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Nature ; 618(7967): 917-920, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37380688


When main-sequence stars expand into red giants, they are expected to engulf close-in planets1-5. Until now, the absence of planets with short orbital periods around post-expansion, core-helium-burning red giants6-8 has been interpreted as evidence that short-period planets around Sun-like stars do not survive the giant expansion phase of their host stars9. Here we present the discovery that the giant planet 8 Ursae Minoris b10 orbits a core-helium-burning red giant. At a distance of only 0.5 AU from its host star, the planet would have been engulfed by its host star, which is predicted by standard single-star evolution to have previously expanded to a radius of 0.7 AU. Given the brief lifetime of helium-burning giants, the nearly circular orbit of the planet is challenging to reconcile with scenarios in which the planet survives by having a distant orbit initially. Instead, the planet may have avoided engulfment through a stellar merger that either altered the evolution of the host star or produced 8 Ursae Minoris b as a second-generation planet11. This system shows that core-helium-burning red giants can harbour close planets and provides evidence for the role of non-canonical stellar evolution in the extended survival of late-stage exoplanetary systems.

Nature ; 581(7807): 147-151, 2020 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32405022


Asteroseismology probes the internal structures of stars by using their natural pulsation frequencies1. It relies on identifying sequences of pulsation modes that can be compared with theoretical models, which has been done successfully for many classes of pulsators, including low-mass solar-type stars2, red giants3, high-mass stars4 and white dwarfs5. However, a large group of pulsating stars of intermediate mass-the so-called δ Scuti stars-have rich pulsation spectra for which systematic mode identification has not hitherto been possible6,7. This arises because only a seemingly random subset of possible modes are excited and because rapid rotation tends to spoil regular patterns8-10. Here we report the detection of remarkably regular sequences of high-frequency pulsation modes in 60 intermediate-mass main-sequence stars, which enables definitive mode identification. The space motions of some of these stars indicate that they are members of known associations of young stars, as confirmed by modelling of their pulsation spectra.

Nature ; 529(7586): 364-7, 2016 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26727160


Magnetic fields play a part in almost all stages of stellar evolution. Most low-mass stars, including the Sun, show surface fields that are generated by dynamo processes in their convective envelopes. Intermediate-mass stars do not have deep convective envelopes, although 10 per cent exhibit strong surface fields that are presumed to be residuals from the star formation process. These stars do have convective cores that might produce internal magnetic fields, and these fields might survive into later stages of stellar evolution, but information has been limited by our inability to measure the fields below the stellar surface. Here we report the strength of dipolar oscillation modes for a sample of 3,600 red giant stars. About 20 per cent of our sample show mode suppression, by strong magnetic fields in the cores, but this fraction is a strong function of mass. Strong core fields occur only in red giants heavier than 1.1 solar masses, and the occurrence rate is at least 50 per cent for intermediate-mass stars (1.6-2.0 solar masses), indicating that powerful dynamos were very common in the previously convective cores of these stars.

Science ; 342(6156): 331-4, 2013 Oct 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24136961


Stars hosting hot Jupiters are often observed to have high obliquities, whereas stars with multiple coplanar planets have been seen to have low obliquities. This has been interpreted as evidence that hot-Jupiter formation is linked to dynamical disruption, as opposed to planet migration through a protoplanetary disk. We used asteroseismology to measure a large obliquity for Kepler-56, a red giant star hosting two transiting coplanar planets. These observations show that spin-orbit misalignments are not confined to hot-Jupiter systems. Misalignments in a broader class of systems had been predicted as a consequence of torques from wide-orbiting companions, and indeed radial velocity measurements revealed a third companion in a wide orbit in the Kepler-56 system.

Nature ; 494(7438): 452-4, 2013 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23426260


Since the discovery of the first exoplanets, it has been known that other planetary systems can look quite unlike our own. Until fairly recently, we have been able to probe only the upper range of the planet size distribution, and, since last year, to detect planets that are the size of Earth or somewhat smaller. Hitherto, no planets have been found that are smaller than those we see in the Solar System. Here we report a planet significantly smaller than Mercury. This tiny planet is the innermost of three that orbit the Sun-like host star, which we have designated Kepler-37. Owing to its extremely small size, similar to that of the Moon, and highly irradiated surface, the planet, Kepler-37b, is probably rocky with no atmosphere or water, similar to Mercury.

Science ; 337(6094): 556-9, 2012 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22722249


In the solar system, the planets' compositions vary with orbital distance, with rocky planets in close orbits and lower-density gas giants in wider orbits. The detection of close-in giant planets around other stars was the first clue that this pattern is not universal and that planets' orbits can change substantially after their formation. Here, we report another violation of the orbit-composition pattern: two planets orbiting the same star with orbital distances differing by only 10% and densities differing by a factor of 8. One planet is likely a rocky "super-Earth," whereas the other is more akin to Neptune. These planets are 20 times more closely spaced and have a larger density contrast than any adjacent pair of planets in the solar system.

Nature ; 484(7393): 220-2, 2012 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22498626


An intermediate-mass star ends its life by ejecting the bulk of its envelope in a slow, dense wind. Stellar pulsations are thought to elevate gas to an altitude cool enough for the condensation of dust, which is then accelerated by radiation pressure, entraining the gas and driving the wind. Explaining the amount of mass loss, however, has been a problem because of the difficulty of observing tenuous gas and dust only tens of milliarcseconds from the star. For this reason, there is no consensus on the way sufficient momentum is transferred from the light from the star to the outflow. Here we report spatially resolved, multiwavelength observations of circumstellar dust shells of three stars on the asymptotic giant branch of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. When imaged in scattered light, dust shells were found at remarkably small radii (less than about two stellar radii) and with unexpectedly large grains (about 300 nanometres in radius). This proximity to the photosphere argues for dust species that are transparent to the light from the star and, therefore, resistant to sublimation by the intense radiation field. Although transparency usually implies insufficient radiative pressure to drive a wind, the radiation field can accelerate these large grains through photon scattering rather than absorption--a plausible mass loss mechanism for lower-amplitude pulsating stars.

Nature ; 481(7379): 55-7, 2011 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22158105


When the core hydrogen is exhausted during stellar evolution, the central region of a star contracts and the outer envelope expands and cools, giving rise to a red giant. Convection takes place over much of the star's radius. Conservation of angular momentum requires that the cores of these stars rotate faster than their envelopes; indirect evidence supports this. Information about the angular-momentum distribution is inaccessible to direct observations, but it can be extracted from the effect of rotation on oscillation modes that probe the stellar interior. Here we report an increasing rotation rate from the surface of the star to the stellar core in the interiors of red giants, obtained using the rotational frequency splitting of recently detected 'mixed modes'. By comparison with theoretical stellar models, we conclude that the core must rotate at least ten times faster than the surface. This observational result confirms the theoretical prediction of a steep gradient in the rotation profile towards the deep stellar interior.

Nature ; 471(7340): 608-11, 2011 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21455175


Red giants are evolved stars that have exhausted the supply of hydrogen in their cores and instead burn hydrogen in a surrounding shell. Once a red giant is sufficiently evolved, the helium in the core also undergoes fusion. Outstanding issues in our understanding of red giants include uncertainties in the amount of mass lost at the surface before helium ignition and the amount of internal mixing from rotation and other processes. Progress is hampered by our inability to distinguish between red giants burning helium in the core and those still only burning hydrogen in a shell. Asteroseismology offers a way forward, being a powerful tool for probing the internal structures of stars using their natural oscillation frequencies. Here we report observations of gravity-mode period spacings in red giants that permit a distinction between evolutionary stages to be made. We use high-precision photometry obtained by the Kepler spacecraft over more than a year to measure oscillations in several hundred red giants. We find many stars whose dipole modes show sequences with approximately regular period spacings. These stars fall into two clear groups, allowing us to distinguish unambiguously between hydrogen-shell-burning stars (period spacing mostly ∼ 50 seconds) and those that are also burning helium (period spacing ∼ 100 to 300 seconds).