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Schizophr Bull ; 50(3): 717-719, 2024 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38502910


INTRODUCTION: Clozapine, a second-generation antipsychotic (SGA), is considered the gold standard medication to treat patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). Despite its efficacy, clozapine is associated with adverse effects, notably neutropenia and agranulocytosis. Other hematological adverse effects are less common. Severe anemia is a rare adverse effect seldom reported in the literature and is typically associated with pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). Nevertheless, the benefits of clozapine in managing TRS make rechallenge a reasonable option. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a 35-year-old man with TRS, resistant to previous antipsychotics, who experienced severe anemia during clozapine treatment. An investigation for clozapine-induced anemia revealed PRCA on myelogram. After discontinuing clozapine, the patient's hemoglobin levels recovered. Subsequent treatments with olanzapine, zuclopenthixol, and aripiprazole proved ineffective, leading us to consider a clozapine rechallenge. The rechallenge, monitored for 58 days, resulted in improved psychiatric symptoms and stable hemoglobin levels. The patient remained stable during 6 months of follow-up, with no hematological changes. DISCUSSION: PRCA is a very rare adverse effect of clozapine. The cause of drug-induced PRCA is still unknown; for clozapine, there are no studies. Rechallenge after a severe and rare adverse effect is a complex decision. This case is the first to report a successful clozapine rechallenge following severe anemia without other blood dyscrasias, emphasizing the imperative need for close monitoring during the rechallenge process. Further study is warranted to understand the predictive factors for a successful outcome in clozapine rechallenges.

Anemia , Antipsicóticos , Clozapina , Esquizofrenia Resistente al Tratamiento , Humanos , Clozapina/efectos adversos , Clozapina/administración & dosificación , Masculino , Adulto , Antipsicóticos/efectos adversos , Antipsicóticos/administración & dosificación , Anemia/inducido químicamente , Esquizofrenia Resistente al Tratamiento/tratamiento farmacológico
Res Sq ; 2023 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37886563


Lithium is the gold standard treatment for bipolar disorder (BD). However, its mechanism of action is incompletely understood, and prediction of treatment outcomes is limited. In our previous multi-omics study of the Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder (PGBD) sample combining transcriptomic and genomic data, we found that focal adhesion, the extracellular matrix (ECM), and PI3K-Akt signaling networks were associated with response to lithium. In this study, we replicated the results of our previous study using network propagation methods in a genome-wide association study of an independent sample of 2,039 patients from the International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen) study. We identified functional enrichment in focal adhesion and PI3K-Akt pathways, but we did not find an association with the ECM pathway. Our results suggest that deficits in the neuronal growth cone and PI3K-Akt signaling, but not in ECM proteins, may influence response to lithium in BD.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 24(1): 188-199, jan.-mar. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1251909


North American writer David Foster Wallace wrote two short stories - The Planet Trillaphon As It Stands In Relation To The Bad Thing and The Depressed Person - that depict depression, in each one taking different yet complementary perspectives on this subject. Our aim is to analyze these texts and to discuss the role literature can have in regard to the apprehension of subjective experiences of others. Whereas the first text attempts to describe depression objectively, the second one describes the impossibility of doing so, focusing on literary techniques that create distressing subjective experiences in the reader, possibly resembling those felt by depressed persons. We suggest that literature might be helpful to comprehend some aspects of the experience of being depressed and that such an understanding may enrich psychiatric practice.

O escritor estadunidense David Foster Wallace escreveu dois contos - The Planet Trillaphon As It Stand In Relation To The Bad Thing e The Depressed Person - que abordam a temática da depressão, em cada um adotando perspectivas distintas e complementares. Nosso objetivo é analisar esses textos e discutir alguns aspectos do acesso à experiência subjetiva de outras pessoas, mais especificamente o papel da literatura nesse processo. Enquanto o primeiro texto descreve a depressão objetivamente, o segundo descreve a impossibilidade de fazer tal descrição, focando em técnicas literárias que criam experiências subjetivas desagradáveis, possivelmente semelhantes às sentidas pelas pessoas deprimidas. Nós sugerimos que a literatura pode ser útil na compreensão de alguns aspectos da experiência de estar deprimido, e que tal compreensão pode enriquecer a prática psiquiátrica.

L'écrivain nord-américain David Foster Wallace a écrit deux contes - « The Planet Trillaphon As It Stand In Relation To The Bad Thing ¼ et « The Depressed Person ¼ - abordant le thème de la dépression, en adoptant dans chacun de ces textes des perspectives distinctes et complémentaires. Notre but est de les analyser et de discuter certains aspects de l'accès à l'expérience subjective d'autres personnes, en nous intéressant tout particulièrement au rôle de la littérature dans ce processus. Alors que le premier texte décrit la dépression de façon objective, le second décrit l'impossibilité d'en faire une telle description, se concentrant sur des techniques littéraires créant des expériences subjectives désagréables, potentiellement semblables à celles ressenties par les personnes déprimées. Nous suggérons que la littérature peut être utile dans la compréhension de certains aspects de l'expérience de l'être déprimé et qu'une telle compréhension peut enrichir la pratique psychiatrique.

El escritor estadounidense David Foster Wallace escribió dos cuentos - The Planet Trillaphon As It Stand In Relation To The Bad Thing y The Depressed Person- que abordan la temática de la depresión y que adoptan perspectivas distintas y complementarias. Nuestro objetivo es analizar dichos textos y discutir algunos aspectos del acceso a la experiencia subjetiva de otras personas, más específicamente el papel de la literatura en ese proceso. Mientras que el primer texto describe la depresión objetivamente, el segundo describe la imposibilidad de hacer dicha descripción, centrándose en técnicas literarias que crean experiencias subjetivas desagradables, posiblemente semejantes a las sentidas por las personas deprimidas. Sugerimos que la literatura puede ser útil para la comprensión de algunos aspectos de la experiencia de estar deprimido, y que tal comprensión puede enriquecer la práctica psiquiátrica.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 23(4): 792-814, dez. 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1156750


There is a growing realization in the field of psychiatry that we are unable to free ourselves of the constraints imposed by our concepts, as well as to move beyond them. Thus, the field demands not only more robust empirical evidence but also a more sophisticated conceptual framework, which would allow for critical and innovative thinking to conceive and to build better models of mental health care. In this spirit, we present a very thought-provoking interview with Dutch psychiatrist Jim van Os, encompassing biographical issues from his academic background as well as his ideas on recovery and the Dutch experience of the recovery colleges as a "shadow mental health system" in the Netherlands. Adopting a critical stance on psychiatric diagnosis and the validity of group-level comparisons in evidence-based psychiatry, and in line with the ideals of the recovery movement, van Os points out that the process of healing should surpass symptom reduction. For him, it should take into account the long-term process of developing resilience, learning to deal with suffering through interactions with other people, building up new perspectives, goals, and existential purposes. In other words, he emphasizes the idea of social recovery and favors the thought that mental health professionals should try to "help people to relate better to their mental variation and offer them ways of doing that differently."

Há uma crescente percepção no campo da psiquiatria de que somos incapazes de nos liberar das restrições impostas pelos conceitos do campo, bem como ir além deles. Assim, o campo demanda não somente evidências empíricas mais robustas, mas também um quadro de referências conceituais que permita um pensamento crítico e inovador que conceba e construa modelos mais apropriados de cuidado à saúde mental. Nesse espírito, apresentamos uma entrevista provocativa com o psiquiatria holandês Jim van Os, abrangendo desde questões sobre sua formação acadêmica até suas ideias sobre recovery e sobre a experiência dos recovery colleges na Holanda como "um sistema de saúde mental invisível". Adotando uma posição crítica sobre o diagnóstico psiquiátrico e a validade das comparações grupais preconizadas pela medicina baseada em evidências, e em sintonia com o movimento conhecido como recovery, van Os destaca que o processo de cura deve ir além da redução de sintomas. Para ele, é preciso levar em conta o longo processo de desenvolvimento de resiliência, aprendendo com os outros a lidar com o sofrimento, e construindo novas perspectivas, objetivos e propósitos existenciais. Em outras palavras, a ênfase recai sobre a ideia de social recovery e favorece a ideia de que profissionais de saúde mental devem "ajudar as pessoas a se relacionarem melhor com suas variações psicológicas e oferecer a elas formas diferentes de chegar até isso."

Il y a une perception croissante dans le champ de la psychiatrie selon laquelle nous ne sommes pas en mesure de nous libérer des contraintes imposées par les concepts de ce domaine, encore moins de les dépasser. Ainsi, le champ de la psychiatrie exigerait non seulement des évidences empiriques plus solides, mais aussi un cadre de références conceptuelles procurant une pensée critique et novatrice capable de concevoir et de construire des modèles plus appropriés aux soins de santé mentale. Dans cette démarche, nous présentons un entretien provocateur avec le psychiatre néerlandais Jim van Os, couvrant des questions sur son parcours universitaire, ainsi que ses idées sur le recovery, et sur l'expérience des recovery colleges aux Pays-Bas en tant que « système de santé mentale invisible ¼. C'est en adoptant une démarche critique à l'égard du diagnostic psychiatrique et de la validité des comparaisons de groupes préconisées par la médecine fondée sur les preuves et en accord avec le mouvement connu sous le nom de recovery que van Os souligne que le processus de guérison doit aller au-delà de la réduction des symptômes. Pour lui, il faut prendre en compte le long mouvement de développement de la résilience, de sorte à apprendre d'autrui comment faire face à la souffrance, pour construire de nouvelles perspectives, de nouveaux objectifs et de nouvelles finalités existentielles. Ses contributions soulignent le concept de social recovery et favorisent l'idée selon laquelle les professionnels de la santé mentale devraient «aider les gens à mieux gérer leurs variations psychologiques et leur proposer différentes façons d'y parvenir¼.

Hay una percepción creciente, en el campo de la psiquiatría, de que somos incapaces de librarnos de las restricciones impuestas por los conceptos del campo, así como también de ir más allá de ellas. Por lo tanto, el campo demanda no solamente evidencias empíricas más robustas, sino un marco de referencias conceptuales que permita un pensamiento crítico e innovador que conciba y construya modelos más apropiados de cuidado de la salud mental. En ese sentido, presentamos una provocadora entrevista con el psiquiatra holandés Jim van Os, abarcando, desde cuestiones sobre su formación académica hasta sus ideas sobre recovery y la experiencia de los recovery colleges en Holanda como "un sistema de salud mental invisible". Adoptando una postura crítica sobre el diagnóstico psiquiátrico y la validez de las comparaciones grupales defendidas por la medicina basada en evidencias, y alineado con el movimiento conocido como recovery, van Os destaca que el proceso de curar debe ir más allá de la reducción de los síntomas. Para él, es necesario considerar el largo proceso de desarrollo de la resiliencia, aprendiendo a lidiar con el sufrimiento a través de la interacción con los otros y construyendo nuevas perspectivas, objetivos y propósitos existenciales. En otras palabras, el énfasis recae sobre la idea del social recovery, favoreciendo la noción de que los profesionales de la salud mental deben "ayudar a las personas a relacionarse mejor con sus variaciones psicológicas y ofrecerles diferentes formas para llegar a ello".

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 23(2): 337-348, abr.-jun. 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1139244


In this article, we address some conceptual issues that are logically prior to the constitution of any psychopathology. We explore ontological and epistemological aspects of subjective experience, rejecting both Cartesianism and behaviorism, and favoring the Wittgensteinian notion of criterial support instead. Then, we discuss the disanalogy between knowledge of other minds and our knowledge of anything else. Based on the arguments by Eilan's that the "communication claim" should replace the "observation claim," we defend that there is a kind of knowledge that is irreducibly founded on intersubjectivity (that is, knowledge of persons is knowledge for two) and point out to implications it may have for psychopathology.

Neste artigo, abordamos algumas questões conceituais logicamente anteriores à constituição de qualquer forma de psicopatologia. Exploramos, ontológica e epistemologicamente, aspectos da experiência subjetiva, e rejeitamos tanto o cartesianismo quanto o behaviorismo em favor da noção wittgensteiniana de apoio criterial. Assim, discutimos a dessemelhança entre o conhecimento de outras mentes e o conhecimento de qualquer outra coisa. Baseados nos argumentos fornecidos por Eilan, segundo os quais o "modelo da comunicação" deve substituir o "modelo da observação", defendemos que há um tipo de conhecimento que é irredutivelmente fundado na intersubjetividade (isto é, o conhecimento de pessoas é conhecimento a dois) e apontamos as implicações que isso pode ter para a psicopatologia..

Dans cet article, nous abordons quelques questions conceptuelles qui précèdent logiquement la constitution de toute forme de psychopathologie. Nous explorons les aspects ontologiques et épistémologiques de l'expérience subjective en détriment du cartésianisme et du behaviorisme, nous privilégions la notion wittgensteinienne de soutien critériel. Ainsi, nous discutons la disanalogie entre la connaissance des autres esprits et notre connaissance de toute autre chose. Sur la base des arguments proposés par Eilan, selon lesquels le « modèle de communication ¼ devrait remplacer le « modèle d'observation ¼, nous défendons qu'il existe un type de connaissance irréductiblement fondé sur l'intersubjectivité (c'est-à-dire que la connaissance des personnes est une connaissance partagée) et soulignons les implications que cela peut avoir pour la psychopathologie.

En este artículo, abordamos algunas cuestiones conceptuales lógicamente previas a la constitución de cualquier forma de psicopatología. Exploramos ontológica y epistemológicamente aspectos de la experiencia subjetiva, rechazando tanto al Cartesianismo como al conductismo (behaviorismo), favoreciendo, en cambio, a la noción wittigensteiniana de apoyo de criterio. Así, discutimos la desanalogía entre el conocimiento de otras mentes y el conocimiento de cualquier otra cosa. Basándonos en los argumentos proporcionados por Eilan, según los cuales el "modelo de comunicación" debe sustituir al "modelo de la observación", defendemos que hay un tipo de conocimiento que es irreductiblemente fundado en la intersubjetividad (es decir, el conocimiento de personas es conocimiento para dos) y señalamos las implicaciones que eso puede tener para la psicopatología.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 21(4): 798-828, Oct.-Dec. 2018. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-985664


The history of diagnostic classifications in psychiatry has been recognized as a privileged means of access to the vicissitudes inherent to the configuration of a scientific and professional field, also bringing significant contributions to conceptual history. We have taken as primary sources the five editions of the DSM (1952-2013) to examine the construction of diagnostic categories related to schizophrenia proneness, indicating the scientific and social contexts related to the development of DSM and psychiatry itself. Along this process we highlight the conditions of possibility for the emergence of the Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome, a highly controversial diagnostic proposal, in the elaboration of DSM-5. This proposal ended up being rejected not only on scientific grounds, but also because of feared unintended consequences.

A história das classificações diagnósticas na psiquiatria tem sido reconhecida como meio privilegiado de acesso às vicissitudes inerentes à configuração do campo científico e profissional, além de trazer aportes significativos para a história conceitual. Tomamos como principais fontes primárias as cinco edições do DSM (1952-2013) para examinar a construção de categorias diagnósticas relacionadas à propensão para a esquizofrenia, indicando os contextos sociais e científicos relacionados ao desenvolvimento do DSM e da própria psiquiatria. Nesse processo, destacamos as condições de possibilidade para a emergência da Síndrome Psicótica Atenuada, uma proposta diagnóstica altamente controversa, na preparação do DSM-5. Essa proposta foi rejeitada não somente no plano científico, mas também em razão de temidas consequências indesejadas.

L'histoire des classifications diagnostiques en psychiatrie a été reconnue comme un moyen privilégié d'accès aux vicissitudes inhérentes à la configuration du champ scientifique et professionnel, apportant également des contributions importantes à l'histoire conceptuelle. Comme sources primaires principales, nous avons utilisé les cinq éditions du DSM (1952-2013) pour examiner la construction des catégories diagnostiques liées à la prédisposition à la schizophrénie, en indiquant les contextes scientifiques et sociaux du développement du DSM et de la psychiatrie elle-même. Au cours de ce processus, nous mettons en évidence les conditions de possibilité d'émergence du Syndrome Psychotique Atténué, une proposition diagnostique fortement controversée, dans l'élaboration du DSM-5. Cette proposition a fini par être rejetée, non seulement pour des raisons scientifiques, mais aussi par crainte des conséquences non désirées.

La historia de las clasificaciones diagnósticas en psiquiatría, ha sido reconocida como un medio privilegiado de acceso a las vicisitudes inherentes a la configuración de un campo científico y profesional, además de traer aportes significativos a la historia conceptual. Como recursos primarios, hemos utilizado las cinco ediciones del DSM (1952-2013), para examinar la construcción de categorías de diagnóstico relacionadas a la propensión a la esquizofrenia, indicando los contextos sociales y científicos relacionados al desarrollo del DSM y de la propia psiquiatría. A lo largo del proceso, destacamos las condiciones de posibilidad para el surgimiento del Síndrome de Psicosis Atenuada, una propuesta de diagnóstico altamente controvertida, durante la elaboración del DSM-5. Esta propuesta fue rechazada, no solo por motivos científicos, sino también por las temidas consecuencias indeseadas.

Die Geschichte der diagnostischen Klassifizierungen in der Psychiatrie wird als privilegiertes Mittel des Zuganges zu dem Wandel im Rahmen der Gestaltung eines wissenschaftlichen, beruflichen Gebietes anerkannt und trägt wesentlich zur Begriffsgeschichte bei. Als primäre Quellen wurden die fünf Auflagen des DSM (1952-2013) berücksichtigt, um den Aufbau der diagnostischen Kategorien mit Neigung zur Schizophrenie und den sozialen und wissenschaftlichen Zusammenhang der Entwicklung des DSM und der Psychiatrie zu untersuchen. Dabei heben wir die Möglichkeiten der Notbehandlung für „Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome", eines sehr umstrittenen diagnostischen Vorschlages bei der Vorbereitung des DSM-5, hervor. Dieser Vorschlag wurde nicht nur aus wissenschaftlichen Gründen, sondern auch aufgrund befürchteter, unerwünschter Folgen abgelehnt.

Clin Biochem ; 50(18): 1118-1125, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28662995


PURPOSE: An exploratory analysis using proteomic strategies in blood serum of patients with bipolar disorder (BD), and with other psychiatric conditions such as Schizophrenia (SCZ), can provide a better understanding of this disorder, as well as their discrimination based on their proteomic profile. METHODS: The proteomic profile of blood serum samples obtained from patients with BD using lithium or other drugs (N=14), healthy controls, including non-family (HCNF; N=3) and family (HCF; N=9), patients with schizophrenia (SCZ; N=23), and patients using lithium for other psychiatric conditions (OD; N=4) were compared. Four methods for simplifying the serum samples proteome were evaluated for both removing the most abundant proteins and for enriching those of lower-abundance: protein depletion with acetonitrile (ACN), dithiothreitol (DTT), sequential depletion using DTT and ACN, and protein equalization using commercial ProteoMiner® kit (PM). For proteomic evaluation, 2-D DIGE and nanoLC-MS/MS analysis were employed. RESULTS: PM method was the best strategy for removing proteins of high abundance. Through 2-D DIGE gel image comparison, 37 protein spots were found differentially abundant (p<0.05, Student's t-test), which exhibited ≥2.0-fold change of the average value of normalized spot intensities in the serum of SCZ, BD and OD patients compared to subject controls (HCF and HCNF). From these spots detected, 13 different proteins were identified: ApoA1, ApoE, ApoC3, ApoA4, Samp, SerpinA1, TTR, IgK, Alb, VTN, TR, C4A and C4B. CONCLUSIONS: Proteomic analysis allowed the discrimination of patients with BD from patients with other mental disorders, such as SCZ. The findings in this exploratory study may also contribute for better understanding the pathophysiology of these disorders and finding potential serum biomarkers for these conditions.

Trastorno Bipolar/sangre , Proteínas Sanguíneas/metabolismo , Proteoma/metabolismo , Esquizofrenia/sangre , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 19(3): 527-543, jul.-set. 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-845349


O artigo apresenta um debate sobre a natureza do objeto da psiquiatria. Apresentam-se duas perspectivas de abordagem da questão — o realismo e o pragmatismo. Segundo o realismo, as condições denominadas transtornos mentais existiriam de forma autônoma, a despeito da conceitualização humana. Já as perspectivas pragmáticas pressuporiam que transtornos mentais não são suficientemente explicados como tipos naturais, porque normas e interesses humanos sempre estariam presentes em classificações psiquiátricas. São descritas as características, diferenças e pontos de limitação dessas abordagens.

This paper presents a debate on the nature of the object of Psychiatry. Two approaches to the issue are discussed: realism and pragmatism. According to realism, would exist autonomously the conditions known as mental disorders regardless of human conceptualization. Pragmatist perspectives assume that mental disorders are not sufficiently explained as natural types, since human norms and interests are always at stake in the making of psychiatric classifications. The specific features, differences, and limitations of both approaches are described.

Les auteurs présentent une réflexion critique à propos de la nature de l’objet de la psychiatrie. D’emblée, ils postulent deux voies [approches] majeures permettant d’explorer cette question fondamentale: le réalisme et le pragmatisme. Selon le réalisme, les troubles mentaux existent comme des entites autonomes, de facon independant d’une structuration conceptuelle. D’autre part, l’approche pragmatique met en avant les enjeux sociaux ce qui permet d’en déduire et d’affirmer que les troubles mentaux ne sont pas réductible à de types naturels. Enfin, les auteurs examinent brièvement et mettent en évidence les caractéristiques et limites de ces différentes approches dans la clinique psychiatrique.

El artículo presenta un debate sobre la naturaleza del objeto de la psiquiatría. Son discutidas dos perspectivas del problema: realismo y pragmatismo. Para el realismo, los trastornos mentales existen autónomamente, a pesar de la conceptua-lización humana. Las perspectivas pragmáticas suponen que los trastornos mentales no pueden ser explicados suficientemente como tipos naturales, pues las clasificaciones psiquiátricas son siempre atravesadas por normas e intereses humanos. Son descritas las características, diferencias y límites de ambos enfoques.

In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir eine Debatte über die Natur des Objektes in der Psychiatrie. Wir bieten somit zwei perspektiven bezüglich dieser Problematik- den Realismus einerseits, und den Pragmatismus als gegen Stellung. Für den Realismus würden die sogenannten Bedingungen der Psychiatrischen Störungen auf autonomer Weise vorhanden sein, und dies trotz menschlicher Konstruktionen. Pragmatische Perspektiven setzten voraus das Psychische Störungen nicht genügend durch ‘natural kinds’ erklärt werden können, weil menschliche Normen und sonstige Interessen sonst immer in Psychiatrischen Klassifikationen zu finden sind. Die Charakteristiken, Unterschiede und Einschränkungen werden dieser Perspektiven werden hier beschrieben.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 19(1): 16-29, jan.-mar. 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-779044


Isaiah Berlin’s distinction between the ideas of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ liberty is examined within the context of his value pluralism, in which goods, evils and forms of life are ultimately incommensurable (or incomparable through reasoning). Adopting this pluralist stance as to values, I try to answer the following question: does psychiatry need to/is it able to reach an explicit agreement as what is the best way to live? Given the precedence of practical reasoning in psychiatry, I suggest that, when confronted with certain kinds of human suffering (pathos), often associated with a clash between values, the last word (however tentative and always individual) should come from the clinical realm.

A distinção de Isaiah Berlin entre as noções de liberdade ‘positiva’ e ‘negativa’ é examinada no contexto de seu pluralismo de valores, em que bens, males e formas de vida são, em última instância, incomensuráveis (ou incomparáveis pela razão). Adotando esta posição pluralista sobre valores, tento responder às questões: a psiquiatria precisa e/ou consegue chegar a um acordo explícito sobre qual é a melhor maneira de viver? Dada a prioridade da razão prática em psiquiatria, sugiro que, quando confrontados com certos tipos de sofrimento humano (pathos), que não raro envolvem conflitos de valor, a última palavra (por provisória que seja e sempre individual) deve pertencer ao campo da clínica.

La distinction d'Isaiah Berlin entre les notions de liberté ‘positive’ et ‘négative’ est examinée dans le contexte de son pluralisme de valeurs, où les biens, les maux et les modes de vie sont, en fin de compte, incommensurables (ou incomparables du fait de la raison). En adoptant cette position pluraliste sur les valeurs, j'essaie de répondre aux questions: la psychiatrie a-t-elle besoin et/ou peut-elle parvenir à un accord explicite sur quelle est la meilleure façon de vivre ? Compte tenu de la priorité de la raison pratique en psychiatrie, je suggère que, face à certains types de souffrance humaine (pathos), qui impliquent souvent des conflits de valeur, le dernier mot (si provisoire soit-il et toujours individuel) doit appartenir au domaine de la pratique clinique.

La distinción de Isaiah Berlin entre las nociones de libertad “positiva” y “negativa” es examinada en el contexto de su pluralismo de valores, en el que bienes, males y formas de vida son, en una última instancia, inconmensurables (o incomparables por la razón). Adoptando esta posición pluralista relativa a los valores, intento responder a la pregunta: ¿la psiquiatría necesita y/o logra llegar a un acuerdo explícito sobre cuál es la mejor manera de vivir? Dada la prioridad de la razón práctica en psiquiatría, sugiero que, al enfrentarnos con ciertos tipos de sufrimiento humano (pathos), que suelen implicar conflictos de valores, la última palabra (por provisional que sea, es siempre individual) debe pertenecer al campo de la clínica.

Isaiah Berlins Unterscheidung zwischen den Begriffen der „positiven“ und „negativen“ Freiheit wird im Kontext des Wertepluralismus untersucht, wobei Güter, Übel und Lebensformen letztlich inkommensurabel sind (d.h., rational unvergleichbar). Aufgrund dieser pluralistischen Position in Bezug auf Werte, versuchten wir, die folgenden Fragen zu beantworten: muss und/oder kann die Psychiatrie eine ausdrücklichen Konsens darüber erreichen, was die beste Lebensweise ist? Angesichts der hegemonischen Stellung der praktischen Vernunft in der Psychiatrie, schlagen wir vor, dass wenn wir mit bestimmten Arten menschlichen Leidens (Pathos) konfrontiert sind, die oft Wertkonflikte beinhalten, die Klinik das letzte Wort haben sollte (wie vorläufig es sei und immer individuell bestimmt).

西方著名的哲学家伊萨亚•柏林 (Isaiah Berlin)对自由的定义进行了 "正" 与 "负"的划分,他认为人类的价值观是多元的,有关道德观和生活的方式等议题,是 ”好” 还是 “坏”,没有最终的标准 (也就说,凭理性是没有办法做评判的)。 本文采用柏林的价值观多元主义,尝试回答下列问题:精神分析学需要达成一个关于什么是最好的生活方式的共识吗?能够达成这个共识吗? 从精神分析学所注重的实践理性角度来说,我认为,当某些牵涉到价值观冲突的精神病兆 (pathos) 出现在我们面前时,最后的决定取决于临床实践 (不管这种临床的决定是多么的临时性,个人化)。.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 65(1): 9-16, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-777341


ABSTRACT Objetive To identify potential clinical and epidemiological predictors of long-term response to lithium treatment. Methods A total of 40 adult outpatients followed in an university hospital, with confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder and with history of lithium use for at least a six months period, had their response to this medication assessed through the use of a standardized instrument. The ALDA scale is based on retrospective clinical data, in our study assessed through a thoroughly reviewed of the medical charts, and is used to evaluate the clinical improvement with the treatment (Criterion A), corrected by the acknowledgement of possible confounding factors, such as duration of the treatment, compliance and concomitant use of additional medications (Criterion B), in order to estimate the response that can be specifically attributable to lithium. Results Our study found an inverse relation between the number of mood episodes with psychotic symptoms and lithium treatment outcome. Conclusion The results reinforce the hypothesis that lithium seems to be less efficacious in patients with bipolar disorder who present psychotic symptoms.

RESUMO Objetivo Identificar potenciais preditores clínicos e epidemiológicos de resposta terapêutica ao uso prolongado de lítio. Métodos Um total de 40 pacientes adultos em tratamento ambulatorial em um hospital universitário, com diagnóstico confirmado de transtorno afetivo bipolar e história de pelo menos seis meses de uso de lítio, teve sua resposta a essa medicação avaliada com a utilização de um instrumento padronizado. A escala ALDA leva em consideração informações clínicas obtidas de forma retrospectiva, em nosso estudo, por meio de minuciosa revisão dos prontuários médicos, para julgar a melhora clínica obtida com o tratamento (Critério A), corrigida pela identificação de possíveis fatores confundidores, tais como duração do tratamento, adesão e uso concomitante de outras drogas (Critério B), de forma a estimar a resposta que pode ser atribuída especificamente ao uso do lítio. Resultados Nosso estudo encontrou uma relação inversa entre o número de episódios de humor com a presença de sintomas psicóticos e o desfecho no tratamento com lítio. Conclusão Esses resultados reforçam a hipótese de que o lítio parece ser menos eficaz em pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar que manifestam sintomas psicóticos.

Lancet ; 387(10023): 1085-1093, 2016 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26806518


BACKGROUND: Lithium is a first-line treatment in bipolar disorder, but individual response is variable. Previous studies have suggested that lithium response is a heritable trait. However, no genetic markers of treatment response have been reproducibly identified. METHODS: Here, we report the results of a genome-wide association study of lithium response in 2563 patients collected by 22 participating sites from the International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen). Data from common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were tested for association with categorical and continuous ratings of lithium response. Lithium response was measured using a well established scale (Alda scale). Genotyped SNPs were used to generate data at more than 6 million sites, using standard genomic imputation methods. Traits were regressed against genotype dosage. Results were combined across two batches by meta-analysis. FINDINGS: A single locus of four linked SNPs on chromosome 21 met genome-wide significance criteria for association with lithium response (rs79663003, p=1·37 × 10(-8); rs78015114, p=1·31 × 10(-8); rs74795342, p=3·31 × 10(-9); and rs75222709, p=3·50 × 10(-9)). In an independent, prospective study of 73 patients treated with lithium monotherapy for a period of up to 2 years, carriers of the response-associated alleles had a significantly lower rate of relapse than carriers of the alternate alleles (p=0·03268, hazard ratio 3·8, 95% CI 1·1-13·0). INTERPRETATION: The response-associated region contains two genes for long, non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), AL157359.3 and AL157359.4. LncRNAs are increasingly appreciated as important regulators of gene expression, particularly in the CNS. Confirmed biomarkers of lithium response would constitute an important step forward in the clinical management of bipolar disorder. Further studies are needed to establish the biological context and potential clinical utility of these findings. FUNDING: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, National Institute of Mental Health Intramural Research Program.

Trastorno Bipolar/genética , Compuestos de Litio/uso terapéutico , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple/genética , Trastorno Bipolar/tratamiento farmacológico , Femenino , Variación Genética , Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo , Genotipo , Receptores del Factor Neurotrófico Derivado de la Línea Celular Glial/genética , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Fenotipo , Estudios Prospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento
BMC Med Ethics ; 17: 7, 2016 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26791783


BACKGROUND: Although values have increasingly received attention in psychiatric literature over the last three decades, their role has been only partially acknowledged in psychiatric classification endeavors. The review process of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) received harsh criticism, and was even considered secretive by some authors. Also, it lacked an official discussion of values at play. In this perspective paper we briefly discuss the interplay of some values in the scientific and non-scientific debate around one of the most debated DSM-5 category proposals, the Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome (APS). Then, we point out some ethical consequences of a facts-plus-values perspective in psychiatric classification. DISCUSSION: Different stakeholders participated in the APS-debate and for analytical purposes we divided them into four groups: (i) researchers in the field of high-risk mental states; (ii) the DSM-5 Psychotic Disorders Work Group; (iii) patient, carers and advocacy groups; and (iv) external stakeholders, not related to the previous groups, but which also publicly expressed their opinions about APS inclusion in DSM-5. We found that each group differently stressed the role of values we examined in the APS-debate. These values were ethical, but also epistemic, political, economic and ontological. The prominence given to some values, and the lack of discussion about others, generated divergent positions among stakeholders in the debate. As exemplified by the APS discussion, although medicine is primarily an ethical endeavor, values of different kinds that take part in it also shape to a large extent the profession. Thus, it may be strategic to openly discuss values at play in the elaboration of diagnostic tools and classificatory systems. This task, more than scientifically or politically significant, is ethically important.

Actitud , Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales , Psiquiatría , Trastornos Psicóticos/diagnóstico , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Valores Sociales , Discusiones Bioéticas , Disentimientos y Disputas , Economía , Humanos , Conocimiento , Defensa del Paciente , Pacientes , Política , Psiquiatría/ética , Trastornos Psicóticos/clasificación , Trastornos Psicóticos/etiología , Opinión Pública , Investigadores , Síndrome
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 18(1): 139-151, 03/2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-742956


O debate sobre a possível inclusão da síndrome psicótica atenuada como diagnóstico oficial no DSM-5 foi atravessado por diversos valores em torno dos quais argumentadores a favor ou contra a criação dessa nova categoria se dividiram. As defesas de tais valores geraram posições divergentes, mas igualmente legítimas e bem fundamentadas, e trouxeram consigo questionamentos importantes para o cenário potencialmente inovador da psiquiatria preventiva contemporânea. Entre eles, a preocupação ética com o sofrimento, os riscos associados às ações de prevenção e a importância do papel dos valores na formulação de categorias diagnósticas e na própria prática psiquiátrica.

The discussion on the possible inclusion of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome as an official diagnosis of the DSM-5 was permeated by different values, which underpinned the division between those who argued in favor and those who were against the creation of that new category. The prominence given to certain values generated divergent positions, but which were equally legitimate and well grounded, and which brought up significant questions regarding the potentially innovative scenario of contemporary preventive psychiatry. The ethical preoccupation with suffering, the risks associated with preventive actions and the importance of the role of values in the formulation of diagnostic categories and in psychiatric practice were some of the key issues raised by that debate.

La discussion sur la possible inclusion du Syndrome Psychotique Atténué comme diagnostique officiel dans le DSM-5 a été traversée par diverses valeurs, autour desquelles les argumentateurs, en faveur ou à l’opposé de la création de cette catégorie, se sont séparés. Les soutenances de telles valeurs ont suscité des positions divergentes, mais aussi légitimes et bien fondées, qui ont conduit à des questionnements importants pour le cadre potentiellement novateur de la psychiatrie préventive contemporaine. Parmi ces valeurs, il existe la préoccupation éthique par rapport à la souffrance, les risques associés aux actions de prévention, l’importance du rôle des valeurs dans la formulation des catégories diagnostiques, ainsi que dans la pratique psychiatrique.

El debate sobre la posible inclusión del síndrome de psicosis atenuada como un diagnóstico oficial en el DSM-5 fue atravesado por numerosos valores, que dividieron a los que estaban a favor o en contra de la creación de esta nueva categoría. Las defensas de tales valores generaron posturas divergentes, pero igualmente legítimas y con fundamento, y trajeron consigo puntos de discusión importantes para el escenario potencialmente innovador de la psiquiatría preventiva contemporánea, incluyendo la preocupación ética por el sufrimiento, los riesgos asociados a la prevención y la importancia del papel de los valores en la formulación de las categorías diagnósticas y en la propia práctica psiquiátrica.

Humanos , Diagnóstico , Psiquiatría Preventiva , Trastornos Psicóticos