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Cureus ; 16(1): e52841, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38410322


BACKGROUND:  Brucellosis is among the most common zoonotic bacterial infections, leading to major public health consequences in endemic areas such as Saudi Arabia. Primary healthcare is crucial in controlling brucellosis, as it serves as the frontline for disease prevention, early detection, and appropriate management. However, enhancing the contribution of primary healthcare to the entire brucellosis notification process is necessary to minimize the underreporting and inadequate data collection, which hinders the implementation of effective control measures. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to assess primary care physicians' knowledge and practice of clinical preventive management in Saudi Arabia regarding brucellosis using an adapted assessment tool featuring a semi-structured questionnaire. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The current study's design is a cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire. Three hundred and seventy-three primary healthcare physicians in Saudi Arabia were chosen for self-administered online standardized questionnaires. RESULTS:  One-third of the participants answered all the knowledge assessment questions correctly. Most participants had more than 10 years of professional experience and were 40 or older. In response to the practice assessment questions, 210 physicians stated that they had encountered at least one case of brucellosis, and two-thirds had no compliance with the notification process of their cases. CONCLUSION: The limited knowledge and improper practice of primary care physicians regarding human brucellosis are possible underlying reasons for the underdiagnosis and underreporting of brucellosis patients at primary health care clinics in Saudi Arabia. Most research indicates that implementing specific educational programs to improve knowledge is necessary for primary healthcare workers. Furthermore, enhancing the community interaction between healthcare centers and the community facilitates effective control measures against brucellosis.

Cureus ; 15(10): e47376, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38021861


Health security has gained significant attention at the national and global levels, "security" is not a simple term; instead, it is "essentially contested" - that is, it induces debates about what it means and how to use it. This study aimed to define three terms frequently used in health security discussions. These terms are national health security, Global Health Security, and public health. The research method was a scoping review performed in three stages. The first stage was electronic searching based on selection criteria among multiple sources at various time points during the year 2023. These sources included online literature searches, websites of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other governmental health agencies. The second stage involved determining the relevance of the selected papers to the study's objectives; the selected papers had moderate to high relevance to the study's objectives. The third stage was to evaluate the methodological quality of a study; we selected peer-reviewed published papers and websites recognized as trustworthy sources of information. The search yielded 143 articles; five met the inclusion criteria and were subjected to the definition of health security. Despite proposed definitions, agreement has yet to be reached on the content and scope of health security. Another main finding is that health security requires more state and international collaboration efforts to reach Global Health Security. To the best of our knowledge, no known government body or organization is responsible for governing health security in Saudi Arabia. However, the current study presents a definition of health security and differentiates it from the public health approach, in addition to emphasizing the importance of governing the related health sectors within each country in order to improve health security and have a positive impact on overall Global Health Security.

Cureus ; 15(1): e34306, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36865961


BACKGROUND:  Control and prevention of infectious diseases has been a primary health mandate. The reporting system is a vital step in preventing and controlling of these diseases. Most important, healthcare workers who have a responsibility to report must be aware of this responsibility. The present study aimed to improve the compliance of primary healthcare workers against reportable tropical and non-tropical dermatological diseases. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The objective was to assess the knowledge, skills, and practice of primary healthcare workers in Saudi Arabia regarding the surveillance system of reportable tropical and non-tropical dermatological diseases using an assessment tool featuring closed-ended questions. As a secondary objective, this study assessed the satisfaction of primary healthcare workers with the surveillance system. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:  Through a cross-sectional design, the study used an electronic self-administered questionnaire targeting the primary healthcare workers who met the inclusion criteria through a non-probability sampling technique. RESULTS: By the end of the study period, data had been collected from 377 primary healthcare workers. Slightly more than half of them worked for the ministry of health facilities. In the last year, the vast majority (88%) of participants did not report any infectious diseases. Poor or low knowledge was reported by almost half of the participants concerning which dermatological diseases should be notified immediately on clinical suspicion or routinely on a weekly basis. Clinically and in response to the skills assessment, 57% of the participants had lower skills scores in detecting and identifying the skin ulcer of leishmania. Half of the participants were less satisfied with the feedback after their notification and considered the notification forms complicated and time-consuming, especially with the usual high workload in primary healthcare centers. Furthermore, the observed significant differences (p < 0.001) in knowledge and skill scores were demonstrated with female healthcare workers, older participants, employees from the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, and workers with more than ten years of experience. CONCLUSION: The present study has shown the limitations of public health surveillance due to underreporting and lack of timeliness. The dissatisfaction of study participants with feedback after the notification step is another finding that demonstrates the need for collaboration among public health authorities and healthcare workers. Fortunately, health departments can implement measures to improve practitioners' awareness through continuous medical education and providing frequent feedback to overcome these hurdles.

Cureus ; 14(11): e31551, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36540503


BACKGROUND:  Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors are the main reason for the worldwide epidemic of chronic diseases. Changes in lifestyle, such as physical activity, healthy diet, and non-smoking, require preventive strategies at the national and individual levels. Clinical counseling is one of these strategies which helps patients to be motivated and enhance their self-management. The present study aimed to improve clinical counseling practice at the National Guard Primary Health Care Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Objective:To assess the quality of counseling from the patient's perspective in the primary care center of the National Guard (specialized polyclinic center) using a modified counseling quality instrument (CQI). Subjects and methods: In a cross-sectional study and through a convenient sampling technique from the patients visiting the National Guard Primary Health Care Center (specialized polyclinic center), 358 patients completed a self-administered questionnaire regarding their experiences of clinical counseling. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to record the statistically significant differences between the ordinal variable of participants' quality scores and their demographic characteristics. RESULTS:  The mean age of participants was 35± 8 years, ranging between 22 to 69 years. Most of the participating patients were women (63%). Slightly more than half the patients obtained clinical counseling during their appointments, and physicians at the clinic gave 57% of these clinical counseling sessions. The patients were generally satisfied with the counseling. They rated the counseling sessions as good in terms of content, the process of counseling, the way of interaction, and the degree of goal-oriented discussion. In addition to receiving counseling from physicians, older participants and those with postgraduate education were found to significantly positively affect patient perceptions of counseling quality. CONCLUSION: This study found that half of the participants did not get clinical counseling during their visits, indicating no standardization in clinical counseling services for all patients. Although patients were generally satisfied with the counseling session provided to them, time constraint was the highest dissatisfaction item among two-thirds of the patients in the present study.

Cureus ; 14(9): e29134, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36259033


Background Tuberculosis (TB) continues to pose a serious threat to public health despite great efforts. For many years, management and screening for active TB cases have been the main focus of TB control programs. Latent TB is a stage where TB can be prevented and controlled. Therefore, designing a comprehensive TB control program that includes latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) management diseases is needed to be implemented among the healthcare workers (HCWs) who have been found to be at a higher risk for active TB compared to the general population. The objective of the study The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge and perceptions of LTBI among HCWs. In addition to estimating the prevalence of LTBI among HCWs using closed-end questions in a self-administered questionnaire. Subjects and methods Through a cross-sectional study and non-random sampling technique, 324 (84%) healthcare workers who met the inclusion criteria completed and submitted the electronic questionnaire. Results Among all participants, the study reported a good knowledge about LTBI; however, a third of HCWs had poor knowledge about the difference between LTBI and active TB. Eighteen percent of participants were diagnosed with LTBI, and two-thirds accepted the treatment. Of all participants who started the treatment, 55% completed the treatment course. The compliance rate was high among young HCWs and physicians who had a short course of LTB treatment regimen.  Conclusion The study reported a low acceptance and completion rate of LTBI therapy among HCWs. Low knowledge about some clinical facts of LTBI, the long duration of treatment, and being the treatment optional in Saudi health institutes were all barriers to accepting and completing the treatment of LTBI. All of these factors need to be addressed to increase the compliance rate to LTBI treatment.

Cureus ; 14(8): e27591, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36059332


BACKGROUND: Cancer is a chronic health condition that requires long-term treatment and care. Diagnosis of cancer is a family crisis that has a bad impact on patients and their caregivers, which can worsen the quality of life of the entire family members. It would be relevant to highlight the changes in the quality of life among cancer patients' caregivers within the Saudi culture to strengthen their involvement in the plan of treating cancer patients. OBJECTIVE: To assess the needs and quality of life of Saudi cancer patients' caregivers by using the World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF and the Family Inventory of Needs (FIN) questionnaire for family caregivers. MATERIALS AND METHODS:  Of 376 caregivers invited to participate, 270 (72%) accepted and completed the questionnaire. The study was carried out in outpatient clinics and oncology inpatient wards of Princess Noorah Oncology Center in King Abdul-Aziz Medical City Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. RESULTS: The study found that 53 % of Saudi caregivers reported a good quality of life in the following domains: psychological, social relationship, and environment. On the other hand, the lower quality of life scores were stated for the physical health domain in almost two third of participants (67 %). Poor quality of life was reported among the male caregivers of the older age group who had a lower level of education and had a short term of caring (fewer than 12 months). Regarding the need assessment, most of the 20 needs items were rated important and were related to patient care. Whereas, the least important needs were related to the caregivers' health. CONCLUSION: There was a significant association between quality of life scores and the demographic characteristics of the caregivers, addressing these factors in addition to the assessment of the caregivers' needs during medical care will provide holistically care for the patients and their caregivers to increase their quality of life.

Cureus ; 14(1): e21502, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35223278


Background Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include a group of clinical syndromes that can be transmitted mainly through sexual activity. Using STIs' syndromic approach for diagnosis and management is widely recommended to control and reduce the burden of these transmissible diseases. Objective The objective of this article is to assess the knowledge and practice of physicians concerning syndromic management of STIs in National Guard Primary Health Care (PHC) centers in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. Materials and methods This observational study was conducted at the National Guard PHC centers in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia. An interview-administered questionnaire was designed. Fifty physicians have met the inclusion criteria, and all of them were included in the present study. Results Of the study population, 47 PHC physicians (response rate was 94%) were interviewed and the questionnaire was completed. Overall, the physicians' knowledge was different from one syndrome to another; it was highest for urethral discharge (72%) and lowest for vaginal discharge in pregnant women (21%). During the last 10 days, the physicians in the present study reported that two-thirds of their cases of STI were urethral discharge cases. However, during the previous 10 days, the practice assessment revealed that most physicians (76%) were correctly prescribed the medications as indicated by specific patients' syndromes. Conclusion Syndromic management is essential guidance to control and reduce the burden of STIs. Overall knowledge and practice of physicians were different from one syndrome to another. There is a need to design continuing medical education programs targeting PHC physicians to be clinically and culturally competent against socially sensitive diseases like STIs.

Cureus ; 13(11): e19856, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34963861


Background The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has negatively affected many aspects of daily life. In Saudi Arabia, many studies, using a range of assessment approaches, have examined how the pandemic has affected the mental health of both the general public and healthcare workers. However, to develop effective public-health initiatives for such crisis events, it would also be relevant to determine the pandemic's impact on the behavioral, emotional, and social lives of Saudi children. Objective To assess, among Saudi children aged 3-15 years, the behavioral, emotional, and social changes that have occurred in their daily lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods This study featured a cross-sectional design. Potential participants were approached through the most popular social media in Saudi Arabia, and the final sample size was 651 parents. As, at the time of data collection, the members of the Saudi public were requested to avoid face-to-face meetings where possible, a well-designed electronic questionnaire featuring closed-ended questions was used. Results Descriptive statistics showed that the mean age of the parents was 29±7 years (range: 20-60 years); over half (58%) were female. During the COVID-19 outbreak, one-third of children had asked to sleep in their parents' beds. Furthermore, approximately 30% of children demonstrated increased irritability and mood swings when compared with the period before the pandemic. Concerning adaptive social behaviors, during the pandemic, 22% of children appeared calmer and 14% of children seemed more thoughtful. Our study reports more screen time, less physical activity, and reduced sleep time among children compared with the pre-pandemic period. Conclusion The COVID-19 pandemic has psychologically affected children. The present results highlight the need to reduce this psychological burden by enhancing children's emotional resilience and involving parents in health-promotion programs aimed at mitigating the negative impacts of such public-health crises.