One-carbon (1C) metabolism is a metabolic network that is centered on folate, a B vitamin; it integrates nutritional signals with biosynthesis, redox homeostasis, and epigenetics. This metabolic pathway also reduces levels of homocysteine, a non-protein amino acid. High levels of homocysteine are linked to increased risk of hypoxic events, such as stroke. Several preclinical studies have suggested that 1C metabolism can impact stroke outcome, but the clinical data are unclear. The objective of this paper was to review preclinical and clinical research to determine whether 1C metabolism has an antioxidant role on stroke. To accomplish the objective, we searched for publications using the following medical subject headings (MeSH) keywords: antioxidants, hypoxia, stroke, homocysteine, one-carbon metabolism, folate, methionine, and dietary supplementation of one-carbon metabolism. Both pre-clinical and clinical studies were retrieved and reviewed. Our review of the literature suggests that deficiencies in 1C play an important role in the onset and outcome of stroke. Dietary supplementation of 1C provides beneficial effects on stroke outcome. For stroke-affected patients or individuals at high risk for stroke, the data suggest that nutritional modifications in addition to other therapies could be incorporated into a treatment plan.
The prevalence of stroke increases with age and the ability to absorb all nutrients from our diets decreases with age. Nutrition is a modifiable risk factor for stroke, which is a leading cause of death and disability in world-wide. Deficiencies in onecarbon metabolism, including in methyltetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), have been linked to increased risk of stroke. The Mthfr+/- mice mouse model mimic the phenotype of the MTHFR677CâT polymorphism, such as elevated levels of homocystine. Using this mouse model, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of dietary supplementation with 5-methylTHF, vitamin B12, and choline after ischemic stroke. Male Mthfr+/- and wildtype littermate control mice were aged (~1.5-year-old) and were placed on control diet (CD) 4-weeks prior to sensorimotor cortex damage using photothrombosis (PT), a model for ischemic stroke. Post-operatively, one group of Mthfr+/- and wildtype littermate mice were placed on 5-methylTHF, vitamin B12, and choline supplemented diet (SD). Four weeks after PT and SD motor function was assessed using the accelerating rotarod, forepaw asymmetry, and ladder beam walking tasks. Total homocysteine and cysteine levels were measured in blood. Brain tissue was processed to assess lesion volume and investigate biochemical and molecular changes. After PT and SD, Mthfr+/- mice were able to stay on the accelerating rotarod longer and used their impaired forepaw to explore more when compared to CD animals. Furthermore, total homocysteine levels in plasma and lesion volume were reduced in Mthfr+/+ and Mthfr+/- SD mice. Within the damage site, there were reduced levels of apoptotic cell death and increased neuroprotective cellular response in the brains of SD treated Mthfr+/- mice. This study reveals a critical role for onecarbon supplementation, with 5-methylTHF, vitamin B12, and choline, in supporting improvement after ischemic stroke damage.