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PLOS Glob Public Health ; 2(10): e0000626, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36962591


Optimising the scale and deployment of community health workers (CHWs) is important for maximizing geographical accessibility of integrated primary health care (PHC) services. Yet little is known about approaches for doing so. We used geospatial analysis to model optimised scale-up and deployment of CHWs in Mali, to inform strategic and operational planning by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Accessibility catchments were modelled based on travel time, accounting for barriers to movement. We compared geographic coverage of the estimated population, under-five deaths, and plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria cases across different hypothetical optimised CHW networks and identified surpluses and deficits of CHWs compared to the existing CHW network. A network of 15 843 CHW, if optimally deployed, would ensure that 77.3% of the population beyond 5 km of the CSCom (community health centre) and CSRef (referral health facility) network would be within a 30-minute walk of a CHW. The same network would cover an estimated 59.5% of U5 deaths and 58.5% of Pf malaria cases. As an intermediary step, an optimised network of 4 500 CHW, primarily filling deficits of CHW in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, and Ségou would ensure geographic coverage for 31.3% of the estimated population. There were no important differences in geographic coverage percentage when prioritizing CHW scale-up and deployment based on the estimated population, U5 deaths, or Pf malaria cases. Our geospatial analysis provides useful information to policymakers and planners in Mali for optimising the scale-up and deployment of CHW and, in turn, for maximizing the value-for-money of resources of investment in CHWs in the context of the country's health sector reform. Countries with similar interests in optimising the scale and deployment of their CHW workforce may look to Mali as an exemplar model from which to learn.

Mali Med ; 35(3): 63-69, 2020.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978726


OBJECTIVE: The objective was to study the determinants of home delivery in the Commune V Health District of Bamako. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted an analytical cross-sectional study among women who delivered at home, in two neighborhoodsofSabalibougou and Badalabougou, from March 2015 to February 2016, and who were admitted at the Maternity of the Commune V Referral Health Center during the same period. Two groups of women from two neighborhoods were compared. The data were entered and analyzed using EpiInfo 3.5.3. We presented the Odds Ratios and confident intervals. RESULTS: The frequency of home delivery was 16.18%. The age group 35 years and over were the most represented in both Sabalibougou with 80.75% and Badalabougou with 19.42%.In Sabalibougou, compared to Badalabougou, we found 0.49 times fewer women in school (p = 0.01); 8.92 times more women with gainful occupation (p = 10-8); 3.5 times more partners with non-gainful occupation (p = 10-6); 4.59 times more risk to give birth at home (p = 10-8); 3 times more risk not to perform antenatal care (p = 0.0002); 3.26 times more appreciation of the high cost of delivery care (p = 10-4) and 3.03 times more lack of financial support (p=3*10-4). CONCLUSION: The frequency of home delivery was higher in Sabalibougou. The determinants of this phenomenon were: the low level of schooling, the low socioeconomic level, the non-use of antenatal care, theperceived high cost of delivery care.

OBJECTIF: L'objectif était d'étudierles déterminants de l'accouchement à domicile en Commune V de Bamako. MATÉRIELS ET MÉTHODES: Nous avons mené une étude transversale analytique chez les femmes qui ont accouchées à domicile, dans les quartiers de Sabalibougou et Badalabougou, de Mars 2015 en Février 2016 et reçues à la maternité du Centre de Santé de Référence de la Commune V pendant la même période. Les deux quartiers ont été comparés. Les données ont été saisies et analysées sur EpiInfo 3.5.3, avec présentation des Odds Ratios et intervalles de confiance. RÉSULTATS: La fréquence de l'accouchement à domicile était de 16,18%.La tranche d'âge 35 ans et plus était la plus représentée à Sabalibougou (80,75%) et à Badalabougou (19,42%). Nous avons trouvéà Sabalibougou, comparé à Badalabougou, 0,49 fois moins de femmes scolarisées (p=0,01) ;8,92 fois plus de femmes avec activité rémunératrice (p=10-8) ;3,5 fois plus de partenaires avec activité non rémunératrice (p=10-6) ; 4,59 fois plus de risque d'accoucher à domicile (p=10-8) ; 3 fois plus de risque de ne pas réaliser de consultation prénatale (p=0,0002) ;3,26 fois plus d'appréciation du coût de l'accouchement élevé (p=10-4) et3,03 fois plus de manque de moyens (p=3*10-4). CONCLUSION: La fréquence de l'accouchement à domicile était plus élevée à Sabalibougou.Les déterminants étaient : l'absence de scolarisation, lemanque de moyens financiers, l'absence de réalisation de consultation prénatale, le coût jugé élevé de l'accouchement.