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J Orthop Translat ; 42: 57-72, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37654433


Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the dominant 3D imaging modality to quantify muscle properties in skeletal muscle disorders, in inherited and acquired muscle diseases, and in sarcopenia, in cachexia and frailty. Methods: This review covers T1 weighted and Dixon sequences, introduces T2 mapping, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and non-proton MRI. Technical concepts, strengths, limitations and translational aspects of these techniques are discussed in detail. Examples of clinical applications are outlined. For comparison 31P-and 13C-MR Spectroscopy are also addressed. Results: MRI technology provides a rich toolset to assess muscle deterioration. In addition to classical measures such as muscle atrophy using T1 weighted imaging and fat infiltration using Dixon sequences, parameters characterizing inflammation from T2 maps, tissue sodium using non-proton MRI techniques or concentration or fiber architecture using diffusion tensor imaging may be useful for an even earlier diagnosis of the impairment of muscle quality. Conclusion: Quantitative MRI provides new options for muscle research and clinical applications. Current limitations that also impair its more widespread use in clinical trials are lack of standardization, ambiguity of image segmentation and analysis approaches, a multitude of outcome parameters without a clear strategy which ones to use and the lack of normal data.