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Ecol Evol ; 13(12): e10692, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111921


Host-associated bacterial microbiomes can facilitate host acclimation to seasonal environmental change and are hypothesized to help hosts cope with recent anthropogenic environmental perturbations (e.g., landscape modification). However, it is unclear how recurrent and recent forms of environmental change interact to shape variation in the microbiome. The majority of wildlife microbiome research occurs within a single seasonal context. Meanwhile, the few studies of seasonal variation in the microbiome often restrict focus to a single environmental context. By sampling urban and exurban eastern grey squirrel populations in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter, we explored whether seasonal rhythms in the grey squirrel gut microbiome differed across environments using a 16S amplicon sequencing approach. Differences in the microbiome between urban and exurban squirrels persisted across most of the year, which we hypothesize is linked to anthropogenic food consumption, but we also observed similarities in the urban and exurban grey squirrel microbiome during the autumn, which we attribute to engrained seed caching instincts in preparation for the winter. Host behaviour and diet selection may therefore be capable of maintaining similarities in microbiome structure between disparate environments. However, the depletion of an obligate host mucin glycan specialist (Akkermansia) during the winter in both urban and exurban squirrels was among the strongest differential abundance patterns we observed. In summary, urban grey squirrels showed different seasonal patterns in their microbiome than squirrels from exurban forests; however, in some instances, host behaviour and physiological responses might be capable of maintaining similar microbiome responses across seasons.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 4001, 2022 07 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35821243


Cumulative cultural evolution, the accumulation of sequential changes within a single socially learned behaviour that results in improved function, is prominent in humans and has been documented in experimental studies of captive animals and managed wild populations. Here, we provide evidence that cumulative cultural evolution has occurred in the learned songs of Savannah sparrows. In a first step, "click trains" replaced "high note clusters" over a period of three decades. We use mathematical modelling to show that this replacement is consistent with the action of selection, rather than drift or frequency-dependent bias. Generations later, young birds elaborated the "click train" song form by adding more clicks. We show that the new songs with more clicks elicit stronger behavioural responses from both males and females. Therefore, we suggest that a combination of social learning, innovation, and sexual selection favoring a specific discrete trait was followed by directional sexual selection that resulted in naturally occurring cumulative cultural evolution in the songs of this wild animal population.

Evolución Cultural , Passeriformes , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Femenino , Humanos , Aprendizaje/fisiología , Masculino , Vocalización Animal/fisiología
Horm Behav ; 144: 105204, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35689971


The effect of the social environment on individual state or condition has largely focused on glucocorticoid levels (GCs). As metabolic hormones whose production can be influenced by nutritional, physical, or psychosocial stressors, GCs are a valuable (though singular) measure that may reflect the degree of "stress" experienced by an individual. Most work to date has focused on how social rank influences GCs in group-living species or how predation risk influences GCs in prey. This work has been revealing, but a more comprehensive assessment of the social environment is needed to fully understand how different features of the social environment influence GCs in both group living and non-group living species and across life history stages. Just as there can be intense within-group competition among adult conspecifics, it bears appreciating there can also be competition among siblings from the same brood, among adult conspecifics that do not live in groups, or among heterospecifics. In these situations, dominance hierarchies typically emerge, albeit, do dominants or subordinate individuals or species have higher GCs? We examine the degree of support for hypotheses derived from group-living species about whether differential GCs between dominants and subordinates reflect the "stress of subordination" or "costs of dominance" in these other social contexts. By doing so, we aim to test the generality of these two hypotheses and propose new research directions to broaden the lens that focuses on social hierarchies and GCs.

Glucocorticoides , Predominio Social , Procesos de Grupo , Jerarquia Social , Humanos , Medio Social
Ecology ; 103(2): e03575, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34714928


Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to adjust the timing of life-history events in response to environmental and demographic conditions. Shifts by individuals in the timing of breeding with respect to variation in age and temperature are well documented in nature, and these changes are known to scale to affect population dynamics. However, relatively little is known about how organisms alter phenology in response to other demographic and environmental factors. We investigated how pre-breeding temperature, breeding population density, age, and rainfall in the first month of life influenced the timing and plasticity of lay date in a population of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) monitored over 33 yr (1987-2019). Females that experienced warmer pre-breeding temperatures tended to lay eggs earlier, as did older females, but breeding population density had no effect on lay date. Natal precipitation interacted with age to influence lay date plasticity, with females that experienced high precipitation levels as nestlings advancing lay dates more strongly over the course of their lives. We also found evidence for varied pace of life; females that experienced high natal precipitation had shorter lifespans and reduced fecundity, but more nesting attempts over their lifetimes. Rainfall during the nestling period increased through time, while population density and fecundity declined, suggesting that increased precipitation on the breeding grounds may be detrimental to breeding females and ultimately the viability of the population as a whole. Our results suggest that females adjust their laying date in response to pre-breeding temperature, and as they age, while presenting new evidence that environmental conditions during the natal period can affect phenological plasticity and generate downstream, population-level effects.

Gorriones , Animales , Femenino , Fertilidad , Reproducción/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Gorriones/fisiología , Temperatura
Conserv Physiol ; 9(1): coab032, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34386237


Eastern North American migratory monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) have faced sharp declines over the past two decades. Captive rearing of monarch butterflies is a popular and widely used approach for both public education and conservation. However, recent evidence suggests that captive-reared monarchs may lose their capacity to orient southward during fall migration to their Mexican overwintering sites, raising questions about the value and ethics of this activity undertaken by tens of thousands of North American citizens, educators, volunteers and conservationists each year. We raised offspring of wild-caught monarchs on swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) indoors at 29°C during the day and 23°C at night (~77% RH, 18L:6D), and after eclosion, individuals were either tested in a flight simulator or radio tracked in the wild using an array of automated telemetry towers. While 26% (10/39) of monarchs tested in the flight simulator showed a weakly concentrated southward orientation, 97% (28/29) of the radio-tracked individuals that could be reliably detected by automated towers flew in a south to southeast direction from the release site and were detected at distances of up to 200 km away. Our results suggest that, although captive rearing of monarch butterflies may cause temporary disorientation, proper orientation is likely established after exposure to natural skylight cues.

Anim Microbiome ; 3(1): 46, 2021 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34225812


BACKGROUND: Host-associated microbiota are integral to the ecology of their host and may help wildlife species cope with rapid environmental change. Urbanization is a globally replicated form of severe environmental change which we can leverage to better understand wildlife microbiomes. Does the colonization of separate cities result in parallel changes in the intestinal microbiome of wildlife, and if so, does within-city habitat heterogeneity matter? Using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we quantified the effect of urbanization (across three cities) on the microbiome of eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). Grey squirrels are ubiquitous in rural and urban environments throughout their native range, across which they display an apparent coat colour polymorphism (agouti, black, intermediate). RESULTS: Grey squirrel microbiomes differed between rural and city environments; however, comparable variation was explained by habitat heterogeneity within cities. Our analyses suggest that operational taxonomic unit (OTU) community structure was more strongly influenced by local environmental conditions (rural and city forests versus human built habitats) than urbanization of the broader landscape (city versus rural). The bacterial genera characterizing the microbiomes of built-environment squirrels are thought to specialize on host-derived products and have been linked in previous research to low fibre diets. However, despite an effect of urbanization at fine spatial scales, phylogenetic patterns in the microbiome were coat colour phenotype dependent. City and built-environment agouti squirrels displayed greater phylogenetic beta-dispersion than those in rural or forest environments, and null modelling results indicated that the phylogenetic structure of urban agouti squirrels did not differ greatly from stochastic expectations. CONCLUSIONS: Squirrel microbiomes differed between city and rural environments, but differences of comparable magnitude were observed between land classes at a within-city scale. We did not observe strong evidence that inter-environmental differences were the result of disparate selective pressures. Rather, our results suggest that microbiota dispersal and ecological drift are integral to shaping the inter-environmental differences we observed. However, these processes were partly mediated by squirrel coat colour phenotype. Given a well-known urban cline in squirrel coat colour melanism, grey squirrels provide a useful free-living system with which to study how host genetics mediate environment x microbiome interactions.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(7)2021 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34202059


Phenological differences in energy demand (i.e., reproductive status) might influence the measurement of corticosterone. The objective of this study was to compare corticosterone concentrations in feathers (FCORT) and plasma (PCORT) for turkey hens before and during egg laying. Secondary feathers 1 and 3, and a plasma sample were collected from 50 hens at 30 weeks (before egg laying) from two purebred lines. The hens were reexamined during lay (45 weeks) to collect regrown feathers and plasma samples. Corticosterone concentrations were measured using an ELISA. Linear mixed models were used to assess the effect of genetic line (A vs. B) and period (pre-lay vs. lay) on FCORT and PCORT levels. An increase in FCORT during lay was detected for line B (p < 0.0001), but not line A (p = 0.3076). An increase in FCORT during lay was detectable in both feather types, but there was a difference between secondary 1 and 3 in FCORT concentration within each line studied. Conversely, PCORT decreased between the pre-lay and lay periods for both lines, although the decrease was more substantial for line A (p < 0.0001). Differences in metabolic investment in egg production between the two genetic lines may explain the different FCORT response during lay. The results from this study provide insight into how periods of high energy demand may influence corticosterone which should be considered when interpreting results.

Integr Comp Biol ; 61(1): 9-19, 2021 07 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34086914


Individuals undergo profound changes throughout their early life as they grow and transition between life-history stages. As a result, the conditions that individuals experience during development can have both immediate and lasting effects on their physiology, behavior, and, ultimately, fitness. In a population of Canada jays in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, we characterized the diet composition and physiological profile of young jays at three key time points during development (nestling, pre-fledge, and pre-dispersal) by quantifying stable-carbon (δ13C) and -nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes and corticosterone concentrations in feathers. We then investigated the downstream effects of early-life diet composition, feather corticosterone, and environmental conditions on a juvenile's social status, body condition, and probability of being observed in the fall following hatch. Across the three time points, the diet of Canada jay young was composed primarily of vertebrate tissue and human food with the proportion of these food items increasing as the jays neared dispersal. Feather corticosterone concentrations also shifted across the three time points, decreasing from nestling to pre-dispersal. Dominant juveniles had elevated corticosterone concentrations in their feathers grown pre-dispersal compared with subordinates. High body condition as nestlings was associated with high body condition as juveniles and an increased probability of being observed in the fall. Together, our results demonstrate that nestling physiology and body condition influence the social status and body condition once individuals are independent, with potential long-term consequences on survival and fitness.

Corticosterona , Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Conducta Animal , Plumas , Conducta Social , Pájaros Cantores/fisiología
Conserv Physiol ; 9(1): coab009, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33859825


Environmental change and biodiversity loss are but two of the complex challenges facing conservation practitioners and policy makers. Relevant and robust scientific knowledge is critical for providing decision-makers with the actionable evidence needed to inform conservation decisions. In the Anthropocene, science that leads to meaningful improvements in biodiversity conservation, restoration and management is desperately needed. Conservation Physiology has emerged as a discipline that is well-positioned to identify the mechanisms underpinning population declines, predict responses to environmental change and test different in situ and ex situ conservation interventions for diverse taxa and ecosystems. Here we present a consensus list of 10 priority research themes. Within each theme we identify specific research questions (100 in total), answers to which will address conservation problems and should improve the management of biological resources. The themes frame a set of research questions related to the following: (i) adaptation and phenotypic plasticity; (ii) human-induced environmental change; (iii) human-wildlife interactions; (iv) invasive species; (v) methods, biomarkers and monitoring; (vi) policy, engagement and communication; (vii) pollution; (viii) restoration actions; (ix) threatened species; and (x) urban systems. The themes and questions will hopefully guide and inspire researchers while also helping to demonstrate to practitioners and policy makers the many ways in which physiology can help to support their decisions.

J Exp Biol ; 224(Pt 4)2021 02 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33334898


Migratory insects use a variety of innate mechanisms to determine their orientation and maintain correct bearing. For long-distance migrants, such as the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), these journeys could be affected by exposure to environmental contaminants. Neonicotinoids are synthetic insecticides that work by affecting the nervous system of insects, resulting in impairment of their mobility, cognitive performance, and other physiological and behavioural functions. To examine how neonicotinoids might affect the ability of monarch butterflies to maintain a proper directional orientation on their ∼4000 km migration, we grew swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) in soil that was either untreated (0 ng g-1: control) or mixed with low (15 ng g-1 of soil) or high (25 ng g-1 of soil) levels of the neonicotinoid clothianidin. Monarch caterpillars were raised on control or clothianidin-treated milkweed and, after pupation, either tested for orientation in a static flight simulator or radio-tracked in the wild during the autumn migration period. Despite clothianidin being detectable in milkweed tissue consumed by caterpillars, there was no evidence that clothianidin influenced the orientation, vector strength (i.e. concentration of direction data around the mean) or rate of travel of adult butterflies, nor was there evidence that morphological traits (i.e. mass and forewing length), testing time, wind speed or temperature impacted directionality. Although sample sizes for both flight simulator and radio-tracking tests were limited, our preliminary results suggest that clothianidin exposure during early caterpillar development does not affect the directed flight of adult migratory monarch butterflies or influence their orientation at the beginning of migration.

Asclepias , Mariposas Diurnas , Insecticidas , Migración Animal , Animales , Insectos , Insecticidas/toxicidad , Neonicotinoides/toxicidad
Poult Sci ; 99(11): 5261-5264, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33142441


The measurement of corticosterone in feathers is an appealing tool for assessing glucocorticoids in wild and domestic bird species. Feather corticosterone measurements can be performed noninvasively and can provide a means for comparing glucocorticoid secretion between individual birds; thus, such measurements can be used to assess the welfare of domestic poultry. The focus of this study was to assess the validity of detecting corticosterone in turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) feathers using an ELISA and investigate differences between genetic lines. Primary feather 9 was obtained at a processing plant from 123 individuals from 3 different purebred turkey lines (line A [N = 46], line B [N = 24], and line C [N = 53]). Assay validation tests were performed using a commercially available ELISA kit (Cayman Chemicals, Cedarlane Labs, Canada). Indicators of accuracy, recovery, precision, and sensitivity were sufficient. Significant differences in feather corticosterone concentration between the 3 lines were observed. Line C had significantly higher feather corticosterone than line A (P < 0.0001) and line B (P = 0.036). These results indicate that the quantification of feather corticosterone using an ELISA is a valid method for assessing glucocorticoid levels in turkeys. This is the first report of differences in feather corticosterone between different purebred turkey lines. Differences observed between purebred lines provide an intriguing basis for further investigation into the genetic parameters of glucocorticoid levels in turkeys.

Corticosterona , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Plumas , Pavos , Bienestar del Animal , Animales , Canadá , Corticosterona/análisis , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática/veterinaria , Plumas/química
Conserv Physiol ; 8(1): coaa057, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32922800


Plasma glucocorticoid (CORT) levels are one measure of stress in wildlife and give us insight into natural processes relevant to conservation issues. Many studies use total CORT concentrations to draw conclusions about animals' stress state and response to their environment. However, the blood of tetrapods contains corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), which strongly binds most circulating CORT. Only free CORT (CORT not bound by CBG) leaves the circulation and exerts biological effects on CORT-sensitive tissues. Measuring free CORT concentrations provides insight to an animal's stress response that cannot be revealed by simply measuring total CORT. To calculate free CORT concentrations in plasma or serum samples, one needs three measurements: the binding affinity of CBG for CORT (which varies by species), the total CORT concentration in the sample and the maximum corticosteroid binding capacity (MCBC) of CBG in the sample. Here, we detail the measurement of CBG binding capacity. We compare and contrast the three main methods to measure MCBC: charcoal, cell harvester and dialysis. Each is defined by the means by which free and bound CORT are separated. We weigh the relative merits and challenges of each. We conclude that sample volume, species and taxon binding specificity, and availability of equipment are the primary considerations in selecting the appropriate separation method. For most mammals, the charcoal method is recommended. For birds, the harvester method has critical advantages over the charcoal method. The dialysis method is widely regarded as the gold standard and has lower equipment costs but is more time-intensive and costly in terms of radioactive isotope needed and is less suited to processing large numbers of samples. The binding capacity of CBG varies tremendously within and among the bird and marine mammal species studied, and we discuss the implication of this variation for understanding the role of stress in wildlife.

Conserv Physiol ; 8(1): coaa016, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32274063


Applying physiological tools, knowledge and concepts to understand conservation problems (i.e. conservation physiology) has become commonplace and confers an ability to understand mechanistic processes, develop predictive models and identify cause-and-effect relationships. Conservation physiology is making contributions to conservation solutions; the number of 'success stories' is growing, but there remain unexplored opportunities for which conservation physiology shows immense promise and has the potential to contribute to major advances in protecting and restoring biodiversity. Here, we consider how conservation physiology has evolved with a focus on reframing the discipline to be more inclusive and integrative. Using a 'horizon scan', we further explore ways in which conservation physiology can be more relevant to pressing conservation issues of today (e.g. addressing the Sustainable Development Goals; delivering science to support the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration), as well as more forward-looking to inform emerging issues and policies for tomorrow. Our horizon scan provides evidence that, as the discipline of conservation physiology continues to mature, it provides a wealth of opportunities to promote integration, inclusivity and forward-thinking goals that contribute to achieving conservation gains. To advance environmental management and ecosystem restoration, we need to ensure that the underlying science (such as that generated by conservation physiology) is relevant with accompanying messaging that is straightforward and accessible to end users.

Proc Biol Sci ; 287(1921): 20192834, 2020 02 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32097591


Gut microbial communities (microbiomes) profoundly shape the ecology and evolution of multicellular life. Interactions between host and microbiome appear to be reciprocal, and ecological theory is now being applied to better understand how hosts and their microbiome influence each other. However, some ecological processes that underlie reciprocal host-microbiome interactions may be obscured by the current convention of highly controlled transplantation experiments. Although these approaches have yielded invaluable insights, there is a need for a broader array of approaches to fully understand host-microbiome reciprocity. Using a directed review, we surveyed the breadth of ecological reality in the current literature on gut microbiome transplants with non-human recipients. For 55 studies, we categorized nine key experimental conditions that impact the ecological reality (EcoReality) of the transplant, including host taxon match and donor environment. Using these categories, we rated the EcoReality of each transplant. Encouragingly, the breadth of EcoReality has increased over time, but some components of EcoReality are still relatively unexplored, including recipient host environment and microbiome state. The conceptual framework we develop here maps the landscape of possible EcoReality to highlight where fundamental ecological processes can be considered in future transplant experiments.

Microbiota , Simbiosis , Ecología , Microbioma Gastrointestinal
Ecology ; 101(1): e02909, 2020 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31605623


Food availability early in life can play a vital role in an individual's development and success, but experimental evidence for the direct effects of food on body condition, physiology, and survival of young animals in the wild is still relatively scarce. Food-caching Canada Jays (Perisoreus canadensis) begin breeding in the late winter and, therefore, rely on either cached food or seemingly limited quantities of fresh food to feed nestlings in the early spring. Using a 2-yr food supplementation experiment conducted during the nestling period and 40 yr of observational data on food supplemented by the public, we examined whether food quantity during early life influenced the physiology, body condition, timing of fledging, and survival of young Canada Jays in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Experimental food supplementation of breeding pairs advanced the fledging date of young by 24% (5.5 d) compared to controls. In 1 yr of the experiment, nestlings raised on experimentally supplemented territories had lower feather corticosterone concentrations and were in higher body condition than controls. Across treatment and control nests, young that successfully fledged had lower concentrations of feather corticosterone and were in higher body condition than those that did not fledge. Based on 40 yr of observational data, nestling body condition was positively related to the degree of food supplementation by park visitors and nestlings in higher body condition were more likely to be observed in the population in the following fall. Our results demonstrate how food availability early in life can have important downstream consequences on metrics related to individual fitness, including first year survival.

Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Corticosterona , Suplementos Dietéticos , Plumas , Ontario
Brain Res ; 1729: 146613, 2020 02 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31857064


Gonadal steroid hormones affect the organization of the brain during sensitive periods of development, resulting in sex differences in the neuroendocrine function and behaviour of the offspring. Although alterations in developmental testosterone exposure have been hypothesized to play a role in male-biased neurodevelopmental disorders, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. The present study investigated the hypothesis that early prenatal exposure to low concentrations of testosterone might affect the control of stress responses in later life. Pregnant CD1 mice were treated with 10 µg of testosterone propionate or sesame oil control on embryonic days 12, 14, and 16. Effects on development were assessed by measuring litter size, composition and weight, first appearance of hair, eye and ear opening, and adult body weight. Reproductive development was assessed by measuring testosterone levels in neonatal and adult males, gonad weights in both sexes and reproductive cyclicity in females. The function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was determined by measuring corticosterone in hair samples from juvenile animals, as well as in plasma following restraint stress in adulthood. Prenatal testosterone treatment had no significant effects on any of the overall developmental or reproductive endpoints assessed. However, in adulthood, corticosterone responses to restraint stress were reduced in the male but not the female offspring, with no significant effect on basal corticosterone levels in either sex. Thus, a small prenatal increase in maternal testosterone may be sufficient to produce a lasting sex-specific alteration in the sensitivity of the male HPA axis to stress.

Corticosterona/sangre , Efectos Tardíos de la Exposición Prenatal/fisiopatología , Caracteres Sexuales , Estrés Psicológico/fisiopatología , Testosterona/farmacología , Animales , Femenino , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisario/efectos de los fármacos , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisario/fisiología , Masculino , Ratones , Sistema Hipófiso-Suprarrenal/efectos de los fármacos , Sistema Hipófiso-Suprarrenal/fisiología , Embarazo , Efectos Tardíos de la Exposición Prenatal/metabolismo , Estrés Psicológico/metabolismo
Gen Comp Endocrinol ; 285: 113292, 2020 01 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31580882


Dynamic sexual dichromatism occurs when males and females differ in colouration for a limited time. Although this trait has been primarily studied in cephalopods, chameleons, and fishes, recent analyses suggest that dynamic dichromatism is prevalent among anurans and may be mediated through sexual selection and sex recognition. Yellow toads, Incilius luetkenii, exhibit dynamic dichromatism during explosive breeding events at the onset of the rainy season: males change from a cryptic brown to a bright yellow and back again during the brief mating event. We tested the hypothesis that dynamic dichromatism in yellow toads is influenced by conspecific interactions and mediated through sex hormones and stress hormones. We placed male toads into one of four social treatments (with three other males, one male, one female, or no other toads). Immediately before and after each one-hour treatment, we quantified male colour with a reflectance spectrometer and we collected a blood sample to assess plasma concentrations of both testosterone and corticosterone. We found that males held with conspecific animals showed the brightest yellow colour and showed little or no change in their corticosterone levels. Across treatments, toads with duller yellow colour had higher levels of corticosterone. Male colour showed no association with testosterone. Interestingly, males showed substantial temporal variation in colour and corticosterone: toads were duller yellow and exhibited greater levels of corticosterone post-treatment across subsequent days at the onset of the rainy season. Our findings reveal that both conspecific interactions and corticosterone are involved in the dynamic colour change of yellow toads.

Anuros/fisiología , Pigmentación , Conducta Social , Clima Tropical , Animales , Corticosterona/sangre , Femenino , Modelos Lineales , Masculino , Testosterona/sangre
Proc Biol Sci ; 286(1913): 20192111, 2019 10 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640519


The microbiome's capacity to shape the host phenotype and its mutability underlie theorization that the microbiome might facilitate host acclimation to rapid environmental change. However, when environmental change occurs, it is unclear whether resultant microbiome restructuring is proximately driven by this changing external environment or by the host's physiological response to this change. We leveraged urbanization to compare the ability of host environment (urban or forest) versus multi-scale biological measures of host hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis physiology (neutrophil : lymphocyte ratio, faecal glucocorticoid metabolites, hair cortisol) to explain variation in the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) faecal microbiome. Urban and forest squirrels differed across all three of the interpretations of HPA axis activity we measured. Direct consideration of these physiological measures better explained greater phylogenetic turnover between squirrels than environment. This pattern was strongly driven by trade-offs between bacteria which specialize on metabolizing digesta versus host-derived nutrient sources. Drawing on ecological theory to explain patterns in intestinal bacterial communities, we conclude that although environmental change can affect the microbiome, it might primarily do so indirectly by altering host physiology. We demonstrate that the inclusion and careful consideration of dynamic, rather than fixed (e.g. sex), dimensions of host physiology are essential for the study of host-microbe symbioses at the micro-evolutionary scale.

Sciuridae/microbiología , Estrés Fisiológico/fisiología , Animales , Heces/microbiología , Mamíferos , Microbiota , Sistema Hipófiso-Suprarrenal , Sciuridae/fisiología , Urbanización
Am Nat ; 194(4): 495-515, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31490718


Evolutionary biologists have long trained their sights on adaptation, focusing on the power of natural selection to produce relative fitness advantages while often ignoring changes in absolute fitness. Ecologists generally have taken a different tack, focusing on changes in abundance and ranges that reflect absolute fitness while often ignoring relative fitness. Uniting these perspectives, we articulate various causes of relative and absolute maladaptation and review numerous examples of their occurrence. This review indicates that maladaptation is reasonably common from both perspectives, yet often in contrasting ways. That is, maladaptation can appear strong from a relative fitness perspective, yet populations can be growing in abundance. Conversely, resident individuals can appear locally adapted (relative to nonresident individuals) yet be declining in abundance. Understanding and interpreting these disconnects between relative and absolute maladaptation, as well as the cases of agreement, is increasingly critical in the face of accelerating human-mediated environmental change. We therefore present a framework for studying maladaptation, focusing in particular on the relationship between absolute and relative fitness, thereby drawing together evolutionary and ecological perspectives. The unification of these ecological and evolutionary perspectives has the potential to bring together previously disjunct research areas while addressing key conceptual issues and specific practical problems.

Adaptación Biológica , Evolución Biológica , Fenómenos Ecológicos y Ambientales , Aptitud Genética , Selección Genética