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Sci Rep ; 9(1): 16874, 2019 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31727900


Tsunamis can propagate thousands of kilometres across the ocean. Precise calculations of arrival times are essential for reliable early warning systems, determination of source and earth properties using the inverse problem, and time series modulation due to frequency dependency of phase speed. Far field observatories show a systematic discrepancy between observed and calculated arrival times. Models in present use and based on incompressible hydrodynamics and interaction with a rigid ocean floor overestimate the phase speed of tsunamis, leading to arrival time differences exceeding tens of minutes. These models neglect the simultaneous effects of the slight compressibility of water, sea-bed elasticity, and static compression of the ocean under gravity, hereinafter gravity. Here, we show that taking these effects into account results in more accurate phase speeds and travel times that agree with observations. Moreover, the semi-analytical model that we propose can be employed near real-time, which is essential for early warning inverse models and mitigation systems that rely on accurate phase speed calculations.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 11946, 2019 08 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31420573


On Dec. 22, 2018, at approximately 20:55-57 local time, Anak Krakatau volcano, located in the Sunda Straits of Indonesia, experienced a major lateral collapse during a period of eruptive activity that began in June. The collapse discharged volcaniclastic material into the 250 m deep caldera southwest of the volcano, which generated a tsunami with runups of up to 13 m on the adjacent coasts of Sumatra and Java. The tsunami caused at least 437 fatalities, the greatest number from a volcanically-induced tsunami since the catastrophic explosive eruption of Krakatau in 1883 and the sector collapse of Ritter Island in 1888. For the first time in over 100 years, the 2018 Anak Krakatau event provides an opportunity to study a major volcanically-generated tsunami that caused widespread loss of life and significant damage. Here, we present numerical simulations of the tsunami, with state-of the-art numerical models, based on a combined landslide-source and bathymetric dataset. We constrain the geometry and magnitude of the landslide source through analyses of pre- and post-event satellite images and aerial photography, which demonstrate that the primary landslide scar bisected the Anak Krakatau volcano, cutting behind the central vent and removing 50% of its subaerial extent. Estimated submarine collapse geometries result in a primary landslide volume range of 0.22-0.30 km3, which is used to initialize a tsunami generation and propagation model with two different landslide rheologies (granular and fluid). Observations of a single tsunami, with no subsequent waves, are consistent with our interpretation of landslide failure in a rapid, single phase of movement rather than a more piecemeal process, generating a tsunami which reached nearby coastlines within ~30 minutes. Both modelled rheologies successfully reproduce observed tsunami characteristics from post-event field survey results, tide gauge records, and eyewitness reports, suggesting our estimated landslide volume range is appropriate. This event highlights the significant hazard posed by relatively small-scale lateral volcanic collapses, which can occur en-masse, without any precursory signals, and are an efficient and unpredictable tsunami source. Our successful simulations demonstrate that current numerical models can accurately forecast tsunami hazards from these events. In cases such as Anak Krakatau's, the absence of precursory warning signals together with the short travel time following tsunami initiation present a major challenge for mitigating tsunami coastal impact.

Sci Rep ; 6: 35925, 2016 11 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27811961


Submarine slope failures are a likely cause for tsunami generation along the East Coast of the United States. Among potential source areas for such tsunamis are submarine landslides and margin collapses of Bahamian platforms. Numerical models of past events, which have been identified using high-resolution multibeam bathymetric data, reveal possible tsunami impact on Bimini, the Florida Keys, and northern Cuba. Tsunamis caused by slope failures with terminal landslide velocity of 20 ms-1 will either dissipate while traveling through the Straits of Florida, or generate a maximum wave of 1.5 m at the Florida coast. Modeling a worst-case scenario with a calculated terminal landslide velocity generates a wave of 4.5 m height. The modeled margin collapse in southwestern Great Bahama Bank potentially has a high impact on northern Cuba, with wave heights between 3.3 to 9.5 m depending on the collapse velocity. The short distance and travel time from the source areas to densely populated coastal areas would make the Florida Keys and Miami vulnerable to such low-probability but high-impact events.