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Heliyon ; 10(10): e30923, 2024 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778950


Remotely sensed products are often used in watershed modeling as additional constraints to improve model predictions and reduce model uncertainty. Remotely sensed products also enabled the spatial evaluation of model simulations due to their spatial and temporal coverage. However, their usability is not extensively explored in various regions. This study evaluates the effectiveness of incorporating remotely sensed evapotranspiration (RS-ET) and leaf area index (RS-LAI) products to enhance watershed modeling predictions. The objectives include reducing parameter uncertainty at the watershed scale and refining the model's capability to predict the spatial distribution of ET and LAI at sub-watershed scale. Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, a systematic calibration procedure was applied. Initially, solely streamflow data was employed as a constraint, gradually incorporating RS-ET and RS-LAI thereafter. The results showed that while 14 parameter sets exhibit satisfactory performance for streamflow and RS-ET, this number diminishes to six with the inclusion of RS-LAI as an additional constraint. Furthermore, among these six sets, only three effectively captured the spatial patterns of ET and LAI at the sub-watershed level. Our findings showed that leveraging multiple remotely sensed products has the potential to diminish parameter uncertainty and increase the credibility of intra-watershed process simulations. These results contributed to broadening the applicability of remotely sensed products in watershed modeling, enhancing their usefulness in this field.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 336, 2022 01 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35039501


Earth system models (ESMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) experiment exhibit a well-known summertime warm bias in mid-latitude land regions - most notably in the central contiguous United States (CUS). The dominant source of this bias is still under debate. Using validated datasets and both coupled and off-line modeling, we find that the CUS summertime warm bias is driven by the incorrect partitioning of evapotranspiration (ET) into its canopy transpiration and soil evaporation components. Specifically, CMIP6 ESMs do not effectively use available rootzone soil moisture for summertime transpiration and instead rely excessively on shallow soil and canopy-intercepted water storage to supply ET. As such, expected summertime precipitation deficits in CUS induce a negative ET bias into CMIP6 ESMs and a corresponding positive temperature bias via local land-atmosphere coupling. This tendency potentially biases CMIP6 projections of regional water stress and summertime air temperature variability under elevated CO2 conditions.

Remote Sens Environ ; 2392020 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32095027


Efficient water use assessment and irrigation management is critical for the sustainability of irrigated agriculture, especially under changing climate conditions. Due to the impracticality of maintaining ground instrumentation over wide geographic areas, remote sensing and numerical model-based fine-scale mapping of soil water conditions have been applied for water resource applications at a range of spatial scales. Here, we present a prototype framework for integrating high-resolution thermal infrared (TIR) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing data into a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) model with the aim of providing improved estimates of surface- and root-zone soil moisture that can support optimized irrigation management strategies. Specifically, remotely-sensed estimates of water stress (from TIR) and surface soil moisture retrievals (from SAR) are assimilated into a 30-m resolution SVAT model over a vineyard site in the Central Valley of California, U.S. The efficacy of our data assimilation algorithm is investigated via both the synthetic and real data experiments. Results demonstrate that a particle filtering approach is superior to an ensemble Kalman filter for handling the nonlinear relationship between model states and observations. In addition, biophysical conditions such as leaf area index are shown to impact the relationship between observations and states and must therefore be represented accurately in the assimilation model. Overall, both surface and root-zone soil moisture predicted via the SVAT model are enhanced through the assimilation of thermal and radar-based retrievals, suggesting the potential for improving irrigation management at the agricultural sub-field scale using a data assimilation strategy.

Remote Sens Environ ; 205: 85-99, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100408


An accurate temporal and spatial characterization of errors is required for the efficient processing, evaluation, and assimilation of remotely-sensed surface soil moisture retrievals. However, empirical evidence exists that passive microwave soil moisture retrievals are prone to periodic artifacts which may complicate their application in data assimilation systems (which commonly treat observational errors as being temporally white). In this paper, the link between such temporally-periodic errors and spatial land surface heterogeneity is examined. Both the synthetic experiment and site-specified cases reveal that, when combined with strong spatial heterogeneity, temporal periodicity in satellite sampling patterns (associated with exact repeat intervals of the polar-orbiting satellites) can lead to spurious high frequency spectral peaks in soil moisture retrievals. In addition, the global distribution of the most prominent and consistent 8-day spectral peak in the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System soil moisture retrievals is revealed via a peak detection method. Three spatial heterogeneity indicators - based on microwave brightness temperature, land cover types, and long-term averaged vegetation index - are proposed to characterize the degree to which the variability of land surface is capable of inducing periodic error into satellite-based soil moisture retrievals. Regions demonstrating 8-day periodic errors are generally consistent with those exhibiting relatively higher heterogeneity indicators. This implies a causal relationship between spatial land surface heterogeneity and temporal periodic error in remotely-sensed surface soil moisture retrievals.

Water Resour Res ; 54(10): 8196-8215, 2018 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32020956


As a key variable in the climate system, soil moisture (SM) plays a central role in the earth's terrestrial water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles through its coupling with surface latent heat flux (LH). Despite the need to accurately represent SM/LH coupling in earth system models, we currently lack quantitative, observation-based, and unbiased estimates of its strength. Here, we utilize the triple collocation (TC) approach introduced in Crow et al. (2015) to SM and LH products obtained from multiple satellite remote sensing platforms and land surface models (LSMs) to obtain unbiased global maps of SM/LH coupling strength. Results demonstrate that, relative to coupling strength estimates acquired directly from remote sensing-based datasets, the application of TC generally enhances estimates of warm-season SM/LH coupling, especially in the western United States, the Sahel, Central Asia, and Australia. However, relative to triple collocation estimates, LSMs (still) over-predict SM/LH coupling strength along transitional climate regimes between wet and dry climates, such as the central Great Plains of North America, India, and coastal Australia. Specific climate zones with biased relations in LSMs are identified to geographically focus the re-examination of LSM parameterizations. TC-based coupling strength estimates are robust to our choice of LSM contributing SM and LH products to the TC analysis. Given their robustness, TC-based coupling strength estimates can serve as an objective benchmark for investigating model predicted SM/LH coupling.