In our study we propose to find an alternative to surgery management of IPB usable in DH regime with current instrumentation or with new technology from physics. We retrospectively reviewed techniques commonly mentioned in the literature to value benefits about cost, comfort, outcomes, and, at the same time, we stress disadvantages regarding each of these. TUI is economical, can be done in a few minutes, involves minimum bleeding, but can't be utilized in III lobe prostate and it doesn't provide material for histological tests. TUBT, feasible with light patient sedation, provides not satisfying results. Hyperthermia is necessary in selected cases. TULIP must be effected in anesthesia, needs complicated and expensive instrumentation, and it isn't practicable in III lobe prostate. Urethral stent application is expensive and not satisfactory in large size and III lobe prostate. The outcomes we obtained with TUI are similar to TUR; TUBT obtains good symptomatological results only in 20% of cases at 12 months. Hyperthermia and TULIP obtain an improvement in urinary flow rate from 20 to 60% and 50% respectively. Stent application provides good results. We think that the most modern, effective and economical alternative to the surgery of prostate adenoma is endoscopic surgery in TUI model.