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Front Vet Sci ; 7: 245, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32587863


Increasing biopotency of cholecalciferol (D3) from vitamin sources is essential in the poultry industry to meet nutritional demands and counter stressors. D3 exhibits hormonal traits and is responsible for calcium (Ca) absorption. 1-α-Hydroxycholecalciferol (1α) is a synthetic form of D3 that has equal efficacy and is cheaper to synthesize than 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (active form of D3), on broilers. However, 1α bypasses a critical regulatory point, the kidney, and may consequently lead to toxicity levels of Ca via Ca absorption. This study examined 1α supplementation in broiler diets with different Ca inclusion levels to determine if 1α at higher Ca levels caused Ca toxicity at starter and grower phases with Ross 708 male broiler chicks. In Experiment 1 (1-15 days of age), chicks were assigned to one of 10 treatment starter diets with five levels of Ca inclusion (0.80, 0.95, 1.10, 1.25, and 1.40%) with or without 1α supplementation (5 µg 1α/kg in feed) and eight replicate cages per treatment. In Experiment 2, chicks were fed common starter diet until 16 days of age, and then they were assigned to one of eight treatment diets with four levels of Ca inclusion (0.54, 0.76, 0.98, or 1.20%) with or without 1α supplementation (5 µg 1α/kg in feed). At the end of both experiments, blood was collected from broilers to determine blood chemistry, including concentrations of vitamin D metabolites. Intestinal tissues were also collected to examine gene expression. In Experiment 1, broilers not fed 1α exhibited a quadratic effect in ionized blood Ca (iCa) as dietary Ca inclusion levels increased; 1α-fed broilers displayed an increase in iCa as Ca inclusion levels increased (p = 0.0002). For Experiment 2, 1α-fed broilers displayed a decrease in 25-hydroxycholecalciferol plasma concentration as dietary Ca inclusion levels increased (p = 0.035); also, increasing Ca inclusion in diets increased expression of duodenal sodium phosphate cotransporter type II b (NPTIIb, p = 0.03). Our findings imply that inclusion of 1α was beneficial because 1α enhanced Ca absorption during the starter phase; however, to avoid potential Ca toxicity or antagonism while using 1α during the grower phase, there should be consideration with reducing dietary Ca levels.

Affectio Soc. (Medellin) ; 12(22): 15-36, ene.-jun. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-768939


Kaplan-Solms y Solms presentan en su libro Estudios clínicos en neuropsicoanálisis un método que representa la posible unión de lasneurociencias con el psicoanálisis. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprender la propuesta metodológica del neuropsicoanálisis según la perspectiva de estos autores y su inserción en el campo del psicoanálisis. El presente trabajo se sirvió de la reseña crítica, que permitió una lecturaanalítica de la obra de los autores. La perspectiva teórica de los autores corresponde a tradiciones postfreudianas, las cuales ponen todo el énfasis en la autonomía del yo y sus funciones, lo que lleva a que se realicen analogías entre formaciones de lo inconsciente y alteraciones neurológicas sin considerar la relación a la causalidad.

Kaplan-Solms and Solms present in their book “Clinical Studies in Neuro-Psychoanalysis” a method that represents the possible union of neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Objective: To understand the methodological proposal of neuropsychoanalysis according to the perspective of these authors and its insertion in the field of psychoanalysis. Method: The critical review was used, which allowed an analytical reading of the aforementioned work. Result: The theoretical perspective of the authors corresponds to postFreudian traditions that put all the emphasis on the autonomy of the ego and its functions, which leads to analogies made between formations of the unconscious and neurological disorders regardless of the relationship to causality.

Dans leur ouvrage "Études cliniques en neuropsychanalyse", Kaplan-Solms et Solms proposent une méthode représentant la rencontre possibledes neuro-sciences et la psychanalyse. Objectif: Comprendre la proposition méthodologique de la neuro-psychanalyse selon l'approche de cesauteurs ainsi que son insertion dans le domaine de la psychanalyse. Méthode : Cearticle est basé sur le compte rendu critique, cqui a permis une lecture de l'ouvrage des auteurs. Résultat : L'approche théorique des auteurs correspond aux traditions post-freudiennes qui mettent l'accent sur l'autonomie du moi et sur ses fonctions, ce qui amène à réaliser des analogies entre formations de l'inconscient et troubles neurologiques sans prendre en compte le rapport de causalité

Neurociencias , Psicoanálisis