas sobre sexualidade e desvios sexuais, a consolidação dos estudos psicológicos sobre a temática e o processo mais recente de despatologização da homossexualidade. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, foram adotados os pressupostos da História Social da Psicologia e da historiografia das homossexualidades no Brasil. Desse modo, buscou-se compreender como as ideias, concepções e práticas psicológicas foram mudando ao longo do tempo, em conexão com as transformações socioculturais e políticas que ocorreram durante o século XX. Para isto, foram utilizadas fontes primárias e secundárias de pesquisa com vistas à produção de interpretações sobre as conexões entre as ideias, os atores e os eventos narrados. Argumenta-se, ao longo do artigo, que as ideias e práticas psicológicas estão intrinsecamente conectadas aos contextos socioculturais e políticos de seu tempo, sendo os movimentos dinâmicos e os conflitos presentes nesses contextos fatores determinantes para a sua constituição.(AU)

This article aims to produce a historical analysis of the intersections between Psychology and sexualities that deviate from the norm in Brazil, from the late 19th century to the mid-1980s. This period was chosen because it encompasses the emergence of scientific research on sexuality and sexual deviations, the consolidation of psychological studies on the subject and the most recent process of de-pathologization of homosexuality. Theoretically and methodologically, the assumptions of the Social History of Psychology and the historiography of homosexualities in Brazil were adopted. Therefore, we sought to understand how psychological ideas, conceptions and practices have changed over time, in connection with the sociocultural and political transformations that occurred throughout the 20th century. For this, primary and secondary sources of research were used to produce interpretations about the connections between the ideas, the actors and the narrated events. It is argued, throughout the article, that the psychological ideas and practices are intrinsically connected to the sociocultural and political contexts of their time, being the dynamic movements and conflicts present in these contexts determining factors for their constitution.(AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis histórico de las intersecciones entre la Psicología y las sexualidades desviadas de la norma en Brasil desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados de la década de 1980. Esta temporalidad fue elegida por abarcar el surgimiento de las investigaciones científicas sobre sexualidad y desvíos sexuales, la consolidación de los estudios psicológicos sobre el tema y el más reciente proceso de despatologización de la homosexualidad. En el marco teórico y metodológico, se adoptaron los presupuestos de la Historia Social de la Psicología y de la historiografía de las homosexualidades en Brasil. De esta manera, se pretende comprender cómo las ideas, concepciones y prácticas psicológicas han cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, en conexión con las transformaciones socioculturales y políticas ocurridas durante el siglo XX. Para ello, se utilizaron las fuentes de investigación primarias y secundarias con miras a generar interpretaciones sobre las conexiones entre las ideas, los actores y los eventos narrados. Se argumenta, a lo largo de este artículo, que las ideas y las prácticas psicológicas están intrínsecamente conectadas a los contextos socioculturales y políticos de su tiempo, y los movimientos dinámicos y los conflictos presentes en estos contextos fueron los factores determinantes para su constitución.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Brasil , Homosexualidad , Sexualidad , Historia , Orgasmo , Trastornos Parafílicos , Patología , Pedofilia , Desarrollo de la Personalidad , Trastornos de la Personalidad , Principio de Dolor-Placer , Psicología , Desarrollo Psicosexual , Política Pública , Racionalización , Religión y Sexo , Represión Psicológica , Sadismo , Sexo , Conducta Sexual , Trastornos del Desarrollo Sexual , Delitos Sexuales , Control Social Formal , Medio Social , Sociedades , Reacción de Prevención , Sublimación Psicológica , Tabú , Terapéutica , Travestismo , Inconsciente en Psicología , Voyeurismo , Terapia Conductista , Abuso Sexual Infantil , Actitud , Curación Homeopática , Carácter , Cristianismo , Competencia Mental , Acoso Sexual , Coito , Cuerpo Humano , Homosexualidad Femenina , Conflicto Psicológico , Participación de la Comunidad , Diversidad Cultural , Feminismo , Heterosexualidad , Manifestaciones Neuroconductuales , Disfunciones Sexuales Psicológicas , Crimen , Características Culturales , Cultura , Sexo Seguro , Terapias Mente-Cuerpo , Mecanismos de Defensa , Deshumanización , Características Humanas , Intención , Desarrollo Moral , Emociones , Agenda de Investigación en Salud , Foros de Discusión , Estudios Poblacionales en Salud Pública , Eugenesia , Exhibicionismo , Placer , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Salud Sexual , Homofobia , Racismo , Marginación Social , Medicalización , Personas Transgénero , Condición Moral , Minorías Sexuales y de Género , Activismo Político , Diversidad de Género , Asexualidad , Sexualidad Oculta , Asunción de la Sexualidad , Normas de Género , Ceguera de Género , Androcentrismo , Libertad , Teoría Freudiana , Respeto , Identidad de Género , Trauma Sexual , Hospicios , Funcionamiento Psicosocial , Rol de Género , Marco Interseccional , Estructura Familiar , Promoción de la Salud , Desarrollo Humano , Derechos Humanos , Identificación Psicológica , Anatomía , Trastornos Disruptivos, del Control de Impulso y de la Conducta , Incesto , Instinto , Introversión Psicológica , Libido , Masoquismo , Masturbación , Trastornos Mentales , Métodos , Moral , Principios Morales , Trastornos Neuróticos
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255165, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529227


O presente estudo qualitativo objetivou compreender as expectativas de mães e cuidadoras sobre a sua participação no Programa ACT para Educar Crianças em Ambientes Seguros na versão remota, no período da pandemia de covid-19. Também visou identificar a percepção das participantes sobre educar uma criança em um ambiente seguro. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas on-line com doze mães e cuidadoras, antes da participação no Programa ACT. Os resultados indicaram diferentes expectativas sobre a participação no Programa ACT, entre elas: adquirir novos conhecimentos, aprimorar as habilidades parentais, trocar experiências, receber auxílio no momento da pandemia de covid-19 e possibilitar para a criança um desenvolvimento saudável. Na percepção das mães e cuidadoras, a versão remota do Programa ACT apresenta aspectos positivos; entre eles, a participação de pais e cuidadores que não residem na cidade em que é oferecida a intervenção. No entanto, apontaram como fatores negativos a ausência do contato físico e as interrupções que podem acontecer a partir das falhas de internet. Para as mães e cuidadoras, educar a criança em um ambiente seguro estava relacionado a promover os direitos estabelecidos no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), como educação, saúde, lazer, cuidado, afeto, assim como protegê-la de situações de violência. Considera-se que as expectativas das participantes estavam alinhadas aos objetivos do Programa ACT. Torna-se prioritário oferecer programas de prevenção à violência aos pais e cuidadores, em especial em momentos adversos como o da pandemia de covid-19, a fim de promover o desenvolvimento e a saúde das crianças, assim como prevenir situações de violação de direitos.(AU)

This qualitative study aims to understand the expectations of mothers and caregivers about participating in the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in its remote version, during the COVID-19 pandemic period. It also aims to identify the participants' perception of raising a child in a safe environment. Semi-structured on-line interviews were conducted with 12 mothers/caregivers, prior to participation in the ACT Program. The results indicated different expectations regarding the participation in the ACT Program, for example: acquiring new knowledge, improving parenting skills, exchanging experiences, receiving support during the COVID-19 pandemic, and enabling the child to have a healthy development. In the perception of mothers and caregivers, the remote version of the ACT Program has positive aspects, such as the participation of parents and caregivers who do not live in the city where the intervention is offered. However, they pointed out as negative factors absence of physical contact and interruptions due to internet failures. For the mothers/caregivers, educating children in a safe environment was related to promoting the rights established by the Brazilian Child and Adolescent Statute, namely education, health, leisure, care, affection, as well as protecting them from situations of violence. The expectations of the participants were aligned with the objectives of the ACT Program. Offering violence prevention programs to parents and caregivers is a priority, especially in adverse moments such as the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to promote the development and health of children, as well as prevent situations of violation of rights.(AU)

Este estudio cualitativo pretendió comprender las expectativas de madres y cuidadoras sobre la participación en el Programa de ACT para Educar a Niños en Ambientes Seguros en la versión remota, en el periodo de la pandemia de la COVID-19. También se propuso identificar la percepción de las participantes sobre educar a un niño en un ambiente seguro. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas en línea con 12 madres/cuidadoras, antes de la participación en el Programa ACT. Los resultados señalaron diferentes expectativas con la participación del Programa de ACT, entre ellas: adquirir nuevos conocimientos, perfeccionar las habilidades parentales, intercambiar experiencias, recibir auxilio en el momento de la pandemia de la COVID-19 y posibilitar al niño un desarrollo saludable. En la percepción de las madres y cuidadoras, la versión remota del Programa de ACT presenta aspectos positivos, como la participación de padres y cuidadores que no residen en la ciudad donde es ofrecida la intervención. Sin embargo, señalaron como factores negativos la ausencia del contacto físico y las interrupciones, que pueden ocurrir por fallas en Internet. Para las madres/cuidadoras, educar al niño en un ambiente seguro estaba relacionado a promover los derechos establecidos en el Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente de Brasil, como educación, salud, ocio, cuidado, afecto, así como protegerlo de situaciones de violencia. Se considera que las expectativas de las participantes estaban alineadas con los objetivos del Programa de ACT. Es prioritario ofrecer programas de prevención a la violencia a los padres y cuidadores, en especial en momentos adversos como el de la pandemia de la COVID-19, con el fin de promover el desarrollo y la salud de los niños, así como prevenir situaciones de vulneración de derechos.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Maltrato a los Niños , Prevención de Enfermedades , Intervención Psicosocial , Apetito , Desarrollo de la Personalidad , Ludoterapia , Solución de Problemas , Psicología , Desempeño Psicomotor , Política Pública , Seguridad , Instituciones Académicas , Delitos Sexuales , Autoritarismo , Ajuste Social , Clase Social , Aislamiento Social , Responsabilidad Social , Apoyo Social , Estrés Psicológico , Síndrome del Niño Maltratado , Conducta y Mecanismos de Conducta , Síntomas Conductuales , Abuso Sexual Infantil , Brasil , Sistemas en Línea , Carácter , Niño , Niño Abandonado , Cuidado del Niño , Protección a la Infancia , Salud Mental , Negociación , Entrevista , Violencia Doméstica , Coronavirus , Trastornos de Combate , Medios de Comunicación , Atención Integral de Salud , Crimen , Amenazas , Síntomas Afectivos , Cultura , Vigilancia en Desastres , Muerte , Denuncia de Irregularidades , Poblaciones Vulnerables , Agresión , Sueños , Conflicto Familiar , Relaciones Familiares , Terapia Familiar , Pandemias , Red Social , Narrativa Personal , Trastornos Relacionados con Traumatismos y Factores de Estrés , Trauma Psicológico , Trabajadores Sociales , Niño Acogido , Frustación , Crecimiento Psicológico Postraumático , Respeto , Distrés Psicológico , Trauma Sexual , Inclusión Social , Regreso a la Escuela , Abastecimiento de Alimentos , COVID-19 , Ambiente en el Hogar , Vulnerabilidad Social , Ciudadanía , Hematoma , Homicidio , Visita Domiciliaria , Derechos Humanos , Infanticidio , Acontecimientos que Cambian la Vida , Amor , Mala Praxis , Bienestar Materno , Trastornos Mentales , Narcisismo , Apego a Objetos
Nurs Womens Health ; 26(5): 371-378, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36087641


Many women and individuals assigned female at birth experience sexual assault or abuse in their lives leading to sexual trauma. In this article, we review the effects of sexual trauma and resulting chronic stress on the body and during the perinatal period. Maternal, fetal, and neonatal health implications are discussed. Routine screening for sexual assault and violence can assist with early identification and intervention. A variety of modalities and methods for managing the effects of sexual trauma have been identified, including pharmacologic treatment, psychotherapy, complementary and alternative medicine, and shared decision-making. Further research regarding different treatments is essential to find additional tools to aid clinicians providing care to this vulnerable population. When nurses care for individuals with a history of sexual trauma, incorporating trauma-informed care can help prevent retraumatization and promote a healthy perinatal experience.

Delitos Sexuales , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Parto , Atención Perinatal , Embarazo , Trauma Sexual
Complement Ther Med ; 70: 102850, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35820575


OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to explore the preliminary efficacy of trauma-sensitive yoga compared to cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for women Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to military sexual trauma (MST) in a pilot randomized control trial (RCT). We then compared these results to published interim results for the subsequent full-scale RCT. METHOD: The analytic sample included women Veterans (N = 41) with PTSD related to MST accessing healthcare in a southeastern Veterans Affairs Health Care System. The majority were African American, non-Hispanic (80.5 %). The protocol-driven group interventions, Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY; n = 17) and the evidence-based control condition, CPT (n = 24), were delivered weekly for 10 and 12 sessions, respectively. Multilevel linear models (MLM) were used to compare changes over time between the two groups. RESULTS: The primary outcomes presented here are PTSD symptom severity and diagnosis, assessed using the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and the PTSD Symptom Checklist (PCL) total scores. PTSD symptom severity on both clinician-administered (CAPS) and self-reported (PCL) measures, improved significantly (p < .005) over time, with large within group effect sizes (0.90-0.99) consistent with the subsequent RCT. Participants in the TCTSY group showed clinically meaningful improvements earlier than the CPT group participants from baseline on the CAPS and PCL Total scores. CONCLUSIONS: Results support published findings of the effectiveness of TCTSY in the treatment for PTSD related to MST among women Veterans, particularly African American women. TCTSY warrants consideration as an adjunctive, precursor, or concurrent treatment to evidence-based psychotherapies. Future research should include patient preference, men with sexual trauma, and civilian populations.

Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Veteranos , Yoga , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Proyectos Piloto , Trauma Sexual , Centros Traumatológicos , Resultado del Tratamiento
J Clin Psychol ; 78(12): 2410-2426, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35332551


OBJECTIVE: Despite recognition of its prevalence and impact, little is known about treatment for veteran men with a history of military sexual trauma (MST). While research suggests that such veterans may suffer from gender-based distress that poses unique treatment challenges, MST-focused treatment draws upon contemporary PTSD best practices that may overlook gender. The current initial pilot study evaluated a multimodal, time-limited men's MST group therapy that integrated exposure- and mindfulness-based, psychoeducational, and psychodynamic group interventions. METHOD: This study examined pre- and posttreatment data from patients who completed group treatment (n = 24). Three-fourths of patients were 60 years or older, over 80% Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Assessment data were collected using the PTSD Checklist (PCL-5), an adaptation of the Recovery Assessment Scale, and open-ended written responses. Paired-samples t tests and effect sizes (Hedge's g) were calculated. Indictive thematic analysis was used for qualitative analysis. RESULTS: Qualitative and quantitative data showed improvements in shame, self-forgiveness, and belonginess. There were significant reductions from pre- to posttreatment in total PCL-5 score (g = -0.69) and all 4 symptom clusters (g = -0.51--0.71), and significant improvements in 8 out of 10 recovery items (g = 0.44-2.46). CONCLUSIONS: More research is needed to assess whether veteran men with a history of MST benefit from treatment that provides multimodal, multitheoretical interventions that address gender-based symptoms in addition to PTSD. The results of this study support future research in a randomized controlled study.

Personal Militar , Delitos Sexuales , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Veteranos , Masculino , Humanos , Trauma Sexual , Proyectos Piloto , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/epidemiología , Evaluación del Resultado de la Atención al Paciente
Mil Med ; 187(5-6): 140-143, 2022 05 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34626194


To address the ongoing epidemic of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (National Academies) conducted a consensus study on STI control and prevention in the United States to provide recommendations to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Association of County and City Health Officials. The culminating report identified military personnel as one of the priority groups that require special consideration given the high prevalence of STIs and their associated behaviors (e.g., concurrent sexual partners and infrequent condom use) that occur during active duty service. Universal health care access, the relative ease and frequency of STI screening, and the educational opportunities within the military are all assets in STI control and prevention. The report offers a comprehensive framework on multiple and interrelated influences on STI risk, prevention, health care access, delivery, and treatment. It also provides an overview of the multilevel risk and protective factors associated with STIs that could be applied using a sexual health paradigm. The military context must integrate the multilevel domains of influences to guide the effort to fill current gaps and research needs. The Department of Defense, with its large clinical and preventive medicine workforce and its well-established universal health care system, is well positioned to enact changes to shift its current approach to STI prevention, treatment, and control. STI control based on highlighting behavioral, social, cultural, and environmental influences on service members' sexual health and wellness may well drive better STI care and prevention outcomes.

Personal Militar , Salud Sexual , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Embarazo no Planeado , Asunción de Riesgos , Conducta Sexual , Trauma Sexual , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual/diagnóstico , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual/epidemiología , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual/prevención & control , Estados Unidos/epidemiología
Managua; s.n; [nov. 2021]. 50 p. ilus, graf.
Tesis en Español | MTYCI | ID: biblio-1554815


En esta investigación se visualizan las consecuencias mentales y físicas del abuso sexual y la efectividad del tratamiento de acupuntura como un complemento y método resolutivo para la estabilidad de las mujeres sobrevivientes de abuso sexual. Se considera un aporte para ser considerado en tratamientos a futuro con un enfoque holístico e integral

This research visualizes the mental and physical consequences of sexual abuse and the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment as a complement and resolution method for the stability of women survivors of sexual abuse. It is considered a contribution to be considered in future treatments with a holistic and comprehensive approach

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Abuso Sexual Infantil/terapia , Terapia por Acupuntura , Trauma Sexual/terapia , Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Investigación Cualitativa
Complement Ther Med ; 59: 102729, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33965560


OBJECTIVES: Up to 70% of women service members in the United States report military sexual trauma (MST); many develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and co-occurring disorders. Trauma-informed yoga (TIY) is suggested to improve psychiatric symptoms and shown feasible and acceptable in emerging research, yet no work has evaluated TIY in MST survivors. The current quality improvement project aimed to examine TIY's feasibility, acceptability, and perceived effects in the context of MST. DESIGN: Collective case series (N = 7). SETTING: New England Vet Center. INTERVENTIONS: Extant TIY program (Mindful Yoga Therapy) adapted for Veteran women with MST in concurrent psychotherapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Attrition and attendance; qualitative exit interview; validated self-report measure of negative affect pre/post each yoga class, and symptom severity assessments and surveys before (T1; Time 1) and after the yoga program (T2; Time 2). RESULTS: Feasibility was demonstrated and women reported TIY was acceptable. In qualitative interviews, women reported improved symptom severity, diet, exercise, alcohol use, sleep, and pain; reduced medication use; and themes related to stress reduction, mindfulness, and self-compassion. Regarding quantitative change, results suggest acute reductions in negative affect following yoga sessions across participants, as well as improved affect dysregulation, shame, and mindfulness T1 to T2. CONCLUSIONS: TIY is both feasible and acceptable to Veteran women MST survivors in one specific Vet Center, with perceived behavioral health benefits. Results suggest TIY may target psychosocial mechanisms implicated in health behavior change (stress reduction, mindfulness, affect regulation, shame). Formal research should be conducted to confirm these QI project results.

Personal Militar , Atención Plena , Veteranos , Yoga , Femenino , Humanos , Trauma Sexual , Estados Unidos
J Altern Complement Med ; 27(S1): S45-S59, 2021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33788599


Objective: To conduct an interim analysis of data collected from an ongoing multisite randomized clinical trial (RCT) assessing the effectiveness of Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women veterans with PTSD related to military sexual trauma (MST). The purpose of the interim analysis was to assess outcomes from the primary site, which is geographically, demographically, culturally, and procedurally distinct from the second site. Design: RCT was conducted within a Veterans Administration Health Care System. Data collection included preintervention through 3 months postintervention. Participants: Enrollment for the main site was 152 women. The sample size for the intent-to-treat analysis was 104. The majority were African American (91.3%) with a mean age of 48.46 years. Intervention: The TCTSY intervention (n = 58) was conducted by TCTSY-certified yoga facilitators and consisted of 10 weekly 60-min group sessions. The control intervention, cognitive processing therapy (CPT; n = 46), consisted of 12 90-min weekly group sessions conducted per Veterans Administration protocol by clinicians in the PTSD Clinic. Outcome measures: The Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) was used to assess current PTSD diagnosis and symptom severity, including overall PTSD and four symptom clusters. The PTSD checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) was used to obtain self-report of PTSD symptom severity, including total score and four symptom clusters. Results: The findings reported here are interim results from one clinical site. For both the CAPS-5 and PCL-5, total scores and all four criterion scores decreased significantly (p < 0.01) over time in all five multilevel linear models within both TCTSY and CPT groups, without significant differences between groups. There were clinically meaningful improvements seen for both TCTSY and CPT with 51.1%-64.3% of TCTSY subjects and 43.5%-73.7% of CPT decreasing their CAPS-5 scores by 10 points or more. Effect sizes for total symptom severity were large for TCTSY (Cohen's d = 1.10-1.18) and CPT (Cohen's d = 0.90-1.40). Intervention completion was higher in TCTSY (60.3%) than in CPT (34.8%). Symptom improvement occurred earlier for TCTSY (midintervention) than for CPT (2 weeks postintervention). Safety: There were no unanticipated adverse events in this study. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that TCTSY may be an effective treatment for PTSD that yields symptom improvement more quickly, has higher retention than CPT, and has a sustained effect. TCTSY may be an effective alternative to trauma-focused therapy for women veterans with PTSD related to MST. The study is registered in (CTR no.: NCT02640690).

Trauma Sexual/terapia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Salud de los Veteranos , Yoga , Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Resultado del Tratamiento , Estados Unidos , Veteranos , Adulto Joven
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol ; 34(3): 409-426, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33004156


Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) in women is defined as noncyclical and persistent pain lasting more than six months perceived to be related to the pelvis. There are many etiologies that can cause CPP, including gynecologic, urologic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurologic, and psychosocial. There is a strong association between psychological factors and CPP. It has been noted that almost half of women being treated for CPP report a history of sexual, physical, or emotional trauma. Women with CPP have been noted to have higher rates of psychological disorders in comparison to their peers. For men, the most common etiology for CPP is chronic prostatitis and there are also correlations with psychological disorders. There are many different treatment options for CPP: surgical, pharmacological, and non-pharmacological (alternative therapies). Cognitive-behavioral therapy may be another option when treating chronic pelvic pain syndrome and should be considered.

Dolor Crónico/psicología , Dolor Crónico/terapia , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/métodos , Dolor Pélvico/psicología , Dolor Pélvico/terapia , Dolor Crónico/epidemiología , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Dolor Pélvico/epidemiología , Prostatitis/epidemiología , Prostatitis/psicología , Prostatitis/terapia , Trauma Sexual/epidemiología , Trauma Sexual/psicología , Trauma Sexual/terapia , Resultado del Tratamiento
J Sex Marital Ther ; 46(4): 343-353, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31983320


There are few models of sex therapy designed specifically for working with relationships in which one or more partners have a history of sexual trauma. The Relationship Shared Values Primer (RSVP) to sex and relationship therapies is a pre-sex therapy psychoeducation with the goal of promoting buy-in and reducing attrition by fostering safety and connection prior to beginning the therapeutic work through a dialogue of four key values: (1) Intimate Justice, (2) Non-linear Healing, (3) Mindful Acceptance, and (4) Erotic Empathy. We discuss research support for the rationale of the RSVP, how the RSVP can mitigate current obstacles to working with this population, and present a case study of the RSVP application.

Empatía , Relaciones Interpersonales , Atención Plena , Parejas Sexuales/psicología , Trauma Sexual/terapia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad
Child Abuse Negl ; 100: 104152, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31519409


This invited article is one of several comprising part of a special issue of Child Abuse and Neglect focused on child trafficking and health. The purpose of each invited article is to describe a specific program serving trafficked children. Featuring these programs is intended to raise awareness of innovative counter-trafficking strategies emerging worldwide and facilitate collaboration on program development and outcomes research. This article describes a long-term psychotherapeutic intervention started by Arpan in 2010, in an institution named Advait Foundation. Advait runs a rehabilitation home, Project Baharati, in Vasai, Mumbai, India. Project Bharati serves adolescent females who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. The psychotherapeutic intervention uses group and individual therapy, employing trauma-focused cognitive behavioral and arts-based therapeutic techniques.

Arteterapia/métodos , Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Abuso Sexual Infantil/rehabilitación , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/métodos , Trata de Personas/psicología , Trauma Sexual/psicología , Trauma Sexual/rehabilitación , Adolescente , Concienciación , Femenino , Trata de Personas/prevención & control , Humanos , India , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Desarrollo de Programa , Trabajo Sexual , Resultado del Tratamiento
Psychol Serv ; 17(2): 178-186, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30265071


Although the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) provides free health care related to military sexual trauma (MST), many veterans forgo or delay such care, underscoring the need for research aimed at understanding MST survivors' perceptions and concerns regarding VHA care. This study employed a qualitative phenomenological approach to describe MST survivors': (a) perceptions of VHA care, (b) concerns about VHA care, and (c) suggestions for how VHA can facilitate recovery from MST. Fifty veterans (32 women, 18 men) with histories of MST participated in semistructured interviews. Transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis. The pattern of themes was examined by gender and MST type. The majority of participants described neutral or positive perceptions of VHA care; however, a subset of participants described negative perceptions and reservations about using VHA care. Participants expressed concerns regarding distrust, provider compassion, privacy, stigma, shame, and continuity of care. Some women, particularly those who experienced military sexual assault, also described gender-related distress (e.g., feeling anxious or out of place, desire for separate facilities). Both men and women described wanting nonspecific support, improved continuity of care, and the ability to choose from a variety of treatment options (e.g., holistic, gender-specific). Further research is needed to examine if these findings are replicated in other samples. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).

Personal Militar/psicología , Satisfacción del Paciente , Trauma Sexual/terapia , Sobrevivientes/psicología , Servicios de Salud para Veteranos , Veteranos/psicología , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Investigación Cualitativa , Estados Unidos , United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Child Abuse Negl ; 100: 104169, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31594665


This invited article is one of several comprising part of a special issue of Child Abuse and Neglect focused on child trafficking and health. The purpose of each invited article is to describe a specific program serving trafficked children. Featuring these programs is intended to raise awareness of innovative counter-trafficking strategies emerging worldwide and facilitate collaboration on program development and outcomes research. This article describes Kolkata Sanvedan India-based organization dedicated to utilizing a special form of dance movement therapy (DMT), Sampoornata, as a form of trauma therapy for survivors of trafficking and sexual violence. The Sampoornata model has been employed to promote healing and wellbeing through integration in the individual's social framework and encouraging comprehensive wellbeing.

Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Abuso Sexual Infantil/rehabilitación , Danzaterapia/métodos , Trata de Personas/psicología , Trauma Sexual/psicología , Trauma Sexual/rehabilitación , Concienciación , Niño , Femenino , Trata de Personas/prevención & control , Humanos , India , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Desarrollo de Programa , Sobrevivientes/psicología