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Sci Total Environ ; 947: 174653, 2024 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39002588


Countries within the tropics face ongoing challenges in completing or updating their national forest inventories (NFIs), critical for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) and for forest-related greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting. While previous studies have explored the integration of map information with local reference data to fill in data gaps, limited attention has been given to the specific challenges presented by the clustered plot designs frequently employed by NFIs when combined with remote sensing-based biomass map units. This research addresses these complexities by conducting four country case-studies, encompassing a variety of NFI characteristics within a range of AGB densities. Examining four country case-studies (Peru, Guyana, Tanzania, Mozambique), we assess the potential of European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) global biomass maps to increase precision in (sub)national AGB estimates. We compare a baseline approach using NFI field-based data with a model-assisted scenario incorporating a locally calibrated CCI biomass map as auxiliary information. The original CCI biomass maps systematically underestimate AGB in three of the four countries at both the country and stratum level, with particularly weak agreement at finer map resolution. However, after calibration with country-specific NFI data, stratum and country-level AGB estimates from the model-assisted scenario align well with those obtained solely from field-based data and official country reports. Introducing maps as a source of auxiliary information fairly increased the precision of stratum and country-wise AGB estimates, offering greater confidence in estimating AGB for GHG reporting purposes. Considering the challenges tropical countries face with implementing their NFIs, it is sensible to explore the potential benefits of biomass maps for climate change reporting mechanisms across biomes. While country-specific NFI design assumptions guided our model-assisted inference strategies, this study also uncovers transferable insights from the application of global biomass maps with NFI data, providing valuable lessons for climate research and policy communities.

Biomasa , Cambio Climático , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Bosques , Tanzanía , Clima Tropical , Mozambique , Guyana , Gases de Efecto Invernadero/análisis
Glob Chang Biol ; 29(13): 3601-3621, 2023 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36997337


Amazonian forests function as biomass and biodiversity reservoirs, contributing to climate change mitigation. While they continuously experience disturbance, the effect that disturbances have on biomass and biodiversity over time has not yet been assessed at a large scale. Here, we evaluate the degree of recent forest disturbance in Peruvian Amazonia and the effects that disturbance, environmental conditions and human use have on biomass and biodiversity in disturbed forests. We integrate tree-level data on aboveground biomass (AGB) and species richness from 1840 forest plots from Peru's National Forest Inventory with remotely sensed monitoring of forest change dynamics, based on disturbances detected from Landsat-derived Normalized Difference Moisture Index time series. Our results show a clear negative effect of disturbance intensity tree species richness. This effect was also observed on AGB and species richness recovery values towards undisturbed levels, as well as on the recovery of species composition towards undisturbed levels. Time since disturbance had a larger effect on AGB than on species richness. While time since disturbance has a positive effect on AGB, unexpectedly we found a small negative effect of time since disturbance on species richness. We estimate that roughly 15% of Peruvian Amazonian forests have experienced disturbance at least once since 1984, and that, following disturbance, have been increasing in AGB at a rate of 4.7 Mg ha-1 year-1 during the first 20 years. Furthermore, the positive effect of surrounding forest cover was evident for both AGB and its recovery towards undisturbed levels, as well as for species richness. There was a negative effect of forest accessibility on the recovery of species composition towards undisturbed levels. Moving forward, we recommend that forest-based climate change mitigation endeavours consider forest disturbance through the integration of forest inventory data with remote sensing methods.

Los bosques amazónicos son reservorios y sumideros de carbono, contribuyendo a la mitigación del cambio climático. Si bien experimentan perturbaciones, el efecto de estas en la biomasa y biodiversidad a través del tiempo no ha sido evaluado a gran escala. En este estudio, evaluamos el grado de perturbación forestal reciente en la Amazonía peruana y los efectos de las perturbaciones, condiciones ambientales y actividad antrópica sobre la biomasa y la biodiversidad en bosques perturbados. Los datos de biomasa aérea y riqueza de especies forestales provenientes de 1,840 subparcelas del Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (INFFS) se analizaron en conjunto con la información de detección de cambios de cobertura forestal derivadas de perturbaciones detectadas a partir de series de tiempo de índices de diferencia de humedad normalizados (NDMI) a partir de imágenes Landsat. Nuestros resultados muestran un claro efecto negativo de la intensidad de las perturbaciones sobre la riqueza de especies arbóreas. Este efecto también fue observado en los valores de recuperación de biomasa aérea y riqueza de especies arbóreas hacia niveles no perturbados, así como en la recuperación de la composición florística. El tiempo transcurrido desde la perturbación tuvo un efecto mayor sobre la biomasa aérea que sobre la riqueza de especies. Mientras el tiempo desde una perturbación forestal tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la biomasa área, se observó un pequeño efecto negativo sobre la riqueza de especies. Estimamos que aproximadamente el 15% de los bosques en la Amazonía peruana han experimentado una perturbación al menos una vez desde 1984, y que, tras esta, han aumentado en biomasa aérea en una tasa de 4.7 Mg ha−1 año−1 durante los primeros 20 años posteriores al evento de perturbación. Además, el efecto positivo de la cubierta forestal circundante fue evidente tanto para la biomasa aérea como para su recuperación hacia niveles no perturbados, así como para los valores de riqueza de especies. La accesibilidad a bosques tuvo un efecto negativo en la recuperación de la composición de especies hacia niveles no perturbados. Recomendamos que los esfuerzos de mitigación de cambio climático basados en bosques tengan en cuenta las perturbaciones forestales mediante el análisis integrado de información de inventarios forestales con métodos de teledetección.

Biodiversidad , Clima Tropical , Humanos , Perú , Biomasa , Brasil