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Acta ortop. bras ; 23(5): 235-238, Sep.-Oct. 2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-762858


Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência de dor na coluna lombar em escolarese sua relação com o sexo, idade, prática de exercícios eas atividades sedentárias (tempo na TV e no computador e/ou videogame).Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal com umaamostra 1.461 escolares, sendo 754 do sexo masculino e 707 dofeminino, matriculados na 5ª a 8ª séries de todas as cinco escolasmunicipais de ensino fundamental urbanas do município de Ourinhos,SP, Brasil, na faixa etária entre 10 e 14 anos, de quem foramcoletados dados sóciodemográficos e tempo gasto em atividadessedentárias como TV e computador e/ou videogame. Realizou-seuma análise descritiva, bivariada e multivariada por regressão logísticabinária. Resultados: Notou-se que a prevalência de dor lombarfoi de 18,5%, sendo 15,5% nos meninos e 21,6% nas meninas.A dor lombar foi associada ao sexo feminino, faixa etária de 12 a14 anos e ao hábito de assistir TV acima de três vezes na semanae acima de 3 horas por dia. Conclusão: Os estudantes analisadosmostraram alta prevalência de dor lombar relacionadas ao sexo,faixa etária e hábito de assistir televisão. Intervenções adequadasdevem ser realizadas para reduzir a ocorrência das mesmas emestudantes. Nível de Evidência III, Corte Transversal.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of low back pain in childrenand its relationship with gender, age, exercise practice andsedentary activities (time on TV and on computer and/or videogame). Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study witha sample of 1,461 students, being 754 males and 707 femalesenrolled in the 5th to 8th grades of all five local elementaryschools of urban Ourinhos, SP, Brasil, aged 10-14 years old,from whom sociodemographic data, time spent on sedentaryactivities such as TV and computer and/or video game werecollected. We conducted a descriptive, bivariate and multivariatebinary logistic regression. Results: The results showed that theprevalence of low back pain in the sample was 18.5%, being15.5% in boys and 21.6% in girls. Low back pain was associatedto the female gender, age range between 12-14 years and thehabit of watching TV more than three times a week and over 3hours per day. Conclusion: The students analyzed showed highprevalence of low back pain related to gender, age and habit ofwatching TV. Appropriate interventions should be implementedto reduce the occurrences of back pain in schoolchildren. Levelof Evidence III, Cross Sectioning.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Estudios Transversales , Dolor de la Región Lumbar/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo , Estudiantes
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 23(3): 47-52, jul.-set. 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-837462


Foi objetivo do presente estudo verificar as características de mulheres praticantes de Pilates e a opinião destas, quanto a particularidades do método. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como não experimental e descritiva, sendo realizada em 10 diferentes estabelecimentos, de três cidades do norte do Paraná, com 45 mulheres, na faixa etária entre 14 e 73 anos (34,5±10,60), praticantes de Pilates há no mínimo seis meses. Uma entrevista semiestruturada com perguntas abertas e fechadas foi realizada. Para análise foram criadas categorias, de forma a agrupar as respostas por afinidade. Foi possível observar que a maioria das praticantes, procuraram a técnica por apresentarem condições patológicas (40%), e encontraram no método tranquilidade, prazer e identificação (42,23%). Aproximadamente 98% declararam não pensar em parar de praticar Pilates, por perceberem mudanças corporais ao longo do tempo. A maior parte relatou conseguir realizar os movimentos com contração dos estabilizadores da coluna (84,44%), correta respiração (91,11%), com concentração (88,88%), além de realizar os movimentos de forma precisa, controlada e com fluidez (91,11%). Concluiu-se que o método Pilates, tem sido procurado principalmente em casos de reabilitação e possibilita às praticantes, prazer e tranquilidade, não oferecendo dificuldades para o aprendizado dos seis princípios básicos.(AU)

The aim of this study was to verify the characteristics of women who practice Pilates and their view, as regards the particularities of the method. The research was characterized as nonexperimental and descriptive, being held in 10 different venues, three cities in Northern Paraná, with 45 women, aged between 14 and 73 years (34.5 ± 10.60), practitioners of Pilates for at least six months. A semi-structured interview with open and closed questions was performed. Categories were created for the analysis in order to group responses by affinity. It was observed that most practitioners, searched for the Pilates due to pathological conditions (40%), and found in the method tranquility, pleasure and identification (42.23%). Approximately 98% reported they were not thinking in stopping to practice Pilates for perceiving bodily changes over time. Most reported ability to perform movements with the contraction of spinal stabilizers (84.44%), proper breathing (91.11%) and concentration (88.88%), and to perform the movements in a precise form, controlled and with fluidity (91.11%). It was concluded that the Pilates method has been searched mainly in cases of rehabilitation and enables the practitioners, pleasure and tranquility, offering no difficulties in the learning of the six basic principles.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Ejercicio Físico , Técnicas de Ejercicio con Movimientos , Salud de la Mujer
Acta Ortop Bras ; 23(5): 235-8, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26981028


OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of low back pain in children and its relationship with gender, age, exercise practice and sedentary activities (time on TV and on computer and/or video game). METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study with a sample of 1,461 students, being 754 males and 707 females enrolled in the 5(th) to 8(th) grades of all five local elementary schools of urban Ourinhos, SP, Brasil, aged 10-14 years old, from whom sociodemographic data, time spent on sedentary activities such as TV and computer and/or video game were collected. We conducted a descriptive, bivariate and multivariate binary logistic regression. RESULTS: The results showed that the prevalence of low back pain in the sample was 18.5%, being 15.5% in boys and 21.6% in girls. Low back pain was associated to the female gender, age range between 12-14 years and the habit of watching TV more than three times a week and over 3 hours per day. CONCLUSION: The students analyzed showed high prevalence of low back pain related to gender, age and habit of watching TV. Appropriate interventions should be implemented to reduce the occurrences of back pain in schoolchildren. Level of Evidence III, Cross Sectioning.