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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252098, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440797


Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o risco de desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT), bem como sua associação com pensamentos ou tentativas suicidas e a saúde mental de policiais militares feridos por arma de fogo, na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), nos anos de 2017 a 2019. A pesquisa contou com a participação de 30 entrevistados, que responderam o Inventário Demográfico e a Lista de verificação de TEPT para o DSM-5 (PCL-5). Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica estatística Análise Exploratória de Dados e a técnica multivariada Análise de Correspondência. Os resultados revelaram a existência de risco de desenvolvimento do transtorno de forma parcial ou total em uma expressiva parcela da população entrevistada, tendo homens como maioria dos sintomáticos, com média de 38 anos, exercendo atividades operacionais e vitimados em via pública quando estavam de folga do serviço. O ferimento deixou a maioria com sequelas, com destaque para dores crônicas, limitações de locomoção e/ou mobilidade e perda parcial de um membro. E, ainda, policiais sintomáticos apresentaram comportamentos suicidas, relatando já terem pensado ou tentado tirar a própria vida. Desta forma, conclui-se que policiais militares são expostos constantemente a traumas inerentes a sua profissão. Quando há ameaça de vida, como nos casos de ferimentos por arma de fogo, são suscetíveis a sequelas físicas decorrente do ferimento, somadas a sequelas mentais tardias, como o surgimento de sintomatologias de TEPT e ideação suicida.(AU)

This study aimed to identify the risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its associations around suicidal thoughts or attempts and mental health in military police officers injured by firearms, in the Metropolitan Region of Belem (RMB), from 2017 to 2019. The research had the participation of 30 respondents who answered the Demographic Inventory and the PTSD checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). For data analysis, we used the statistical technique Exploratory Data Analysis and the multivariate technique Correspondence Analysis. The results revealed the existence of risk of developing partial or total disorder in a significant portion of the interviewed population, with men as most of the symptomatic individuals, with mean age of 38 years, developing operational activities and victimized on public roads when they were off duty. The injuries left most of them with sequelae, especially chronic pain, limited locomotion and/or mobility, and partial loss of a limb. In addition, symptomatic officers showed suicidal behavior, such as reporting they had thought about or tried to take their own lives. Thus, we conclude that military policemen are constantly exposed to traumas inherent to their profession. When their lives are threatened, as in the case of firearm wounds, they are susceptible to physical sequelae resulting from the injury, in addition to late mental sequelae, such as the appearance of PTSD symptoms and suicidal ideation.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el riesgo de desarrollo de trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) y sus asociaciones con pensamientos o tentativas suicidas y la salud mental en policías militares heridos por armamiento de fuego, en la Región Metropolitana de Belém (Brasil), en el período entre 2017 y 2019. En el estudio participaron 30 entrevistados que respondieron el Inventario Demográfico y la Lista de verificación de TEPT para el DSM-5 (PCL-5). Para el análisis de datos se utilizaron la técnica estadística Análisis Exploratoria de Datos y la técnica multivariada Análisis de Correspondencia. Los resultados revelaron que existen riesgos de desarrollo de trastorno de estrés postraumático de forma parcial o total en una expresiva parcela de la población de policías entrevistados, cuya mayoría de sintomáticos eran hombres, de 38 años en media, que ejercen actividades operacionales y fueron victimados en vía pública cuándo estaban de día libre del servicio. La lesión dejó la mayoría con secuelas, especialmente con dolores crónicos, limitaciones de locomoción y/o movilidad y la pierda parcial de un miembro. Aún los policías sintomáticos presentaran comportamiento suicida, tales como relataran qué ya pensaron o tentaron quitar la propia vida. Se concluye que los policías militaran se exponen constantemente a los traumas inherentes a su profesión. Cuando existe amenaza de vida, como en los casos de heridas por armamiento de fuego, son expuestos a secuelas físicas transcurridas de la herida, sumado a secuelas mentales tardías, como el surgimiento de sintomatologías de TEPT y la ideación suicida.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Dor , Ferimentos e Lesões , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo , Sintomas Psíquicos , Risco , Angústia Psicológica , Ansiedade , Transtornos de Ansiedade , Transtornos Fóbicos , Prisões , Psicologia , Comportamento de Esquiva , Segurança , Atenção , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Suicídio , Tentativa de Suicídio , Terapêutica , Violência , Sintomas Comportamentais , Jornada de Trabalho , Esgotamento Profissional , Adaptação Psicológica , Catatonia , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Saúde Ocupacional , Comportamento Autodestrutivo , Defesa Civil , Direitos Civis , Transtorno de Pânico , Setor Público , Cognição , Eficiência Organizacional , Contusões , Vítimas de Crime , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Senso de Humor e Humor , Crime , Estado de Alerta em Emergências , Programa de Defesa Civil , Proteção Civil , Processo Legal , Morte , Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais , Agressão , Depressão , Tontura , Sonhos , Alcoolismo , Reação de Fuga , Prevenção de Doenças , Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador , Vigilância do Ambiente de Trabalho , Fadiga Mental , Medo , Catastrofização , Medicalização , Esperança , Atenção Plena , Comportamento Criminoso , Transtornos Relacionados a Trauma e Fatores de Estresse , Trauma Psicológico , Abuso Físico , Excitabilidade Cortical , Equilíbrio Trabalho-Vida , Estresse Ocupacional , Violência com Arma de Fogo , Redução de Riscos de Desastres , Cinesiofobia , Bem-Estar Psicológico , Prevenção do Suicídio , Prevenção de Acidentes , Culpa , Cefaleia , Promoção da Saúde , Homicídio , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Satisfação no Emprego , Transtornos Mentais
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e249513, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431132


Este ensaio teórico-reflexivo tem como objetivo discutir sobre as contribuições dos estudos da criminologia e sua crítica para as diversas formas de aprisionamento feminino, e mais atualmente para o encarceramento em massa no sistema prisional, além de abrir espaço para o debate sobre as diferentes perspectivas feministas e as relações com os estudos criminológicos, sobretudo com os posicionamentos da chamada criminologia crítica. Reconhecem-se importantes avanços e conquistas feministas no debate sobre a estruturação masculinizada do direito penal e do seu fazer jurídico, mas também a manutenção de diversas formas de violência de gênero que configuram um sistema penal antropocêntrico, seletivo, racista e discriminatório. Indica-se a urgência de estudos interseccionais que considerem as particularidades e reinvindicações das mulheres no cárcere e suas formas de militância, sobretudo diante de população carcerária feminina composta majoritariamente por mulheres negras, pobres e periféricas. Faz-se visível a necessidade de uma análise dos fatores que atravessam o encarceramento feminino por uma ótica feminista plural, adequada às realidades que se estudam e atenta às múltiplas perspectivas que podem existir dentro do feminismo.(AU)

This theoretical-reflexive essay aims to discuss the contributions of criminological studies and their critique of the various forms of imprisonment of women, and more recently of mass incarceration in the prison system, in addition to opening space for the debate on the different feminist perspectives and their relations with criminological studies, especially with the positions of the so-called critical criminology. Important feminist advances and conquests are recognized in the debate about the masculinized structure of penal law and its legal practice, but also the maintenance of diverse forms of gender violence that configure an anthropocentric, selective, racist, and discriminatory penal system. It indicates the urgency of intersectional studies that consider the particularities and claims of women in prison and their forms of militancy, especially in the face of the female prison population composed mostly of black, poor, and peripheral women. The need for an analysis of the factors that cross women's imprisonment from a plural feminist perspective, adequate to the realities under study and attentive to the multiple perspectives that may exist within feminism, becomes visible.(AU)

Este ensayo teórico-reflexivo pretende discutir las aportaciones de los estudios criminológicos y su crítica a las distintas formas de encarcelamiento femenino, y más recientemente de encarcelamiento masivo en el sistema penitenciario, además de generar debate sobre las distintas perspectivas feministas y sus relaciones con los estudios criminológicos, especialmente con las posiciones de la Criminología Crítica. Se reconocen importantes avances y logros feministas en el debate sobre la estructuración masculinizada del derecho penal y su práctica jurídica, además del mantenimiento de diversas formas de violencia de género que configuran un sistema penal antropocéntrico, selectivo, racista y discriminatorio. Se necesitan estudios interseccionales que consideren las particularidades y reivindicaciones de las mujeres en prisión y sus formas de militancia, principalmente ante la población penitenciaria femenina compuesta mayoritariamente por mujeres negras, pobres y periféricas. Se hace evidente la necesidad de analizar los factores que inciden en el encarcelamiento femenino desde una perspectiva feminista plural, adecuada a las realidades que se estudian y atenta a las múltiples perspectivas que pueden existir dentro del feminismo.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Prisões , Feminismo , Criminologia , Serviço de Acompanhamento de Pacientes , Preconceito , Trabalho Sexual , Psicologia , Psicologia Social , Política Pública , Punição , Qualidade de Vida , Estupro , Rejeição em Psicologia , Religião , Papel (figurativo) , Segurança , Comportamento Sexual , Ajustamento Social , Comportamento Social , Mudança Social , Classe Social , Problemas Sociais , Socialização , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Sociologia , Estereotipagem , Tabu , Roubo , Desemprego , Gravidez , Áreas de Pobreza , Educação Infantil , Demografia , Características da Família , Higiene , Política de Planejamento Familiar , Bruxaria , Colonialismo , Congressos como Assunto , Sexualidade , Conhecimento , Estatística , Crime , Cultura , Vandalismo , Direito Sanitário , Estado , Regulamentação Governamental , Aplicação da Lei , Populações Vulneráveis , Agressão , Grupos Raciais , Escolaridade , Humanização da Assistência , Mercado de Trabalho , Produtos de Higiene Menstrual , Feminilidade , Etarismo , Racismo , Sexismo , Discriminação Social , Tráfico de Drogas , Reincidência , Ativismo Político , Opressão Social , Vulnerabilidade Sexual , Androcentrismo , Liberdade , Respeito , Sociedade Civil , Papel de Gênero , Enquadramento Interseccional , Cidadania , Estrutura Familiar , Servidores Penitenciários , Promoção da Saúde , Homicídio , Zeladoria , Direitos Humanos , Imperícia , Menstruação , Princípios Morais , Mães , Motivação
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255165, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529227


O presente estudo qualitativo objetivou compreender as expectativas de mães e cuidadoras sobre a sua participação no Programa ACT para Educar Crianças em Ambientes Seguros na versão remota, no período da pandemia de covid-19. Também visou identificar a percepção das participantes sobre educar uma criança em um ambiente seguro. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas on-line com doze mães e cuidadoras, antes da participação no Programa ACT. Os resultados indicaram diferentes expectativas sobre a participação no Programa ACT, entre elas: adquirir novos conhecimentos, aprimorar as habilidades parentais, trocar experiências, receber auxílio no momento da pandemia de covid-19 e possibilitar para a criança um desenvolvimento saudável. Na percepção das mães e cuidadoras, a versão remota do Programa ACT apresenta aspectos positivos; entre eles, a participação de pais e cuidadores que não residem na cidade em que é oferecida a intervenção. No entanto, apontaram como fatores negativos a ausência do contato físico e as interrupções que podem acontecer a partir das falhas de internet. Para as mães e cuidadoras, educar a criança em um ambiente seguro estava relacionado a promover os direitos estabelecidos no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), como educação, saúde, lazer, cuidado, afeto, assim como protegê-la de situações de violência. Considera-se que as expectativas das participantes estavam alinhadas aos objetivos do Programa ACT. Torna-se prioritário oferecer programas de prevenção à violência aos pais e cuidadores, em especial em momentos adversos como o da pandemia de covid-19, a fim de promover o desenvolvimento e a saúde das crianças, assim como prevenir situações de violação de direitos.(AU)

This qualitative study aims to understand the expectations of mothers and caregivers about participating in the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in its remote version, during the COVID-19 pandemic period. It also aims to identify the participants' perception of raising a child in a safe environment. Semi-structured on-line interviews were conducted with 12 mothers/caregivers, prior to participation in the ACT Program. The results indicated different expectations regarding the participation in the ACT Program, for example: acquiring new knowledge, improving parenting skills, exchanging experiences, receiving support during the COVID-19 pandemic, and enabling the child to have a healthy development. In the perception of mothers and caregivers, the remote version of the ACT Program has positive aspects, such as the participation of parents and caregivers who do not live in the city where the intervention is offered. However, they pointed out as negative factors absence of physical contact and interruptions due to internet failures. For the mothers/caregivers, educating children in a safe environment was related to promoting the rights established by the Brazilian Child and Adolescent Statute, namely education, health, leisure, care, affection, as well as protecting them from situations of violence. The expectations of the participants were aligned with the objectives of the ACT Program. Offering violence prevention programs to parents and caregivers is a priority, especially in adverse moments such as the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to promote the development and health of children, as well as prevent situations of violation of rights.(AU)

Este estudio cualitativo pretendió comprender las expectativas de madres y cuidadoras sobre la participación en el Programa de ACT para Educar a Niños en Ambientes Seguros en la versión remota, en el periodo de la pandemia de la COVID-19. También se propuso identificar la percepción de las participantes sobre educar a un niño en un ambiente seguro. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas en línea con 12 madres/cuidadoras, antes de la participación en el Programa ACT. Los resultados señalaron diferentes expectativas con la participación del Programa de ACT, entre ellas: adquirir nuevos conocimientos, perfeccionar las habilidades parentales, intercambiar experiencias, recibir auxilio en el momento de la pandemia de la COVID-19 y posibilitar al niño un desarrollo saludable. En la percepción de las madres y cuidadoras, la versión remota del Programa de ACT presenta aspectos positivos, como la participación de padres y cuidadores que no residen en la ciudad donde es ofrecida la intervención. Sin embargo, señalaron como factores negativos la ausencia del contacto físico y las interrupciones, que pueden ocurrir por fallas en Internet. Para las madres/cuidadoras, educar al niño en un ambiente seguro estaba relacionado a promover los derechos establecidos en el Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente de Brasil, como educación, salud, ocio, cuidado, afecto, así como protegerlo de situaciones de violencia. Se considera que las expectativas de las participantes estaban alineadas con los objetivos del Programa de ACT. Es prioritario ofrecer programas de prevención a la violencia a los padres y cuidadores, en especial en momentos adversos como el de la pandemia de la COVID-19, con el fin de promover el desarrollo y la salud de los niños, así como prevenir situaciones de vulneración de derechos.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Prevenção de Doenças , Intervenção Psicossocial , Apetite , Desenvolvimento da Personalidade , Ludoterapia , Resolução de Problemas , Psicologia , Desempenho Psicomotor , Política Pública , Segurança , Instituições Acadêmicas , Delitos Sexuais , Autoritarismo , Ajustamento Social , Classe Social , Isolamento Social , Responsabilidade Social , Apoio Social , Estresse Psicológico , Síndrome da Criança Espancada , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Sintomas Comportamentais , Abuso Sexual na Infância , Brasil , Sistemas On-Line , Caráter , Criança , Criança Abandonada , Cuidado da Criança , Proteção da Criança , Saúde Mental , Negociação , Entrevista , Violência Doméstica , Coronavirus , Distúrbios de Guerra , Meios de Comunicação , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Crime , Ameaças , Sintomas Afetivos , Cultura , Vigilância em Desastres , Morte , Denúncia de Irregularidades , Populações Vulneráveis , Agressão , Sonhos , Conflito Familiar , Relações Familiares , Terapia Familiar , Pandemias , Rede Social , Narrativa Pessoal , Transtornos Relacionados a Trauma e Fatores de Estresse , Trauma Psicológico , Assistentes Sociais , Criança Acolhida , Frustração , Crescimento Psicológico Pós-Traumático , Respeito , Angústia Psicológica , Trauma Sexual , Inclusão Social , Retorno à Escola , Abastecimento de Alimentos , COVID-19 , Ambiente Domiciliar , Vulnerabilidade Social , Cidadania , Hematoma , Homicídio , Visita Domiciliar , Direitos Humanos , Infanticídio , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida , Amor , Imperícia , Bem-Estar Materno , Transtornos Mentais , Narcisismo , Apego ao Objeto
Psychoanal Rev ; 109(1): 13-33, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35262389


The author, an African American, reflects on what it means to be a psychoanalyst and the effectiveness of psychoanalytic thinking in response to the racial dilemma in the United States. The current climate is a result of longstanding inequality of the races and reflects the social unrest prompted by the Black Lives Matter movement and the police killings of unarmed Black people. Three poems are also presented expressing some of the ideas discussed in the meditation.

Meditação , Psicanálise , Racismo , Homicídio , Humanos , Polícia , Estados Unidos
J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs ; 29(6): 813-828, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35255182


WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: The phenomenon of child killing (neonaticide, infanticide or filicide) is a rare event that cannot be fully explained by a single construct as each case involves the unique life circumstances of each woman who committed the act(s). WHAT THE PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: The majority of women who committed neonaticide, infanticide or filicide regretted the act and regretted not seeking help from family and healthcare professionals. Women who committed neonaticide, infanticide or filicide in the main had complex circumstances characterised by poverty, abusive relationships, poor family and social support or over reliance on family supports and mental health issues. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE?: Women require a clear plan of what to do if they feel overwhelmed with caring for a baby or child. Healthcare professionals involved with women in the perinatal period need to explore further women's expressions of "not being ready to be a mother" which for some women may be pathological and require further assessment. Women need to be made aware of the support service pathways available to them during the perinatal period and beyond. Further research is needed to explore and learn from women's experiences to reduce child homicide mortality and support women and their families. ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Meaning and personal experiences of the acts of neonaticide, infanticide and filicide have rarely been investigated from the perspectives of the women who committed those acts. AIMS: To identify and synthesise evidence on the perspectives of women directly involved in the complex phenomena of neonaticide, infanticide or filicide from the evidence available on their unique point of view and how these experiences have affected women's lives. To understand how the experiences and perceptions of women who engaged in child killing present similarities or differences according to the child's age at time of death. METHODS: Qualitative primary studies published in English were included if they explored the experiences of women who engaged in neonaticide, infanticide or filicide. Methodological quality was assessed using the qualitative Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) checklist. A thematic analysis framework guided the synthesis. RESULTS: Seven papers reporting on five studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Three analytical themes were identified: Not ready to be a mother; Intentionality and premeditation in the context of trauma and mental health issues; Sorrow of regret. DISCUSSION: The majority of women who committed neonaticide, infanticide or filicide had complex psychological, social and personal circumstances and in the main regretted the act and regretted not seeking help from family and healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals in contact with women during the perinatal period and beyond need to be aware of the profiles of vulnerable women and undertake holistic integrated assessments to identify the woman's personal context, changes in interpersonal relationships, social isolation or over reliance on family supports and changes in mental health status or new onset of mental health conditions. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Women require a clear plan of what to do if they feel overwhelmed with caring for a baby or child. Healthcare professionals involved with women in the perinatal period need to explore further women's expressions of "not being ready to be a mother" which for some women might be pathological and require further assessment. Women need to be made aware of the support services pathways available to them during the perinatal period and beyond. Further research is needed to explore and learn from women's experiences of each of the phenomena separately to reduce child homicide mortality and support women and their families.

Infanticídio , Transtornos Mentais , Lactente , Criança , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Infanticídio/psicologia , Homicídio/psicologia , Mães , Pesquisa Qualitativa
J Forensic Sci ; 67(3): 1092-1107, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35103301


This paper examines a pediatric hyperthermia homicide in which the decedent was placed into a room with only a diaper on and left unattended overnight. There were no furnishings in the room except for a 1500-W space heater and a stroller. The following morning, emergency personnel were summoned to the residence. A caretaker said the decedent was playing normally 5 min before making the 911 call. The decedent's initial rectal temperature was 42.2°C. Law enforcement asked how long the child had to be exposed to a high temperature in order to induce fatal hyperthermia in an empty bedroom. The scene was reconstructed using the child's residence and the same heater. Environmental data were gathered over a 16-h period. The thermal parameters of the room and environment were analyzed using a lumped-element thermal model. These parameters were then fed into an adapted Gagge's two-node model of human thermal regulation, which provided a time-window of exposure necessary to elicit hyperthermia, which in this case, depending on certain variables, ranged from 45 min to 4 h.

Temperatura Alta , Hipertermia Induzida , Criança , Medicina Legal , Homicídio , Humanos
J Forensic Sci ; 67(2): 766-774, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34837401


Soil examination can provide useful forensic information about the spatial location and suspect's activities. Many techniques have been applied for soil comparison and provenance determination in criminal investigations. Pollen and diatom identification, which has the potential to provide an independent ecological assessment of soil evidence, is currently underused in forensic soil analysis. This work presents a case study of application of these methods to help criminal investigation in a murder case, which happened in an irrigation ditch in Hunan Province, southern China. Soils from the suspect's clothes, the exact crime scene spot in the irrigation ditch, along the ditch and the reference ditches were collected and analyzed. In addition to the element and mineral analysis, pollen and diatom assemblages were analyzed for further comparison. The statistical methods of hierarchical cluster and cosine similarity analysis were carried out to assist in soil comparison and provenance determination. The results showed that soil on the suspect's clothes had a high probability to share the same source with the soil from the crime scene in the irrigation ditch. The suspect confessed to murder based largely on the soil examination result even without other evidences.

Diatomáceas , Solo , Medicina Legal/métodos , Homicídio , Pólen
Lasers Med Sci ; 37(1): 299-307, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33439377


Immunotherapy of tumors has become a research hotspot. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are the most abundant interstitial cells in a tumor's microenvironment. As the concentration of the prepared nanoparticles increased, so their cytotoxicity of intensified. Under photothermal conditions, mAb-CD163/Au inhibited tumor invasion by killing M2 macrophages in vitro. After exposure to near-infrared (NIR) laser, mAb-CD163/Au inhibited tumor growth in vivo. The gold nanoparticles were modified to target M2 macrophages. Under NIR laser irradiation, mAb-CD163/Au achieved antitumor effects by killing M2 macrophages in vitro and in vivo.

Ouro , Nanopartículas Metálicas , Homicídio , Fototerapia , Macrófagos Associados a Tumor
Clin Gerontol ; 44(5): 528-535, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33662224


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore how demographic, relationship, mental health, and life stressors are associated with suicide among older male farmers and to determine if these differ by age.Methods: We conducted exploratory analyses with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) 2003-2017 dataset. We identified individuals who completed suicide while working in agriculture (N = 2,106). We explored descriptive statistics for farmers who completed suicide and compared these by age using chi-square tests.Results: The majority of the sample was male, non-Hispanic, and White. Marital status differed significantly by age, with older farmers more likely to be married or widowed. Having a mental health issue was not statistically significant by age; however, depression was most prevalent among those 65+. Older farmers who completed suicide were also significantly more likely to report physical health problems.Conclusions: Results illustrate the vulnerability of individuals contemplating suicide and emphasize the need to consider the phenomenon from a holistic perspective that accounts for individuals nested within community.Clinical implications: We recommend health providers consider a systems approach to suicide prevention as our results indicate individual, familial, and societal factors contributing to the incidence of suicide completion among older farmers.

Fazendeiros , Suicídio , Causas de Morte , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. , Homicídio , Humanos , Masculino , Vigilância da População , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Violência
J Forensic Leg Med ; 79: 102136, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33631709


In the US, American Indian and Alaskan Native people experience higher rates of violence than all other ethnicities. The purpose of the present research has been to investigate the MMIW crisis, determine the cities with the highest rates of MMIW, and to begin an initial investigation into the root causes for this national crisis. In the present study, missing persons data was analyzed from the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), and from data collected and published in a report produced by the Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI). Additionally, unidentified persons data was analyzed from NamUs, and data regarding murder cases of indigenous women was analyzed from the UIHI report. Locations with the highest rates of MMIW cases in the country were identified as potential "hot spots". Following the analysis, a total of 23 locations were determined to be "hot spots" for MMIW cases. Of these 23 locations, five were identified as being of the highest priority for intervention due to their disproportionately high rates of MMIW cases. Furthermore, hydraulic fracking across the US seems to be a likely contributing factor in the rate of MMIW cases in nine to 16 of the identified "hot spots". Currently in the US, despite a national movement to raise awareness to the MMIW crisis, there has yet to be any direct actions taken by the federal government to address this issue. The present study has served to identify the primary "hot spots" for MMIW cases and has isolated some key contributing factors to this national problem. In order to most holistically address this issue, actions need to be taken at both the local and federal levels.

/estatística & dados numéricos , Indígena Americano ou Nativo do Alasca/estatística & dados numéricos , Homicídio/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , Distribuição por Idade , Criança , Bases de Dados Factuais , Feminino , Humanos , Fraturamento Hidráulico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estados Unidos , Adulto Jovem
Trauma Violence Abuse ; 22(4): 793-803, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640488


Research has demonstrated that approximately 45-50% of individuals show healthy levels of psychological and physical functioning in the first 12 months post-loss. Homicidal bereavement (loss due to murder or manslaughter) does not appear to follow this pattern. Homicide-related mental health difficulties are a serious problem worldwide, displaying high rates of lifetime incidence, high chronicity, and role impairment. Individuals are at increased risk to develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complicated grief (CG), and depression. Nevertheless, a systematic review specifically on the efficacy of psychological interventions following homicidal loss has not yet been conducted. The current systematic review (registered via PROSPERO) aimed to review the psychological interventions available and report their effectiveness. Of 77 records, 7 met predefined inclusion criteria. Studies presented different methodologies, tested different clinical models, and treatment conditions. Thus, a narrative systematic review was conducted. Studies included manualized interventions to deliver 1:1 and group sessions. Cognitive behavioral therapy, restorative retelling, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing were the main models used together with psychoeducational elements about trauma and grief responses. Overall, symptoms of PTSD, CG, and depression decreased significantly postintervention. Sustained improvements were reported for PTSD and depressive symptoms at the follow-up measurements. Mixed results were found regarding how individual (age, gender) and external factors (time since loss, relationship with the deceased) impact on symptom progression. As a result of differences in methodologies, categorization of therapies, methodological differences, and small sample sizes, important questions remain unanswered. Further randomized controlled trials and expert consensus could be considered.

Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Homicídio , Humanos , Intervenção Psicossocial , Psicoterapia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/terapia
Omega (Westport) ; 84(2): 673-699, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32075521


This article presents a magnification of Stage 2 of the Theory of Post-Homicide Spiritual Change, a three-stage grounded theory of spiritual change after homicide (Theory of PHSC). Having endured the disintegration of their belief systems in the immediate aftermath of murder (Stage 1), survivors turn in Stage 2 to a more extended process of grappling with a crisis of meaning. This Stage 2 process is presented within the framework of the meaning making model, with attention to spiritual meaning making and transcendental experiences. Findings can help service providers support homicide survivors throughout an intermediary stage of bereavement that is marked by a sense of stagnation and diminished well-being. By accompanying survivors through the difficult meaning making efforts that characterize this stage, providers can help position them to break free of intensive cognitive meaning making and gain forward momentum in Stage 3 of the Theory of PHSC and can focus on aspects of life that can help them successfully make meaning of their loss while positioning them to gain forward momentum.

Luto , Espiritualidade , Adaptação Psicológica , Pesar , Homicídio , Humanos
Inj Prev ; 27(2): 137-144, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32839248


BACKGROUND: In 2015, 1350 people in the US were killed by their current or former intimate partner. Intimate partner violence (IPV) can also fatally injure family members or friends, and IPV may be a risk factor for suicide. Without accounting for all these outcomes, policymakers, funders, researchers and public health practitioners may underestimate the role that IPV plays in violent death. OBJECTIVE: We sought to enumerate the total contribution of IPV to violent death. Currently, no data holistically report on this problem. METHODS: We used Violent Death Reporting System (VDRS) data to identify all IPV-related violent deaths in North Carolina, 2010-2017. These included intimate partner homicides, corollary deaths, homicide-suicides, single suicides and legal intervention deaths. We used the existing IPV variable in VDRS, linked deaths from the same incident and manually reviewed 2440 suicide narratives where intimate partner problems or stalking were a factor in the death. RESULTS: IPV contributes to more than 1 in 10 violent deaths (10.3%). This represents an age-adjusted rate of 1.97 per 100 000 persons. Of the IPV-related violent deaths we identified, 39.3% were victims of intimate partner homicide, 17.4% corollary victims, 11.4% suicides in a homicide-suicide event, 29.8% suicides in a suicide-only event and 2.0% legal intervention deaths. IMPLICATIONS: If researchers only include intimate partner homicides, they may miss over 60% of IPV-related deaths. Our novel study shows the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to prevent IPV and decrease violent deaths. IPV is a risk factor for suicide as well as homicide.

Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Suicídio , Distribuição por Idade , Causas de Morte , Homicídio , Humanos , Vigilância da População , Distribuição por Sexo , Violência
Forensic Sci Int ; 318: 110598, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33279764


Plant science has been more and more utilized in forensic investigation, although its full potential is still to be reached. Plant macroremains are a powerful tool to link a body or other evidence back to a primary crime scene as they can provide detailed information about its previous ecological and geographic location. However, plant macroremains are often poorly preserved and difficult to identify, as diagnostic elements are seldom present within the assemblage occurring on the scene. Plant fragments most likely to be found are those exposed to the environment and resistant to degradation. The bark of woody plants meets these requirements but the possibility of its identification at species level from small fragments is not known. Starting from a real homicide case, where bark splinters were found on the victim, we aimed to assess the forensic potential of bark identification from small fragments like those likely to occur on a crime scene. Two identification keys were prepared for 16 common lowland tree species from Northern Italy; one key used all the available anatomical traits, the second only those from the outer bark. The second key was not able to discriminate some couples of species unambiguously, but could identify the bark fragments of the homicide as Robinia pseudoacacia, as confirmed from direct comparison with a reference sample. Bark fragments deserve to be included into the macroremains to be analyzed during an investigation, but small samples could easily lack diagnostic traits, and the building of a reference collection should be encouraged.

Cadáver , Ciências Forenses/métodos , Casca de Planta/anatomia & histologia , Homicídio , Humanos , Masculino , Microscopia , Robinia , Adulto Jovem
Rev. crim ; 62(3): 39-48, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144419


Abstract Cali is one of the cities in Colombia and Latin America with the highest rate of homicides, with around one third of homicides being attributed to street gang-related violence. In 2016, the Mayor's office from Santiago the Cali - Colombia, the Police Department and the Cisalva institute from Universidad del Valle worked together to develop an holistic intervention, "TIP -Youth without frontiers", to reduce street gang-related violence in Cali's communes. The intervention comprised six components focusing on developing personal/emotional skills, improving access to health and other public services, reducing substance use, connecting youth with employment and educational opportunities, promoting participation in sports and recreational activities, and improving the restitution of citizen rights to street gang members. This study aimed to describe the characteristics and implementation of this transformative street gang program and to describe changes in street gang-related homicides that could be associated with the implementation of this program. The program started contacting street gangs in January 2016, recruiting the first street gang members in August 2016. As of December 2018, 2.107 youth (from 84 Police identified street gangs) have participated in the program. A reduction in street gang-related homicides was observed in Cali's communes from 2015 to 2018. In intervened communes these homicides decreased on average by 80%, suggesting that the program could have contributed to the reduction of street gang-related violent behavior in these areas.

Resumen Cali es una de las ciudades de Colombia y de Latinoamérica con la tasa de homicidios más alta, con alrededor de un tercio de los homicidios atribuidos a la violencia entre pandillas. En 2016, la Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali - Colombia, la Policía Nacional y el Instituto Cisalva de la Universidad del Valle trabajaron juntos para desarrollar una intervención holística, "TIP - Jóvenes sin fronteras", con el fin de reducir la violencia relacionada con las pandillas en las comunas de Cali. La intervención abarcó seis componentes centrados en desarrollar habilidades personales/emocionales, mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud y otros servicios públicos, reducir el consumo de sustancias, conectar a los jóvenes con oportunidades laborales y educativas, fomentar la participación en actividades deportivas y recreativas, y restituir los derechos cívicos a integrantes de las pandillas. El objetivo de este estudio era describir las características y la implementación de este programa de transformación de pandillas, y describir los cambios en la tasa de homicidios relacionados con pandillas que podrían estar asociados con la implementación de este programa. El programa comenzó contactando a las pandillas en enero del 2016, reclutando a los primeros miembros de estas en agosto del 2016. A diciembre del 2018, 2.107 jóvenes (de 84 pandillas identificadas por la policía) han participado en el programa. Se observó una reducción de los homicidios relacionados con pandillas en las comunas de Cali entre 2015 y 2018. En las comunas intervenidas, estos homicidios disminuyeron en promedio un 80%, lo que sugiere que el programa podría haber contribuido a la reducción del comportamiento violento relacionado con las pandillas en estas áreas.

Resumo Cali é uma das cidades da Colômbia e da América Latina com a maior taxa de homicídios, com cerca de um terço dos homicídios atribuídos à violência de gangues. Em 2016, a Prefeitura de Santiago de Cali - Colômbia, a Polícia Nacional e o Instituto Cisalva da Universidad del Valle trabalharam juntos para desenvolver uma intervenção holística, "TIP - Jovens sem fronteiras", a fim de reduzir a violência das gangues nas comunas de Cali. A intervenção abrangeu seis componentes focados no desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais/emocionais, melhoria do acesso aos serviços de saúde e outros serviços públicos, redução do uso de substâncias, conexão dos jovens com oportunidades de emprego e educação, incentivo à participação em atividades esportivas e recreativas, e a restauração dos direitos cívicos para os membros das gangues. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as características e a implementação do programa de transformação de gangues e descrever as mudanças na taxa de homicídios por gangues que poderiam estar associadas à implementação deste programa. O programa começou contatando as gangues em janeiro de 2016 e foram recrutados os primeiros membros das gangues em agosto de 2016. Em dezembro de 2018, participaram do programa 2.107 jovens (de 84 gangues identificadas pela polícia). Uma redução dos homicídios relacionados a gangues nas comunas de Cali foi observada entre 2015 e 2018. Nas comunas intervencionadas, esses homicídios diminuíram em média 80%, sugerindo que o programa possa ter contribuído para a redução do comportamento violento relacionado a gangues nessas áreas.

Humanos , Homicídio , Violência , Conflitos Armados , Criminosos
Leg Med (Tokyo) ; 47: 101772, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32771937


A 50-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with abrupt massive epistaxis. An accurate anamnesis and physical evaluation could not reveal any other anomalies, while coagulation tests showed potentially life threatening prolonged prothrombin time, with activated partial thromboplastin and thrombin time, with fibrinogen and antithrombin III within limits. Despite the prompt pharmacological and compressive local treatment, bleeding continued and the patient was therefore hospitalized. Highly specific coagulation and toxicological testing-among others high-performance liquid chromatography assessment on plasma-were performed, leading to the unexpected identification of brodifacoum. Police and criminal justice authorities revealed the source of exposure to brodifacoum after several months of investigation, residing in his everyday life. Brodifacoum is a long-lasting anticoagulant, acting as a vitamin K antagonist, and belongs to the family of superwarfarins. Brodifacoum use is authorized as rodenticide in many countries worldwide, but has been reported as cause of severe coagulopathies in humans, both intentional or involuntary, even consumed as a contaminant of herbal drugs, such as cannabis. The original contribution of this case to the knowledges of human brodifacoum intoxication resides in the multidisciplinary approach and the collaborative interplay of clinical and toxicology experts as well as judicial authorities.

4-Hidroxicumarinas/intoxicação , Acidentes , Anticoagulantes/intoxicação , Epistaxe/etiologia , Medicina Legal , Rodenticidas/intoxicação , 4-Hidroxicumarinas/sangue , Anticoagulantes/sangue , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Homicídio , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Rodenticidas/sangue
Med Law Rev ; 28(3): 526-548, 2020 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32462185


This article explores the merits of employing a restorative justice approach in cases of gross negligence manslaughter involving healthcare professionals, in line with the recent policy turn towards developing a just culture in addressing episodes of healthcare malpractice within the National Health Service in England. It is argued that redress for victims and rehabilitation of offenders should operate as key values, underpinning the adoption of a restorative justice approach in such cases. It would also be vital that a structured pathway was designed that established suitable protocols and safeguards for both victims and offenders taking account of problematic issues such as the informality of the process, power asymmetries between parties, and the context in which the offence took place. Taking all such matters into account, we propose that consideration be given to establishing a pilot involving the use of restorative justice in cases of gross negligence manslaughter involving healthcare professionals, which would be subject to judicial and stakeholder oversight to ensure transparency and accountability, which in turn could inform future policy options.

Criminosos/legislação & jurisprudência , Pessoal de Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Homicídio , Imperícia , Vítimas de Crime/legislação & jurisprudência , Inglaterra , Programas Nacionais de Saúde , Justiça Social/normas
Cogn Emot ; 34(5): 1028-1035, 2020 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31852385


Past research reveals important connections between meditative practices and compassion. Most studies, however, focus on the effects of one type of meditation (vs. a no-intervention control) on a single expression of compassion (e.g. offering a seat) towards a relatable target (e.g. a person on crutches), without exploring possible mechanisms. Hence, few studies include different types of meditation, active controls, multiple ways to express compassion, unrelatable targets, and potential mediators. To this end, the present study compared the effects of mindfulness meditation with those of compassion meditation on different expressions of compassion towards a convicted murderer. Seventy-four participants were randomly assigned to a mindfulness meditation, compassion meditation, or active control class, or a no-class control. After an 8-week programme, we assessed compassion by giving participants the option of fulfilling a murderer's request that they write him and then coding those letters for empathy, sympathy, forgiveness, and optimism. Participants in the compassion meditation class wrote more optimistic letters compared to participants in the other three conditions, in part because they valued positivity more. No statistically significant differences emerged for the other expressions of compassion. We discuss the implications of these findings for our understanding of how meditation increases compassion towards unrelatable targets.

Empatia , Perdão , Meditação/psicologia , Atenção Plena , Otimismo , Redação , Feminino , Comportamento de Ajuda , Homicídio/psicologia , Humanos , Prisioneiros/psicologia , Adulto Jovem
Omega (Westport) ; 81(1): 37-65, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29388482


Grounded theory was used to generate a mid-range theory of the process of spiritual change in the lives of survivors of homicide victims. Theoretical sampling guided the selection of 30 participants from a larger study of spiritual change after homicide (N = 112). Individual interviews were analyzed using a four-step sequence of line-by-line, focused, axial, and selective coding. Analysis generated a closed theory consisting of three fluids, consecutive but nonlinear stages. Each stage consisted of an overarching process and a state of being in the world: (a) Disintegrating: living in a state of shock; (b) Reckoning: living in a state of stagnation; (c) Recreating and reintegrating the self: living in a state of renewal. Movement through the stages was fueled by processes of spiritual connection that yielded changes that permeated the theory. Findings can be used to help practitioners address the processes that drive spiritual change in the lives of homicide survivors.

Adaptação Psicológica , Homicídio , Espiritualidade , Sobreviventes/psicologia , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Teoria Fundamentada , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Arch Suicide Res ; 24(2): 204-217, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31079575


In the current study we use a synthetic control group design to estimate the causal effect of a medical marijuana initiative on suicide risk. In 1996, California legalized marijuana use for medical purposes. Implementation was abrupt and uniform, presenting a "natural experiment." Utilizing a panel dataset containing annual frequencies of Total, gun, and non-gun suicides aggregated by state for the years 1970-2004, we construct a control time series for California as a weighted combination of the 41 states that did not legalize marijuana during the analysis period. Post-intervention differences for California and its constructed control time series can be interpreted as the effects of the medical marijuana law on suicide. Significance of the effects were assessed with permutation tests. Our findings suggest that California's 1996 legalization resulted in statistically significant (p<.05) reductions in suicides and gun suicides, but only a non-significant reduction in non-gun suicides (p≥.488). Since the effect for non-gun suicides was indistinguishable from chance, we infer that the overall causal effect was realized through gun suicides. The mechanism could not be determined, however. Participation in the medical marijuana program legally disqualifies participants from purchasing guns. But since most suicides involve guns, it is possible that the effect on total suicide is driven by gun suicide alone.

Fumar Maconha/legislação & jurisprudência , Maconha Medicinal/uso terapêutico , Suicídio/estatística & dados numéricos , California , Causas de Morte , Homicídio/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/mortalidade