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Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-ADZ-382


La silicosis por compactos de cuarzo es una presentación nueva de una enfermedad antigua por un producto nuevo. Se conocía pocos casos, porque el CEPROSS solo reconoce casos con baja y dos en la misma empresa. Y se atienden por Mutualidad. Lo novedoso es el cambio de perspectiva, de laboral a epidemiológico. Y se investiga como un problema de salud pública, en el que un solo caso, con o sin baja, lleva a su investigación. Y se llevan los casos por el Servicio Andaluz de Salud. (AU)

Humanos , Silicosis , Epidemias , Enfermedad , Salud Pública , España
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255152, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529220


O presente estudo buscou investigar a percepção que pacientes adultos de uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) oncológica têm acerca da experiência de internação nesse setor. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e de compreensão. Sete pacientes de um hospital de câncer na região Sul do país foram pesquisados. Eles responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada, a qual foi gravada e posteriormente transcrita, o que possibilitou o acesso às concepções prévias desses sujeitos acerca da UTI, aspectos psicológicos presentes durante a internação e concepções posteriores à experiência de internamento na unidade. Tais informações foram interpretadas por meio da análise de conteúdo. A partir dos resultados, foi possível verificar que a experiência de internação em contextos de terapia intensiva pode ser afetada, favorável ou desfavoravelmente, pelo conjunto de regras que o paciente traz consigo acerca do que é a UTI. Além disso, foi possível compreender também que os estímulos aversivos existentes nesse ambiente podem ser atenuados pela presença da família e por uma relação acolhedora e sensível com a equipe de saúde, favorecendo, assim, o repertório de enfrentamento do paciente frente a esse momento crítico de saúde.(AU)

This study aims to investigate the perception of adult patients in an oncology intensive care unit (ICU) regarding the experience of hospitalization in this sector. This is a research with a qualitative approach and understanding. Seven patients from a cancer hospital in the southern region of the country were surveyed. They answered a semi-structured interview, which was recorded and later transcribed, on the subjects' previous conceptions about the ICU, psychological aspects present during hospitalization, and conceptions subsequent to the hospitalization experience in the Unit. Such information was interpreted through content analysis. From the results, it was possible to verify that the experience of hospitalization in intensive care contexts can be affected, favorably or unfavorably, by the set of rules that the patient brings with them about what the ICU is. In addition, it was also possible to understand that the aversive stimulus existing in this environment can be attenuated by the presence of the family and by a welcoming and sensitive relationship with the health team, thus favoring the patient's coping repertoire when facing a critical moment of health.(AU)

Este estudio pretendió investigar la percepción que tienen los pacientes adultos sobre la experiencia de hospitalización en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) de oncología. Se trata de una investigación con enfoque cualitativo y de comprensión. Participaron siete pacientes de un hospital oncológico en la región Sur de Brasil. Se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada, que fue grabada y, posteriormente, transcrita, lo que permitió acceder a las concepciones previas de los sujetos sobre la UCI, los aspectos psicológicos presentes durante la hospitalización y las concepciones posteriores a la experiencia de internación en la Unidad. Dicha información se interpretó mediante análisis de contenido. A partir de los resultados, fue posible constatar que la experiencia de hospitalización en cuidados intensivos puede ser afectada favorable o desfavorablemente por el conjunto de normas que el paciente trae consigo sobre qué es la UTI. Además, se constató que los estímulos adversos existentes en este ambiente pueden mitigarse mediante la presencia de la familia y la relación acogedora y sensible con el equipo de salud, lo que favorece así el repertorio de afrontamiento del paciente ante este momento crítico de salud.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Psicología Médica , Salud , Psicooncología , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Ansiedad , Dolor , Cuidados Paliativos , Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Pronóstico , Psicología , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , Calidad de Vida , Radioterapia , Rehabilitación , Descanso , Seguridad , Signos y Síntomas , Sueño , Apoyo Social , Estrés Psicológico , Cirugía General , Cuidado Terminal , Terapéutica , Biopsia , Instituciones Oncológicas , Curación Homeopática , Enfermedad , Riesgo , Entrevista , Sistemas Integrados y Avanzados de Gestión de la Información , Vida , Afecto , Muerte , Atención a la Salud , Confianza , Depresión , Quimioterapia , Efectos Colaterales y Reacciones Adversas Relacionados con Medicamentos , Empatía , Prevención de Enfermedades , Humanización de la Atención , Acogimiento , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Detección Precoz del Cáncer , Fatiga , Miedo , Terapia Molecular Dirigida , Comodidad del Paciente , Tristeza , Solidaridad , Modelos de Atención de Salud , Distrés Psicológico , Apoyo Familiar , Familiares Acompañantes , Promoción de la Salud , Servicios de Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Inmunoterapia , Institucionalización , Soledad , Medicina , Anticuerpos , Neoplasias , Antineoplásicos
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250670, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448949


Este artigo refere-se à parte de uma pesquisa de doutorado, realizada em hospital de alta complexidade do Sistema Único de Saúde, cujos participantes são os profissionais de saúde. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o potencial da abordagem das narrativas como método de pesquisa e intervenção nos serviços de saúde, traçando aproximações com a teoria psicanalítica. Sua relevância no campo da Saúde Pública está calcada no reconhecimento do papel do sujeito como agente de mudanças. O texto divide-se em duas partes: na primeira, explora as especificidades do trabalho na área da saúde, o paradigma da saúde pública no que concerne à gestão e possíveis contribuições da clínica ampliada para esse modelo. Na segunda parte, analisa o uso das narrativas como método de pesquisa nesse campo e as aproximações conceituais entre a narrativa em Walter Benjamin e a psicanálise em Freud. Busca na literatura referências sobre experiências análogas que fundamentem a proposta ora realizada e conclui pela importância de, no momento atual, apostar na força germinativa das narrativas como fonte criativa de novas formas de cuidar.(AU)

This article derives from a PhD research conducted with health professionals at a high-complexity public hospital from the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). It analyzes the potential of the narrative as a research and intervention method in health services, outlining approximations with psychoanalysis. In the field of Public Health, the narrative approach acknowledges the individual as an agent of change. The text is divided into two parts. The first presents an overview of the peculiarities involved in healthcare, the Public Health paradigm regarding service management and possible contributions from the expanded clinic to this model. The second analyzes the use of narratives as a research method in this field and the conceptual approximations between Benjamin's narrative and Freud's psychoanalysis. It searches the literature for references on similar experiences to support the present proposal and concludes by highlighting the importance of betting on the creative power of narratives as a source for new ways to care.(AU)

Este artículo es parte de una investigación doctoral, realizada con los profesionales de la salud de un hospital de alta complejidad del Sistema Único de Salud de Brasil. Su propósito es analizar el potencial del enfoque en narrativas como método de investigación e intervención en los servicios de salud, esbozando aproximaciones entre las narrativas y la teoría del psicoanálisis. Su relevancia en el campo de la salud pública se basa en el reconocimiento del rol del sujeto como agente de cambio. El texto se divide en dos partes: La primera investiga las especificidades del trabajo en el área de la salud, el paradigma de la salud pública en la gestión de los servicios y las posibles contribuciones de la clínica ampliada a este modelo. En la segunda parte, analiza el uso de narrativas como método de investigación en este campo y las aproximaciones conceptuales entre la narrativa de Walter Benjamin y el psicoanálisis de Freud. Este estudio busca en la literatura referencias sobre experiencias similares que apoyen la propuesta ahora realizada y concluye con la importancia de, en el momento actual, apostar por el poder de las narrativas como fuente creadora de nuevas formas de cuidar.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Psicoanálisis , Políticas, Planificación y Administración en Salud , Narración , Investigación Cualitativa , Educación en Salud Pública Profesional , Políticas , Ansiedad , Dolor , Parapsicología , Personalidad , Política , Interpretación Psicoanalítica , Psicología , Psicopatología , Psicoterapia , Administración en Salud Pública , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , Regionalización , Cambio Social , Condiciones Sociales , Factores Socioeconómicos , Sociología , Superego , Evaluación de la Tecnología Biomédica , Inconsciente en Psicología , Conducta , Síntomas Conductuales , Cooperación Técnica , Agotamiento Profesional , Actividades Cotidianas , Salud Mental , Enfermedad , Técnicas Psicológicas , Estrategias de Salud , Eficiencia Organizacional , Vida , Equidad en Salud , Modernización Organizativa , Tecnología Biomédica , Vulnerabilidad ante Desastres , Cultura , Capitalismo , Valor de la Vida , Muerte , Depresión , Economía , Ego , Gestión de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en Salud , Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas , Funciones Esenciales de la Salud Pública , Humanización de la Atención , Ética Institucional , Tecnología de la Información , Terapia Narrativa , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Integralidad en Salud , Atención Ambulatoria , Trauma Psicológico , Terapia Centrada en la Emoción , Estrés Laboral , Fascismo , Agotamiento Psicológico , Psicoterapia Interpersonal , Distrés Psicológico , Factores Sociodemográficos , Vulnerabilidad Social , Empleos en Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Historia , Derechos Humanos , Id , Servicios de Salud Mental , Principios Morales
J. nurs. health ; 12(3): 2212321395, out.2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1426184


Objetivo: compreender a relação da fé e/ou espiritualidade no enfrentamento do adoecimento. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, realizado com 18 pacientes internados na clínica médica de um hospital universitário no Sul do Brasil. As informações foram coletadas de setembro a outubro de 2019, através de instrumento semiestruturado e categorizadas por meio de análise temática. Resultados: a fé e/ou espiritualidade são recursos importantes evidenciada entre pacientes durante o processo de adoecimento e se manifestam de forma individual podendo variar de acordo com cada cultura, crenças e vivências. Conclusões: a fé e/ou espiritualidade está presente em todos os entrevistados e se fortalece quando alguma doença ameaça modificar a vida. Logo, cabe aos profissionais da saúde reconhecerem esse potencial e incluí-la no plano de cuidado, tornando-o mais humanizado.  (AU)

Objective: to understand the relationship between faith and/or spirituality in coping with illness. Method: a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study, with eighteen patients admitted to the medical clinic of university hospital in southern Brazil. The semi-structured interview was conducted from September and October 2019 and data was categorized through thematic analysis. Results: faith and/or spirituality are important resources showed among patients during the illness process and are manifested individually and may varying according to each culture, beliefs, and experiences. Conclusions: faith and/or spirituality was present in all the interviewees and is strengthened when some disease threatens to change their lives. Therefore, it is up to health professionals to recognize this potential aspect and include it in the care plan, making it more humanized.(AU)

Objetivo: comprender la relación de la fe y/o la espiritualidad para afrontar la enfermedad. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, realizado con 18 pacientes ingresados en la clínica médica de un hospital universitario en el sur de Brasil. Las informaciones fueron colectadas de setiembre a octubre de 2019, mediante instrumento semiestructurado y categorizadas por medio de análisis temáticos. Resultados: la fe y/o la espiritualidad son recursos importantes que se evidencian entre los pacientes durante el proceso de la enfermedad y se manifiestan de forma individual y pueden variar según cada cultura, creencias y experiencias. Conclusiones: la fe y/o la espiritualidad está presente en todos los entrevistados y se fortalece cuándo alguna enfermedad representa una amenaza en sus vidas. Luego, cabe a los profesionales de la salud reconocer ese potencial y incluirlo en el plan de cuidado tornándolo más humanizado.(AU)

Pacientes , Enfermedad , Espiritualidad , Hospitales
JAMA ; 328(2): 184-197, 2022 07 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35819420


Importance: Despite growing evidence, the role of spirituality in serious illness and health has not been systematically assessed. Objective: To review evidence concerning spirituality in serious illness and health and to identify implications for patient care and health outcomes. Evidence Review: Searches of PubMed, PsycINFO, and Web of Science identified articles with evidence addressing spirituality in serious illness or health, published January 2000 to April 2022. Independent reviewers screened, summarized, and graded articles that met eligibility criteria. Eligible serious illness studies included 100 or more participants; were prospective cohort studies, cross-sectional descriptive studies, meta-analyses, or randomized clinical trials; and included validated spirituality measures. Eligible health outcome studies prospectively examined associations with spirituality as cohort studies, case-control studies, or meta-analyses with samples of at least 1000 or were randomized trials with samples of at least 100 and used validated spirituality measures. Applying Cochrane criteria, studies were graded as having low, moderate, serious, or critical risk of bias, and studies with serious and critical risk of bias were excluded. Multidisciplinary Delphi panels consisting of clinicians, public health personnel, researchers, health systems leaders, and medical ethicists qualitatively synthesized and assessed the evidence and offered implications for health care. Evidence-synthesis statements and implications were derived from panelists' qualitative input; panelists rated the former on a 9-point scale (from "inconclusive" to "strongest evidence") and ranked the latter by order of priority. Findings: Of 8946 articles identified, 371 articles met inclusion criteria for serious illness; of these, 76.9% had low to moderate risk of bias. The Delphi panel review yielded 8 evidence statements supported by evidence categorized as strong and proposed 3 top-ranked implications of this evidence for serious illness: (1) incorporate spiritual care into care for patients with serious illness; (2) incorporate spiritual care education into training of interdisciplinary teams caring for persons with serious illness; and (3) include specialty practitioners of spiritual care in care of patients with serious illness. Of 6485 health outcomes articles, 215 met inclusion criteria; of these, 66.0% had low to moderate risk of bias. The Delphi panel review yielded 8 evidence statements supported by evidence categorized as strong and proposed 3 top-ranked implications of this evidence for health outcomes: (1) incorporate patient-centered and evidence-based approaches regarding associations of spiritual community with improved patient and population health outcomes; (2) increase awareness among health professionals of evidence for protective health associations of spiritual community; and (3) recognize spirituality as a social factor associated with health in research, community assessments, and program implementation. Conclusions and Relevance: This systematic review, analysis, and process, based on highest-quality evidence available and expert consensus, provided suggested implications for addressing spirituality in serious illness and health outcomes as part of person-centered, value-sensitive care.

Enfermedad , Salud , Terapias Espirituales , Espiritualidad , Estudios Transversales , Personal de Salud , Humanos , Estudios Prospectivos
Nature ; 608(7922): 336-345, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35896751


In European and many African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian populations, lactase persistence (LP) is the most strongly selected monogenic trait to have evolved over the past 10,000 years1. Although the selection of LP and the consumption of prehistoric milk must be linked, considerable uncertainty remains concerning their spatiotemporal configuration and specific interactions2,3. Here we provide detailed distributions of milk exploitation across Europe over the past 9,000 years using around 7,000 pottery fat residues from more than 550 archaeological sites. European milk use was widespread from the Neolithic period onwards but varied spatially and temporally in intensity. Notably, LP selection varying with levels of prehistoric milk exploitation is no better at explaining LP allele frequency trajectories than uniform selection since the Neolithic period. In the UK Biobank4,5 cohort of 500,000 contemporary Europeans, LP genotype was only weakly associated with milk consumption and did not show consistent associations with improved fitness or health indicators. This suggests that other reasons for the beneficial effects of LP should be considered for its rapid frequency increase. We propose that lactase non-persistent individuals consumed milk when it became available but, under conditions of famine and/or increased pathogen exposure, this was disadvantageous, driving LP selection in prehistoric Europe. Comparison of model likelihoods indicates that population fluctuations, settlement density and wild animal exploitation-proxies for these drivers-provide better explanations of LP selection than the extent of milk exploitation. These findings offer new perspectives on prehistoric milk exploitation and LP evolution.

Arqueología , Industria Lechera , Enfermedad , Genética de Población , Lactasa , Leche , Selección Genética , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Bancos de Muestras Biológicas , Cerámica/historia , Estudios de Cohortes , Industria Lechera/historia , Europa (Continente)/epidemiología , Europa (Continente)/etnología , Hambruna/estadística & datos numéricos , Frecuencia de los Genes , Genotipo , Historia Antigua , Humanos , Lactasa/genética , Leche/metabolismo , Reino Unido
J Cell Physiol ; 237(8): 3239-3256, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35696609


The circadian system is responsible for internal functions and regulation of the organism according to environmental cues (zeitgebers). Circadian rhythm dysregulation or chronodisruption has been associated with several diseases, from mental to autoimmune diseases, and with life quality change. Following this, some therapies have been developed to correct circadian misalignments, such as light therapy and chronobiotics. In this manuscript, we describe the circadian-related diseases so far investigated, and studies reporting relevant data on this topic, evidencing this relationship, are included. Despite the actual limitations in published work, there is clear evidence of the correlation between circadian rhythm dysregulation and disease origin/development, and, in this way, clock-related therapies emerge as great progress in the clinical field. Future improvements in such interventions can lead to the development of successful chronotherapy strategies, deeply contributing to enhanced therapeutic outcomes.

Trastornos Cronobiológicos , Ritmo Circadiano , Enfermedad , Trastornos Cronobiológicos/fisiopatología , Trastornos Cronobiológicos/terapia , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiología , Humanos
San Salvador; MINSAL; 2; jun. 30, 2022. 89 p. ilus, graf.
No convencional en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1393259


El Salvador está implementando la estrategia «Fin de la TB¼, que abarca un conjunto de intervenciones que pueden adaptarse plenamente a nivel nacional. Cuenta con diez componentes organizados en tres pilares y cuatro principios fundamentales; requiere la rectoría del SNIS, coordinación sólida con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y las comunidades, un enfoque basado en derechos humanos, ética y equidad, y la adaptación nacional de la estrategia y las metas. La presente guía unifica conocimientos sobre la enfermedad y criterios de diagnóstico, tratamiento de la TB y la coinfección TB-VIH, para aplicar las medidas de prevención de la TB dentro de los establecimientos del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS)

El Salvador is implementing the "End TB" strategy, which encompasses a set of interventions that can be fully adapted at the national level. It has ten components organized into three pillars and four fundamental principles; It requires leadership of the SNIS, solid coordination with civil society organizations and communities, an approach based on human rights, ethics and equity, and the national adaptation of the strategy and goals. This guide unifies knowledge about the disease and diagnostic criteria, treatment of TB and TB-HIV coinfection, to apply TB prevention measures within the establishments of the National Integrated Health System (SNIS)

Pediatría , Tuberculosis , VIH , Coinfección , Atención , Enfermedad , El Salvador
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 20(2): 1-20, 20220510.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1427173


Introduction: In Colombia, a majority of the indigenous peoples are at risk of physical and cultural extinc-tion. In addition, the lack of studies related to analyzing their own narratives about the issues surround-ing indigenous health is telling. This absence results in difficulties of analysis and intervention culturally appropriate for indigenous problems. Thus, the objective was to unveil the narratives about the human life process in the indigenous peoples of Colombia constructed by indigenous migrant university students in Bogotá. Materials and methods: This research is qualitative, with a narrative approach, and is based on the hermeneutical­interpretive paradigm. Eight undergraduate students in Bogotá, between the ages of 18 and 40, belonging to the Kamentsá, Pastos, Pijao, Kankuamo, Nasa, and Misak peoples, were inter-viewed. Results: Life in harmony, anchored to the territory of origin, was identified as the key organizing concept for all understandings of health, illness, death, and care. Conclusions: Designing appropriate healthcare interventions aimed at indigenous people requires considering their own understandings of the human life process in an intrinsic relationship with the integral harmony between person, commu-nity, and territory

Introducción: En Colombia, la mayoría de los pueblos indígenas se encuentran en riesgo de extinción física y cultural. Además, existe una deficiencia de estudios relacionados con el análisis de narrativas propias sobre los asuntos que rodean la salud indígena. Tal ausencia deriva en las dificultades de análisis e intervención culturalmente apropiada a problemas indígenas. Así, se planteó como objetivo develar las narrativas sobre el proceso vital humano en pueblos indígenas de Colombia construidas por estudiantes universitarios indígenas migrantes en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: esta investigación es cualitativa con enfoque narrativo y está basada en el paradigma hermenéutico-interpretativo. Se entrevistó a ocho estudiantes que cursan el pregrado en Bogotá, con edades entre 18 y 40 años, pertenecientes a los pueblos kamentsá, pastos, pijao, kankuamo, nasa y misak. Resultados: se identificó la vida en armonía, anclada al territorio de origen, como el concepto clave organizador de todas las comprensiones relativas a la salud, la enfermedad, la muerte y el cuidado. Conclusiones: el diseño de intervenciones sanitarias apropiadas dirigidas a indígenas requiere considerar sus propias comprensiones sobre el proceso vital humano, en relación intrínseca con la armonía integral entre persona, comunidad y territorio.

Introdução: na Colômbia, a maioria dos povos indígenas está em risco de extinção física e cultural. Além disso, faltam estudos relacionados à análise de narrativas sobre o processo de Vida Humana Indígena que partem de suas próprias perspectivas. Essa ausência é evidenciada nas dificuldades de analisar e implementar intervenções culturalmente adequadas aos problemas das comunidades indígenas. Desta forma, o objetivo é desvelar as narrativas sobre o processo vital humano nos povos indígenas da Colômbia construídas por estudantes universitários indígenas migrantes em Bogotá. Materiais e méto-dos: a pesquisa é qualitativa com abordagem narrativa e fundamenta-se no paradigma hermenêutico-in-terpretativo. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas com oito estudantes indígenas universitários, com idades entre 18 e 40 anos, pertencentes aos povos indígenas kamentsá, pastos, pijao, kankuamo, nasa e misak. Resultados: a convivência harmoniosa, ancorada nos territórios de origem, foi identificada como o conceito organizador-chave de todas as compreensões de saúde, doença, morte e cuidado. Conclusões:o desenho de intervenções de saúde adequadas dirigidas aos povos indígenas requer a consideração de seus próprios entendimentos sobre o processo da vida humana, em uma relação intrínseca com a harmonia integral entre pessoa, comunidade e território

Humanos , Adulto , Salud , Enfermedad , Atención a la Salud , Salud de Poblaciones Indígenas , Pueblos Indígenas , Métodos
Vive (El Alto) ; 5(13): 98-109, abr. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410340


Las hojas de eucalipto por muchos años se han empleado para aliviar las afecciones respiratorias; durante la pandemia su consumo se ha incrementado significativamente Objetivo. Determinar los efectos del consumo de eucalipto mediante diversas preparaciones caseras para el alivio de las afecciones respiratorias. Método. Se basa en la investigación descriptiva; pues se empleó cuestionario sobre que plantas se consumen para las afecciones respiratorias, con qué frecuencia se consume eucalipto y si el consumo de eucalipto alivia las afecciones respiratorias. Obtenidos los datos se procesaron con estadísticas básicas y análisis de correlación. Resultados. Se determinó que los pobladores encuestados utilizan plantas medicinales para el tratamiento de afecciones respiratorias, destacándose el uso de las hojas de eucalipto que consume el poblador con una frecuencia promedio de 2 veces por día de infusión de eucalipto. El porcentaje de alivio de los signos y síntomas de las afecciones respiratorias fue 80 %; la correlación del porcentaje de consumo de eucalipto con respecto al porcentaje de las personas que registraron alivio de sus afecciones respiratorias, alcanzó un valor de r= 0.989 y el análisis de varianza del porcentaje del consumo de eucalipto con relación al porcentaje que aliviaron las afecciones respiratorias, determinó un efecto significativo. Conclusión. Que el consumo de medicina natural a base de hojas de eucalipto se puede considerar como un tratamiento complementario y beneficioso para la salud; puesto que su composición tiene componentes activos tales como Cineol, α y ß-pineno, y limoneno, que tienen propiedades antibacterianas y antivirales.

Eucalyptus leaves have been used for many years to relieve respiratory conditions; during the pandemic its consumption has increased significantly Objective. To determine the effects of eucalyptus consumption through various home preparations for the relief of respiratory conditions. Method. It is based on descriptive research; since a questionnaire was used on which plants are consumed for respiratory conditions, how often eucalyptus is consumed and if the consumption of eucalyptus relieves respiratory conditions. Once the data was obtained, it was processed with basic statistics and correlation analysis. Results. It was determined that the surveyed residents use medicinal plants for the treatment of respiratory conditions, highlighting the use of eucalyptus leaves consumed by the population with an average frequency of 2 times per day of eucalyptus infusion. The percentage of relief of signs and symptoms of respiratory conditions was 80%; the correlation of the percentage of consumption of eucalyptus with respect to the percentage of people who reported relief from their respiratory conditions, reached a value of r= 0.989 and the analysis of variance of the percentage of consumption of eucalyptus with respect to the percentage that relieved respiratory conditions, determined a significant effect. Conclution. That the consumption of natural medicine based on eucalyptus leaves can be considered as a complementary and beneficial treatment for health; since its composition has active components such as Cineol, α and ß-pinene, and limonene, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

As folhas de eucalipto são usadas há muitos anos para aliviar problemas respiratórios; durante a pandemia seu consumo aumentou significativamente Objetivo. Determinar os efeitos do consumo de eucalipto através de diversas preparações caseiras para o alívio de problemas respiratórios. Método. Baseia-se em pesquisa descritiva; uma vez que foi aplicado um questionário sobre quais plantas são consumidas para condições respiratórias, com que frequência o eucalipto é consumido e se o consumo de eucalipto alivia as condições respiratórias. Uma vez obtidos os dados, estes foram processados com estatística básica e análise de correlação. Resultados. Constatou-se que os moradores pesquisados utilizam plantas medicinais para o tratamento de afecções respiratórias, destacando-se o uso de folhas de eucalipto consumidas pela população com frequência média de 2 vezes ao dia de infusão de eucalipto. O percentual de alívio dos sinais e sintomas de afecções respiratórias foi de 80%; a correlação do percentual de consumo de eucalipto com o percentual de pessoas que relataram alívio de suas condições respiratórias, atingiu um valor de r= 0,989 e a análise de variância do percentual de consumo de eucalipto com relação ao percentual que aliviou condições respiratórias, determinou um efeito significativo. Conclusão. Que o consumo de medicamentos naturais à base de folhas de eucalipto pode ser considerado um tratamento complementar e benéfico para a saúde; uma vez que sua composição possui componentes ativos como Cineol, α e ß-pineno e limoneno, que possuem propriedades antibacterianas e antivirais.

Plantas Medicinales , Eucalyptus , Enfermedades Respiratorias , Enfermedad
San Salvador; MINSAL; feb. 07, 2022. 79 p. ilus, graf.
No convencional en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1361798


La prevención y control de las enfermedades inmunoprevenibles, constituye uno de los elementos claves en la atención integral en salud, tendientes a disminuir las tasas de morbimortalidad en la población y grupos prioritarios de riesgo en El Salvador. El 31 de diciembre del 2019, la OMS notifica un brote de casos de neumonías, de etiología desconocida, en Wuhan, provincia de Hubei, China; ante tal situación el Gobierno de El Salvador, el 23 de enero de 2020, decretó Emergencia Sanitaria, por la probable llegada de casos sospechosos de 2019-nCoV y se inicia con los preparativos para enfrentar la pandemia, de lo que posteriormente se denominó como agente causal el COVID-19. Al momento, se están desarrollando más de 169 vacunas candidatas contra la COVID-19, de las cuales 52 se encuentran en fase de ensayos en seres humanos. Ante la necesidad apremiante de brindar alternativas esperanzadoras para el control de la mortalidad por dicha enfermedad, en nuestro país están por introducirse las vacunas que han mostrado la más alta eficacia, considerando los resultados prometedores de estudios existentes al momento. Este hecho, marca la necesidad, de diseñar los Lineamientos técnicos para la vacunación contra el SARS-CoV-2, a fin de establecer las disposiciones técnicas al personal de salud del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud en los procesos de conservación, transporte y aplicación de la vacuna a la población objetivo

The prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases is one of the key elements in comprehensive health care, aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality rates in the population and priority risk groups in El Salvador. On December 31, 2019, the WHO notified an outbreak of pneumonia cases, of unknown etiology, in Wuhan, Hubei province, China; Faced with such a situation, the Government of El Salvador, on January 23, 2020, decreed a Sanitary Emergency, due to the probable arrival of suspected cases of 2019-nCoV and began preparations to face the pandemic, of what was later called an agent cause COVID-19. At the moment, more than 169 candidate vaccines against COVID-19 are being developed, of which 52 are in the phase of human trials. Given the pressing need to provide hopeful alternatives to control mortality from this disease, vaccines that have shown the highest efficacy are about to be introduced in our country, considering the promising results of existing studies at the time. This fact marks the need to design the Technical Guidelines for vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, in order to establish the technical provisions for health personnel of the National Integrated Health System in the processes of conservation, transport and application of vaccines. the vaccine to the target population

Vacunación , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , Población , Enfermedad , Morbilidad
Gene ; 808: 145997, 2022 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34626720


This paper reviews theory of DNB (Dynamical Network Biomarkers) and its applications including both modern medicine and traditional medicine. We show that omics data such as gene/protein expression profiles can be effectively used to detect pre-disease states before critical transitions from healthy states to disease states by using the DNB theory. The DNB theory with big biological data is expected to lead to ultra-early precision and preventive medicine.

Progresión de la Enfermedad , Enfermedad/genética , Redes Reguladoras de Genes/genética , Algoritmos , Biomarcadores/análisis , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica/métodos , Genómica/métodos , Humanos , Proteómica/métodos , Factores de Tiempo
Health sci. dis ; 23(8): 45-50, 2022. tables,figures
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1391089


Introduction.Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute multi-systemic vasculitis of young children and infants. It is the first cause of acquired cardiac disease in children and remains poorly described in Gabon. We therefore wanted to describe the epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of this disease in two hospitals in Libreville. Patients and methods.We conducted a retrospective, descriptive study from 2014 to 2021 at the Akanda University Hospital and the El Rapha polyclinic in Libreville. All records of patients hospitalised in paediatrics for MK were included. Results.Thirty three cases of MK were retrieved, giving ahospital prevalence of0.6%. The mean age of patients was 20.4 months, the proportion of patients <18 months was 60.6% and the sex ratio was 1.7. The symptoms were observed mainly during the dry season (69.7%). Fever (100%), conjunctivitis (78.8%) and desquamation (72.7%) were the main reasons for consultation. In 24.2% of cases, a traditional medicine was administered. The average time between the onset of symptoms and hospitalization was 11 days. Once hospitalized, the diagnosis of MK was evoked within an average of 3 days. The typical form was observed in 57.6% of cases. In 100% of cases, the hemoglobin level was <12g/dl and the CRP was >15mg/l. Echocardiography was abnormal in 5 patients. Acetylsalicylic acid was the only treatment with a mean time to apyrexia of 3 days after administration. No deaths were recorded. Conclusion:the MK is relatively present in Libreville. It is important to mention it in the event of a fever of more than 5 days.

Farmacoepidemiología , Síndrome Mucocutáneo Linfonodular , Terapéutica , Enfermedad , Hipertermia Inducida
Ghana Medical Journal ; 56(3): 176-184, )2022. Figures, Tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1398774


Objectives: To estimate patient treatment cost of oral diseases in Ghana Design: A cross-sectional study design using cost-of-illness analysis was employed Setting: The study was conducted at the dental unit of the University of Ghana Hospital, Legon Participants: About185 patients attending the dental unit of the hospital were selected Interventions: None Main outcome measures: Direct medical and non-medical costs, indirect costs, and intangible costs of treatment of oral conditions Results: The estimated average cost of treatment for oral diseases was US$ 35.75. The total cost was US$ 6,614.11, with the direct and indirect costs constituting 94.5% and 5.5%, respectively of the total cost. Direct medical costs constituted 86.9%, while direct non-medical costs constituted 13.1% of the total direct cost. The richer socio-economic group had the highest cost per quintile, with a mean of US$ 46.69. The intangible cost described was highest for pain (47.1%), followed by difficulty in eating (40.8%) and sleeping (34.6%) for both men and women. Conclusion: The costs of oral diseases are huge and cannot be overlooked. Oral diseases also pose significant productivity losses to patients

Costos Directos de Servicios , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Enfermedad , Análisis de la Situación , Sustancias de Abuso por Vía Oral , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Estadística como Asunto , Ghana
West Afr. j. med ; 39(11): 1113-1118, 2022. tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1410841


BACKGROUND: The exponential rise in the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) necessitates the introduction of strategies for early diagnosis to reduce the burden of the disease. This study assessed the prevalence of prediabetes and also determined the 10-year risk of developing T2DM in Southern Nigerian rural communities by adopting the validated Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) tool. METHODS: 273 participants from 3 Southern rural communities aged 18 years and older were recruited in this cross-sectional study.Data in the FINDRISC stratification tool and Random Blood Glucose (RBG) variables were obtained for the participants. IBM SPSS version 21 was used to analyze the data with a level of significance put at p< 0.05. RESULTS: The participants' mean age was 54.20±16.61 years. The prevalence of prediabetes among the study participants based on RBG was 4.8% (3.8% of males and 6.6% of females, respectively).Most of the study participants (41%) had a low risk of developing T2DM which meant that 1 in 100 participants would become diabetic in a 10-year period, based on the FINDRISC scale. Amongst the male participants, the Total Diabetes Risk Score (TDRS) showed significant positive correlation with the RBG (r=0.315, p=0.001); similarly, a weak positive correlation between TDRS and RBG was noted among female participants. CONCLUSION: The propensity of developing T2DM in 10 years was indisputably low amongst rural dwellers in the Southern Nigerian rural communities studied. Further studies to compare the risk of developing T2DM between rural and urban communities would be required

Humanos , Enfermedad , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Estado Prediabético , Baño de Vapor , Medidas de Correlación
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20176, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403748


Abstract The increasing number of reports of web-based experiences on the success of Cannabis-based therapies in controlling seizures in children suffering from refractory epilepsy have led to efforts by governments and associations to a recent change in legislation. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) allowed the import of Cannabis extracts in 2015 and the registration of the first industrialized drug in 2017. In 2019, ANVISA approved procedures for the granting of a Sanitary Authorization for manufacturing and imports, establishing marketing requirements, prescribing, dispensing, monitoring and surveillance of cannabis products for medicinal purposes. Similar to other consumer products of health concern, is necessary to ensure the quality and health safety of these products worldwide. The aim of the present study to evaluate the presence of As, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, Co, Cr and Mn present in Cannabis extracts and resins used in the treatment of pediatric patients with neurological diseases. Samples (48 national and 24 imported) were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry - ICP-MS. The imported extracts presented more homogeneous inorganic element values, while national extracts showed varied levels, thus indicating the highest health risk.

Pacientes/clasificación , Cannabis/efectos adversos , Extractos Vegetales/administración & dosificación , Marihuana Medicinal , Espectrometría de Masas/métodos , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Salud , Enfermedad , Elementos Químicos , Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria , Resinas , Epilepsia Refractaria/tratamiento farmacológico , Métodos
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e18628, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364417


Abstract Degenerative diseases diabetes and oxidative stress constitute a major health concern worldwide. Medicinal plants are expected to provide effective and affordable remedies. The present research explored antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of extracts of Carissa opaca roots. Methanolic extract (ME) was prepared through maceration. Its fractions were obtained, sequentially, in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. An aqueous decoction (AD) of the finely ground roots was obtained by boiling in distilled water. The leftover biomass with methanol was boiled in water to obtain biomass aqueous decoction (BAD). The extracts and fractions showed considerable porcine pancreatic α-amylase inhibitory activity with IC50 in the range of 5.38-7.12 mg/mL while acarbose had 0.31 mg/mL. The iron chelating activity in terms of EC50 was 0.2939, 0.3429, 0.1876, and 0.1099 mg/mL for AD, BAD, ME, and EDTA, respectively. The EC50 of beta-carotene bleaching activity for AD, BAD, ME, and standard BHA were 4.10, 4.71, 3.48, and 2.79 mg/mL, respectively. The total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) of AD and BAD were also considerable. In general, ethyl acetate fraction proved to be the most potent. Thus, the C. opaca roots had excellent antioxidant activity while having moderate α-amylase inhibitory potentia

Plantas Medicinales/efectos adversos , Extractos Vegetales/análisis , Quelantes del Hierro/análisis , beta Caroteno/análisis , Apocynaceae/clasificación , Enfermedad , Concentración 50 Inhibidora , Hipoglucemiantes/farmacología , Antioxidantes
Infectio ; 25(4): 300-302, oct.-dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1286727


Resumen Caso reporte de una enfermedad infrecuente, aproximadamente 1% de las artritis sépticas son esternoclavicular, con poca respuesta a antibioterapia intravenosa, requiriendo manejo quirúrgico agresivo, el siguiente caso narra la excelente respuesta con el uso de perlas de sulfato de calcio impregnadas con antibióticos, existiendo en la literatura sólo casos reportes sobre su uso.

Abstract Case report of an infrequent disease, approximately 1% of septic arthritis are sternoclavicular, with little response to intravenous antibiotic therapy, requiring ag gressive surgical management, the following case narrates the excellent response with the use of calcium sulfate pearls impregnated with antibiotics, existing in the literature only cases reports on its use.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Osteomielitis , Sulfato de Calcio , Artritis Infecciosa , Enfermedad
Int J Mol Sci ; 22(21)2021 Oct 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34768831


The metal cation symporter ZIP8 (SLC39A8) is a transmembrane protein that imports the essential micronutrients iron, manganese, and zinc, as well as heavy toxic metal cadmium (Cd). It has been recently suggested that selenium (Se), another essential micronutrient that has long been known for its role in human health and cancer risk, may also be transported by the ZIP8 protein. Several mutations in the ZIP8 gene are associated with the aberrant ion homeostasis of cells and can lead to human diseases. However, the intricate relationships between ZIP8 mutations, cellular Se homeostasis, and human diseases (including cancers and illnesses associated with Cd exposure) have not been explored. To further verify if ZIP8 is involved in cellular Se transportation, we first knockout (KO) the endogenous expression of ZIP8 in the HeLa cells using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The elimination of ZIP8 expression was examined by PCR, DNA sequencing, immunoblot, and immunofluorescence analyses. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry indicated that reduced uptake of Se, along with other micronutrients and Cd, was observed in the ZIP8-KO cells. In contrast, when ZIP8 was overexpressed, increased Se uptake could be detected in the ZIP8-overexpressing cells. Additionally, we found that ZIP8 with disease-associated single-point mutations G38R, G204C, and S335T, but not C113S, showed reduced Se transport ability. We then evaluated the potential of Se on Cd cytotoxicity prevention and therapy of cancers. Results indicated that Se could suppress Cd-induced cytotoxicity via decreasing the intracellular Cd transported by ZIP8, and Se exhibited excellent anticancer activity against not all but only selected cancer cell lines, under restricted experimental conditions. Moreover, clinical-based bioinformatic analyses revealed that up-regulated ZIP8 gene expression was common across multiple cancer types, and selenoproteins that were significantly co-expressed with ZIP8 in these cancers had been identified. Taken together, this study concludes that ZIP8 is an important protein in modulating cellular Se levels and provides insights into the roles of ZIP8 and Se in disease prevention and therapy.

Cadmio/metabolismo , Proteínas de Transporte de Catión/genética , Selenio/metabolismo , Transporte Biológico , Proteínas de Transporte de Catión/metabolismo , Bases de Datos Genéticas , Enfermedad/genética , Células HeLa , Homeostasis , Humanos , Hierro/metabolismo , Manganeso/metabolismo , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple/genética , Zinc/metabolismo