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Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536549


(analítico) Se realiza una revisión que examina la participación de niños, niñas y adolescentes como coinvestigadores. El estudio se apoya en la declaración para revisión sistemática de literatura Prisma y analiza las producciones científicas entre 2019 y 2022. Los artículos revisados revelan tendencias en los roles y las denominaciones que se asignan a los niños, niñas y adolescentes en la investigación, así como metodologías participativas que los reconocen como sujetos de derechos y expertos de su entorno, capaces de participar en la co-construcción de conocimiento con los adultos investigadores. También se identifican desafíos metodológicos, éticos y políticos que enfatizan la necesidad de una reflexión crítica sobre el propósito y las implicaciones de la participación infantil, las dinámicas de poder involucradas y el reconocimiento de las capacidades y perspectivas de los niños, niñas y adolescentes.

(analytical) This article conducts a systematic literature review of children and adolescents' participation as co-researchers. The study uses the PRISMA statement and analyzes scientific publications between 2019 and 2022. The reviewed articles reveal different trends regarding the roles and names assigned to children and adolescents as co-researchers. The authors also encountered a number of participatory methodologies that recognize this population as subjects of rights and experts in relation to their own settings who are capable of actively participating in the co-construction of knowledge with adult researchers. Methodological, ethical, and political challenges that occur with this research modality are identified in the reviewed articles. This highlights the need for critical reflection about the purpose and implications of child and adolescent participation in research, the power dynamics involved, and the importance of recognizing this population's diverse capacities and perspectives as part of this process.

(analítico) É realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura da categoria co-investigação utilizada em metodologias participativas com crianças e adolescentes, seus papéis e as etapas dos processos investigativos em que intervêm. O estudo é baseado na declaração Prisma, e analisa as produções científicas no período de 2019 a 2022. Os artigos revisados revelam tendências nos papéis atribuídos a crianças e adolescentes nas pesquisas, bem como metodologias participativas que os reconhecem como sujeitos de direitos e especialistas em seu contexto, capazes de participar da co-construção do conhecimento com os adultos pesquisadores. Também são identificados desafios metodológicos, éticos e políticos, que enfatizam a necessidade de reflexão crítica sobre o propósito e as implicações da participação infantil, as dinâmicas de poder envolvidas e o reconhecimento das capacidades e perspectivas das crianças.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(1): 210-231, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365872


Resumen (analítico) La presencia de medios análogos y digitales en la vida de los niños, niñas y adolescentes redimensiona la discusión sobre participación infantil, centrándola en lo que ocurre en las pantallas. Realizamos un estudio cualitativo de corte descriptivo con 75 niños, niñas y adolescentes, de 7 a 14 años, de tres ciudades (Barranquilla, Cali y Bogotá). Los resultados indican que los niños, niñas y adolescentes tienen formas complejas y diversas de pensar la participación, que superan las divisiones, escalas y prescripciones adultas e institucionales, para incluir acciones de ocio, socialización y consumo cultural. Se trata de una participación heterogénea, convergente y multiplataforma que incluye actividades como generar contenidos, dar likes, hacer suscripciones, navegar, buscar tareas o simplemente ver vídeos, fotos, jugar, divertirse y socializar, mostrando intereses, subjetividades y formas de socialización infantiles en medios y TIC.

Abstract (analytical) The presence of analogue and digital media in the lives of children and adolescents reshapes discussions on child participation, with an emphasis on participation that is facilitated through screens. A qualitative descriptive study was carried out with 75 children and adolescents aged 7 to 14 years old in three cities (Barranquilla, Cali and Bogotá). The results suggest that children and adolescents have complex and diverse ways of thinking about participation that go beyond adultcentric and institutional concepts such as divisions and different scales. Children conceive their own participation in terms of leisure, socialization and cultural consumption activities. Theirs is a heterogeneous, convergent and multi-platform participation that includes activities such as creating content, liking, subscribing, browsing the web, doing homework, as well as watching videos, looking at pictures, playing games, having fun and socializing. These results show children's interests, subjectivities and forms of socialization using media and ICTs.

Resumo (analítico) A presença da mídia analógica e digital na vida das crianças e adolescentes, redimensiona a discussão sobre a participação infantil enfocando o que acontece nas telas. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo descritivo com 75 crianças de 7 a 14 anos em três cidades (Barranquilla, Cali e Bogotá). Os resultados indicam que as crianças e adolescentes têm formas complexas e diversas de pensar a participação, assim como seus papéis na mídia e no cenário digital, que vão além das divisões, escalas e prescrições de adultos e instituições. Esta participação é heterogênea, convergente e multiplataforma, que inclui atividades como a criação de conteúdo, dar likes, fazer trabalhos escolares ou simplesmente olhar vídeos, fotos, jogar, brincar e socializar; mostrando os interesses, subjetividades e formas de socialização das crianças na mídia e nas TIC.

Niño , Redes Sociales en Línea
Am J Community Psychol ; 69(3-4): 306-317, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35020200


The field of participatory research with children developed largely thanks to shared learning between different cultures, places, and disciplines. However, grand narratives and power relationships in academia inherited from colonialism and imperialism can threaten to obstruct the transformative value of this approach. In this article, we present the case of Think Big, a multinational collaboration for participatory research with children that involved adult and child coresearchers from Australia, Chile, Colombia, and the United Kingdom. Our aim was to explore how this project helped build solidarities between adult researchers from different countries and disciplines. We applied a methodology of diffraction to explore the processes and outcomes of this collaboration and presented our insights using the metaphor of a tree to explain the roots (knowledges and frameworks), trunk (ongoing collaboration and communication between the teams from different countries), branches (local projects), and fruits (research outcomes) of our work. Based on our experience, we proposed that multinational collaborations for participatory research offer important opportunities for adult researchers to collaborate with children to generate more democratic knowledge about their lives and to generate more egalitarian relationships between adult researchers from different places and backgrounds. However, it is important to anticipate that multinational collaborations are more likely to be affected by social and political upheavals, and language barriers must be overcome to decentralize academia. Also, the organizations involved in these collaborations need to develop strategies that facilitate funding, ethics clearance, and international research agreements.

Investigación Participativa Basada en la Comunidad , Investigadores , Adulto , Niño , Comunicación , Humanos , Conocimiento , Estudios Longitudinales