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ACS Photonics ; 11(7): 2650-2658, 2024 Jul 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39036063


Vibrational polaritons, which have been primarily studied in Fabry-Pérot cavities with a large number of molecules (N ∼ 106-1010) coupled to the resonator mode, exhibit various experimentally observed effects on chemical reactions. However, the exact mechanism is elusively understood from the theoretical side, as the large number of molecules involved in an experimental strong coupling condition cannot be represented completely in simulations. This discrepancy between theory and experiment arises from computational descriptions of polariton systems typically being limited to only a few molecules, thus failing to represent the experimental conditions adequately. To address this mismatch, we used surface phonon polariton (SPhP) resonators as an alternative platform for vibrational strong coupling. SPhPs exhibit strong electromagnetic confinement on the surface and thus allow for coupling to a small number of molecules. As a result, this platform can enhance nonlinearity and slow down relaxation to the dark modes. In this study, we fabricated a pillar-shaped quartz resonator and then coated it with a thin layer of cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc). By employing scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), we spatially investigated the dependency of vibrational strong coupling on the spatially varying electromagnetic field strength and demonstrated strong coupling with 38,000 molecules only-reaching to the small N limit. Through s-SNOM analysis, we found that strong coupling was observed primarily on the edge of the quartz pillar and the apex of the s-SNOM tip, where the maximum field enhancement occurs. In contrast, a weak resonance signal and lack of coupling were observed closer to the center of the pillar. This work demonstrates the importance of spatially resolved polariton systems in nanophotonic platforms and lays a foundation to explore polariton chemistry and chemical dynamics at the small N limit-one step closer to reconcile with high-level quantum calculations.

Nanotechnology ; 33(45)2022 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35853401


Akiyama atomic force microscopy probes represent a unique means of combining several of the desirable properties of tuning fork and cantilever probe designs. As a hybridized mechanical resonator, the vibrational characteristics of Akiyama probes result from a complex coupling between the intrinsic vibrational eigenmodes of its constituent tuning fork and bridging cantilever components. Through a combination of finite element analysis modeling and experimental measurements of the thermal vibrations of Akiyama probes we identify a complex series of vibrational eigenmodes and measure their frequencies, quality factors, and spring constants. We then demonstrate the viability of Akiyama probes to perform bimodal multi-frequency force sensing by performing a multimodal measurement of a surface's nanoscale photothermal response using photo-induced force microscopy imaging techniques. Further performing a parametric search over alternative Akiyama probe geometries, we propose two modified probe designs to enhance the capability of Akiyama probes to perform sensitive bimodal multifrequency force sensing measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(4): 043603, 2021 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34355970


Metasurfaces have recently entered the realm of quantum photonics, enabling manipulation of quantum light using a compact nanophotonic platform. Realizing the full potential of metasurfaces at the deepest quantum level requires the ability to tune coherent light-matter interactions continuously in space and time. Here, we introduce the concept of space-time quantum metasurfaces for arbitrary control of the spectral, spatial, and spin properties of nonclassical light using a compact photonic platform. We show that space-time quantum metasurfaces allow on-demand tailoring of entanglement among all degrees of freedom of a single photon. We also show that spatiotemporal modulation induces asymmetry at the fundamental level of quantum fluctuations, resulting in the generation of steered and vortex photon pairs out of vacuum. Space-time quantum metasurfaces have the potential to enable novel photonic functionalities, such as encoding quantum information into high-dimensional color qudits using designer modulation protocols, sculpting multispectral and multispatial modes in spontaneous emission, and generating reconfigurable hyperentanglement for high-capacity quantum communications.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 9734, 2021 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33958692


The graphene family materials are two-dimensional staggered monolayers with a gapped energy band structure due to intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. The mass gaps in these materials can be manipulated on-demand via biasing with a static electric field, an off-resonance circularly polarized laser, or an exchange interaction field, allowing the monolayer to be driven through a multitude of topological phase transitions. We investigate the dynamics of spin-orbit coupled graphene family materials to unveil topological phase transition fingerprints embedded in the nonlinear regime and show how these signatures manifest in the nonlinear Kerr effect and in third-harmonic generation processes. We show that the resonant nonlinear spectral response of topological fermions can be traced to specific Dirac cones in these materials, enabling characterization of topological invariants in any phase by detecting the cross-polarized component of the electromagnetic field. By shedding light on the unique processes involved in harmonic generation via topological phenomena our findings open an encouraging path towards the development of novel nonlinear systems based on two-dimensional semiconductors of the graphene family.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(19): 193601, 2021 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34047587


The near-field electromagnetic interaction between nanoscale objects produces enhanced radiative heat transfer that can greatly surpass the limits established by far-field blackbody radiation. Here, we present a theoretical framework to describe the temporal dynamics of the radiative heat transfer in ensembles of nanostructures, which is based on the use of an eigenmode expansion of the equations that govern this process. Using this formalism, we identify the fundamental principles that determine the thermalization of collections of nanostructures, revealing general but often unintuitive dynamics. Our results provide an elegant and precise approach to efficiently analyze the temporal dynamics of the near-field radiative heat transfer in systems containing a large number of nanoparticles.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 1469, 2020 Mar 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32193393


Emerging photonic functionalities are mostly governed by the fundamental principle of Lorentz reciprocity. Lifting the constraints imposed by this principle could circumvent deleterious effects that limit the performance of photonic systems. Most efforts to date have been limited to waveguide platforms. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a spatio-temporally modulated metasurface capable of complete violation of Lorentz reciprocity by reflecting an incident beam into far-field radiation in forward scattering, but into near-field surface waves in reverse scattering. These observations are shown both in nonreciprocal beam steering and nonreciprocal focusing. We also demonstrate nonreciprocal behavior of propagative-only waves in the frequency- and momentum-domains, and simultaneously in both. We develop a generalized Bloch-Floquet theory which offers physical insights into Lorentz nonreciprocity for arbitrary spatial phase gradients, and its predictions are in excellent agreement with experiments. Our work opens exciting opportunities in applications where free-space nonreciprocal wave propagation is desired.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 15287, 2019 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31653881


Titanium nitride (TiN) has recently emerged as an attractive alternative material for plasmonics. However, the typical high-temperature deposition of plasmonic TiN using either sputtering or atomic layer deposition has greatly limited its potential applications and prevented its integration into existing CMOS device architectures. Here, we demonstrate highly plasmonic TiN thin films and nanostructures by a room-temperature, low-power, and bias-free reactive sputtering process. We investigate the optical properties of the TiN films and their dependence on the sputtering conditions and substrate materials. We find that our TiN possesses one of the largest negative values of the real part of the dielectric function as compared to all other plasmonic TiN films reported to date. Two-dimensional periodic arrays of TiN nanodisks are then fabricated, from which we validate that strong plasmonic resonances are supported. Our room-temperature deposition process can allow for fabricating complex plasmonic TiN nanostructures and be integrated into the fabrication of existing CMOS-based photonic devices to enhance their performance and functionalities.

Nano Lett ; 18(12): 7665-7673, 2018 12 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30395478


Solar energy promises a viable solution to meet the ever-increasing power demand by providing a clean, renewable energy alternative to fossil fuels. For solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV), high-temperature absorbers and emitters with strong spectral selectivity are imperative to efficiently couple solar radiation into photovoltaic cells. Here, we demonstrate refractory metasurfaces for STPV with tailored absorptance and emittance characterized by in situ high-temperature measurements, featuring thermal stability up to at least 1200 °C. Our tungsten-based metasurface absorbers have close-to-unity absorption from visible to near-infrared and strongly suppressed emission at longer wavelengths, while our metasurface emitters provide wavelength-selective emission spectrally matched to the band-edge of InGaAsSb photovoltaic cells. The projected overall STPV efficiency is as high as 18% when a fully integrated absorber/emitter metasurface structure is employed, which is comparable to the efficiencies of the best currently available commercial single-junction PV cells and can be further improved to potentially exceed those in mainstream photovoltaic technologies. Our work opens a path forward for high-performance STPV systems based on refractory metasurface structures.

Nat Commun ; 8: 14699, 2017 03 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28294111


The Casimir force is a universal interaction induced by electromagnetic quantum fluctuations between any types of objects. The expansion of the graphene family by adding silicene, germanene and stanene (2D allotropes of Si, Ge, and Sn), lends itself as a platform to probe Dirac-like physics in honeycomb staggered systems in such a ubiquitous interaction. We discover Casimir force phase transitions between these staggered 2D materials induced by the complex interplay between Dirac physics, spin-orbit coupling and externally applied fields. In particular, we find that the interaction energy experiences different power law distance decays, magnitudes and dependences on characteristic physical constants. Furthermore, due to the topological properties of these materials, repulsive and quantized Casimir interactions become possible.

Sci Rep ; 6: 20347, 2016 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26828999


We demonstrate a broadband, polarization independent, wide-angle absorber based on a metallic metasurface architecture, which accomplishes greater than 90% absorptance in the visible and near-infrared range of the solar spectrum, and exhibits low absorptivity (emissivity) at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths. The complex unit cell of the metasurface solar absorber consists of eight pairs of gold nano-resonators that are separated from a gold ground plane by a thin silicon dioxide spacer. Our experimental measurements reveal high-performance absorption over a wide range of incidence angles for both s- and p-polarizations. We also investigate numerically the frequency-dependent field and current distributions to elucidate how the absorption occurs within the metasurface structure.