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ACS Photonics ; 11(1): 301-309, 2024 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38344384


As a result of their coherent interaction, two-dimensional periodic arrays of metallic nanostructures support collective modes commonly known as lattice resonances. Among them, out-of-plane lattice resonances, for which the nanostructures are polarized in the direction perpendicular to the array, are particularly interesting since their unique configuration minimizes radiative losses. Consequently, these modes present extremely high quality factors and field enhancements that make them ideal for a wide range of applications. However, for the same reasons, their excitation is very challenging and has only been achieved at oblique incidence, which adds a layer of complexity to experiments and poses some limitations on their usage. Here, we present an approach to excite out-of-plane lattice resonances in bipartite arrays under normal incidence. Our method is based on exploiting the electric-magnetic coupling between the nanostructures, which has been traditionally neglected in the characterization of arrays made of metallic nanostructures. Using a rigorous coupled dipole model, we demonstrate that this coupling provides a general mechanism to excite out-of-plane lattice resonances under normal incidence conditions. We complete our study with a comprehensive analysis of a potential implementation of our results using an array of nanodisks with the inclusion of a substrate and a coating. This work provides an efficient approach for the excitation of out-of-plane lattice resonances at normal incidence, thus paving the way for the leverage of the extraordinary properties of these optical modes in a wide range of applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(13): 133605, 2023 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37067313


The fluctuations of the electromagnetic field are at the origin of the near-field radiative heat transfer between nanostructures, as well as the Casimir forces and torques that they exert on each other. Here, working within the formalism of fluctuational electrodynamics, we investigate the simultaneous transfer of energy and angular momentum in a pair of rotating nanostructures. We demonstrate that, due to the rotation of the nanostructures, the radiative heat transfer between them can be increased, decreased, or even reversed with respect to the transfer that occurs in the absence of rotation, which is solely determined by the difference in the temperature of the nanostructures. This work unravels the unintuitive phenomena arising from the simultaneous transfer of energy and angular momentum in pairs of rotating nanostructures.

ACS Omega ; 7(35): 31431-31441, 2022 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36092601


Periodic arrays of metallic nanostructures support collective lattice resonances, which give rise to optical responses that are, at the same time, stronger and more spectrally narrow than those of the localized plasmons of the individual nanostructures. Despite the extensive research effort devoted to investigating the optical properties of lattice resonances, the majority of theoretical studies have analyzed them under plane-wave excitation conditions. Such analysis not only constitutes an approximation to realistic experimental conditions, which require the use of finite-width light beams, but also misses a rich variety of interesting behaviors. Here, we provide a comprehensive study of the response of periodic arrays of metallic nanostructures when excited by finite-width light beams under both paraxial and nonparaxial conditions. We show how as the width of the light beam increases, the response of the array becomes more collective and converges to the plane-wave limit. Furthermore, we analyze the spatial extent of the lattice resonance and identify the optimum values of the light beam width to achieve the strongest optical responses. We also investigate the impact that the combination of finite-size effects in the array and the finite width of the light beam has on the response of the system. Our results provide a solid theoretical framework to understand the excitation of lattice resonances by finite-width light beams and uncover a set of behaviors that do not take place under plane-wave excitation.