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Conserv Biol ; : e14321, 2024 Jul 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38973598


In the United States, policy conflicts have prevented successful population-level management of outdoor cats for decades. Wildlife conservation professionals have sought widespread use of humane dispatch (i.e., lethal culling applied humanely), whereas cat welfare professionals have promoted trap-neuter-return (TNR) (cats are trapped, neutered, and returned to the outdoors). These conflicts represent a policy panacea trap, which we argue drives many conservation conflicts. In these situations, the focus on defending a one-size-fits-all policy fails to account for the value differences that shape the different understandings of the problem and desired outcomes associated with each policy, as well as complexities in the social-ecological system. Over the past 5 years, a group of wildlife conservation and cat welfare professionals codeveloped a set of products that have started to be used to help organizations break out of the policy panacea trap. We used a case study to illustrate how efforts grounded in applied social science disciplines, such as science communication, social-ecological systems, and conservation marketing, can help identify a more robust set of policy options tailored to local management and cultural contexts for successful implementation. Shifting the focus to embrace a shared understanding of the broader system helped us identify areas for collaboration, broaden the policy toolbox, and allow space for policy tools originally framed as opposing panaceas. This work helped prepare all parties to have difficult but productive discussions and address shared policy needs. We suggest that many value-based conservation conflicts would benefit from similar efforts that use applied social science to transform how conflict is addressed, moving beyond policy panaceas that end in stalemate to develop shared understandings of context-specific policies, and to identify opportunities for creative cooperation that yield real conservation progress.

Uso de las disciplinas aplicadas de las ciencias sociales para implementar soluciones creativas de manejo de gatos callejeros y evitar la trampa de las políticas universales Resumen Durante décadas, los conflictos entre políticas han evitado un manejo exitoso a nivel poblacional de los gatos callejeros en los Estados Unidos. Los profesionales de la conservación silvestre han buscado el uso extenso de los sacrificios con humanidad, mientras que los profesionales del bienestar felino han promovido la captura­esterilización­liberación (CEL) de los gatos. Estos conflictos representan una trampa panacea de políticas, la cual argumentamos causa muchos conflictos de conservación. En estas situaciones, el enfoque en defender una política universal no logra considerar la diferencia de valores que forman los diferentes entendimientos del problema y los resultados deseados que se asocian con cada política, así como las complejidades dentro del sistema socio­ecológico. A lo largo de los últimos cinco años, un grupo de profesionales de la conservación silvestre y del bienestar felino desarrollaron en conjunto una serie de productos que han comenzado a ayudar a las organizaciones a salir de la trampa panacea de políticas. Usamos un estudio de caso para ilustrar cómo los esfuerzos cimentados en las disciplinas aplicadas de las ciencias sociales (p. ej.: las ciencias de la comunicación, los sistemas socio­ecológicos y el marketing de la conservación) pueden ayudar a identificar un conjunto más sólido de opciones de políticas personalizadas para el manejo local y los contextos culturales para tener una implementación exitosa. El cambio de enfoque para aceptar el entendimiento compartido del sistema más amplio nos ayudó a identificar áreas de colaboración, a ampliar las herramientas para las políticas y a permitirle espacio a las herramientas formuladas originalmente como panaceas contrarias. Este trabajo ayudó a que todas las partes se prepararan para tener discusiones difíciles pero productivas y para abordar las necesidades compartidas de las políticas. Sugerimos que muchos conflictos de conservación basados en los valores se beneficiarían de un esfuerzo similar que use las ciencias sociales aplicadas para transformar cómo se aborda el conflicto, llegando más allá de las panaceas de políticas que terminan en un punto muerto para el desarrollo del entendimiento compartido de políticas específicas al contexto, y para identificar las oportunidades de cooperación creativa que producen un progreso real de la conservación.

Ecohealth ; 2024 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38850367


Toxoplasmosis is a disease of primary concern for Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi), due to its apparently acute lethality and especially heavy impacts on breeding female seals. The disease-causing parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, depends on cats to complete its life cycle; thus, in order to understand how this pathogen infects marine mammals, it is essential to understand aspects of the terrestrial ecosystem and land-to-sea transport. In this study, we constructed a three-tiered model to assess risk of Hawaiian monk seal exposure to T. gondii oocysts: (1) oocyst contamination as a function of cat population characteristics; (2) land-to-sea transport of oocysts as a function of island hydrology, and (3) seal exposure as a function of habitat and space use. We were able to generate risk maps highlighting watersheds contributing the most to oocyst contamination of Hawaiian monk seal habitat. Further, the model showed that free-roaming cats most associated with humans (pets or strays often supplementally fed by people) were able to achieve high densities leading to high levels of oocyst contamination and elevated risk of T. gondii exposure.

J Wildl Dis ; 59(1): 1-11, 2023 01 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36928674


Toxoplasmosis is a major threat to Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi) in the main Hawaiian Islands where seal habitat overlaps with substantial human and domestic cat populations. As the definitive hosts, members of the Felidae are the sole sources contaminating the environment with infectious oocysts; these oocysts can be transported into the marine environment, thereby threatening marine mammals. To understand environmental factors influencing Hawaiian monk seal exposure to Toxoplasma gondii, we examined monk seal strandings from toxoplasmosis in relationship to location and rainfall patterns throughout the main Hawaiian Islands. Using a case-control study design, we compared mortalities due to toxoplasmosis (cases) with those from other causes (controls). We found that cases were up to 25 times more likely than controls to occur after heavy runoff events. The greatest odds ratio was observed when rainfall occurred 3 wk before strandings, potentially indicating important timelines in the disease process. Our results suggest that heavy rainfall frequently delivers sufficient numbers of oocysts to infect Hawaiian monk seals. With infectious doses of as low as a single oocyst, any contaminated runoff constitutes a risk to Hawaii's endangered monk seal.

Enfermedades de los Gatos , Phocidae , Toxoplasma , Toxoplasmosis , Humanos , Animales , Gatos , Hawaii , Estudios de Casos y Controles