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Ayu ; 34(1): 49-55, 2013 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24049405


Vata is the governing factor in the maintenance of equilibrium in the universe as well as in the body. As age advances, the influence of Vata Dosha progresses, resulting in the process of gradual degeneration of the body. Sandhigatavata (osteoarthritis) is one of the consequences of this process, which is common in the elderly people. This is one of the major causes of chronic disability, affecting the quality of life. Prevalence of osteoarthritis in India is more among menopausal women. This study has been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic multimodal management in Sandhigatavata and to provide better options to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). In present clinical trial, 50 patients of Sandhigatavata have been registered and have been given Snehana, Svedana, Mriduvirechana, Matrabasti, and Jalaukavacharana, along with oral medications like Yogaraja Guggulu and Ashvagandha Churna. This multimodal therapy is being used in P.D. Patel Ayurved Hospital, Nadiad, since years, providing good relief to patients with Sandhigatavata. The results have been analyzed statistically by using the Student paired't' test. The therapy showed highly significant (P < 0.001) beneficial effect on the clinical features of Sandhigatavata. On overall effect of therapy, 4% of the patients were relieved completely, while 24% have shown marked improvement, 50% moderate improvement, and 22% mild improvement. Results of follow-up showed that marked improvement decreased, but moderate improvement was steady. Continuing the study on a larger number of patients, with inclusion of more objective parameters to get better conclusions is suggested at the end of the study.

Ayu ; 34(3): 243-8, 2013 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24501516


All skin diseases can be included under the umbrella of Kushta Roga. Ekkakushta is a variety of Kshudra Kushtha with dominancy of Vata and Kapha Doshas. It is characterized by symptoms like- Aswedanam, Mahavastum, Matsyashakalopamam, etc., these characteristic features has a striking similarity with Psoriasis. It is a papulosqaumous disorder of the skin, characterized by sharply defined erythmatosqaumous lesion. Due to its chronic and recurrent nature, it has a great impact on the quality of life of the patients. The present study was aimed to compare the effect of Navayasa Rasayana Leha and Medhya Rasayana tablet along with Dhatryadhyo Lepa in patients of Ekkakushta (psoriasis). For this study, the selected patients were randomly divided into two groups. Koshtha Shuddhi was done by Eranda Bruhstha Haritaki (6 g-at night with Ushnodaka) in patients of both the groups for 3 days before starting the treatment. Total 111 patients were selected for present study. Patients of group A (45 patients) were given "Navayasa Rasayana Leha" and "Dhatryadhyo Lepa" for external application. Stress is a very well known precipitating factor of Psoriasis. Hence, to study the efficacy of Medhya Rasayana drugs, patients of group B (49 patients) were given Medhya Rasayana tablet along with the external application of Dhatryadhyo Lepa. The duration of the study was 3 months with follow up for one month. Both the groups showed highly significant results in all signs, symptoms and other parameters. Navayasa Rasayana Leha and Medhya Rasayana tablet along with Dhatryadhyo Lepa can be used effectively for the treatment of Ekkakushta.

Ayu ; 32(2): 207-12, 2011 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22408304


Sandhigata Vata is one among the 80 Nanatmaja Vata Vyadhies. Sandhigata Vata and Osteoarthritis have common symptoms, and hence, both are considered as similar entities by a majority of Ayurvedic scholars and same has been adopted here. Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease among human beings today. In this study, a total of 116 patients were registered, out of them 101 patients had completed the full course of treatment, while 15 patients left against medical advice. The 101 patients of Sandhigata Vata were treated in two groups. Group A: In this group 50 patients of Sandhigata Vata were treated with Nirgundi Patra pinda sweda for 21 days and Ashwagandhadi Guggulu Yoga3 g/day for 45 days was given orally. Group B: In this group 51 patients of Sandhigata Vata were treated with only Ashwagandhadi Guggulu Yoga 3 g/day for 45 days. To assess the effect of the therapy objectively, all the signs and symptoms of Sandhigata Vata were given a score, depending upon their severity. Also functional tests like walking time, climbing stairs, and joint movement, were measured as a criteria for assessment. Both the groups showed good results, but Group B showed better results in comparison to group A.

Ayu ; 32(3): 333-9, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22529646


Psoriasis is a chronic disease that can have substantial psychological and social impact on patient's life. Psoriasis has been shown to affect health-related Quality of Life to an extent similar to the effects of other chronic diseases such as depression, myocardial infarction, hypertension, etc. The modern treatment options not only provide temporary relief but also have serious side effects. Thus, the chronic and recurring nature of the disease hampers the Quality of Life to a great extent. In the present study, patients were randomly divided into two groups. Koshtha Shuddhi was done by Eranda bhrushta haritaki (6 g at night with ushnodaka) in patients of both the groups for 3 days before starting the treatment. A total of 111 patients were selected for the present study and were grouped into two. Patients of group A (45) were given "Navayasa rasayana leha" and "Dhatryadhyo lepa" for external application. Stress is a well-known precipitating factor of Psoriasis. Hence, to study the efficacy of Medhya rasayana drugs, patients of group B (49) were given Medhya rasayana tablet along with the application of Dhatryadhyo lepa. The duration of the study was 3 months and follow-up was done for one month. Both the groups showed equally good results on improving the quality of life in the patients in terms of Dermatology life quality index and Psoriasis disability index.

Ayu ; 31(2): 210-7, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131712


Sandhigatavata is described under vatavyadhi in all ayurvedic classical texts. Osteoarthritis is the most common articular disorder which begins asymptomatically in the second and third decades and is extremely common by age 70. Here Matra Vasti (therapeutic enema) was given with Bala taila as Vasti is the best treatment for vatavyadhies. It has vatashamaka and rasayana properties. Indigenous compound drug containing Guggulu, Shallaki, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Guduchi, Nirgundi, Kupilu and Godanti was given in one group along with Matra Vasti. In this study, 33 patients of Sandhigatavata completed the treatment. Patients were randomly divided into two groups. Sixteen patients in Group-A (sarvanga Abhyanga-swedana + matravasti) and 17 patients in Group-B (sarvanga Abhyanga-swedana+ matravasti + indigenous compound drug). The results of the study indicate that the patients of both the groups obtained highly significant relief in almost all the signs and symptoms of Sandhigatavata.

Ayu ; 31(3): 300-4, 2010 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131730


Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic metabolic disorder prevalent all over the world. Virechana is the Shodhana procedure that is specific for the elimination of vitiated Pitta and Kapha doshas. Thus, in the present study, the Virechana process has been selected prior to the administration of Shamana drug. Nyagrodhadi churna is mentioned in Chakradatta, which is modified into Ghana form for easy administration and dose maintenance. The present study was conducted in two groups: Group A, Nyogrodhadi Ghana vati (Shamana therapy) and Group B, Virechana and Nyogrodhadi Ghana vati (combined therapy). A total of 42 patients were registered for the present study, in which 34 patients completed the and eight patients were dropouts. After evaluating the total effect of the therapies, it was observed that the Virechana and Nyagrodhadi Ghanavati (combined therapy) provided better relief in the patients of Madhumeha in comparison with Nyagrodhadi Ghanavati (Shamana therapy) alone.

Ayu ; 31(3): 343-50, 2010 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131737


Amavata is the most crippling of the joint diseases. It occurs throughout the world in all climates and all ethnic groups. Though all the Doshas take part in the causation of this disease, Ama and vitiated Vata play the dominant role. The clinical features of rheumatoid arthritis, such as pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, and general debility, are almost identical to that of Amavata. Treatment provides symptomatic relief, but the underlying pathology remains unchecked because of the absence of effective drugs. In the management of Amavata all the acharyas have described the sequential employment of Dipana, Amapachan, Shodhan, and Shaman therapies. For this study, 118 patients of Amavata were randomly divided into two groups. The patients in group A (50 patients) were given Matra Basti with Brihat Saindhavadi Taila along with Vatari Guggulu; the patients in group B (53 patients) were given only Vatari Guggulu. All the patients responded favorably to the treatment in both the groups; however, patients treated with Matra Basti had better relief in most of the cardinal signs and symptoms of the disease.