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Insects ; 14(5)2023 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37233068


The beetles of the subtribe Oedionychina (Chrysomelidae, Alticinae) are the only ones that have the atypical giant and achiasmatic sex chromosomes, which are substantially larger than the autosomes. Previous cytogenetic analyses suggest a large accumulation of repetitive DNA in the sex chromosomes. In this study, we examined the similarity of X and Y chromosomes in four Omophoita species and compared genomic differentiation to better understand the evolutionary process and the giant sex chromosomes origin. Intraspecific genomic comparation using male and female genomes of O. octoguttata and interespecific analyses using genomic DNA of O. octoguttata, O. sexnotata, O. magniguttis, and O. personata were performed. In addition, whole chromosome painting (WCP) experiments were performed with X and Y chromosome probes of O. octogutatta. CGH analysis revealed great genomic similarity between the sexes and a sex-specific region on the Y chromosome, and interspecific analysis revealed a genomic divergence between species. In contrast, WCP results revealed that the sex chromosomes of O. octoguttata have high intra- and interspecific similarity with the studied species. Our data support a common origin under the canonical evolution of the sex chromosomes in this group, as they have high genomic similarity between them.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(8)2023 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37106978


The representatives of cyprinid lineage 'Poropuntiinae' with 16 recognized genera and around 100 species form a significant part of Southeast Asian ichthyofauna. Cytogenetics are valuable when studying fish evolution, especially the dynamics of repetitive DNAs, such as ribosomal DNAs (5S and 18S) and microsatellites, that can vary between species. Here, karyotypes of seven 'poropuntiin' species, namely Cosmochilus harmandi, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Hypsibarbus malcomi, H. wetmorei, Mystacoleucus chilopterus, M. ectypus, and Puntioplties proctozysron occurring in Thailand were examined using conventional and molecular cytogenetic protocols. Variable numbers of uni- and bi-armed chromosomes indicated widespread chromosome rearrangements with a stable diploid chromosome number (2n) of 50. Examination with fluorescence in situ hybridization using major and minor ribosomal probes showed that Cosmochilus harmandi, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, and Puntioplites proctozystron all had one chromosomal pair with 5S rDNA sites. However, more than two sites were found in Hypsibarbus malcolmi, H. wetmorei, Mystacoleucus chilopterus, and M. ectypus. The number of chromosomes with 18S rDNA sites varied amongst their karyotypes from one to three; additionally, comparative genomic hybridization and microsatellite patterns varied among species. Our results reinforce the trend of chromosomal evolution in cyprinifom fishes, with major chromosomal rearrangements, while conserving their 2n.