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J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 15(2): 100893, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38564934


Otitis externa is an inflammatory and infectious disease that affects the external auditory canal. The term otorrhea refers to the outflow of discharge from the ear which is one of the main symptoms of otitis externa along with inflammation. External ear canal pathology or middle ear illness with tympanic membrane perforation is the etiological factor of otorrhea. Otorrhea is an indication of infection. Antimicrobial agents are the conventional treatment of various bacterial and fungal infections, but they have impediments such as resistance development, side effects, patient affordability, etc. The Gandhak Rasayana formulation mentioned in the Ayurvedic text can be a good option for the treatment of various infectious diseases. Karnasrava is a type of ear disease referred to as Vata predominant Tridoshaja disease and it is curable. The term Karnasrava signifies discharge from ear and is self-explanatory. Karnasrava consists of a wide spectrum of diseases and can have a near correlation with otitis externa as per signs and symptoms. Gandhak Rasayana exhibited significant antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity in otitis externa. Evaluating its antibacterial and antifungal activity can provide scientific evidence for the study through the present case report. A 31-year-old male patient registered in OPD at Sane Guruji Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune was clinically diagnosed as Karnasrava (Otitis externa) and pus culture positive for Klebsiella species. We started the treatment with Gandhak Rasayana-an Ayurvedic formulation of 250mg two tablets in the morning and evening with lukewarm water for 21 days. The outcome of the treatment was observed as a reduction in Karnashula (otalgia), Karnasrava (ear discharge), Karnakandu (itching), ear blockage and inflammatory changes. Post-treatment culture was negative for the organism. The improvement was noted in Brighton grading scale from grade III to grade I. Gandhak Rasayana showed significant antibacterial activity in the present case. Evaluating its antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity can provide scientific evidence for the study.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 14(4): 100740, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478634


Allergic Rhinitis is an immunological inflammatory response of the nasal mucosa to airborne allergens. Although Allergic Rhinitis is not a life-threatening disease, the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis can be particularly bothersome and disruptive to a patient's sleep and overall quality of life. The coexistence of other allergic conditions like Asthma is very common. No satisfactory treatment is available in modern medicine for this disease. There is a need to search for satisfactory treatment available in another medical system. We present a case of Allergic Rhinitis that was successfully treated with Ayurvedic medicines. Allergic Rhinitis is characterized by watery nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, nasal mucosal pallor, sneezing, and itching in the eyes, palate, and pharynx. A 18-year-old female patient presented with complaints of sneezing (80-100/day), rhinorrhea (watery discharge from nose), heaviness in the head region, weakness, and loss of concentration hampering daily life activity for one year. The patient's clinical findings and symptoms were suggestive of Allergic Rhinitis, which is of perennial type. According to Ayurveda diagnosis was done as Vata-Kaphaj Pratishyay. Rajanyadi Churna was given to the patient for 15 days along with Guduchi Kwath (∼Guduchi decoction) followed by Shaman Snehapan (∼internal oleation) with Mahatiktak Ghrita. The patient experienced a reduction in all the symptoms after 15 days. Allergy markers i.e. Absolute Eosinophil Count reduced to 360 cells/cu mm from 704 cells/cu mm and eosinophils in CBC reduced to 4.1%. The primary complaint of sneezing was significantly reduced to 3-4 times/day after completing the treatment. Ayurvedic therapeutic interventions other than Nasya (∼Nasal oleation), and Dhoompana (∼medicated smoke) modalities showed encouraging results in managing Allergic Rhinitis in a short duration of time. This approach may be taken into consideration for further treatment and research work for Allergic Rhinitis.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 13(1): 100494, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34844840


The vision loss in the Traumatic Optic Neuropathy is the impact of deformational forces. This occurs due to direct or indirect injuries during trauma to skull. The use of high dose corticosteroids is the primary line of treatment in such injuries still remains a matter of debate. Traumatic Optic Neuropathy is yet an unexplored topic of study in Ayurveda. The Traumatic Optic Neuropathy can be correlated with Abhighatajanya Vataprakopaj Drishtinash. The treatment principles of Vataprakopaj Vyadhi are Snehan (massage), Swedan (sudation), Basti (enema) and Nasya (oleation through nasal route). A 50 year old male patient came to outpatient department suffered from motorcycle accident and had a forehead trauma followed by loss of vision in both eyes after 5 days and diagnosed as Traumatic Optic Neuropathy. An electrophysiological assessment showed absence of waveform in Visual Evoked Potential (VEP). According to Ayurveda patient was diagnosed primarily as Abhighatajanya Vataprakopaj Drishtinash and started to follow the protocol of Vataprakopaj Vyadhi. Patient received Ayurvedic formulations in morning, after meal and at night for 12 months and a course of Yapan Basti (medicated decoction enema) followed by Netratarpan (eye satiation), Nasya and Abhyanga (body and foot massage). Patient showed an improvement in the visual quality from no perception of light to perception of light and rays in right eye in 9 month. Patient had improvement in P100 latencies of right eye in VEP report and subjective improvement in quality of vision to perceive the images and objects. Application of Ayurvedic principles and Panchakarma therapy resulted in improvement of the case. An early management of Traumatic Optic Neuropathy with Ayurvedic treatment can have a significant impact on the clinical/visual outcome in terms of recovery in damaged optic nerve fibers.