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Front Aging Neurosci ; 13: 739998, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34924993


Background: Walking in the "real world" involves motor and cognitive processes. In relation to this, declines in both motor function and cognition contribute to age-related gait dysfunction. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and treadmill walking (STW) have potential to improve gait, particularly during dual-task walking (DTW); walking whilst performing a cognitive task. Our aims were to analyze effects of combined anodal tDCS + STW intervention on cortical activity and gait during DTW. Methods: Twenty-three young adults (YA) and 21 older adults (OA) were randomly allocated to active or sham tDCS stimulation groups. Participants performed 5-min of mixed treadmill walking (alternating 30 s bouts of STW and DTW) before and after a 20-min intervention of active or sham tDCS + STW. Anodal electrodes were placed over the left prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the vertex (Cz) using 9 cm2 electrodes at 0.6 mA. Cortical activity of the PFC, primary motor cortex (M1), premotor cortex (PMC), and supplementary motor area (SMA) bilaterally were recorded using a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system. Oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2) levels were analyzed as indicators of cortical activity. An accelerometer measured gait parameters. We calculated the difference between DTW and STW for HbO2 and gait parameters. We applied linear mixed effects models which included age group (YA vs. OA), stimulation condition (sham vs. active), and time (pre- vs. post-intervention) as fixed effects. Treadmill belt speed was a covariate. Partial correlation tests were also performed. Results: A main effect of age group was observed. OA displayed higher activity bilaterally in the PFC and M1, unilaterally in the right PMC and higher gait variability than YA. M1 activity decreased in both YA and OA following active tDCS + STW. There was no overall effect of tDCS + STW on PFC activity or gait parameters. However, negative correlations were observed between changes in left PFC and stride length variability following active tDCS + STW intervention. Conclusion: Increased activity in multiple cortical areas during DTW in OA may act as a compensatory mechanism. Reduction in M1 activity following active tDCS + STW with no observed gait changes suggests improved neural efficiency.

NPJ Parkinsons Dis ; 6: 22, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32964107


Gait deficits are a common feature of Parkinson's disease (PD) and predictors of future motor and cognitive impairment. Understanding how muscle activity contributes to gait impairment and effects of therapeutic interventions on motor behaviour is crucial for identifying potential biomarkers and developing rehabilitation strategies. This article reviews sixteen studies that investigate the electromyographic (EMG) activity of lower limb muscles in people with PD during walking and reports on their quality. The weight of evidence establishing differences in motor activity between people with PD and healthy older adults (HOAs) is considered. Additionally, the effect of dopaminergic medication and deep brain stimulation (DBS) on modifying motor activity is assessed. Results indicated greater proximal and decreased distal activity of lower limb muscles during walking in individuals with PD compared to HOA. Dopaminergic medication was associated with increased distal lower limb muscle activity whereas subthalamic nucleus DBS increased activity of both proximal and distal lower limb muscles. Tibialis anterior was impacted most by the interventions. Quality of the studies was not strong, with a median score of 61%. Most studies investigated only distal muscles, involved small sample sizes, extracted limited EMG features and lacked rigorous signal processing. Few studies related changes in motor activity with functional gait measures. Understanding mechanisms underpinning gait impairment in PD is essential for development of personalised rehabilitative interventions. Recommendations for future studies include greater participant numbers, recording more functionally diverse muscles, applying multi-muscle analyses, and relating EMG to functional gait measures.