OBJECTIVE: To explore the characteristics and rules of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). METHOD: Based on the collection tables of patient information TCM syndrome of DUB Epidata database was set up, SPSS 13.0 was used, information collected by means of four diagnostic methods from 1 000 DUB patients was analyzed in order to judge the DUB symptom group and analyze the syndrome factors. RESULT: One hundred and thirty types of symptom were found in 1 000 DUB. Cardinal symptoms with comparative high frequency of occurrence (> 35%) were as follows: coagulated blood, long menstruationis (more than 14 days), big menstrual blood volume (MBV), dark red blood, dripping-wet blood, bright red blood. Minor symptoms with comparative high frequency of occurrence (> 20%) were as follows: fatigue, dizziness, tiredness, waist soreness, short breath, much dreaming, less sleeping, white face, palmus, anorexia, upset. Thin, white, yellow, greasy fur, indentational, fat tongue and light red, dim red, red tongue could often be seen in tongue tracings. Deep, minute, soft, rapid, small pulse could often be seen in pulse tracings. According to cluster and factor analysis and experiences in differentiation of symptoms and signs, DUB syndrome factors of disease cause and may include Qi deficiency, Yin deficiency, blood deficiency, blood stasis, Qi stagtation, hot blood (excess heat, deficiency heat), wetness, Yang deficiency, and the location is related to, spleen, liver, heart and Chongren, est. CONCLUSION: Cluster analysis and factor analysis could give scientific and rigorous data support to objectivized research on TCM syndrome.