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Nat Commun ; 5: 4010, 2014 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24874099


Synchrotron radiation facilities routinely operate in a multi-bunch regime, but applications relying on time-of-flight schemes require single bunch operation. Here we show that pulse picking by resonant excitation in a storage ring creates in addition to the multi-bunch operation a distinct and separable single bunch soft X-ray source. It has variable polarization, a photon flux of up to 10(7)-10(9) ph s(-1)/0.1%BW at purity values of 10(4)-10(2) and a repetition rate of 1.25 MHz. The quasi-resonant excitation of incoherent betatron oscillations of electrons allows horizontal pulse separation at variable (also circular) polarization accessible for both, regular 30 ps pulses and ultrashort pulses of 2-3 ps duration. Combined with a new generation of angularly resolving electron spectrometers this creates unique opportunities for time-resolved photoemission studies as confirmed by time-of-flight spectra. Our pulse picking scheme is particularly suited for surface physics at diffraction-limited light sources promising ultimate spectral resolution.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(3): 034801, 2013 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23909330


Photon beams of 99 eV energy carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) have been observed in the 2nd harmonic off-axis radiation of a helical undulator at the 3rd generation synchrotron radiation light source BESSY II. For detection, the OAM carrying photon beam was superimposed with a reference beam without OAM. The interference pattern, a spiral intensity distribution, was recorded in a plane perpendicular to the propagation direction. The orientation of the observed spiral structure is related to the helicity of the undulator radiation. Excellent agreement between measurements and simulations has been found.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(9): 094801, 2004 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15447107


We present a model describing high power stable broadband coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in the terahertz frequency region in an electron storage ring. The model includes distortion of bunch shape from the synchrotron radiation (SR), which enhances higher frequency coherent emission, and limits to stable emission due to an instability excited by the SR wakefield. It gives a quantitative explanation of several features of the recent observations of CSR at the BESSY II storage ring. We also use this model to optimize the performance of a source for stable CSR emission.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(9): 094801, 2003 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12689227


A new technology for generating steady state, brilliant, broadband, coherent, far-infrared (FIR) radiation in electron storage rings is presented, suitable for FIR spectroscopy. An FIR power increase of up to 100 000 compared to the normal, incoherent synchrotron radiation in the range of approximately 5 to approximately 40 cm(-1) could be achieved. The source is up to 1000 times more brillant compared to a standard Hg arc lamp. The coherent synchrotron radiation is produced in a "low alpha" optics mode of the synchrotron light source BESSY, by bunch shortening and non-Gaussian bunch deformation.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 5(Pt 3): 392-4, 1998 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15263521


Knowledge of the electron energy with a small uncertainty is necessary for the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) to operate the electron storage ring BESSY I, and the future BESSY II, as a primary radiation source standard of calculable synchrotron radiation. At BESSY I the electron energy can now be measured either by the long-established method of resonant spin depolarization or by the newly set up method of Compton backscattering (CBS) of laser photons (CO(2) laser, lambda = 10.6 micro m). Results obtained at different electron energies by these two independent methods are presented. They agree within a relative uncertainty of better than 10(-4). The advantages and disadvantages of these two complementary techniques are described and applications of CBS for the measurement of other storage-ring parameters, e.g. the electron energy spread, are given.