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Theranostics ; 11(17): 8185-8196, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34373736


Background: Efficient and specific induction of cell death in liver cancer is urgently needed. In this study, we aimed to design an exosome-based platform to deliver ferroptosis inducer (Erastin, Er) and photosensitizer (Rose Bengal, RB) into tumor tissues with high specificity. Methods: Exosome donor cells (HEK293T) were transfected with control or CD47-overexpressing plasmid. Exosomes were isolated and loaded with Er and RB via sonication method. Hepa1-6 cell xenograft C57BL/6 model was injected with control and engineered exosomes via tail vein. In vivo distribution of the injected exosomes was analyzed via tracking the fluorescence labeled exosomes. Photodynamic therapy was conducted by 532 nm laser irradiation. The therapeutic effects on hepatocellular carcinoma and toxic side-effects were systemically analyzed. Results: CD47 was efficiently loaded on the exosomes from the donor cells when CD47 was forced expressed by transfection. CD47 surface functionalization (ExosCD47) made the exosomes effectively escape the phagocytosis of mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), and thus increased the distribution in tumor tissues. Erastin and RB could be effectively encapsulated into exosomes after sonication, and the drug-loaded exosomes (Er/RB@ExosCD47) strongly induced ferroptosis both in vitro and in vivo in tumor cells after irradiation of 532 nm laser. Moreover, compared with the control exosomes (Er/RB@ExosCtrl), Er/RB@ExosCD47 displayed much lower toxicity in liver. Conclusion: The engineered exosomes composed of CD47, Erastin, and Rose Bengal, induce obvious ferroptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with minimized toxicity in liver and kidney. The proposed exosomes would provide a promising strategy to treat types of malignant tumors.

Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Sistemas de Liberación de Medicamentos/métodos , Exosomas , Ferroptosis/efectos de los fármacos , Piperazinas , Animales , Antígeno CD47/metabolismo , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/metabolismo , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/patología , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Exosomas/metabolismo , Exosomas/trasplante , Colorantes Fluorescentes/metabolismo , Células HEK293/metabolismo , Xenoinjertos , Humanos , Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Riñón/patología , Hígado/efectos de los fármacos , Hígado/patología , Neoplasias Hepáticas/metabolismo , Neoplasias Hepáticas/patología , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Fotoquimioterapia/métodos , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Piperazinas/farmacología , Piperazinas/toxicidad , Rosa Bengala/metabolismo
PLoS One ; 16(6): e0253414, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34133457


Common scab is a potato disease characterized by the formation of scab-like lesions on the surface of potato tubers. The actinobacterium Streptomyces scabiei is the main causal agent of common scab. During infection, this bacterium synthesizes the phytotoxin thaxtomin A which is essential for the production of disease symptoms. While thaxtomin A can activate an atypical programmed cell death in plant cell suspensions, it is possible to gradually habituate plant cells to thaxtomin A to provide resistance to lethal phytotoxin concentrations. Potato 'Russet Burbank' calli were habituated to thaxtomin A to regenerate the somaclone RB9 that produced tubers more resistant to common scab than those obtained from the original cultivar. Compared to the Russet Burbank cultivar, somaclone RB9 generated up to 22% more marketable tubers with an infected tuber area below the 5% threshold. Enhanced resistance was maintained over at least two years of cultivation in the field. However, average size of tubers was significantly reduced in somaclone RB9 compared to the parent cultivar. Small RB9 tubers had a thicker phellem than Russet Burbank tubers, which may contribute to improving resistance to common scab. These results show that thaxtomin A-habituation in potato is efficient to produce somaclones with increased and durable resistance to common scab.

Resistencia a la Enfermedad , Indoles/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/inmunología , Solanum tuberosum/inmunología , Streptomyces/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Tubérculos de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tubérculos de la Planta/inmunología , Tubérculos de la Planta/metabolismo , Tubérculos de la Planta/microbiología , Solanum tuberosum/metabolismo , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/patogenicidad
Eur J Pharm Biopharm ; 157: 108-120, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33068736


Glioblastoma is a malignant brain tumour with a median survival of 14.6 months from diagnosis. Despite maximal surgical resection and concurrent chemoradiotherapy, reoccurrence is inevitable. To try combating the disease at a stage of low residual tumour burden immediately post-surgery, we propose a localised drug delivery system comprising of a spray device, bioadhesive hydrogel (pectin) and drug nanocrystals coated with polylactic acid-polyethylene glycol (NCPPs), to be administered directly into brain parenchyma adjacent to the surgical cavity. We have repurposed pectin for use within the brain, showing in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility, bio-adhesion to mammalian brain and gelling at physiological brain calcium concentrations. Etoposide and olaparib NCPPs with high drug loading have shown in vitro stability and drug release over 120 h. Pluronic F127 stabilised NCPPs to ensure successful spraying, as determined by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Successful delivery of Cy5-labelled NCPPs was demonstrated in a large ex vivo mammalian brain, with NCPP present in the tissue surrounding the resection cavity. Our data collectively demonstrates the pre-clinical development of a novel localised delivery device based on a sprayable hydrogel containing therapeutic NCPPs, amenable for translation to intracranial surgical resection models for the treatment of malignant brain tumours.

Antineoplásicos/administración & dosificación , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Portadores de Fármacos , Etopósido/administración & dosificación , Lactatos/química , Nanopartículas , Pectinas/química , Ftalazinas/administración & dosificación , Piperazinas/administración & dosificación , Polietilenglicoles/química , Adhesividad , Aerosoles , Animales , Antineoplásicos/química , Antineoplásicos/metabolismo , Neoplasias Encefálicas/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias Encefálicas/metabolismo , Neoplasias Encefálicas/patología , Composición de Medicamentos , Liberación de Fármacos , Etopósido/química , Etopósido/metabolismo , Glioblastoma/tratamiento farmacológico , Glioblastoma/metabolismo , Glioblastoma/patología , Humanos , Hidrogeles , Masculino , Ratones Desnudos , Ftalazinas/química , Ftalazinas/metabolismo , Piperazinas/química , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Ratas , Solubilidad , Distribución Tisular
J Med Chem ; 62(20): 9281-9298, 2019 10 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31539241


The oncogenic fusion protein BCR-ABL is the driving force of leukemogenesis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Despite great progress for CML treatment through application of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) against BCR-ABL, long-term drug administration and clinical resistance continue to be an issue. Herein, we described the design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel proteolysis-targeting chimeric (PROTAC) small molecules targeting BCR-ABL which connect dasatinib and VHL E3 ubiquitin ligase ligand by extensive optimization of linkers. Our efforts have yielded SIAIS178 (19), which induces proper interaction between BCR-ABL and VHL ligase leading to effective degradation of BCR-ABL protein, achieves significant growth inhibition of BCR-ABL+ leukemic cells in vitro, and induces substantial tumor regression against K562 xenograft tumors in vivo. In addition, SIAIS178 also degrades several clinically relevant resistance-conferring mutations. Our data indicate that SIAIS178 as efficacious BCR-ABL degrader warrants extensive further investigation for the treatment of BCR-ABL+ leukemia.

Proteínas de Fusión bcr-abl/antagonistas & inhibidores , Piperazinas/química , Inhibidores de Proteínas Quinasas/química , Proteína Supresora de Tumores del Síndrome de Von Hippel-Lindau/metabolismo , Animales , Línea Celular Tumoral , Supervivencia Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Diseño de Fármacos , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Proteínas de Fusión bcr-abl/metabolismo , Humanos , Leucemia Mielógena Crónica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamiento farmacológico , Leucemia Mielógena Crónica BCR-ABL Positiva/patología , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos NOD , Ratones SCID , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Piperazinas/uso terapéutico , Inhibidores de Proteínas Quinasas/farmacología , Inhibidores de Proteínas Quinasas/uso terapéutico , Bibliotecas de Moléculas Pequeñas/química , Bibliotecas de Moléculas Pequeñas/metabolismo , Bibliotecas de Moléculas Pequeñas/uso terapéutico , Relación Estructura-Actividad , Trasplante Heterólogo
Mol Plant Pathol ; 20(10): 1379-1393, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31282068


Streptomyces scabies causes potato common scab disease, which reduces the quality and market value of affected tubers. The predominant pathogenicity determinant produced by S. scabies is the thaxtomin A phytotoxin, which is essential for common scab disease development. Production of thaxtomin A involves the nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) TxtA and TxtB, both of which contain an adenylation (A-) domain for selecting and activating the appropriate amino acid during thaxtomin biosynthesis. The genome of S. scabies 87.22 contains three small MbtH-like protein (MLP)-coding genes, one of which (txtH) is present in the thaxtomin biosynthesis gene cluster. MLP family members are typically required for the proper folding of NRPS A-domains and/or stimulating their activities. This study investigated the importance of TxtH during thaxtomin biosynthesis in S. scabies. Biochemical studies showed that TxtH is required for promoting the soluble expression of both the TxtA and TxtB A-domains in Escherichia coli, and amino acid residues essential for this activity were identified. Deletion of txtH in S. scabies significantly reduced thaxtomin A production, and deletion of one of the two additional MLP homologues in S. scabies completely abolished production. Engineered expression of all three S. scabies MLPs could restore thaxtomin A production in a triple MLP-deficient strain, while engineered expression of MLPs from other Streptomyces spp. could not. Furthermore, the constructed MLP mutants were reduced in virulence compared to wild-type S. scabies. The results of our study confirm that TxtH plays a key role in thaxtomin A biosynthesis and plant pathogenicity in S. scabies.

Proteínas Bacterianas/metabolismo , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/metabolismo , Streptomyces/patogenicidad , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Regulación Bacteriana de la Expresión Génica , Indoles/metabolismo , Familia de Multigenes/genética , Péptido Sintasas/genética , Péptido Sintasas/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Streptomyces/genética , Virulencia
Lett Appl Microbiol ; 67(3): 270-277, 2018 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29897616


The biosynthesis of phytotoxin thaxtomin A (TXT) constitutes the major pathogenicity determinant in Streptomyces scabies, the most widely studied phytopathogen causing scab disease in potato and other root crops. It is recognized that S. scabies regulates its pathogenicity via γ-butyrolactone (GBL)-dependent quorum sensing (QS) signalling. AttM, from Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 strain, has recently been proposed to have GBL-assimilative capacity. Here, we presented the introduction of A. tumefaciens-derived attM gene into S. scabies using the Escherichia coli-Streptomyces shuttle vector pIJ8600 via intergeneric conjugation, followed by the investigation of secondary metabolism (mycelium growth, TXT production and pathogenicity) in S. scabies attM exconjugants (S.s/attM) in comparison with their wild-type parent strain (S.s/WT). Among the resultant S.s/attM exconjugants, attM was found to be integrated into S. scabies chromosome as analysed by Southern blotting. Moreover, S.s/attM failed to evoke the disease symptoms in planta and displayed altered morphological differentiation in contrast to S.s/WT. The abolishment of TXT production in S.s/attM substantiated the loss of pathogenicity and also implied that attM, when constitutively expressed in S. scabies, could paralyse its GBL signalling pathway. Altogether, lactonase-coding gene attM would be useful in a quorum quenching strategy for plant protection via suppressing TXT production and pathogenicity of S. scabies. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provides an efficient means to introduce the lactonase gene attM from Agrobacterium tumefaciens into Streptomyces scabies for evaluating the role of γ-butyrolactone (GBL) in thaxtomin A production and pathogenicity, etc. Our results showed that pathogenicity was abrogated in attM-expressing S. scabies exconjugants. Although there are gene knockout approaches to inactivating GBL signalling and thus pathogenicity in S. scabies, they are not only time consuming due to refractory host but also possibly incomplete in view of gene redundancy. Our work is the first report for a kind of lactonase affecting pathogenicity and/or virulence of scab-causing Streptomyces species.

Proteínas Bacterianas/metabolismo , Hidrolasas de Éster Carboxílico/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/enzimología , Streptomyces/patogenicidad , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Hidrolasas de Éster Carboxílico/genética , Regulación Bacteriana de la Expresión Génica , Indoles/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Percepción de Quorum , Streptomyces/genética , Virulencia
Braz J Med Biol Res ; 49(12): e5542, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27901175


This study aimed to estimate the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) properties and safety of LDT5, a lead compound for oral treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia that has previously been characterized as a multi-target antagonist of α1A-, α1D-adrenoceptors and 5-HT1A receptors. The preclinical characterization of this compound comprised the evaluation of its in vitro properties, including plasma, microsomal and hepatocytes stability, cytochrome P450 metabolism and inhibition, plasma protein binding, and permeability using MDCK-MDR1 cells. De-risking and preliminary safety pharmacology assays were performed through screening of 44 off-target receptors and in vivo tests in mice (rota-rod and single dose toxicity). LDT5 is stable in rat and human plasma, human liver microsomes and hepatocytes, but unstable in rat liver microsomes and hepatocytes (half-life of 11 min). LDT5 is highly permeable across the MDCK-MDR1 monolayer (Papp ∼32×10-6 cm/s), indicating good intestinal absorption and putative brain penetration. LDT5 is not extensively protein-bound and is a substrate of human CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 but not of CYP3A4 (half-life >60 min), and did not significantly influence the activities of any of the human cytochrome P450 isoforms screened. LDT5 was considered safe albeit new studies are necessary to rule out putative central adverse effects through D2, 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B receptors, after chronic use. This work highlights the drug-likeness properties of LDT5 and supports its further preclinical development.

Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Piperazinas/farmacología , Hiperplasia Prostática/tratamiento farmacológico , Animales , Estabilidad de Medicamentos , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Ratones , Permeabilidad , Piperazinas/química , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Ratas , Factores de Tiempo
Mol Plant Microbe Interact ; 29(8): 640-50, 2016 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27502745


Approximately 10 Streptomyces species cause disease on underground plant structures. The most economically important of these is potato scab, and the most studied of these pathogens is Streptomyces scabiei (syn. S. scabies). The main pathogenicity determinant of scab-causing Streptomyces species is a nitrated diketopiperazine, known as thaxtomin A (ThxA). In the pathogenic species Streptomyces turgidiscabies, ThxA biosynthetic genes reside on a mobile pathogenicity island (PAI). However, the mobilization of PAIs in other Streptomyces species remains uncharacterized. Here, we investigated the mobilization of the PAI of S. scabiei 87-22. Based on whole genome sequences, we inferred the evolutionary relationships of pathogenic Streptomyces species and discovered that Streptomyces sp. strain 96-12, a novel pathogenic species isolated from potatoes in Egypt, was phylogenetically grouped with nonpathogenic species rather than with known pathogenic species. We also found that Streptomyces sp. strain 96-12 contains a PAI that is almost identical to the PAI in S. scabiei 87-22, despite significant differences in their genome sequences. This suggested direct or indirect in vivo mobilization of the PAI between S. scabiei and nonpathogenic Streptomyces species. To test whether the S. scabiei 87-22 PAI could, indeed, be mobilized, S. scabiei 87-22 deletion mutants containing antibiotic resistance markers in the PAI were mated with Streptomyces diastatochromogenes, a nonpathogenic species. The PAI of S. scabiei was site-specifically inserted into the aviX1 gene of S. diastatochromogenes and conferred pathogenicity in radish seedling assays. Our results demonstrated that S. scabiei, the earliest described Streptomyces pathogen, could be the source of a PAI responsible for the emergence of novel pathogenic species.

Islas Genómicas/genética , Indoles/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/patogenicidad , Evolución Biológica , Filogenia , Streptomyces/genética , Virulencia
J Virol ; 90(20): 9058-74, 2016 10 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27489280


UNLABELLED: Cell culture systems reproducing virus replication can serve as unique models for the discovery of novel bioactive molecules. Here, using a hepatitis C virus (HCV) cell culture system, we identified neoechinulin B (NeoB), a fungus-derived compound, as an inhibitor of the liver X receptor (LXR). NeoB was initially identified by chemical screening as a compound that impeded the production of infectious HCV. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis and reporter assays revealed that NeoB specifically inhibits LXR-mediated transcription. NeoB was also shown to interact directly with LXRs. Analysis of structural analogs suggested that the molecular interaction of NeoB with LXR correlated with the capacity to inactivate LXR-mediated transcription and to modulate lipid metabolism in hepatocytes. Our data strongly suggested that NeoB is a novel LXR antagonist. Analysis using NeoB as a bioprobe revealed that LXRs support HCV replication: LXR inactivation resulted in dispersion of double-membrane vesicles, putative viral replication sites. Indeed, cells treated with NeoB showed decreased replicative permissiveness for poliovirus, which also replicates in double-membrane vesicles, but not for dengue virus, which replicates via a distinct membrane compartment. Together, our data suggest that LXR-mediated transcription regulates the formation of virus-associated membrane compartments. Significantly, inhibition of LXRs by NeoB enhanced the activity of all known classes of anti-HCV agents, and NeoB showed especially strong synergy when combined with interferon or an HCV NS5A inhibitor. Thus, our chemical genetics analysis demonstrates the utility of the HCV cell culture system for identifying novel bioactive molecules and characterizing the virus-host interaction machinery. IMPORTANCE: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highly dependent on host factors for efficient replication. In the present study, we used an HCV cell culture system to screen an uncharacterized chemical library. Our results identified neoechinulin B (NeoB) as a novel inhibitor of the liver X receptor (LXR). NeoB inhibited the induction of LXR-regulated genes and altered lipid metabolism. Intriguingly, our results indicated that LXRs are critical to the process of HCV replication: LXR inactivation by NeoB disrupted double-membrane vesicles, putative sites of viral replication. Moreover, NeoB augmented the antiviral activity of all known classes of currently approved anti-HCV agents without increasing cytotoxicity. Thus, our strategy directly links the identification of novel bioactive compounds to basic virology and the development of new antiviral agents.

Alcaloides/metabolismo , Antivirales/metabolismo , Descubrimiento de Drogas/métodos , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/métodos , Hongos/química , Hepacivirus/efectos de los fármacos , Receptores X del Hígado/antagonistas & inhibidores , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Alcaloides/aislamiento & purificación , Antivirales/aislamiento & purificación , Técnicas de Cultivo de Célula , Línea Celular , Virus del Dengue/efectos de los fármacos , Virus del Dengue/fisiología , Sinergismo Farmacológico , Hepacivirus/fisiología , Hepatocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Hepatocitos/virología , Humanos , Piperazinas/aislamiento & purificación , Poliovirus/efectos de los fármacos , Poliovirus/fisiología , Unión Proteica , Replicación Viral/efectos de los fármacos
Mol Pharmacol ; 89(3): 348-63, 2016 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26733543


Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) proteins form Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels activated upon stimulation of metabotropic receptors coupled to phospholipase C. Among the TRPC subfamily, TRPC3 and TRPC6 channels activated directly by diacylglycerol (DAG) play important roles in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling, promoting neuronal development and survival. In various disease models, BDNF restores neurologic deficits, but its therapeutic potential is limited by its poor pharmacokinetic profile. Elucidation of a framework for designing small molecules, which elicit BDNF-like activity via TRPC3 and TRPC6, establishes a solid basis to overcome this limitation. We discovered, through library screening, a group of piperazine-derived compounds that activate DAG-activated TRPC3/TRPC6/TRPC7 channels. The compounds [4-(5-chloro-2-methylphenyl)piperazin-1-yl](3-fluorophenyl)methanone (PPZ1) and 2-[4-(2,3-dimethylphenyl)piperazin-1-yl]-N-(2-ethoxyphenyl)acetamide (PPZ2) activated, in a dose-dependent manner, recombinant TRPC3/TRPC6/TRPC7 channels, but not other TRPCs, in human embryonic kidney cells. PPZ2 activated native TRPC6-like channels in smooth muscle cells isolated from rabbit portal vein. Also, PPZ2 evoked cation currents and Ca(2+) influx in rat cultured central neurons. Strikingly, both compounds induced BDNF-like neurite growth and neuroprotection, which were abolished by a knockdown or inhibition of TRPC3/TRPC6/TRPC7 in cultured neurons. Inhibitors of Ca(2+) signaling pathways, except calcineurin, impaired neurite outgrowth promotion induced by PPZ compounds. PPZ2 increased activation of the Ca(2+)-dependent transcription factor, cAMP response element-binding protein. These findings suggest that Ca(2+) signaling mediated by activation of DAG-activated TRPC channels underlies neurotrophic effects of PPZ compounds. Thus, piperazine-derived activators of DAG-activated TRPC channels provide important insights for future development of a new class of synthetic neurotrophic drugs.

Factores de Crecimiento Nervioso/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Canales Catiónicos TRPC/metabolismo , Animales , Señalización del Calcio/efectos de los fármacos , Señalización del Calcio/fisiología , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/métodos , Femenino , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Masculino , Potenciales de la Membrana/efectos de los fármacos , Potenciales de la Membrana/fisiología , Miocitos del Músculo Liso/efectos de los fármacos , Miocitos del Músculo Liso/metabolismo , Factores de Crecimiento Nervioso/química , Factores de Crecimiento Nervioso/farmacología , Piperazinas/química , Piperazinas/farmacología , Conejos , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Canales Catiónicos TRPC/agonistas
Phytopathology ; 106(2): 123-31, 2016 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26524546


Potato common scab (CS) is an economically important crop disease that is caused by several members of the genus Streptomyces. In this study, we characterized the plant-pathogenic Streptomyces spp. associated with CS-infected potato tubers harvested in Newfoundland, Canada. A total of 17 pathogenic Streptomyces isolates were recovered from potato scab lesions, of which eight were determined to be most similar to the known CS pathogen S. europaeiscabiei. All eight S. europaeiscabiei isolates were found to produce the thaxtomin A phytotoxin and to harbor the nec1 virulence gene, and most also carry the putative virulence gene tomA. The remaining isolates appear to be novel pathogenic species that do not produce thaxtomin A, and only two of these isolates were determined to harbor the nec1 or tomA genes. Of the non-thaxtomin-producing isolates, strain 11-1-2 was shown to exhibit a severe pathogenic phenotype against different plant hosts and to produce a novel, secreted phytotoxic substance. This is the first report documenting the plant-pathogenic Streptomyces spp. associated with CS disease in Newfoundland. Furthermore, our findings provide further evidence that phytotoxins other than thaxtomin A may also contribute to the development of CS by Streptomyces spp.

Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/aislamiento & purificación , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Secuencia de Bases , Genotipo , Indoles/metabolismo , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Terranova y Labrador , Fenotipo , Filogenia , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Hojas de la Planta/microbiología , Tubérculos de la Planta/microbiología , Polimorfismo de Longitud del Fragmento de Restricción , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Eliminación de Secuencia , Streptomyces/genética , Streptomyces/patogenicidad , Streptomyces/fisiología , Virulencia
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 49(12): e5542, 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-828179


This study aimed to estimate the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) properties and safety of LDT5, a lead compound for oral treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia that has previously been characterized as a multi-target antagonist of α1A-, α1D-adrenoceptors and 5-HT1A receptors. The preclinical characterization of this compound comprised the evaluation of its in vitro properties, including plasma, microsomal and hepatocytes stability, cytochrome P450 metabolism and inhibition, plasma protein binding, and permeability using MDCK-MDR1 cells. De-risking and preliminary safety pharmacology assays were performed through screening of 44 off-target receptors and in vivo tests in mice (rota-rod and single dose toxicity). LDT5 is stable in rat and human plasma, human liver microsomes and hepatocytes, but unstable in rat liver microsomes and hepatocytes (half-life of 11 min). LDT5 is highly permeable across the MDCK-MDR1 monolayer (Papp ∼32×10-6 cm/s), indicating good intestinal absorption and putative brain penetration. LDT5 is not extensively protein-bound and is a substrate of human CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 but not of CYP3A4 (half-life >60 min), and did not significantly influence the activities of any of the human cytochrome P450 isoforms screened. LDT5 was considered safe albeit new studies are necessary to rule out putative central adverse effects through D2, 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B receptors, after chronic use. This work highlights the drug-likeness properties of LDT5 and supports its further preclinical development.

Humanos , Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Ratones , Ratas , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Piperazinas/farmacología , Hiperplasia Prostática/tratamiento farmacológico , Estabilidad de Medicamentos , Permeabilidad , Piperazinas/química , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Factores de Tiempo
Molecules ; 20(12): 21802-15, 2015 Dec 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26690104


Evogliptin ((R)-4-((R)-3-amino-4-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)butanoyl)-3-(tert-butoxymethyl)-piperazin-2-one), is a new dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor used for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. The in vitro metabolic pathways of evogliptin were identified in human hepatocytes, liver microsomes, and liver S9 fractions using liquid chromatography-Orbitrap mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). Five metabolites of evogliptin-4-oxoevogliptin (M1), 4(S)-hydroxyevogliptin (M2), 4(R)-hydroxyevogliptin (M3), 4(S)-hydroxyevogliptin glucuronide (M4), and evogliptin N-sulfate (M5)-were identified in human liver preparations by comparison with authentic standards. We characterized the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes responsible for evogliptin hydroxylation to 4(S)-hydroxyevogliptin (M2) and 4(R)-hydroxyevogliptin (M3) and the UGT enzymes responsible for glucuronidation of 4(S)-hydroxyevogliptin (M2) to 4(S)-hydroxy-evogliptin glucuronide (M4). CYP3A4/5 played the major role in the hydroxylation of evogliptin to 4(S)-hydroxyevogliptin (M2) and 4(R)-hydroxyevogliptin (M3). Glucuronidation of 4(S)-hydroxy-evogliptin (M2) to 4(S)-hydroxyevogliptin glucuronide (M4) was catalyzed by the enzymes UGT2B4 and UGT2B7. These results suggest that the interindividual variability in the metabolism of evogliptin in humans is a result of the genetic polymorphism of the CYP and UGT enzymes responsible for evogliptin metabolism.

Hepatocitos/enzimología , Hipoglucemiantes/metabolismo , Microsomas Hepáticos/enzimología , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Células Cultivadas , Citocromo P-450 CYP3A/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/tratamiento farmacológico , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Humanos , Inactivación Metabólica , Cinética , Hígado/citología , Hígado/enzimología
Mol Pharmacol ; 88(4): 768-78, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26240287


Radiotherapy, a therapeutic modality of cancer treatment, nonselectively damages normal tissues as well as tumor tissues. The search is ongoing for therapeutic agents that selectively reduce radiation-induced normal tissue injury without reducing tumoricidal effect, thereby increasing the therapeutic ratio of radiation therapy. Our laboratory established 5-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-[2'-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-5'benzimidazolyl] benzimidazole (DMA) as noncytotoxic radioprotector in mammalian cells. DMA showed an excellent radioprotection in mice at single nontoxic oral dose by a dose-reduction factor of 1.28. An oxygen radical absorbing capacity assay confirmed its free-radical quenching ability. Single bolus dose and 28-days of repeated administration of DMA in mice for toxicity studies determined an LD50 of >2000 mg/kg body weight (bw) and 225 mg/kg bw, respectively, suggesting DMA is safe. Histopathology, biochemical parameters, and relative organ weight analysis revealed insignificant changes in the DMA-treated animals. The pharmacokinetic study of DMA at oral and intravenous doses showed its C(max) = 1 hour, bioavailability of 8.84%, elimination half-life of 4 hours, and an enterohepatic recirculation. Biodistribution study in mice with Ehrlich ascites tumors showed that (99m)Tc-DMA achieved its highest concentration in 1 hour and was retained up to 4 hours in the lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen, and in a low concentration in the tumor, a solicited property of any radioprotector to protect normal cells over cancerous cells. We observed that the single-dose treatment of tumor-bearing mice with DMA 2 hours before 8 Gy total body irradiation showed an impressive rescue of radiation-induced morbidity in terms of weight loss and mortality without a change in tumor response.

Bencimidazoles/farmacocinética , Bencimidazoles/toxicidad , Piperazinas/farmacocinética , Piperazinas/toxicidad , Protectores contra Radiación/farmacocinética , Protectores contra Radiación/toxicidad , Animales , Bencimidazoles/metabolismo , Bisbenzimidazol/metabolismo , Bisbenzimidazol/farmacocinética , Bisbenzimidazol/toxicidad , Carcinoma de Ehrlich/tratamiento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Ehrlich/metabolismo , Carcinoma de Ehrlich/radioterapia , Relación Dosis-Respuesta en la Radiación , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/métodos , Femenino , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos BALB C , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Protectores contra Radiación/metabolismo , Tasa de Supervivencia/tendencias , Distribución Tisular/efectos de los fármacos , Distribución Tisular/fisiología
Phytopathology ; 105(10): 1311-7, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25961336


Common scab of potato, caused by pathogenic Streptomyces spp., is an important disease not efficiently controlled by current methods. We previously demonstrated that Pseudomonas fluorescens LBUM223 reduces common scab development under controlled conditions through phenazine-1-carboxylic (PCA) production, leading to reduced thaxtomin A production by the pathogen, a key pathogenicity and virulence factor. Here, we aimed at determining if LBUM223 is able to increase potato yield and control common scab under field conditions, while characterizing the biocontrol mechanisms involved. We investigated if a reduction in pathogen soil populations, activation of induced systemic resistance in potato, and/or changes in txtA gene expression, involved in thaxtomin A biosynthesis in pathogenic Streptomyces spp. were involved in common scab control by LBUM223. Common scab symptoms were significantly reduced and total tuber weight increased by 46% using biweekly applications of LBUM223. LBUM223 did not reduce pathogen soil populations, nor was potato systemic defense-related gene expression significantly altered between treatments. However, a significant down-regulation of txtA expression occurred in the geocaulosphere. This is the first demonstration that a Pseudomonas strain can directly alter the transcriptional activity of a key pathogenesis gene in a plant pathogen under field conditions, contributing to disease control.

Indoles/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Pseudomonas fluorescens/fisiología , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/fisiología , Biomasa , Regulación Bacteriana de la Expresión Génica , Fenazinas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/inmunología , Hojas de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Hojas de la Planta/inmunología , Hojas de la Planta/microbiología , Tubérculos de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tubérculos de la Planta/inmunología , Tubérculos de la Planta/microbiología , Microbiología del Suelo , Solanum tuberosum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Solanum tuberosum/inmunología , Especificidad de la Especie
PLoS One ; 10(1): e0116291, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25612311


Common scab of potatoes is a disease, which is difficult to manage due to complex interactions of the pathogenic bacteria (Streptomyces spp.) with soil, microbial community and potato plants. In Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in the Czech Republic two sites (Vyklantice and Zdirec) were selected for a study of common scab disease suppressivity. At both sites, a field with low disease severity occurs next to one with high severity and the situation was regularly observed over four decades although all four fields undergo a crop rotation. In the four fields, quantities of bacteria, actinobacteria and the gene txtB from the biosynthetic gene cluster of thaxtomin, the main pathogenicity factor of common scab, were analyzed by real-time PCR. Microbial community structure was compared by terminal fragment length polymorphism analysis. Soil and potato periderm were characterized by contents of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Quality of organic matter was assessed by high performance liquid chromatography of soil extracts. The study demonstrated that the suppressive character of the fields is locally specific. At Zdirec, the suppressivity was associated with low txtB gene copies in bulk soil, while at Vyklantice site it was associated with low txtB gene copies in the tuberosphere. The differences were discussed with respect to the effect of abiotic conditions at Zdirec and interaction between potato plant and soil microbial community at Vyklantice. Soil pH, Ca soil content or cation concentrations, although different were not in the range to predict the disease severity. Low severity of common scab was associated with low content of soil C, N, C/N, Ca and Fe suggesting that oligotrophic conditions may be favorable to common scab suppression.

Genes Bacterianos , Familia de Multigenes , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Polimorfismo de Longitud del Fragmento de Restricción , Microbiología del Suelo , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/genética , Streptomyces/patogenicidad , Indoles/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Tubérculos de la Planta/microbiología , Streptomyces/metabolismo
Mol Plant Microbe Interact ; 27(8): 875-85, 2014 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24678834


Streptomyces scabies is the main causative agent of common scab disease, which leads to significant annual losses to potato growers worldwide. The main virulence factor produced by S. scabies is a phytotoxic secondary metabolite called thaxtomin A, which functions as a cellulose synthesis inhibitor. Thaxtomin A production is controlled by the cluster-situated regulator TxtR, which activates expression of the thaxtomin biosynthetic genes in response to cello-oligosaccharides. Here, we demonstrate that at least five additional regulatory genes are required for wild-type levels of thaxtomin A production and plant pathogenicity in S. scabies. These regulatory genes belong to the bld gene family of global regulators that control secondary metabolism or morphological differentiation in Streptomyces spp. Quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction showed that expression of the thaxtomin biosynthetic genes was significantly downregulated in all five bld mutants and, in four of these mutants, this downregulation was attributed to the reduction in expression of txtR. Furthermore, all of the mutants displayed reduced expression of other known or predicted virulence genes, suggesting that the bld genes may function as global regulators of virulence gene expression in S. scabies.

Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Regulación Bacteriana de la Expresión Génica , Indoles/metabolismo , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/genética , Proteínas Bacterianas/metabolismo , Regulación hacia Abajo , Eliminación de Gen , Prueba de Complementación Genética , Indoles/análisis , Familia de Multigenes , Fenotipo , Piperazinas/análisis , Raphanus/microbiología , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa de Transcriptasa Inversa , Plantones/microbiología , Streptomyces/patogenicidad , Streptomyces/fisiología , Virulencia
Curr Drug Targets ; 15(1): 114-23, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24387312


p53 is one of the main regulators of apoptosis, senescence, cell cycle arrest and DNA repair. The expression, function and stabilization of p53 are governed by a complex network of regulators including p14(ARF) and MDM2. MDM2 is the main negative regulator of p53 activity and stability. Unlike tumours in adults, which tend to overcome p53 regulation by p53 mutations, the paediatric tumours neuroblastoma and sarcoma frequently retain wild type p53. Nevertheless, in childhood cancer the p53 pathway is commonly impaired due to upstream MDM2-p14(ARF)-p53 network aberrations. In contrast, aberrations of the p53 downstream pathway are very rare. In cancer cells with intact p53 downstream function MDM2 inhibition, and subsequent rapid increases in nuclear p53 levels, potently "re-activate" dormant apoptotic pathways and rapidly induce apoptotic cell death. As a result MDM2-p53 interaction inhibitors, including cis-imidazolines analogs (Nutlins), are potentially very effective agents in neuroblastoma and sarcomas. Predictive biomarkers are important as a lack of p53 mutations appears to reliably predict response to these inhibitors. Tumours should be screened for p53 mutations in children considered for MDM2-p53 interaction inhibitors. In addition, it is essential that other predictive biomarkers are investigated. The serum concentration of macrophage inhibitory cytokine- 1 (MIC-1) may be a good pharmacodynamic biomarker based on recent findings. In conclusion, targeting the interaction between p53 and its main negative regulator MDM2 represents a major new therapeutic approach in poor prognosis paediatric malignancies without p53 mutations.

Biomarcadores de Tumor/metabolismo , Neuroblastoma/metabolismo , Proteínas Proto-Oncogénicas c-mdm2/metabolismo , Proteína p53 Supresora de Tumor/metabolismo , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Niño , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Resistencia a Antineoplásicos , Humanos , Imidazoles/metabolismo , Neuroblastoma/irrigación sanguínea , Neuroblastoma/tratamiento farmacológico , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Unión Proteica
J Appl Microbiol ; 116(2): 223-35, 2014 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24131731


Streptomyces is a large genus consisting of soil-dwelling, filamentous bacteria that are best known for their capability of producing a vast array of medically and agriculturally useful secondary metabolites. In addition, a small number of Streptomyces spp. are capable of colonizing and infecting the underground portions of living plants and causing economically important crop diseases such as potato common scab (CS). Research into the mechanisms of Streptomyces plant pathogenicity has led to the identification and characterization of several phytotoxic secondary metabolites that are known or suspected of contributing to diseases in various plants. The best characterized are the thaxtomin phytotoxins, which play a critical role in the development of CS, acid scab and soil rot of sweet potato. In addition, the best-characterized CS-causing pathogen, Streptomyces scabies, produces a molecule that is predicted to resemble the Pseudomonas syringae coronatine phytotoxin and which contributes to seedling disease symptom development. Other Streptomyces phytotoxic secondary metabolites that have been identified include concanamycins, FD-891 and borrelidin. Furthermore, there is evidence that additional, unknown metabolites may participate in Streptomyces plant pathogenicity. Such revelations have implications for the rational development of better management procedures for controlling CS and other Streptomyces plant diseases.

Toxinas Bacterianas/metabolismo , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Microbiología del Suelo , Streptomyces/metabolismo , Toxinas Bacterianas/química , Alcoholes Grasos/química , Alcoholes Grasos/metabolismo , Indoles/química , Indoles/metabolismo , Ipomoea batatas/microbiología , Macrólidos/química , Macrólidos/metabolismo , Familia de Multigenes , Piperazinas/química , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Solanum tuberosum/microbiología , Streptomyces/genética , Streptomyces/patogenicidad
Bioorg Med Chem Lett ; 24(2): 548-51, 2014 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24365161


In this letter, we describe a series of 4-substituted piperidine and piperazine compounds based on tetrahydroquinoline 1, a compound that shows balanced, low nanomolar binding affinity for the mu opioid receptor (MOR) and the delta opioid receptor (DOR). We have shown that by changing the length and flexibility profile of the side chain in this position, binding affinity is improved at both receptors by a significant degree. Furthermore, several of the compounds described herein display good efficacy at MOR, while simultaneously displaying DOR antagonism. The MOR agonist/DOR antagonist has shown promise in the reduction of negative side effects displayed by selective MOR agonists, namely the development of dependence and tolerance.

Piperazinas/síntesis química , Piperidinas/síntesis química , Receptores Opioides delta/antagonistas & inhibidores , Receptores Opioides mu/agonistas , Animales , Células CHO , Cricetinae , Cricetulus , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos/métodos , Piperazinas/metabolismo , Piperidinas/metabolismo , Unión Proteica/fisiología , Receptores Opioides delta/metabolismo , Receptores Opioides mu/metabolismo