As place-based conservation organizations, zoos are in a central position to support individuals in making small changes in their lives that will support the protection of wildlife and their habitats. This paper describes the secondary analysis of data collected from multi-phase front-end, exploratory evaluation that informed the development of a conservation action campaign in association with a non-profit, urban zoo. In phase one, internal organization staff were invited to attend workshops during which they brainstormed potential conservation actions that they felt were important for the zoo to promote. They identified and ranked 164 unique actions. In phase two, the ranking was used to narrow down the 164 actions to 20 actions which were used to develop a survey administered to visitors who opted in to receiving online surveys from the zoo. The survey asked participants to state their interest in each of the 20 conservation actions. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change informed the analysis of responses. Through this approach we identified actions that people were already doing, interested in doing, and not interested in doing. The responses from this survey were used to narrow down the list further to 10 actions used in a survey in phase three. This second survey administered to zoo visitors on grounds asked participants which of the 10 actions they would be most interested in doing, and the perceived barriers and benefits of doing them. This process allowed us to use evidence-based decision making to choose which conservation actions would resonate most with the community for our conservation action campaign. We also were able to identify values visitors held that might influence environmentally friendly behaviors. Visitors who responded to this survey tended to respond in ways that aligned with self-transcendent values. The research suggests that the campaign should focus on habitat restoration and remediation and purchasing wildlife friendly coffee and other products.
Animales de Zoológico , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Animales Salvajes , CaféRESUMEN
Integrative medicine has gained space in veterinary medicine and hydrotherapy is mainly used as an adjunct on the treatment of neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. Use of this therapeutic modality in wild animals has seldom been reported. This article describes the use of hydrotherapy in two Callithrix penicillata patients with metabolic bone disease.
Callithrix , Hidroterapia , Animales , Animales SalvajesRESUMEN
Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) can carry the bacterium Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovipneumoniae) in their upper respiratory tract, often with little effect on health and productivity. However, for bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) populations, there is a link between M. ovipneumoniae infection and pneumonia, poor lamb recruitment, and high fatality rate. Because of these outcomes, preventing transmission of M. ovipneumoniae to free-ranging wild sheep has garnered interest from both the livestock and wildlife sectors. We hypothesized that treatment with intranasal and systemic enrofloxacin would reduce the prevalence of M. ovipneumoniae-positive animals in a flock of domestic sheep. Initially, the prevalence decreased in the treated group; but by 34 d post-treatment, the number of M. ovipneumoniae-positive sheep returned to near pretreatment prevalence. Key clinical message: Test-and-slaughter is a method used to reduce the risk of transmission of pneumonia-causing M. ovipneumoniae from domestic sheep and goats to free-ranging wild sheep. In an effort to find an alternative, we used enrofloxacin to treat a flock of M. ovipneumoniae-positive domestic sheep; however, long-term reduction of M. ovipneumoniae prevalence in the flock was not achieved.
Traitement antibiotique de Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae chez le mouton domestique (Ovis aries): travail à l'interface bétail-faune au Yukon, Canada. Les moutons domestiques (Ovis aries) peuvent être porteurs de la bactérie Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovipneumoniae) dans leurs voies respiratoires supérieures, avec souvent peu d'effets sur la santé et la productivité. Cependant, pour les populations de mouflons d'Amérique (Ovis canadensis), il existe un lien entre l'infection à M. ovipneumoniae et la pneumonie, un faible recrutement d'agneaux et un taux de mortalité élevé. En raison de ces résultats, la prévention de la transmission de M. ovipneumoniae aux moutons sauvages en liberté a suscité l'intérêt des secteurs de l'élevage et de la faune sauvage. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'un traitement par enrofloxacine intranasale et systémique réduirait la prévalence d'animaux positifs à M. ovipneumoniae dans un troupeau de moutons domestiques. Initialement, la prévalence a diminué dans le groupe traité; mais 34 jours après le traitement, le nombre de moutons positifs à M. ovipneumoniae est revenu à une prévalence proche de celle précédant le traitement.Message clinique clé :L'essai et l'abattage sont une méthode utilisée pour réduire le risque de transmission de M. ovipneumoniae, responsable de la pneumonie, des moutons et chèvres domestiques aux moutons sauvages en liberté. Dans le but de trouver une alternative, nous avons utilisé l'enrofloxacine pour traiter un troupeau de moutons domestiques positifs à M. ovipneumoniae; cependant, aucune réduction à long terme de la prévalence de M. ovipneumoniae dans le troupeau n'a été obtenue.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).
Enfermedades de las Cabras , Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae , Neumonía por Mycoplasma , Neumonía , Enfermedades de las Ovejas , Borrego Cimarrón , Animales , Ovinos , Animales Salvajes , Oveja Doméstica , Ganado , El Yukón , Enrofloxacina/uso terapéutico , Neumonía/veterinaria , Cabras/microbiología , Canadá/epidemiología , Borrego Cimarrón/microbiología , Enfermedades de las Ovejas/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades de las Ovejas/epidemiología , Enfermedades de las Ovejas/prevención & control , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico , Neumonía por Mycoplasma/tratamiento farmacológico , Neumonía por Mycoplasma/epidemiología , Neumonía por Mycoplasma/veterinariaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Bushmeat is a resource exploited by thousands of people around the world, especially in tropical and neotropical regions, constituting an important source of protein and income. But what is known, so far, about the consumption and trade of wild vertebrate meat (hereinafter "bushmeat") in a megadiverse country like Brazil? This question was answered through a systematic survey of publications on the consumption and trade of wild vertebrate meat made in Brazil between 2011 and 2021. METHODS: We selected 63 scientific articles available on "Google Scholar," "Science Direct," "Scopus," " Web of Science" and "Portal de Periódico da CAPES." The articles were categorized as: exclusive to (1) consumption or (2) bushmeat trade, totals of 54 and three articles, respectively; both (3) consumption and trade bushmeat, totaling six articles. We applied a nonparametric Spearman's correlation analysis to verify the association between the number of papers and the species richness of wild vertebrates cited for consumption by Brazilian state. RESULTS: The results revealed that the publications were concentrated in the Northeast (36), North (26) and Southeast (1) regions, distributed across 16 states of the federation. These data reinforce the need for more researches in states and other regions of the country. Our research hypothesis was confirmed, since the richness of species cited for meat consumption was positively associated with the amount of work carried out by the states of the federation. We identified a total of 321 species of wild vertebrates mentioned in the categories involving the consumption of bushmeat. We had a greater bird species richness mentioned for consumption (170) to the detriment of mammals (107), reptiles (40) and amphibians (4). Furthermore, in the articles involving the bushmeat trade categories we had 57 species of vertebrates mentioned, with mammals being the most representative in terms of species richness (29), to the detriment of birds (20) and reptiles (8). These data reinforce that birds and mammals have been the groups most used both for consumption and trade in bushmeat in the country's regions, and it is necessary to mitigate the hunting exploitation of these groups. We recorded that socioeconomic, biological, environmental and sociocultural factors were the most cited predictors of the consumption and trade of bushmeat in the articles. We identified that the bushmeat trade chain is dynamic and ramified, made up of several actors, including specialized and diversified hunters, intermediaries, market sellers, market vendors, restaurant owners and final customers. Public markets and open-air fairs were the most cited places for buying and selling wild meat in commerce. CONCLUSIONS: In general, our results indicate that we have made significant advances in publications on the consumption and trade of bushmeat in Brazil over the last few years. However, we highlight the need to better understand the patterns of consumption and trade of bushmeat in different regions of the country, as well as the factors associated with the dynamics of the trade chain and uses of wildlife by local communities. We emphasized that a multidimensional understanding of hunting activities is important to face socio-ecological problems and improve the conservation of target species which have continually been explored for uses by populations in different regions of the world.
Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Humanos , Brasil , Carne , MamíferosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Zoonoses are diseases and infections that can be transmitted naturally between animals and humans. Direct and indirect contact of humans with wildlife occur during hunting activities, when diseased wildlife is found and treated, and in shared fields, forests, parks, gardens, and homes. Zoonoses can only be understood and controlled when ecosystems, animals, and humans are considered holistically. OBJECTIVE: This paper presents important zoonotic pathogens that are currently present in wild mammals as reservoirs in Germany. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The literature was searched to determine the prevalence of zoonotic pathogens currently occurring in wild mammals. RESULTS: Viral zoonotic agents currently present in free-ranging, mammalian animals in Germany as reservoirs of natural origin are bornaviruses, lyssaviruses, hepatitis E virus genotype 3, and Puumala orthohantavirus. Bacterial zoonotic agents beyond typical wound and foodborne pathogens include Brucella suis Biovar 2, Francisella tularensis ssp. holarctica, Leptospira interrogans sensu latu, Mycobacterium caprae, and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. In particular, parasitic zoonotic agents common in wildlife are Alaria alata, Baylisascaris procyonis, Echinococcus multilocularis, Sacoptes scabei, and Trichinella spp. CONCLUSION: The presence of zoonotic infectious agents of risk groups 2 and 3 has to be regularly expected in numerous endemic wildlife species, especially canines, small bears, rodents, insectivores, and bats. Animal caretakers, hunters, veterinarians, and human health professionals should be aware of this risk and take protective measures appropriate to the situation.
Ecosistema , Trematodos , Humanos , Animales , Perros , Zoonosis/epidemiología , Animales Salvajes , MamíferosRESUMEN
There has been much discussion in the conservation and policy realms of COVID-19 as a zoonotic disease, or a disease transmitted from wildlife to humans. However, wildlife consumption in China is not only a potential source of disease but also a practice embedded in complex beliefs about health. This paper used survey data (N = 974) collected in China in June 2021 to examine attitudes and behaviors related to (a) wildlife consumption, (b) Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and (c) zoonotic risk after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. 40.1% of respondents self-reported that they are less likely to consume wild animals since the outbreak of COVID-19. Respondents who used wildlife supplements for TCM, who believed in the benefits of wild animal consumption and fresh slaughter of wildlife, and who had higher levels of agreement with the zoonotic origin of COVID-19 were more likely to report that they had decreased their wildlife consumption after the outbreak of COVID-19. Use of wildlife in TCM significantly increased the odds that a respondent believed that COVID-19 was very likely zoonotic. We discuss how situating wildlife consumption within complex beliefs about health and disease can assist with protecting wildlife and public health in the wake of COVID-19.
Animales Salvajes , COVID-19 , Animales , Humanos , Pandemias , COVID-19/epidemiología , Zoonosis/epidemiología , China/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of prebiotic has increased substantially over the past decades. Little is known on its metabolic effects in zoo herbivores. We investigated the difference in faecal metabolites to characterize the composition and pathways involved after feeding inulin in zoo Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii). METHODS: Faecal samples were collected from before inulin treatment group and after treatment groups in six adult tapirs and analysed using untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods. The differential metabolites identified and metabolic pathways involved were analysed using KEGG annotation. RESULTS: The results demonstrated significant alterations in faecal metabolites and metabolic pathways in comparison to the control group. The amounts of differential metabolites and metabolic pathways tended to enrich with time after the treatment. We found that tryptophan and purine metabolism were relevant to the important metabolic pathways of the metabolite differences. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that inulin may have potential applications in captive wildlife, which may provide insights into the effects of prebiotic supplementation on gut metabolites and highlights further research in this field.
Inulina , Perisodáctilos , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Redes y Vías Metabólicas , Suplementos DietéticosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) helps tribal communities adapt to socio-ecological changes, improving the long-term sustainability of their livelihood strategies and fostering social-ecological resilience. TEK provides thorough understanding of ecosystem dynamics, as well as how they relate to societal norms, practices, and resource use patterns. The integrity of TEK is often in jeopardy due to changes in belief systems, regional languages, traditional ways of subsistence, and disruption of traditional social-ecological systems. Landscape restoration has the ability to promote self-determination while safeguarding the livelihoods, beliefs, cultural, and biodiversity of indigenous peoples. However, there is a substantial knowledge gap on how TEK might aid ecosystem restoration, particularly in elephant corridors. METHODS: The current study focused on gathering traditional ecological knowledge on the woody tree species from the Dering-Dibru Saikhowa Elephant Corridor using semi-structured interviews, group discussions, and direct observations. The acquired data were applied to heat map cluster analysis and ordination techniques using R software version 4.0.0. RESULTS: Traditional usage information of 31 tree species utilized for food, fodder, timber, fuelwood, medicinal, and livelihood by local people was gathered. Most of the species utilized locally belonged to the families Combretaceae and Fabaceae. The species were classified into single, double, or multi-uses based on the extent of utilization. Azadirachta indica, Phyllanthus emblica, and Syzygium cumini (six each) had the highest utilization, while Mesua ferrea had the lowest. Chionanthus ramiflorus, Artocarpus heterophyllus, and Dillenia indica were among the plants valuable to wildlife, providing both forage and habitat for a wide variety of birds and animals. Artocarpus heterophyllus, Averrhoa carambola, Mangifera indica, P. emblica, Psidium guajava, and S. cumini were among the plants important for the livelihoods of the local community. Our findings demonstrated that local people were knowledgeable about the plant species to use as pioneer species, such as Bombax ceiba, Albizia lebbeck, D. indica, S. cumini, P. emblica, Lagerstroemia speciosa, and Alstonia scholaris, for habitat restoration in a diverse habitat. We classified the habitat of the enlisted species into different categories, and two clusters (clusters 1 and 2) were identified based on the similarity of woody species in different habitats. We prioritized multiple tree species for eco-restoration using the information collected through TEK. We planted 95,582 saplings on 150 hectares in the Dering-Dibru Saikhowa Elephant Corridors' degraded habitat patches, which will serve as future reference site for landscape rehabilitation. Out of total saplings planted, 56% of the species were linked to native communities through ethnobotanical uses, as well as providing connectivity and habitat for elephant movement, 16% of all woody species are pioneer species to colonize a degraded habitat, 15% of all woody species are preferred food and foraging by wildlife, and 13% of the species as a source of livelihood for local people, incorporating social, economic, cultural, and biodiversity benefits into the restoration framework. CONCLUSION: The current study also provides insights how the TEK can assist with aspects of ecological restoration, from reference ecosystem reconstruction and adaptive management through species selection for restoration, monitoring, and evaluation of restoration effectiveness.
Ecosistema , Elefantes , Animales , Bosques , Biodiversidad , Etnobotánica/métodos , Árboles , Animales SalvajesRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Human societies have food taboos as social rules that restrict access to a particular animal. Taboos are pointed out as tools for the conservation of animals, considering that the presence of this social rule prevents the consumption of animals. This work consists of a systematic review that aimed to verify how food taboos vary between different animal species, and how this relationship has influenced their conservation. METHODS: For this systematic review, the search for articles by keywords took place in the databases "Science Direct," Scopus," "SciELo" and "Web of Science," associating the term "taboo" with the taxa "amphibians," "birds," "mammals," "fish" and "reptiles." From this search, 3959 titles were found related to the key terms of the research. After the entire screening process carried out by paired reviewers, only 25 articles were included in the search. RESULTS: It was identified that 100 species of animals are related to some type of taboo, and segmental taboos and specific taboos were predominant, with 93 and 31 citations, respectively. In addition, the taxon with the most taboos recorded was fish, followed by mammals. Our findings indicate that the taboo protects 99% of the animal species mentioned, being a crucial tool for the conservation of these species. CONCLUSIONS: The present study covered the status of current knowledge about food taboos associated with wildlife in the world. It is noticeable that taboos have a considerable effect on animal conservation, as the social restrictions imposed by taboos effectively contribute to the local conservation of species.
Animales Salvajes , Alimentos , Animales , Humanos , Tabú , MamíferosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Hunting is a vital means of obtaining animal in various human populations. Hunters rely on their knowledge of species ecology and behavior to develop and employ hunting techniques and increase their chances of success. The comparison of the hunting practices of different human societies can shed light on the sustainability of hunting and the impact it has on species' populations. In this study, we examine and compare the techniques, modalities, and baits used by urban and rural hunters in Rondônia, a state in southwestern Amazonia, Brazil. We expected that rural hunters would use these elements and have greater knowledge when compared to urban hunters. We also expect that the use of specific hunting techniques and modalities will have greater selectivity and specificity of capture for rural hunters and that this knowledge will differ between groups. METHODS: We conducted 106 semi-structured interviews with rural and urban hunters from October 2018 to February 2020. We analyzed the data using PERMANOVA and Network analyses to compare and contrast the hunting practices of each group. RESULTS: We recorded four main hunting techniques divided into ten modalities with three techniques and seven modalities being the preferred choices among hunters. Waiting for at a Fruit Tree was cited as the primary technique employed by hunters living in urban and rural areas indicated. While the techniques and modalities were similar among hunters, the composition of species targeted and baits used differed between groups. Our network approach showed that modularity in urban areas was numerically lower than in rural areas. All species had one to more techniques associated with their capture. CONCLUSIONS: Hunters living in urban and rural environments showed high similarity in their practices, probably due to sharing similar environments to hunt containing similar species, as well as targeting preferably the same species.
Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Caza , Animales , Humanos , Brasil , Grupos de Población , Ecología , Animales SalvajesRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The origin of different human emotions directed towards animals (whether in the utilitarian, affective, conflictual, or cosmological context) is strongly influenced by sociocultural factors, although our genetic predispositions also play an important role in the origin of these emotions. Such emotions guide people's representations of different species, which in turn affect their attitudes toward them. For this reason, understanding the factors that guide such attitudes becomes a key element in making conservationist decisions. In this sense, the main objective of this study was to analyze how sociocultural characteristics and bioecological representations can influence students' attitudes of empathy or antipathy towards vertebrate species; as well as which classes and species are related to greater and lesser support in people for their conservation. METHODS: To do so, 667 interviews were conducted with students from urban (n = 1) and rural (n = 2) schools in the Brazilian semi-arid region. We used mixed generalized linear models (GLMM) to examine the effect of social factors and bioecological representations on empathy and antipathy attitudes and multiple factor analysis (MFA) to examine the relationship between the biological characteristics of the animals (positive or negative) and the attitudes toward them (antipathetic or empathetic). RESULTS: Through GLMM, we found that students from the urban area and from lower school levels are more extreme in their responses, more frequently expressing both empathy and antipathy towards wild animals. Regarding gender, women had a higher frequency of responses associated with aversion than men for species perceived as dangerous and poisonous (p < 0.001). Through the MFA, we found greater support (empathy) for the conservation of fish species (31.56%), birds (29.37%) and mammals (25.94%), with emphasis on the Red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana) and clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) species, and less support (antipathy) for reptile and amphibian species such as rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus) and horned frogs (Ceratophrys joazeirensis). CONCLUSIONS: The attitudinal ambivalence reflected by varying empathy for certain species and antipathy to others has important implications for wildlife conservation. Understanding the socioeconomic factors and emotions that influence attitudes towards animals can enable integrating educational strategies for the conservation of species, especially those which are culturally important.
Emociones , Estudiantes , Animales , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Factores Socioeconómicos , Animales Salvajes , Anuros , Actitud , MamíferosRESUMEN
The Costa Rican pygmy rice rat (Oligoryzomys costaricensis) is the primary reservoir of Choclo orthohantavirus (CHOV), the causal agent of hantavirus disease, pulmonary syndrome, and fever in humans in Panama. Since the emergence of CHOV in early 2000, we have systematically sampled and archived rodents from >150 sites across Panama to establish a baseline understanding of the host and virus, producing a permanent archive of holistic specimens that we are now probing in greater detail. We summarize these collections and explore preliminary habitat/virus associations to guide future wildlife surveillance and public health efforts related to CHOV and other zoonotic pathogens. Host sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene form a single monophyletic clade in Panama, despite wide distribution across Panama. Seropositive samples were concentrated in the central region of western Panama, consistent with the ecology of this agricultural commensal and the higher incidence of CHOV in humans in that region. Hantavirus seroprevalence in the pygmy rice rat was >15% overall, with the highest prevalence in agricultural areas (21%) and the lowest prevalence in shrublands (11%). Host-pathogen distribution, transmission dynamics, genomic evolution, and habitat affinities can be derived from the preserved samples, which include frozen tissues, and now provide a foundation for expanded investigations of orthohantaviruses in Panama.
Infecciones por Hantavirus , Orthohantavirus , Animales , Ratas , Humanos , Animales Salvajes , Estudios Seroepidemiológicos , Infecciones por Hantavirus/epidemiología , Infecciones por Hantavirus/veterinaria , Sigmodontinae , Roedores , Orthohantavirus/genética , Reservorios de EnfermedadesRESUMEN
The ethnic communities living near protected areas are critically dependent on medicinal plants for their healthcare. Although several ethnomedicinal studies are available from the Himalaya, quantitative studies focusing on protected areas in this region are largely overlooked. In this study, we aimed to document the ethnomedicinal plants of the Overa-Aru wildlife sanctuary in Kashmir Himalaya. We conducted a systematic field survey in the study area during 2020â-â2021 to collect primary data from 110 participants through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The data was analyzed using quantitative indices and Pearson's correlation. We recorded 64 plant species used against 8 human disease categories, including some first-time reports from the region. Asteraceae and Lamiaceae were the most dominant families and herbs were the dominant growth form. The most common plant part used were leaves, and the main method of preparation was decoction. Plant species with the highest relative frequency of citation was Achillea millifolium (0.83). Informant consensus factor for each disease category ranged from 0.94 to 0.97. We found a strong positive correlation between participants' age and citations (r = 0.85), but a negative correlation between the participants' education status and citations (r = - 0.11). Our results revealed that the younger generation possesses the least ethnomedicinal information. We recommend that the species with high use values and fidelity level merit priority in phytochemical and pharmaceutical studies. Our findings highlight that protected areas, besides their prime importance in biodiversity conservation, play a pivotal role in providing the healthcare provisioning ecosystem services to the ethnic communities.
Animales Salvajes , Plantas Medicinales , Animales , Humanos , Etnobotánica/métodos , Ecosistema , Medicina Tradicional/métodos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , FitoterapiaRESUMEN
Shrublands globally have undergone structural changes due to plant invasions, including the expansion of native trees. Removal of native conifer trees, especially juniper (Juniperus spp.), is occurring across the Great Basin of the western U.S. to support declining sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitats and associated wildlife species, such as greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). One justification for conifer removal is that it may improve survival of sagebrush-associated wildlife by reducing the abundance of avian predators. However, the relationship between conifer expansion and predator distributions has not been explicitly evaluated. Further, although structural characteristics of habitat are important for generalist predators, overall prey abundance may also affect habitat use by predators. We examined habitat use of common ravens (Corvus corax) and red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), two generalist predators whose populations are increasing in western North America, to variation in structural characteristics and prey distributions in sagebrush habitat that has experienced conifer expansion. Structural characteristics of habitat were important predictors of habitat use for both ravens and red-tailed hawks, whereas measures of prey abundance were unimportant for both species likely because generalist predators can use a wide variety of food resources. Ravens, but not red-tailed hawks, responded positively to increasing cover of juniper and the probability of habitat use was highest (> 0.95) where juniper cover within 100 m was > 20%. Habitat use by red-tailed hawks, but not ravens, was greater near cliffs but was not associated with juniper cover. Our study suggests that the removal of conifer in similar environments may lower the probability of habitat use for ravens, a common predator with significant impacts on many prey species. Therefore, we suggest conifer removal may improve sage-grouse reproductive success and survival depending on responses to conifer removal from other predators. Our results may be reflective of similar changes in rangeland ecosystems around the world undergoing expansion of conifer and other woody vegetation. Though species identities differ from sagebrush habitats, generalist avian predators in other habitats may have similar relationships with structural resources.
Artemisia , Galliformes , Juniperus , Tracheophyta , Animales , Ecosistema , Galliformes/fisiología , Animales Salvajes , América del Norte , CodornizRESUMEN
Urbanisation and associated anthropogenic activities release large quantities of toxic metals and metalloids into the environment, where they may bioaccumulate and threaten both wildlife and human health. In highly transformed landscapes, terrestrial carnivores may be at increased risk of exposure through biomagnification. We quantified metallic element and metalloid exposure in blood of caracals (Caracal caracal), an adaptable felid inhabiting the rapidly urbanising, coastal metropole of Cape Town, South Africa. Using redundancy analysis and mixed-effect models, we explored the influence of demography, landscape use, and diet on the concentration of 11 metals and metalloids. Although species-specific toxic thresholds are lacking, arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) were present at potentially sublethal levels in several individuals. Increased use of human-transformed landscapes, particularly urban areas, roads, and vineyards, was significantly associated with increased exposure to aluminium (Al), cobalt (Co) and lead (Pb). Foraging closer to the coast and within aquatic food webs was associated with increased levels of mercury (Hg), selenium (Se) and arsenic, where regular predation on seabirds and waterbirds likely facilitates transfer of metals from aquatic to terrestrial food webs. Further, several elements were linked to lower haemoglobin levels (chromium, mercury, manganese, and zinc) and elevated levels of infection-fighting cells (mercury and selenium). Our results highlight the importance of anthropogenic activities as major environmental sources of metal contamination in terrestrial wildlife, including exposure across the land-ocean continuum. These findings contribute towards the growing evidence suggesting cities are particularly toxic areas for wildlife. Co-exposure to a suite of metal pollutants may threaten the long-term health and persistence of Cape Town's caracal population in unexpected ways, particularly when interacting with additional known pollutant and pathogen exposure. The caracal is a valuable sentinel for assessing metal exposure and can be used in pollution monitoring programmes to mitigate exposure and promote biodiversity conservation in human-dominated landscapes.
Arsénico , Contaminantes Ambientales , Mercurio , Metaloides , Metales Pesados , Selenio , Animales , Humanos , Arsénico/análisis , Selenio/análisis , Sudáfrica , Metales/análisis , Mercurio/análisis , Contaminantes Ambientales/análisis , Cromo/análisis , Metaloides/análisis , Animales Salvajes , Océanos y Mares , Metales Pesados/análisis , Monitoreo del AmbienteRESUMEN
When an offshore oil spill occurs, it is often assumed that there will be no wildlife impacted or that an oiled wildlife response could not be undertaken. In most cases, one or both assumptions are wrong. With increasing offshore fishing, petroleum exploration, and shipping routes, the risk of accidents and spills offshore has increased. This review outlines the important considerations for offshore oiled wildlife response and explores two case studies on offshore oiled wildlife response planning based on offshore drilling or active platforms in New Zealand and Brazil. There are significant challenges for running a response in offshore environments; however, with planning, including preparation of specialized response plans, equipment, and readiness of skilled personnel, an offshore oiled wildlife response can lead to greater survival and protection for wildlife and the environment.
Contaminación por Petróleo , Petróleo , Animales , Nueva Zelanda , Brasil , Animales SalvajesRESUMEN
The aim of this study was to a) evaluate the concentration of Se and Hg and their relationship in the tissues of 4 species of wild mammals, including Se:Hg molar ratios, and b) evaluate the effect of the analysed elements and their mutual proportions expressed as Se:Hg molar ratio, on the antioxidant system in the tissues of the tested animals. The study was performed on 31 animals belonging to four species: wild boar, red fox, roe deer, brown hare. Determination of Hg in liver, kidney and muscle of animals was performed using an AMA 254 mercury analyser. Total Se concentrations were determined using the spectrofluorometric method. In omnivores demonstrated higher Se concentrations in all analysed organs compared to the herbivores. The highest concentration of Hg was found in the kidneys of the tested animals, and the lowest in the muscles. High and moderate correlation between Se and Hg was observed in the liver of omnivorous, while in herbivores this correlation was weak. In all analysed samples, the Se:Hg molar ratios were above 1 (min: liver 5.9, max: kidney 110). Generally, the highest Se:Hg ratio values were found in kidney and the lowest in liver of tested animals. No significant correlation was found between GPx, GST and SOD activity and Se or Hg concentration in analysed organs. But it was observed that Se:Hg molar was negatively correlated with CAT activity in the most samples. The obtained results may suggest that omnivorous animals demonstrate greater Hg sequestration in the liver than herbivores, which has been proposed as one of the mechanisms of Se antagonistic action towards Hg. The ratio between Se and Hg, rather than the concentration of these elements in organs, affected the antioxidant status in the animal organism, specifically the CAT activity.
Ciervos , Mercurio , Selenio , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Animales , Antioxidantes/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Zorros , Mercurio/análisis , Selenio/análisis , Sus scrofa , Porcinos , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Animales SalvajesRESUMEN
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is characterized by the accumulation of the amyloid ß (Aß) protein in blood vessels and leads to hemorrhages, strokes, and dementia in elderly individuals. Recent reports have shown elevated copper levels colocalized with vascular amyloid in human CAA and Alzheimer's disease patients, which have been suggested to contribute to cytotoxicity through the formation of reactive oxygen species. Here, we treated a transgenic rat model of CAA (rTg-DI) with the copper-specific chelator, tetrathiomolybdate (TTM), via intraperitoneal (IP) administration for 6 months to determine if it could lower copper content in vascular amyloid deposits and modify CAA pathology. Results showed that TTM treatment led to elevated Aß load in the hippocampus of the rTg-DI rats and increased microbleeds in the wild type (WT) animals. X-ray fluorescence microscopy was performed to image the distribution of copper and revealed a surprising increase in copper colocalized with Aß aggregates in TTM-treated rTg-DI rats. Unexpectedly, we also found an increase in the copper content in unaffected vessels of both rTg-DI and WT animals. These results show that IP administration of TTM was ineffective in removing copper from vascular Aß aggregates in vivo and increased the development of disease pathology in CAA.
Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Angiopatía Amiloide Cerebral , Ratas , Humanos , Animales , Anciano , Péptidos beta-Amiloides/metabolismo , Ratas Transgénicas , Cobre/metabolismo , Terapia por Quelación , Angiopatía Amiloide Cerebral/tratamiento farmacológico , Angiopatía Amiloide Cerebral/metabolismo , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/metabolismo , Animales Salvajes , Quelantes/farmacología , Quelantes/metabolismo , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Placa Amiloide/metabolismoRESUMEN
The use of traditional medicines has tremendously increased over the past few decades. Approximately 80% of the world's population relies on traditional medicines for their primary healthcare needs because of their cost effectiveness and efficiency with no or minimal side effects. Zootherapy refers to the use of medicines that are prepared or derived from animals or from their products. The current study documented the folk knowledge related to the practice of various animal-derived products and ethnozoological based drugs used as medicines by the residents of the Cholistan desert of Bahawalpur (Pakistan). In this regard 46 knowledgeable and reliable elderly people, hakims and spiritual healers ranging from 35-60 years of age having knowledge related to zootherapy were included in the current study. A field survey from February 2006 to November 2007 was conducted by interviewing the selected respondents through a structured questionnaire. They provided knowledge regarding the use of animals and their derived products in traditional medicine. The zootherapeutic knowledge was based on both domestic animals as well as wild animals. A total of 20 animal species were included in the study, among which nine animals were domestic while 11 were wild animals. Among selected animals, nine were mammals, four birds, four reptiles and three insects. It was reported that camel was the most commonly used (n = 32 respondents) among mammals while Pigeon (n = 39 respondents), Spiny-tailed lizard (n = 41 respondents) and Indian honey bee (n = 27 respondents) among birds, reptiles and insects, respectively, have significant use for the treatment of different diseases. Based on this communication we could recommend that this type of abandoned knowledge should be considered for the management and conservation of faunistic resources. However, the advantageous role of animals and their products was reported but more extensive research is required to explore the bioactive constituents in the raw material of these animals responsible for their beneficial effects.
Animales Salvajes , Medicina Tradicional , Animales , Abejas , Pakistán/epidemiología , Animales Domésticos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , MamíferosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Hunting has been an important cultural and subsistence activity for the survival of the human population. In the Brazilian semiarid region (Caatinga), the extreme seasonal changes and socioeconomic conditions have made local people dependent on the natural resources available, including wildlife. Although hunting with dogs can result in higher efficiency for hunters, it can also have implications for game species conservation. METHODS: Using an ethnozoological approach (semi-structured questionnaires, free interviews, informal conversations, and free listing technique), this study aimed to analyze the patterns of hunting with dogs activities in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil by characterizing hunters' and hunting dogs' profiles, investigating target and nontarget prey species, hunters' practices, motivations, and perceptions regarding the efficiency of hunting with dogs. RESULTS: We found that hunters that use dog assistance were mostly men, of different ages, with an occupation in agriculture, receiving less than a minimum wage, and with a low level of formal education. Hunters use two or more mixed-breed dogs with no clear preference regarding dogs' sex. The motivations for hunting with dogs included mainly food, sport, and trade. Hunters cited twenty species captured by dogs without distinction between prey's sex and age (14 mammals, 4 birds, and 2 reptiles). Only six of these were mentioned as being target prey when hunting with dogs. From nontarget species, eight carnivores are usually left at the site of kill, as they have no use to the hunters. Hunters perceived that hunting with dogs could be three times more efficient than hunting without dogs. CONCLUSION: Overall, hunting with dogs represents a complex set of local variables, including characteristics of dogs and prey species, hunters' motivations, and practices that should be considered according to each particular situation. Considering the human dependence on natural resources in the semiarid region, hunters should be included in wildlife management debates to mitigate the threat to game species while allowing sustainable hunting practices.