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Eplasty ; 23: e2, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36741349


Background. A 74-year-old woman presented to the plastic surgery hand trauma clinic with painful, pulsatile swelling in her left index finger following a sharp incision injury to the digit. A diagnosis of digital artery pseudoaneurysm was made. Digital aneurysmal formations are uncommon, and in the upper limb such aneurysms are often secondary to trauma, including iatrogenic injuries. Surgery is usually indicated for symptom relief; if there are signs of compromised perfusion, either direct arterial repair or reconstruction with a vein graft may be required following excision of the aneurysmal sac.

Front Neurorobot ; 15: 689717, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34305564


People who either use an upper limb prosthesis and/or have used services provided by a prosthetic rehabilitation centre, experience limitations of currently available prosthetic devices. Collaboration between academia and a broad range of stakeholders, can lead to the development of solutions that address peoples' needs. By doing so, the rate of prosthetic device abandonment can decrease. Co-creation is an approach that can enable collaboration of this nature to occur throughout the research process. We present findings of a co-creation project that gained user perspectives from a user survey, and a subsequent workshop involving: people who use an upper limb prosthesis and/or have experienced care services (users), academics, industry experts, charity executives, and clinicians. The survey invited users to prioritise six themes, which academia, clinicians, and industry should focus on over the next decade. The prioritisation of the themes concluded in the following order, with the first as the most important: function, psychology, aesthetics, clinical service, collaboration, and media. Within five multi-stakeholder groups, the workshop participants discussed challenges and collaborative opportunities for each theme. Workshop groups prioritised the themes based on their discussions, to highlight opportunities for further development. Two groups chose function, one group chose clinical service, one group chose collaboration, and another group chose media. The identified opportunities are presented within the context of the prioritised themes, including the importance of transparent information flow between all stakeholders; user involvement throughout research studies; and routes to informing healthcare policy through collaboration. As the field of upper limb prosthetics moves toward in-home research, we present co-creation as an approach that can facilitate user involvement throughout the duration of such studies.